Научная статья на тему 'Development of signals of success of careers of the Factor socio-cultural sphere'

Development of signals of success of careers of the Factor socio-cultural sphere Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
success / career / specialist / human resources / innovative technologies / synergy / competency approach / motivation / self-realization / socio-cultural sphere / успішність / кар’єра / фахівець / людські ресурси / інновацій- ні технології / синергія / компетентнісний підхід / мотивація / самореалізація / соціокультурна сфера

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Pletsan Khrystyna Vasylivna

The article analyzes the state and problems of the development of the synergy of the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere. The main aspects of career development formation are highlighted, attention is paid to the definition of “career specialist’s success” as a process of development, implementation and decision making on the basis of human-centeredness, motivation, self-development and self-realization, a system of professional knowledge, skills and skills that provides professional development, achievement of goals and satisfaction with professional activity. The synergy of career success of a specialist as a targeted activity of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere in relation to the achievement of the goals and objectives of professional activity was characterized. The preconditions for the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere have been argued and outlined. In particular, the presence of special features of the cognitive and intellectual spheres, providing a reflection of the activity; developed intellect; high ability to goal-setting; wide horizons; morality; personal maturity, supporting the desire for constant self-development, self-improvement; ability to self-control, self-control and self-realization. Factors, factors, indicators, criteria, components are analyzed. Functions of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere. The relevance of the management of the success of a career in a specialist in the socio-cultural environment has been substantiated through the implementation of the relevant cycles: professional definition → professional education → selection for the position → professional adaptation → career development planning → professional development → professional development → evaluation of the results of professional activity. It is proved that the success of the career of specialists of the sociocultural sphere is formed, in accordance with the general laws of development, which contain creative and innovative principles of professional and personal growth. The corresponding subsystems of career success of the specialist of socio-cultural activity, namely: personnel, organizational, personal, and cultural-ethical subsystems, are determined. It is noted that due to the functions of the involved subsystems and associated career orientations, the specialist of the socio-cultural environment, given their interaction and interrelationship taking over the nature of the mutual perception of the activities of these elements, you can get the programmed result — the success of a career. It is substantiated that in order to achieve the success of a career, a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere must possess the appropriate complex of competencies. Namely: the definition of the direction of activity and vision; effective communication; decency and justice; delegation of authority; strategic thinking; making managerial decisions; analytical thinking; skills of working with information; innovation; leadership; professional experience; improvement of activity; change management; demanding possession of knowledge and skills of self-management; ability to make the most of their own abilities; stress management; self-confidence, decisions taken; ability to work in a team; creativity (the ability to creatively approach the decision of managerial tasks, the tendency to improvisation); responsibility; self improvement; organizational skills; trust; conflict management; rational resource management; criticality; orientation to the result. The conclusion is made that the synergy of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere can be presented in the form of such a structural process: a successful specialist → self-improvement and self-realization of a specialist → creative and innovative principles of professional development of a specialist → human centered dimension of the socio-cultural sphere → achievement of the de termined goals and goals of the specialist → measure of goals and goals → synergy of success and career specialist socio-cultural environment.

