DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE TO PREVENT DRIVERS FROM USING COMPANY CARS FOR THEIR OWN NEEDS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
usage monitoring / company vehicles / software / gps monitoring / data analysis / fleet management / economic benefit / cost optimization / unauthorized use / access control systems / corporate efficiency / reporting and analytics / resource management / corporate culture of responsibility / sustainable business development / контроль использования / служебные автомобили / программное обеспечение / GPS-мониторинг / анализ данных / управление автопарком / экономическая выгода / оптимизация расходов / несанкционированное использование / системы управления доступом / корпоративная эффективность / отчетность и аналитика / рациональное распределение ресурсов / корпоративная культура ответственности / устойчивое развитие бизнеса

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Khaydarova Markhamat, Khaydarov Mirrakhmon

In the modern business world, it is extremely important to ensure not only the effective use of financial resources, but also the rational management of all available company resources, including company cars. Unauthorized personal use of such vehicles not only increases the company's fuel, maintenance and repair costs, but also reduces overall productivity and can negatively affect the organization's reputation. Considering these factors, the importance of developing effective control mechanisms for the use of office transport is evident. This article highlights the problem of unauthorized use of company cars and also analyzes the existing methods and technical solutions to minimize this problem.

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В современном корпоративном мире крайне важно обеспечивать не только эффективное использование финансовых средств, но и рациональное управление всеми доступными ресурсами компании, включая служебные автомобили. Несанкционированное использование таких транспортных средств для личных целей не только увеличивает расходы компании на топливо, обслуживание и ремонт, но и снижает общую производительность и может негативно сказаться на репутации организации. Учитывая эти факторы, актуальность разработки эффективных механизмов контроля за использованием служебного транспорта становится очевидной. В данной статье освещается проблематика несанкционированного использования служебных автомобилей, а также анализируются существующие методы и технологические решения, направленные на минимизацию данной проблемы.


№ 4 (121)

апрель, 2024 г.

DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.121.4.172 78


Markhamat Khaydarova

Associate Professor, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: khaydarovamarkhamat@gmail.com

Mirrakhmon Khaydarov


Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: kh.mirraxmon@gmail.com


Хайдарова Мархамат Юнусовна


Ташкентского Университета Информационных Технологий

имени Мухаммада Ал-Хоразмий, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Хайдаров Миррахмон Мирбахромович


Ташкентского Университета Информационных Технологий

имени Мухаммада Ал-Хоразмий, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент


In the modern business world, it is extremely important to ensure not only the effective use of financial resources, but also the rational management of all available company resources, including company cars. Unauthorized personal use of such vehicles not only increases the company's fuel, maintenance and repair costs, but also reduces overall productivity and can negatively affect the organization's reputation. Considering these factors, the importance of developing effective control mechanisms for the use of office transport is evident. This article highlights the problem of unauthorized use of company cars and also analyzes the existing methods and technical solutions to minimize this problem.


В современном корпоративном мире крайне важно обеспечивать не только эффективное использование финансовых средств, но и рациональное управление всеми доступными ресурсами компании, включая служебные автомобили. Несанкционированное использование таких транспортных средств для личных целей не только увеличивает расходы компании на топливо, обслуживание и ремонт, но и снижает общую производительность и может негативно сказаться на репутации организации. Учитывая эти факторы, актуальность разработки эффективных механизмов контроля за использованием служебного транспорта становится очевидной. В данной статье освещается проблематика несанкционированного использования служебных автомобилей, а также анализируются существующие методы и технологические решения, направленные на минимизацию данной проблемы.

Keywords: usage monitoring, company vehicles, software, gps monitoring, data analysis, fleet management, economic benefit, cost optimization, unauthorized use, access control systems, corporate efficiency, reporting and analytics, resource management, corporate culture of responsibility, sustainable business development.

Ключевые слова: контроль использования, служебные автомобили, программное обеспечение, GPS-мониторинг, анализ данных, управление автопарком, экономическая выгода, оптимизация расходов, несанкционированное использование, системы управления доступом, корпоративная эффективность, отчетность и аналитика, рациональное распределение ресурсов, корпоративная культура ответственности, устойчивое развитие бизнеса.

Библиографическое описание: Khaydarova M.Y., Khaydarov M.M. DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE TO PREVENT DRIVERS FROM USING COMPANY CARS FOR THEIR OWN NEEDS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 4(121). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/17278

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In connection with the rapid development of the commercial sector and the growth of vehicles of large and medium-sized companies, the question of effective vehicle management arises. One of the main objectives is to prevent unauthorized use of company vehicles by employees for personal purposes. Such use leads to an increase in fuel costs, wear and tear of the vehicle and, as a result, an unjustified financial loss to the company. In this regard, the implementation of integrated monitoring and control systems, including the use of modern technologies, becomes important. GPS tracking is one of the most effective ways to monitor the location of vehicles in real time, which allows not only tracking . travel routes, but also to optimize them in terms of saving fuel and time. At the same time, the use of traffic and fuel consumption data analysis software helps to identify inefficient use of vehicles. In addition, installing cameras inside and outside of cars, especially large vehicles, not only increases safety, but also prevents unintended use of vehicles. With the help of such measures, you can visually confirm the fulfillment of official duties and also promote employee discipline. The introduction of special cards to buy fuel is another way to control costs. These cards make it possible to limit the total amount and types of fuel available for refueling company vehicles, minimizing the potential for employee abuse. In general, the integrated use of these technologies and control methods allows to significantly reduce unwanted costs and increase the security of the use of transport by companies, but also creates a culture of responsibility and transparency in the management of company assets. The purpose of the study is defined in the introduction of this article -the development of software designed to control and prevent the use of company cars for personal purposes and the analysis of efficiency using modern technical solutions.

