DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR A LOW-CALORIE DESSERT WITH PROBIOTIC MICROORGANISMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим сельскохозяйственным наукам, автор научной работы — Kondratjuk N.V., Bol'Shakova V.L., Padalka A.M.

In the article the prospects of formation of the range of the low-calorie culinary products containing the encapsulated form of Lactobacillus acidophilus, milk, rice and natural sweeteners are described. Decrease in energy value is reached with the complete replacement of sugar by mix of polyol (izomalt), a glycoside and a nutritional supplement "Extract Sweet of Stevia Leaves". The choice of objects of the research is based on literary data on nutrition value of the prescription components supplemented with the results of the experimental research on the structure of the developed product conducted by the author and presented in this article. Here it is also given explanation on the expediency of use of the encapsulated forms of Lactobacillus acidophilus as a component of milk dessert while main component is rice grain.

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Table 1. Comparative analysis of dough for pancakes

Name of indicators Analog (Collections of recipes [4]) Innovation

Energy value, kcal 232,5 170,1

Fats, g 12,3 9,2

Proteins, g 6,1 5,2

Carbohydrates, g 26 17,7

Dietary fiber, g 1,0 1,1

Organic acids, mg 35,6 23,0

Water, g 66,6 58,5

Unsaturated fatty acids, g 0,02 0,03

Cholesterol, mg 7,1 4,6

Reducing sugars, g 3,6 3,2

Potato starch, g 18,9 11 (modified)

Today domestic health products market lacks supply low in calories. Therefore, the growing interest in finding new recipes. Thus, these data show that this development artichoke powder can be offered to expand the range of these products as artichoke is very promising ingredient for the production of flour and cooking confectionery and frozen food.


1. Черненко А.В. Перспективные направления в технологии переработки топинамбура / А.В. Черненко, М.К. Алтуньян, Н.А. Кубышкина // Изв. ВУЗ. Пищевая технология, 2010. - № 5-6. - С. 39-41.

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3. Офщйний сайт ООО "Гудвш 1нвест". - Режим доступу з: http://stevia.etov.ua.

4. Сборник рецептур блюд и кулинарных изделий для предприятий общественного питания / сост. Л.Е. Голунова. - М.: Профи-информ, 2005. - 866 с.


1Kondratjuk N. V.

Associate Professor, PhD in Technical Sciences

2Bol'shakova V. L.

Deputy Head of Department for Administration, Information and External Relations 1Student Padalka A. M.

1 Ukraine, Dnipro, Dnepropetrovsk national University named after Oles'Honchar 2 Ukraine, Dnipro, State Enterprise "Dneprstandartmetrologiya"

Abstract. In the article the prospects offormation of the range of the low-calorie culinary products containing the encapsulated form of Lactobacillus acidophilus, milk, rice and natural sweeteners are described. Decrease in energy value is reached with the complete replacement of sugar by mix of polyol (izomalt), a glycoside and a nutritional supplement "Extract Sweet of Stevia Leaves ". The choice of objects of the research is based on literary data on nutrition value of the prescription components supplemented with the results of the experimental research on the structure of the developed product conducted by the author and presented in this article. Here it is also given explanation on the expediency of use of the encapsulated forms ofLactobacillus acidophilus as a component of milk dessert while main component is rice grain.

Keywords: low-calorie dessert, the encapsulated pro-biotic microorganisms, Lactobacillus acidophilus, milk and rice dessert, sweeteners.

Introduction. Expansion of the range of desserts with the reduced caloric content due to complete replacement of sugar for a complex of safe sweeteners will allow to solve a number of problems that modern population has as a result of irrational diet: obesity, diabetes, caries, stress, depression etc.

The important component of the developed dessert is milk and rice basis as a source of easily digestible proteins, minerals and vitamins. The lactobacillus acidophilus placed in the pabular capsule on the basis of 1% solution of sodium alginate possesses special characteristics. The functional module which allows to carry out prophylaxis of a number of alimentary diseases and to reduce caloric content is the complex of natural polyols and glycosides.

