УДК 61 Mamyrbekova M., Zhaksylykova G., Kuanyshbayeva G.
Mamyrbekova M.
1st year doctoral student of the educational program «Nursing Science»
Astana Medical University (Astana, Kazakhstan)
Zhaksylykova G.
Doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department of «Nursing»
Astana Medical University (Astana, Kazakhstan)
Kuanyshbayeva G.
Head of the department of «Fundamentals of Medicine» Astana Medical University (Astana, Kazakhstan)
Аннотация: this article discusses topical issues of improving the competence of nursing teachers. The realization and development of learning abilities are impossible without pedagogical activity, the teacher's experience allows him to improve methods and techniques, to look for more effective ways to achieve in education, practice and science.
Ключевые слова: nursing, nurse, higher education, healthcare system, nursing teachers, education system.
At present, when significant changes have taken place in the system of nursing education, the relevance and scientific and practical significance of studying modern nursing are obvious both for heads of educational institutions, and for chief and practitioners.
The introduction of the reform of nursing education, the modern concept of nursing in healthcare, the formation of a nurse of a new level of education, put forward among one of the most important tasks the creation of faculties for advanced training of teachers and organizers of nursing who could take on complex educational functions, the development of training courses for teachers of nursing [1-2]. The implementation of the main directions of the development of nursing in our country dictated the need to train nurses of a higher level of education - organizing nurses and teachers [3-4].
The healthcare system needs nurses with high-level professional knowledge and skills, especially given the complexity of disease patterns, the demand for professional medical personnel and the globalization of medical services. In addition, academic nursing teachers with expert-level competencies are needed, and the level of nursing education needs to be improved to train professional nursing staff. Academic teachers of nurses must have qualifications in teaching, research, clinical practice, management, communication and ethics. Teachers should be aware of the new role of nurses in modern healthcare, their functions and ways of transition to their performance at a qualitatively higher level [5]. This knowledge is necessary for teachers to implement in practice the changes made to the State Educational Standard and training programs for nurses in the system of continuing nursing education [6].
In the past, it was generally assumed that the ability to teach was equivalent to having professional skills and experience, but now the concept of the importance of teaching teachers the skills and art of teaching has been more fully supported. In the context of a sharp decrease in education costs in many countries, there is a danger of a decrease in the quality of education [7]. At the same time, there are significant organizational reserves to ensure effective learning, in particular by improving the organization of the educational process, the introduction of new pedagogical and information technologies. The most important reserve for improving the quality of education at all levels is the improvement of the certification procedure for teaching staff, as well as licensing, certification and accreditation of educational institutions [8-9].
In this regard, teachers should be able to use new approaches in planning, implementing and evaluating training programs at all levels. Improving such programs will require practical skills, innovative techniques, and educational experiments. In developing innovative approaches, teachers need to be able to use a variety of learning tools and evaluate their effectiveness. The solution to this problem is possible by involving teachers in conducting and stimulating research activities [10-12].
Nursing has been separated into an independent discipline with its own theoretical and scientific basis, which is reflected in a significant change in the content of curricula and training programs. The creation of a multi-level system for the training of nurses was an important step towards the integration of nursing education and the global educational system [13].
The nursing education system is faced with the task of training a specialist of new quality to perform a wide range of responsibilities for the prevention, preservation and promotion of public health, providing highly qualified care and rehabilitation. The introduction of a shortened form of education allowed nurses holding the positions of senior and chief nurses to study at medical universities and colleges without leaving their jobs. It is these workers who can already solve the problems of improving nursing care for the population. Thus, conceptual transformations have taken place in our country in nursing and in nursing education [14-16].
The updated content of nursing education, focusing on the training of new-quality nurses, organizing nurses and teachers is associated with solving a number of tasks, including the development and improvement of curricula, the most effective teaching methods, the creation of teaching materials, as well as the implementation of the main directions of the strategy of nursing education, determined by WHO. In solving these tasks, the leading role belongs to the teaching staff of educational institutions that train nursing specialists [17].
The participation of the teaching staff of institutions of the nursing education system in conducting scientific research in the field of nursing and nursing education
is an important factor in the development of this branch of medicine [18]. The most important reserve for improving the quality of specialist training is the improvement of curricula taking into account European directives, the implementation of 3-level bachelor's-master's-doctoral studies, the introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process, analysis and evaluation of their effectiveness. The solution to this problem can be achieved by widely involving the teaching staff of medical educational institutions in research activities in the field of nursing and nursing education [19-20].
Thus, the development of nursing education, taking into account the best European practices at the level of applied, academic bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in nursing science, corresponds to the strategic interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan and will improve the quality of specialists in the field of nursing education, clinics and scientific research.
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18. Педагогический менеджмент и прогрессивные технологии в образовании. // Сборник материалов VIII Международной научно-методической конференции