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Проаналізовано стан та проблеми розвитку синергії успішності кар’єри фахівця соціокультурної сфери. Розкрито основні аспекти формування успішності кар’єри, закцентовано увагу на визначенні “успішність кар’єри фахівця” як процесу розроблення, реалізації та прийняття рішень на засадах людиноцентризму, мотивації, саморозвитку і самореалізації, системи професійних знань, умінь і навичок, що забезпечує професійний розвиток, досягнення цілей і задоволення професійною діяльністю. Схарактеризовано синергію успішності кар’єри фахівця як цілеспрямовану діяльність фахівця соціокультурної сфери щодо досягнення мети та цілей професійної діяльності. Аргументовано та виокремлено передумови успішності кар’єри фахівця соціокультурної сфери. Зокрема, наявність спеціальних особливостей пізнавальної та інтелектуальної сфер, що забезпечує відображення діяльності; розвинутий інтелект; високі здібності до цілепокладання; широкий кругозір; моральність; особистісна зрілість, що підтримує прагнення до постійного саморозвитку, самовдосконалення; здібності до саморегуляції, самоконтролю та самореалізації. Проаналізовано чинники, фактори, показники, критерії, складові, функції успішності кар’єри фахівців соціокультурної сфери. Обґрунтовано актуальність управління успішністю кар’єри фахівця соціокультурного середовища через реалізацію відповідних циклів: професійне визначення → професійна освіта → відбір на посаду → професійна адаптація → планування кар’єрного зростання → професійне становлення → професійний розвиток → оцінювання результатів професійної діяльності. Доведено, що успішність кар’єри фахівців соціокультурної сфери формується відповідно до загальних законів розвитку, які містять творчі та інноваційні засади професійного й особистісного зростання. Визначено, відповідні підсистеми успішності кар’єри фахівця соціокультурної діяльності, а саме: кадрова, організаційна, особистісна та культурно-етична підсистеми. Доведено, що завдяки виконанню функцій залучених підсистем та пов’язаних із ними кар’єрних орієнтацій фахівця соціокультурного середовища з огляду на їхню взаємодію та взаємовідносини, що набувають характеру взаємосприйняття діяльності цих елементів, можна отримати запрограмований результат — успішність кар’єри. Обґрунтовано, що для досягнення успішності кар’єри фахівець соціокультурної сфери повинен володіти відповідним комплексом компетентностей, а саме: визначення напряму діяльності і бачення; ефективна комунікація; порядність і справедливість; делегування повноважень; стратегічне мислення; прийняття управлінських рішень; аналітичне мислення; навички роботи з інформацією; інноваційність; лідерство; професійний досвід; удосконалення діяльності; управління змінами; вимогливість; володіння знаннями і навичками самоменеджменту; вміння максимально використовувати власні можливості; керувати стресами; впевненість у собі, прийняття рішень; вміння працювати в команді; креативність (уміння творчо підходити до рішення управлінських завдань, схильність до імпровізації); відповідальність; самовдосконалення; організаторські здібності; довіра; управління конфліктами; раціональне управління ресурсами; критичність; орієнтація на результат. Зроблено висновок про те, що синергію успішності кар’єри фахівців соціокультурної сфери, можна подати у вигляді такого структурного процесу: успішний фахівець → самовдосконалення й самореалізація фахівця → творчі та інноваційні засади професійного розвитку фахівця → людиноцентристський вимір соціокультурної сфери → досягнення визначених цілей і мети фахівцем → ступінь реалізації цілей і мети → синергія успішності і кар’єри фахівця соціокультурного середовища.

Текст научной работы на тему «Development of signals of success of careers of the Factor socio-cultural sphere»

UDC: 379.851

Pletsan Khrystyna Vasylivna,

Candidate of Public Administration, acting director Head of the Department of International Tourism, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Hotel and Restaurant and Tourism Business, Associate Professor of the Department of International Tourism, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, 01133, Kyiv, Str. Yevhena Konovaltsia, 36, tel.: (096) 902 29 03, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-8179-7896

Плецан Христина BacuMieHa,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, в. о. завiдувача кафедри мiжнародного туризму, заступник декана Факультету готельно-ресторанного i туристичного бiзнесу, доцент кафедри мiжнародного туризму, Кигвський нащональний ут-верситет культури i мистецтв, 01133, м. Кигв, вул. бвгена Коновальця, 36, тел.: (096) 902 29 03, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8179-7896

Плецан Кристина Васильевна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, и. о. заведующего кафедрой международного туризма, заместитель декана факультета гостинично-ресторанного и туристического бизнеса, доцент кафедры международного туризма, Киевский национальный университет культуры и искусств, 01133, г. Киев, ул. Евгения Коноваль-ца, 36, тел.: (096) 902 29 03, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-8179-7896

DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i13.143



Abstract. The article analyzes the state and problems of the development of the synergy of the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere. The main aspects of career development formation are highlighted, attention is paid to the definition of "career specialist's success" as a process of development, implementation and decision making on the basis of human-centeredness, motivation, self-development and self-realization, a system of professional knowledge, skills and skills that provides professional development, achievement of goals and satisfaction with professional activity.

The synergy of career success of a specialist as a targeted activity of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere in relation to the achievement of the goals and objectives of professional activity was characterized. The preconditions for the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere have been argued and outlined. In particular, the presence of special features of the cognitive and intellectual spheres, providing a reflection of the activity; developed intellect; high ability to goal-setting; wide horizons; morality; personal maturity, supporting the desire for constant self-development, self-improvement; ability to self-control, self-control and self-realization.

