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Ключевые слова
family education / self-assessment / developing / preschool education / preschool age

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Lola Kuzibayevna Narimbayeva

In the process of socialization, a person gradually acquires self-awareness and develops his self-esteem. Within the framework of the study of self-awareness, selfesteem is assigned a leading role, which is why the topic of the formation of selfesteem of a person in preschool age is extremely relevant today. Self-esteem is the most important element of the personality of a person, which largely determines the foundations of life of a person, the level of his aspirations, as well as the entire system of intrapersonal judgments. It determines the dynamics and direction of the development of the subject

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Lola Kuzibayevna Narimbayeva

Teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute


In the process of socialization, a person gradually acquires self-awareness and develops his self-esteem. Within the framework of the study of self-awareness, self-esteem is assigned a leading role, which is why the topic of the formation of self-esteem of a person in preschool age is extremely relevant today. Self-esteem is the most important element of the personality of a person, which largely determines the foundations of life of a person, the level of his aspirations, as well as the entire system of intrapersonal judgments. It determines the dynamics and direction of the development of the subject.

Keywords: family education, self-assessment, developing, preschool education, preschool age.


Family education is a general name for the processes of influencing children by parents and other family members in order to achieve the desired results.

For a child of preschool age, his family is both a living environment and an educational environment, and an educational environment that has the greatest impact. The family reflects both the school and the media, social organizations, friends, the influence of literature and art. This allowed teachers to deduce dependence: the success of personality formation is determined, first of all, by the family. Therefore, the role of the family in the formation of self-esteem of the individual is so great.

The content of upbringing in the family is determined by the general goal of a democratic society. The family is obliged to form a physically and mentally healthy, moral, intellectually developed personality, ready for the upcoming work, social, family life.

Components of family education:

- Physical - based on a healthy lifestyle and includes the correct organization of the daily routine, sports, hardening of the body, etc.;

- Moral - the core of the relationship that forms the personality. The upbringing of enduring moral values - love, respect, kindness, decency, honesty, justice, conscience, dignity, duty;

- Intellectual - involves the interested participation of parents in enriching children with knowledge, shaping the needs of their acquisition and constant renewal;

- Aesthetic - designed to develop the talents and talents of children, or simply give them an idea of the beauty that exists in life;

- Labor - lays the foundation for their future righteous life. A person who is not accustomed to work has only one path - the search for an "easy" life.

Further, before embarking on a study of the influence of family education on the development of self-esteem in preschool children, it is necessary to study in detail the types of parenting in the family and family education in general.


The relevance of the study of preschool children was determined by the reason that this age is an important and responsible period of life in terms of the development of self-awareness and the emergence of self-esteem. The patterns and features of the formation of self-esteem in childhood were studied by B.G. Ananiev, O.A. Belobrykina, L.I. Bozhovich, A.V. Zakharova, E.N. Korneeva, N.V. Klyueva, I.S. Kon, A.I. Lipkina, M.I. Lisina, V.V. Stolin, Yu.V. Filippova, I.I. Chesnokova and others.

At the same time, the analysis of psychological literature has shown that the problem of self-esteem in relation to preschool age has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, today there is a need to investigate the self-esteem of a preschooler, emphasizing that it is formed mainly under the influence of factors related to the family and under the influence of both parents. Social psychology traditionally pays great attention to the family, considering it as an example of a natural small social group. All the features of such a group acquire a certain specificity in the family.

A number of scholars (V.N.Druzhinin, A.N. Elizarov) suggest that one of the main problems of the modern family is the regulation of the contradictions that arise in it. The maternal and paternal relationship to the child must be a dialectical unity. Only its originality and the necessary balance can create optimal conditions for the full development of the child's personality.