Analysis of the last researches and publications. The diet of the modern person contains quite large number of sugar products. In average, excess of the norm of daily consumption of sugar makes 200-250% both for adults, and for children. People don't have a unified opinion concerning ways of solving this problem. Some of them reduce consumption of sweet dishes, thereby they clear the way to nervous system for stresses and depression. Others do not reduce consumption of "excess" calories and get into risk group, having obesity, diabetes and caries [1, 2].

Recently the population gives preference to products which contain food components or their modules which allow to carry out prophylaxis and even treatment of many alimentary diseases.

Authors [3, 4] provide the detailed analysis of rice grain, than prove the prospect of its use in dietetics.

In works [5-7] positive dynamics in functioning of various organs and systems of an alive organism while consumption of polyols or diterpenic glycosides that allow to consider these food ingredients as component of sweet dishes. Well-known factor for improvement of work of digestive tract and the immune status of the person is pro-biotic microorganisms [8, 9]. The advantage of milk as component of products of a medical and invalid food does not need proofs.

In this regard special current interest is focused on development of products with multifunctional purposes [10].

The work purpose is research a possibility of combinations of definite functional modules for development of new technology - a low-calorie milk and rice dessert with the encapsulated pro-biotic microorganisms (EPBM); assessment of nutrition and biological value of end-product.

Main results of the research. Organoleptic, physical and chemical and microbiological researches of exemplars of culinary products (table 1) are conducted. Considering results of the research the regulated indicators of quality are established. It is noted that exemplars have high organoleptic rates, the quantity of the brought KPM can not be recognized by sensing sites of tongue and blend with structure of the rice grains boiled thoroughly in milk, as well as with consistence of the product. The quantity of the brought microorganisms in the recommended portion of a product (100 g) corresponds to minimum physiological requirements of a human body, therefore, it is possible to recommend increase in consumption of quantity of portions in case of absence or lack of an opportunity of consumption of other pro-biotic microorganisms.

Table 1. Indexes of quality of a low-calorie lactic and rice dessert with KPM

Name of an index Contents/value Name of an index Contents/value

Organoleptic Physical and chemical

Appearance The homogeneous heavy body with the uniform content of rice and a lactobacillus acidophilus. Diameter of capsules - 1,5.... 6,0 mm, a slight difference in sizes of separate capsules is allowed Mass fraction of protein, % not less 2,7

Consistence The homogeneous, dense, gentle, with presence of grains of rice and capsules. Covering of capsules is gel-like, elastic. Internal filling of capsules -infrequent, non-rigid. Mass fraction of fat, % no more 11,9

Taste and smell Inherent in dairy products moderately sweet, clear, without extraneous taste and smell. With taste and aroma of excipients in case of their use Mass fraction of moisture, % no more 90

Color From white to cream. The uniform in all mass. Color of the separate capsule from white to cream. The small difference in color of separate capsules is allowed Mass fraction of KPM, % not less 20

Sweet Corresponds to an importation of 20% of sucrose


Quantity of MAFAM CFE/g, is no more 1,0-108

Colibacillus -

Yeast, fungus, in 25 g 50

Laktobacillus acidophilus not less, CFE/g 109

18 № 10(14), Vol.1, October 2016


Conclusions. The conducted complex of researches of technology of a low-calorie milk and rice dessert with KPM created technological base for production on its basis multifunctional food which adaptation to conditions of the industrial production, will allow to obtain the useful foodstuff of health-improving and preventive purposes by using available raw materials of natural origin.


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к.т.н., ст. преподаватель Надопта Т. А.

Украина, г. Хмельницкий, Хмельницкий национальный университет

Abstract. n order to develop analytical frameworks proposed to use shoe design a basic framework, which is complex variant solutions and contributes to the design of rational designs ofshoes.

Одним из эффективных путей развития обувной отрасли и ускорения научных разработок процесса проектирования обуви является применение современных информационных технологий. Определенную сложность организации процесса автоматизированного проектирования обуви составляют этапы, которые непосредственно связаны с всесторонним анализом полученных экспериментальных данных и аналитическим моделированием контуров.

Основой процесса проектирования обуви является получение рациональных конфигураций деталей, учитывая строение стопы, изменения формы и размеров в процессе ходьбы, расчет рациональных припусков [1-3]. Исходя из этого, необходимо разработать такой

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