Factors, factors, indicators, criteria, components are analyzed. Functions of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere. The relevance of the management of the success of a career in a specialist in the socio-cultural environment has been substantiated through the implementation of the relevant cycles: professional definition ^ professional education ^ selection for the position ^ professional adaptation ^ career development planning ^ professional development ^ professional development ^ evaluation of the results of professional activity. It is proved that the success of the career of specialists of the socio-cultural sphere is formed, in accordance with the general laws of development, which contain creative and innovative principles of professional and personal growth.

The corresponding subsystems of career success of the specialist of socio-cultural activity, namely: personnel, organizational, personal, and cultural-ethical subsystems, are determined. It is noted that due to the functions of the involved subsystems and associated career orientations, the specialist of the socio-cultural environment, given their interaction and interrelationship taking over the nature of the mutual perception of the activities of these elements, you can get the programmed result — the success of a career.

It is substantiated that in order to achieve the success of a career, a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere must possess the appropriate complex of competencies. Namely: the definition of the direction of activity and vision; effective communication; decency and justice; delegation of authority; strategic thinking; making managerial decisions; analytical thinking; skills of working with information; innovation; leadership; professional experience; improvement of activity; change management; demanding possession of knowledge and skills of self-management; ability to make the most of their own abilities; stress management; self-confidence, decisions taken; ability to work in a team; creativity (the ability to creatively approach the decision of managerial tasks, the tendency to improvisation); responsibility; self improvement; organizational skills; trust; conflict management; rational resource management; criticality; orientation to the result.

The conclusion is made that the synergy of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere can be presented in the form of such a structural process: a successful specialist ^ self-improvement and self-realization of a specialist ^ creative and innovative principles of professional development of a specialist ^ human centered dimension of the socio-cultural sphere ^ achievement of the de-

termined goals and goals of the specialist ^ measure of goals and goals ^ synergy of success and career specialist socio-cultural environment.

Keywords: success, career, specialist, human resources, innovative technologies, synergy, competency approach, motivation, self-realization, socio-cultural sphere.


Анотащя. Проаналiзовано стан та проблеми розвитку синерги устшно-ctí кар'ери фахiвця сощокультурно! сфери. Розкрито основш аспекти фор-мування успiшностi кар'ери, закцентовано увагу на визначеннi "усшшшсть кар'ери фахiвця" як процесу розроблення, реалiзащl та прийняття ршень на засадах людиноцентризму, мотиваци, саморозвитку i самореалiзащl, системи професшних знань, умiнь i навичок, що забезпечуе професiйний розвиток, досягнення щлей i задоволення професiйною дiяльнiстю.

Схарактеризовано синергiю успiшностi кар'ери фахiвця як щлеспрямо-вану дiяльнiсть фахiвця сощокультурно1 сфери щодо досягнення мети та щлей професшно! дiяльностi. Аргументовано та виокремлено передумови устшносп кар'ери фахiвця сощокультурно1 сфери. Зокрема, наявшсть спе-цiальних особливостей шзнавально1 та штелектуально! сфер, що забезпечуе вщображення дiяльностi; розвинутий iнтелект; високi здiбностi до щлепо-кладання; широкий кругозiр; моральнiсть; особистiсна зрiлiсть, що тдтри-муе прагнення до постiйного саморозвитку, самовдосконалення; здiбностi до саморегуляци, самоконтролю та самореалiзацil.

Проаналiзовано чинники, фактори, показники, критери, складовi, функци устшносп кар'ери фахiвцiв сощокультурно1 сфери. Обгрунтовано актуальнiсть управлiння успiшнiстю кар'ери фахiвця соцiокультурного се-редовища через реалiзацiю вiдповiдних циклiв: професiйне визначення ^ професiйна освiта ^ вiдбiр на посаду ^ професiйна адаптацiя ^ плануван-ня кар'ерного зростання ^ професiйне становлення ^ професiйний розвиток ^ оцiнювання результатiв професшно1 дiяльностi. Доведено, що успiшнiсть кар'ери фахiвцiв сощокультурно1 сфери формуеться вiдповiдно до загаль-них законiв розвитку, яю мiстять творчi та iнновацiйнi засади професшного й особистiсного зростання.