It is impossible to build any coherent system of knowledge about parental positions without examining the position of the father. The marital status of a man, his family roles, the influence of a man on the formation of the psychological climate

in the family remains often out of sight. At the same time, the number of scientific publications on the role of mothers in raising children is many times greater than the number of works on the role of fatherhood (G.S. Abramova, D. Bowlby, M. Klein). In domestic and foreign psychology, there are many classifications of parenting


One of the classifications is presented by A. Baldwin, who identified two styles of parenting practice: democratic and controlling. The democratic style is determined by the following parameters: a high level of verbal communication between children and parents, the involvement of children in the discussion of family problems, taking into account their opinion, the willingness of parents to help if required; at the same time - the belief in the success of the child's independent activity and the limitation of his own subjectivity in the child's vision.

A controlling style implies significant restrictions in the behavior of children, a clear and clear explanation to the child of the meaning of restrictions, the absence of disagreements between parents and children about disciplinary measures.

J. Baldwin also identified four parameters for measuring parenting behavior:

- parental control, that is, whether parents prefer to exert a great influence on children, whether they are able to insist on fulfilling their requirements, whether they are consistent in them;

- parental requirements that encourage children to develop in the intellectual, emotional and communicative spheres;

- ways of communicating with children in the course of educational influences;

- emotional support - the ability of parents to express sympathy, love and warm relationships, to feel love, satisfaction and pride in the success of their children.

S. Soloveichik believes that the relationship of parents to a child is distinguished by high psychological tension and manifold in its manifestations. The most frequent, in his opinion, types of relationships are: attentive, fearful, vain, angry, irritable, adaptive, sociable, sensational, persistent, constant, confident, hopeful.

A.E. Lichko and E.G. Eidemiller distinguish the following types of wrong education:

Hypoprotection. In an extreme form, it is manifested by neglect, often a lack of care and control, and most importantly, a true interest in the affairs, worries and hobbies of a teenager. Recently, hypoprotection has extended to neglect and abandonment of children.

Latent hypoprotection occurs when control over behavior is extremely formal. Latent hypoprotection is often combined with latent emotional rejection.

The dominant hyperprotection is characterized by constant excessive care, petty control over every step, a system of constant prohibitions.

Conniving hyperprotection, which is characterized by excessive patronage, the desire to free the child from the slightest difficulties and unpleasant responsibilities.

Conniving hypoprotection. With this parenting style, a lack of parental supervision is combined with an uncritical attitude towards the child's behavior disorder.

Emotional rejection. With this type of upbringing, the child or child constantly feels that they are burdened, that he is a burden for the parents, which would be easier without him.

Hidden emotional rejection is that parents, without admitting this to themselves, are burdened by their son or daughter, although they drive such a thought away from themselves, they are indignant if someone specifies


In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the concept of "approach" is formulated, as a rule, as follows: an approach is a special form of cognitive and practical activity, it is an examination of pedagogical phenomena from a certain angle of view. This is a strategy for researching the process under study, this is the basic value orientation that determines the position of the researcher, this is a method of structuring the object under study.

While emphasizing the decisive role of the relationship with a close adult for the development of the child, these relationships themselves, however, are not the subject of research either in the activity-based or in the cultural-historical approach. Along with this, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists have accumulated vast experience of practical work in the field of parent-child relations (E.G. Eidemiller, A.V. Zakharov, A.Ya. Varga, A.S. Spivakovskaya and many others), which, as a rule, it is described and interpreted in terms of Western psychology, where this topic is developed quite widely.

Classical psychoanalysis was the first scientific direction that placed parent-child relations at the center of the child's personality development. The theory of psychoanalysis has become the defining direction of the main concepts of child development, in which the key role is assigned to the problem of relations between children and parents (K.Horney, E.Erickson, etc.). Attachment theory (D.Bowlby,

M.Ainsworth) has gained particular popularity. The central concept in attachment theory is the "internal working model," which is an inextricable and interdependent unity of self and other. The child is aware of himself through the attitude of the mother towards him, and the mother perceives as the source of the attitude towards herself. Thus, in the original version of this theory, attachment was understood as an attitude towards oneself and a close adult, which gives a feeling of security and safety. In modern studies carried out in line with attachment theory, there is a reorientation from the problem of studying the child's self-awareness to the study of his behavior, which is most often described in terms of social adaptation and competence. Attachment is no longer viewed as an attitude, but as a strategy for behavior with parents.