Literature review

The article by Weber A.Yu emphasizes the importance of control over the effective use of fixed assets in government institutions, highlighting methods and forms of accounting and control. A combination of preliminary, ongoing, and post-monitoring, including inventory and audit, is proposed to improve the management of budgetary resources and compliance with legislation. The effectiveness of controls over fixed assets is a key factor in improving agency performance and ensuring reliable reporting, highlighting the importance of internal control as a management process in achieving these goals.

In the article by Khaidarova M.Yu. The methodology for developing a global cargo positioning system includes the integration of advanced GPS technologies and the development of reliable data processing algorithms. The system provides regular emails with information about the location of the cargo, eliminating the need for additional applications. An important aspect is the development of a database for collecting and storing information about the routes and history of cargo

movement, as well as ensuring data security through encryption and protection from unauthorized access.

Research methodology

In today's rapidly changing business environment, where operational efficiency and resource optimization are key success factors, the role of the company's fleet in maintaining daily operations has grown increasingly important. Many companies rely on their fleets for a variety of critical tasks, from logistics and delivery services to employee transportation. However, this addiction presents a critical challenge: the inappropriate use of company cars for personal purposes. Such abuse leads to unnecessary fuel costs, accelerates the wear and tear of vehicles and thus significantly increases operating costs. To solve this problem, the development of special software to monitor and control the use of company cars is not only a valuable tool, but also an important measure to ensure financial and operational discipline. The cornerstone of effective fleet management is the implementation . of real-time vehicle tracking and tracing system. This innovative approach uses GPS modules integrated into service vehicles to collect extensive data on location, mileage and fuel consumption. Software systems carefully analyze this data and prepare detailed reports that are automatically sent to central servers at the end of each day. This process not only facilitates the immediate monitoring of fleet status, but also contributes to the creation of a comprehensive database. This data warehouse is the basis for analyzing trends in vehicle usage and enables the identification of patterns that may indicate potential misuse or inefficiency. Advanced data analysis is at the forefront of combating inefficient or unauthorized use of company vehicles. Using the wealth of data generated from daily reports, analytical systems are equipped to compare the performance and usage of each vehicle against established standards and fleet averages. Systems using advanced machine learning algorithms can identify anomalies that point to problem areas such as excessive fuel consumption, atypical routes or vehicle use outside normal working hours. Detection of such irregularities prompts the system to alert system administrators, facilitating rapid investigation and resolution of potential problems. This proactive attitude ensures compliance with company policy and the reduction of risks related to unauthorized use of vehicles. Strengthening of security measures and preventing unauthorized access to company cars, innovative solutions such as electronic keys with dynamically changing access codes and comprehensive. Video surveillance was carried out around the vehicles and fuel tanks. These measures not only significantly reduce the risk of vehicle misuse, but also act as an effective deterrent against potential employee misconduct. They underline the company's commitment to rigorous asset management and strengthening the principles of accountability and responsibility in the company's culture. An integral part of this advanced management system is its reporting and analysis module. This feature provides management teams with a wide range of data tools to assess the effectiveness of fleet utilization. The reports generated by the system cover

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various aspects of vehicle operation, including detailed analyzes of routes, fuel consumption patterns and work schedules. Such insights enable decision makers to manage fleet operations in real time, as well as formulate strategic initiatives aimed at optimizing fleet efficiency, reducing operating costs and improving overall business productivity. Finally, improved monitoring, tracking and analytics software integration. into fleet management practices means a shift to greater operational efficiency and resource management. By enabling precise control of vehicle usage, identifying and correcting inefficiencies, and fostering a culture of accountability, companies can significantly reduce their operating costs and strengthen their competitive advantage in the market. This holistic approach to fleet management not only addresses the immediate challenges of vehicle abuse, but also lays the foundation for sustainable business practices that can contribute to long-term growth and success.


In today's business world, where fleets play a central role in the operations of many companies, there is an urgent need to effectively control the use of vehicles. Non-targeted use of company cars for personal use leads to unnecessary fuel costs, accelerated wear and tear of vehicles and, as a result, an increase in operating costs. In this context, the development of software to control and manage the use of company cars is not only desirable, but also a very necessary measure. Effective management is based on the deployment of a real-time vehicle tracking and tracing system. This system uses GPS modules built into service vehicles to obtain information

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about location, mileage and fuel consumption. This data is collected and analyzed by software that automatically sends reports to the server at the end of the day for further investigation. With this approach, you can not only monitor the current state of the fleet, but also create a database to analyze vehicle usage trends and identify potential abuses. Advanced data analytics play a key role in detecting inefficient or unauthorized vehicle use. Based on daily reports, the system compares the use of each vehicle with established standards and fleet averages. Machine learning algorithms can detect anomalies such as excessive fuel consumption, unusual routes or vehicle use outside normal working hours. When suspicious activity is detected, the system automatically asks the system administrator for further verification, ensuring a quick response to potential violations. To increase security and prevent unauthorized access to company cars, electronic keys are introduced with daily access code changes and video surveillance inside the vehicle and in the fuel tank area. These measures not only reduce the risk of unauthorized use of vehicles, but also deter potentially violent employees. Reporting and analysis One of the main elements of the system is the reporting and analysis module, which provides the management with complete information to evaluate the efficiency of the use of the vehicle fleet. The reports contain detailed information about routes, fuel consumption, opening times and other critical parameters. In this way, you can control the current situation, but also make informed decisions to optimize the operation of the fleet, reduce costs and increase the overall efficiency of the company.


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