Визначено, вщповщш пiдсистеми успiшностi кар'ери фахiвця сощокуль-турно1 дiяльностi, а саме: кадрова, оргашзацшна, особистiсна та культур-но-етична пiдсистеми. Доведено, що завдяки виконанню функцiй залучених пiдсистем та пов'язаних iз ними кар'ерних орiентацiй фахiвця сощокультур-ного середовища з огляду на 1хню взаемодiю та взаемовщносини, що набува-ють характеру взаемосприйняття дiяльностi цих елементiв, можна отримати запрограмований результат — усшшшсть кар'ери.

Обгрунтовано, що для досягнення устшносп кар'ери фахiвець сощо-культурно1 сфери повинен володiти вiдповiдним комплексом компетентно-стей, а саме: визначення напряму дiяльностi i бачення; ефективна комуш-

кащя; порядшсть i справедливiсть; делегування повноважень; стратепчне мислення; прийняття управлiнських ршень; аналiтичне мислення; навички роботи з шформащею; iнновацiйнiсть; лiдерство; професiйний досввд; удо-сконалення дiяльностi; управлiння змшами; вимогливiсть; володiння знан-нями i навичками самоменеджменту; вмiння максимально використовувати власнi можливостi; керувати стресами; впевнешсть у собi, прийняття рiшень; вмшня працювати в командi; креативнiсть (умшня творчо пiдходити до рiшення управлшських завдань, схильнiсть до iмпровiзацil); вщповщаль-нiсть; самовдосконалення; органiзаторськi здiбностi; довiра; управлiння конфлiктами; рацiональне управлiння ресурсами; критичшсть; орiентацiя на результат.

Зроблено висновок про те, що синергш успiшностi кар'ери фахiвцiв со-цюкультурно! сфери, можна подати у виглядi такого структурного процесу: успiшний фахiвець ^ самовдосконалення й самореалiзацiя фахiвця ^ твор-чi та шновацшш засади професiйного розвитку фахiвця ^ людиноцентрист-ський вимiр соцюкультурно! сфери ^ досягнення визначених цiлей i мети фахiвцем ^ ступiнь реалiзацil цiлей i мети ^ синерпя успiшностi i кар'ери фахiвця соцюкультурного середовища.

Ключовi слова: успiшнiсть, кар'ера, фахiвець, людськi ресурси, шновацш-ш технологи, синергiя, компетентнiсний пiдхiд, мотиващя, самореалiзацiя, соцiокультурна сфера.


Аннотация. Проанализированы состояние и проблемы развития синергии успешности карьеры специалиста социокультурной сферы. Раскрыты основные аспекты формирования успешности карьеры, акцентировано внимание на определении "успешность карьеры специалиста" как процесса разработки, реализации и принятия решений на основе человекоцентризма, мотивации, саморазвития и самореализации, системы профессиональных знаний, умений и навыков, обеспечение профессионального развития, достижения целей и удовлетворения профессиональной деятельностью.

Охарактеризована синергия успешности карьеры специалиста как целенаправленной деятельности специалиста социокультурной сферы по достижению цели и целей профессиональной деятельности. Аргументировано и выделены предпосылки успешности карьеры специалиста социокультурной сферы. В частности, наличие специальных особенностей познавательной и интеллектуальной сфер, обеспечивает отображение деятельности; развитый интеллект; высокие способности к целеполаганию; широкий кругозор; нравственность; личностная зрелость, которая поддерживает стремление к постоянному саморазвитию, самосовершенствованию; способности к саморегуляции, самоконтроля и самореализации.

Проанализированы факторы, показатели, критерии, составляющие, функции успешности карьеры специалистов социокультурной сферы. Обо-

снована актуальность управления успешностью карьеры специалиста социокультурной среды рассматривать через реализацию соответствующих циклов: профессиональное определение ^ профессиональное образование ^ отбор на должность ^ профессиональная адаптация ^ планирование карьерного роста ^ профессиональное становление ^ профессиональное развитие ^ оценки результатов профессиональной деятельности. Доказано, что успешность карьеры специалистов социокультурной сферы формируется в соответствии с общими законами развития, содержащих творческие и инновационные основы профессионального и личностного роста.