In addition to attachment theory, the theoretical model developed by E.S. is very popular in Western psychology. Schaefer, R. A. Bell (1969). E.S. Schaefer, R.A. Bell developed a dynamic two-factor model of parenting, where one of the factors reflects the emotional attitude towards the child: "acceptance-rejection", and the other - the style of behavior of the parents: "autonomy-control". Each parental position is determined by the severity of various factors and their interconnection. Despite the fact that these theoretical models were proposed more than 30 years ago, they remain practically the only ones that provide a meaningful description of the parental relationship. The overwhelming majority of modern Western research on this topic boils down to establishing the relationship between parenting style and child behavior.


Recently, cross-cultural and gender studies have become one of the most common areas of research on parent-child relationships. Research carried out on Chinese, Indian and Canadian samples has shown that each type of child's temperament corresponds to a certain parental style of behavior.

Despite the abundance of interesting facts, the psychological content of the parental relationship is described rather formally. The terminology used in this case corresponds rather to the political lexicon (authoritarianism, democracy, protection, authority, etc.), and does not reflect the entire complexity of this reality. Many terms do not have a stable meaning and have different content from different authors. To date, research is underway to study parent-child relationships, parenting, parenting positions, and scientists are trying to consider the problem in many aspects, from the point of view of new approaches.

So, M.V. Bykova offers a new approach to this problem. Her work points out that the presence of two opposite principles (unconditional love and an objective value attitude) is characteristic not only of the parental relationship, but also of interpersonal relationships in general (E.O.Smirnova, 1994). On the one hand, the other person can act as a set of individual qualities that can become the subject of assessment and comparison, on the other hand, he is an intrinsically valuable and integral personality, irreducible to partial manifestations. If the first aspect sets the boundaries of oneself and the other, generates isolation and separateness, then the second one creates community and belonging to each other. These two principles, which can be designated as objective (partial) and personal (holistic), are not different types or forms of relationships. They form two moments, to a certain extent inherent in each specific relationship. The difference in specific relationships is reduced to the relative predominance or severity of each of these two points. The originality and internal conflict of the parental relationship lies, in our opinion, in the maximum severity and tension of both moments.

The described approach of the psychiatrist M. Bowen is interesting, who developed the theory of family systems, which differs from the classical systems approach in a number of essential features.

If in the classical systemic approach, first of all, information and communication features of the functioning of the family are distinguished, then M. Bowen's theory focuses on its emotional functioning. He introduces the concept of an emotional system, which he interprets as a complex sensory-behavioral complex.

The human family can be described as an emotional field. The term "field" refers to the complexity of emotional stimuli transmitted and perceived by family members at different levels of interaction.

The emotional system is regulated by two opposing forces: the desire for compatibility. In M. Bowen's theory of family systems, two parameters are distinguished - the level of anxiety and the differentiation of "I". Anxiety is a basic characteristic of the emotional system. Individuals in a highly anxious system develop many behavioral patterns aimed at reducing anxiety (distancing, marital conflict, projection of problems onto the child, symptomatic behavior of one of the spouses). The second basic concept "Differentiation of the Self' describes the level of functioning, the degree of success and social adaptation of a family and a person. The more emotions and intelligence are fused, the lower the level of differentiation and the level of functioning.

The issues of a man's participation in interaction with the future generation, in

upbringing, in the transfer of experience have been raised since the time of J.-J. Russo. Psychoanalysts have dealt with various aspects of this problem at different times. The father's influence on the development of the child's personality was first discussed at the beginning of the 20th century. within the framework of research conducted on the basis of the psychoanalytic methodological school. 3. Freud focused on the role of the father in the formation of gender-role identity.