Определены соответствующие подсистемы успешности карьеры специалиста социокультурной деятельности, а именно: кадровая, организационная, личностная и культурно-этическая подсистемы. Отмечено, что благодаря выполнению функций привлеченных подсистем и связанных с ними карьерных ориентаций специалиста социокультурной среды, учитывая их взаимодействие и взаимоотношения, приобретающие характер взаимного восприятия деятельности этих элементов, можно получить запрограммированный результат — успешность карьеры.

Обосновано, что для достижения успешности карьеры специалист социокультурной сферы должен обладать соответствующим комплексом компе-тентностей, а именно: определение направления деятельности и видения; эффективная коммуникация; порядочность и справедливость; делегирования полномочий; стратегическое мышление; принятие управленческих решений; аналитическое мышление; навыки работы с информацией; инновационность; лидерство; профессиональный опыт; совершенствование деятельности; управление изменениями; требовательность; владение знаниями и навыками самоменеджмента; умение максимально использовать собственные возможности; управление стрессами; уверенность в себе, принятие решений; умение работать в команде; креативность (умение творчески подходить к решению управленческих задач, склонность к импровизации); ответственность; самосовершенствование; организаторские способности; доверие; управление конфликтами; рациональное управление ресурсами; критичность; ориентация на результат.

Сделан вывод о том, что синергию успешности карьеры специалистов социокультурной сферы можно представить в виде такого структурного процесса: успешный специалист ^ самосовершенствование и самореализация специалиста ^ творческие и инновационные основы профессионального развития специалиста ^ человекоцентристские измерения социокультурной сферы ^ достижение определенных целей и целей специалистом ^ степень реализации целей и цели ^ синергия успешности и карьеры специалиста социокультурной среды.

Ключевые слова: успешность, карьера, специалист, человеческие ресурсы, инновационные технологии, синергия, компетентностный подход, мотивация, самореализация, социокультурная сфера.

Challenge problem. The dynamics of the development of society and the tendencies of the labor market require changes in the management principles of the use of human resources of the socio-cultural sphere for the realization of interests taking into account the needs of development and stabilization of the economy, guaranteeing the competitiveness of specialists in the international arena, which can ensure successful professional activity, which is the basis of a successful career of specialists. socio-cultural sphere.

Today, practice shows that modern Ukrainian society is characterized by a complex and controversial change in the models of human potential. That is why the most important strategic goals of the personnel policy development of the socio-cultural environment are the restoration of human resources, intellectual potential and maximum realization that ensures the achievement of career success.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Theoretical and theoretical basis of the article are works on the theory and practice of management, psychology, sociology, etc. Among them is the research by M. Armstrong, V. Badrak, S. Ivanov, I. Yermakova, I. Kalkmova, A. Kolot, L. Knodel, N. Stepanets, E. Zier, J. Ilyina, J. Mor-gensterna, V. Milyaeva, L. Mitin, O. Moskalenko, N. Samokin, T. Tka-chenko, Y. Hammer, I. Shkogoleva, V. Fedorchenko, G. Chaika, V. Shepel, E. Shein, F. Shcherbak and others. The work of these scholars enabled the systematic consideration of the overwhelming majority of issues related to the development of human resources management, the systematic integrated

analysis of management development, and the synergy of the career success of a specialist.

The analysis of scientific works gives grounds to assert that the problems of the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere have not yet been sufficiently studied, and some issues are covered in a fragmentary way. There are no publications that comprehensively examine the success of the career of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere. Insufficient level of scientific development of theoretical and practical principles and determined the relevance of the choice of the topic of scientific research.

The purpose of this article is to provide scientific and practical comprehension and substantiation of the effective development of the synergy of the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural environment.

Presentation of the basic material. Modern conceptions of a career are the conceptual base that gives impetus to the construction of a successful individual and personal self-realization of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere, which is formed on the basis of theoretical-methodological and practical principles.

In general, the concept of "career" in the modern world of management is widely used in different interpretations and approaches. In particular, the great explanatory dictionary of contemporary Ukrainian language treats career as a quick advancement in professional activity [3, p. 525]. The sociological-pedagogical vocabulary of a specialist career defines as "deliberately chosen way of official promotion, the desire to achieve a certain status" [8, p. 194]. Thus, one

can consider a career as an important aspect of professional development and implementation of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere. In turn, under the career process, we will understand the career orientations and career settings of a specialist, his professional activity in the process of achieving success through the prism of the interaction of planning mechanisms, professional development, selection, innovative technologies, motivational processes and evaluation of the results of professional activity.

On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, "the success of a career specialist" can be interpreted as a process of development, implementation and acceptance of the search on the basis of human-centeredness, motivation, self-development and self-realization, a system of professional knowledge, skills and skills that provides professional development, achievement of goals and professional satisfaction. Activity we are convinced that the synergetic aspect of career and success is to clearly define the interdependence and interdependence of these two processes.

Thus, the synergy of the career success of a specialist is the deliberate activity of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere in pursuit of the goal and objectives of professional activity. In turn, the system for managing the success of a career in a specialist in the socio-cultural environment will be considered through the implementation of the relevant cycles: professional definition ^ vocational education ^ selection for a position ^ professional adaptation ^ career development planning ^ professional development ^ professional development ^ evaluation of the results

of professional activity. The success of the career of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere is formed in accordance with the general laws of development, which contain creative and innovative principles of professional and personal growth.

In the context of the above-mentioned, it is appropriate to point out that the basis for the success of a career in a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere is the following prerequisites: the presence of special features of the cognitive and intellectual spheres, providing a reflection of the activity; developed intellect; high ability to goal-setting; wide horizons; morality; personal maturity, supporting the desire for constant self-development, self-improvement; ability to self-control, self-control and self-realization.

Interesting for our study is the vision of M. Armstrong's career management system and achievement success [1, p. 384], as shown in Figure.

Proceeding from this, in the system of constructing a successful career specialist in the socio-cultural sphere, at the present stage, we select the appropriate subsystems for the implementation of the professional purpose. In particular, such as: human resources, organizational, personal and cultural-ethical subsystems. Due to the functions of the subsystems attracted and their associated career orientation, a specialist in the socio-cultural environment, given their interaction and interrelationship that takes on the nature of the mutual cooperation of these elements, one can get the programmed result of a career success.

The analysis of scientific and practical literature enables the expert's career

Model of management of the career success of M. Armstrong

orientation to be defined as the basic social settings of a specialist, reflecting the importance of a career, is the basis for choosing a career type and expressing readiness for self-realization in the process of professional activity. In general, the following types of career orientations are distinguished: career advancement, aspiration for independence (autonomy), professional competence, stability (security), managerial competence, challenge, integration of lifestyles, entrepreneurship. At the same time, the tendencies of development and the change of the paradigm of the socio-cultural environment help to update the new vision and update the career orientations of the specialist.

However, we emphasize that the specialist socio-cultural sphere, defining the specifics of their professional work constructively to overcome the problem of solving conflict of interest, promptly acting in unusual situations, successfully using their own creativity, has a real chance to achieve successful

careers. Thus, the basic principles of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere are the general laws of development, which contain creative and innovative principles of professional and personal growth.

It should be noted that the basic principles of successful career professionals sociocultural environment are: perception and reality that determines how satisfied their expert personal and professional activities; recognition and variability, which is that when a person does not want to recognize a problem or circumstance, then she can not influence and change her; behavior and effectiveness, which indicates that when a person changes his behavior, then he may change the outcome of his activity; perseverance and patience; image and reputation. Compliance and implementation of the proposed principles and legality, professionalism, integrity, of strategy, openness, initiative, creativity, promote professional and career development professionals is, in our view, the

foundation of becoming successful career professionals socio-cultural sphere.

On the basis of theoretical investigations, we believe that the components of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere should be determined: objective — success, efficiency, performance, performance and subjective — needs, motivation, personal satisfaction with the process and result. In this case, every specialist should know his "field of success", that is, to have an idea of what he can achieve as a result of his professional activities.

On our deep conviction, understanding of the success of the career of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere, first of all, should be determined by professionalism, communicative qualities and competence, which makes it possible to skillfully build a strategy for self-development of a successful specialist. We emphasize that the success of the career of experts in the socio-cultural environment characterizes the features of their self-awareness, self-improvement, self-realization and the fact that the priority directions of the socio-cultural environment can be identified as an important aspect of the ability of professionals to realize themselves as a professional. In general, in the socio-cultural sphere, the success of a career is a universal need for realizing the potential of a specialist, a belief in oneself, achievement of the goal and high results.