E. Fromm studied the psychological nature of the father's influence on the child's development. He was the first to describe the essential difference between maternal and paternal love, believes that maternal love by its very nature is unconditional. The connection with the father is completely different - it is more conventional.

Thus, according to psychoanalysts, the function of the mother is to provide the child with safety in life, the function of the father is to teach him, to guide him so that he can cope with the problems that the society in which he was born puts before a person.

Parents, through words and behavior, one way or another, express their attitude to certain events or actions of people, thus providing models of behavior and moral assessment. The main factors influencing the assimilation of moral norms are: 1) fear of losing parental love; 2) identification with the parent, about which Z. Freud wrote; 3) the development of empathy and a sense of guilt, initially through the assessment of the parents, and then through the explanation of the consequences of the child's actions. Father's love is conditional; it is the most important factor in the moral development of the child.

The literature notes that the child's reaction to divorce can be different. There are three types of behavior in children experiencing post-traumatic stress:

• expressive type - the child cannot restrain his emotions, he screams, cries, laughs or cries, trembles, sways;

• controlling type - the child "successfully" restrains himself, and his behavior does not differ from that of his peers. He seems even calmer than before. However, this impression is misleading: restraint can lead to unexpected and, at first glance, inexplicable illnesses;

• shock type - the child is depressed, deafened, gives the impression of a person who is in the "other world".

An incomplete family is traditionally considered as a problem family, characterized by some peculiarities arising from the "dyadic" nature of its existence and the absence of matrimonial relations in the family system.

Such a situation is quite difficult in an incomplete family, when the parent (often the mother) who remains with the child seeks to raise the child in such a way as to demonstrate to society that even in the absence of the father, her child has grown up as a worthy person. Divorce has the strongest effect on children under 6. Children aged 3-6 years after their parents' divorce often experience strong feelings of guilt and self-humiliation.


The problem of self-esteem in relation to preschool age has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, today there is a need to investigate the self-esteem of a preschooler, emphasizing that it is formed mainly under the influence of factors related to the family and under the influence of both parents. Social psychology traditionally pays great attention to the family, considering it as an example of a natural small social group. All the features of such a group acquire a certain specificity in the family.

For a child of preschool age, his family is both a living environment and an educational environment, and an educational environment that has the greatest impact. The family reflects both the school and the media, social organizations, friends, the influence of literature and art. This allowed teachers to deduce dependence: the success of personality formation is determined, first of all, by the family. Therefore, the role of the family in the formation of self-esteem of the individual is so great.

The content of upbringing in the family is determined by the general goal of a democratic society. The family is obliged to form a physically and mentally healthy, moral, intellectually developed personality, ready for the upcoming work, social, family life.

Self-esteem is the central link in voluntary self-regulation, determines the direction and level of a person's activity, his attitude to the world, to people, to himself. It is included in many connections and relationships with all mental formations of the personality and acts as an important determinant of all forms and types of its activities and communication. The origins of the ability to evaluate oneself are laid in early childhood, and its development and improvement occurs throughout a person's life.

In the psychological literature, both domestic and foreign self-esteem is paid great attention. Questions of its ontogenesis, structure, functions, possibilities of directed formation are discussed in the works of L.I. Bozhovich, I.S. Kona, M.I.

Lisina, A.I. Lipkina, E. Erickson, K. Rogers and other psychologists. In psychological and pedagogical studies, it is noted that the basis of the free creative development of a personality is self-esteem, which determines a person's activity, his attitude towards people, towards himself.

To solve the set tasks and check the starting positions, a set of interrelated and mutually complementary methods was used: review-analytical and theoretical (analysis of literature), analysis of documents (content analysis), observation, empirical (psych diagnostic and psychological-pedagogical) and mathematical-statistical (correlation, cluster analyzes).


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