Understanding the scientific literature on the problems of success allows one to distinguish the main factors (external and internal, biological, social-psychological, objective and subjective) that influence the formation and implementation of the career success of specialists. They will also include

adaptation to professional activity, professional competence, professional competence, activity, socio-psycholo-gical factors, individual and personal qualities of a specialist, organizational culture, career orientation, managerial skills, leadership, intelligence, orientation, success.

Also, according to the results of the express survey, we have the opportunity to distinguish the criteria for the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere. In particular, professional development; career advancement; realization of personal, professional and leadership potential of a specialist.

Taking into account these positions, the indicators of career success should be considered social progress, purpose-fulness, professionalism, responsibility, creativity, innovative potential, acceptance and implementation of professional decisions, sense of time, productivity of communicative abilities, performance of professional activity, competitiveness, the possibility of self-realization and development, possession of innovative technologies, level of satisfaction with professional activity.

Important importance should be given to the competency and motivational components as the basis for the specialist's pursuit of success. The key is the desire to achieve high results, the purposeful pursuit of professional competence, effective fulfillment of functional duties, "lifelong learning" and personal and professional self-realization.

Consider the motives of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere, who seek to succeed: taking into account the needs and prospects of development; opportunities for versatile development and implementation; promotion of professio-

nal and career growth; pay; stimulation; promotion of a high level of professional development; conformity of expectations of specialists to the realities of socio-economic conditions; ensuring transparent mobility, staffing and advanced training; self-development opportunity; a favorable professional environment; encouraging and taking into account the results of the evaluation of professional activity; prestige and satisfaction of needs. Motivated to the success of the specialists of the socio-cultural sphere persistently, step by step achieve certain goals, using professionally important qualities that influence the formation of career success.

The sociological survey conducted by us made it possible to roam the complex of competencies necessary for a modern specialist in the socio-cultural sphere, namely: definition of the direction of activity and vision; effective communication; decency and justice; delegation of authority; strategic thinking; making managerial decisions; analytical thinking; skills of working with information; innovation; leadership; professional experience; improvement of activity; change management; demanding possession of knowledge and skills of self-management; ability to make the most of their own abilities; stress management; self-confidence, decisions taken; ability to work in a team; creativity (the ability to creatively approach the decision of managerial tasks, the tendency to improvisation); responsibility; self improvement; organizational skills; trust; conflict management; rational resource management; critica-lity; orientation to the result.

Particular attention in the process of implementation of the career success of

specialists in the socio-cultural sphere should be given priority to the specialist's possession of such personal qualities as: active life position, ability to self-improvement, high ability to work, ability to manage conflicts, initiative, sociability, creativity, professionalism, responsibility, creativity, tolerance, confidence, activity, optimism, innovation, leadership, purposefulness and professional skills of time management, control, leads negotiation, preparation of commercial offers, solution of strategic problems, promptness in decision making and implementation, ability to work in a team, etc.

It is conceptually important to note that the technology of planning and implementing a successful career of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere will include: goal-setting, motivational tools, career development portfolios, career graphs, career paths, career optimization technology and career development plans. careers, systems for evaluating the results of professional activity.

The main goal of career planning is to realize the potential of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere, to create conditions for self-realization and achievement of success. It should be noted that in planning professional activities, besides focusing on the final result — the success of a specialist must take into account the functional tasks and goals of the organization. An important role is played by coordinating the goals of the specialist and the organization, setting clear goals and objectives for achieving them, an agreement on the results of the activities between the manager and the specialist, determining the training needs, increasing the level of compe-

tence, determining the results of evaluation, planning career success.

In our opinion, in our opinion, during the planning of the career development of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere, it is useful to use the following technologies: the technology of developing a personal life plan for career A. Kibanov; W. Sanders Career Planning Technology; Career Planning Technology S. Raznik, G. Zaitseva, N. Karr-Rufino; recommendations on career planning at organizational level, etc. What will contribute to the formation of a new type of specialists who are interested in continuing education, self-development and self-realization, professional and career growth, as a result — the establishment of success.

The key to successful career professionals is to identify and achieve goals. We believe that the priority objective of professional activity of specialists in the socio-cultural environment is professional self-realization and professional growth, which will promote the competitiveness and success of the modern labor market in the labor market.

In turn, the internal basis for the success of a specialist is professional competence, such as the readiness to perform qualitatively functional duties (the range of powers, competencies), provided by a combination of relevant professional knowledge and skills gained during continuous training, practical experience, motivation and personal qualities, which is formed in the "portfolio of career growth". Analyzing the purpose of the specialist portfolio, let us note that this, above all, determines the dynamics of significant results in general, as well as the diagnosis of personal professional development, demon-

stration of the most significant results of practical activities for the assessment of their professional competence.

The use of a portfolio allows to solve a number of tasks of professional activity, namely: to form and constantly support motivation, readiness of the expert to consciously effective purposeful self-education; develop reflexive and self-evaluation activities, expand the possibilities of self-education; accelerate the evaluation process by defining a range of professional opportunities for a specialist; fix changes and professional growth at the appropriate time; to ensure the continuity of self-education [5, p. 35-50]. Thus, the "career growth portfolio" can be interpreted as an instrument of self-organization, self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-development and self-presentation through human-centeredness, which allows a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere to analyze their activities, carry out a qualitative assessment of the results and plan further actions to achieve the success of kar'specialist.

Currently, practice shows that "career development portfolio" is also a technology of authentic assessment (assessment of personal achievements), which should be characterized as an individual, personally selected package of materials, which, on the one hand, demonstrate the result of the work of a specialist, and on the other, contain information , which characterizes ways to analyze and plan a career. Taking into account the above, we can say that the "career development portfolio" of a socio-cultural specialist can be considered in various functional aspects, in particular as an alternative way of evaluating professional achievements and as a tool

for self-analysis, self-development and self-improvement. We are convinced that the "career development portfolio" of the socio-cultural specialist is an appropriate result of professional development and a new stage for self-improvement.

Of great importance in shaping the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere is the evaluation as a confirmation or denial of success. We believe that in order to assess the success of a career it is expedient to borrow a single assessment system of the Commodion Assessmant Frameworks (SAF), which helps to measure the quality and effectiveness of services, to solve the above problems by criteria and indicators, among which:

• the criterion for evaluating the "result" — the evaluation of a specialist for an individual contribution to the effectiveness of the organization;

• criterion of evaluation "professionalism" — evaluation of a specialist for demonstrating his professional competence in daily work. Indicators of this criterion are: strategic and critical thinking; strategic planning; informational-analytical, organizational-executive, representative, planning, innovation-research, expert-consulting, management training; ability to adjust activity, control;

• the criterion for evaluating the "potential of development" — the assessment of a specialist and his ability to self-development and professional development, professional growth. Indicators of this criterion are: professional self-improvement (ability to self-development, systematic, continuous improvement, management of own professional activity), innovative po-

tential (ability to find new solutions to problems, openness to new knowledge and experience). The typical process of optimizing professional activities on the CAF model is realized through the appropriate stages, such as: the beginning of perfection with the CAF, the process of self-evaluation, the plan of improvement [6, p. 5-23]. The above-mentioned evaluation criteria foresee a feedback that determines the development of human potential, economic growth and competitiveness of specialists in the process of forming a successful career.

Conclusions. Consequently, the conclusions obtained during the research will promote competitiveness and the formation of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere, which can be submitted in the form of such a structural process: a successful specialist ^ self-improvement and self-realization of a specialist ^ creative and innovative principles of professional development of a specialist ^ human centered dimension of the socio-cultural sphere ^ achievements defined goals and goals of the specialist ^ measure of goals and goals ^ synergy of success and career specialist socio-cultural environment.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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15. Judge T. A. Personality and career success / T. A. Judge, J. D. Kammeyer-Mueller // H. P. Gunz, M. A. Peiperl (eds). Handbook of career studies. Thousand Oaks. — CA : Sage Publications, 2007. — P. 59-78.

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18. Seibert S. E. The five-factor model of personality and career / S. E Seibert, M. L. Kraimer // J. Vocat. Behav, 2011. — V. 58. — P. 1-21.

19. The Global Innovation Index 2017. Report. The Human Factor in Innovation. — 2017. — 428 p. [Електрoнний ресурс]. — Режим дocтупу : https:// www.globalinnovationindex.org/gii-2017-report. — Назва з титул. екра-на. — Дата дocтупу : 10.03.2017.

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