Научная статья на тему 'Development of reading skills in middle grades of general education school'

Development of reading skills in middle grades of general education school Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and Education
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Ключевые слова
reading abilities / development of analyzing skills / art text / analyzing a work / intellect card / synquain / A.P.Chekhov / short story “Joy”

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Сhjen Yelena Vitalievna, Dilrabo Ibragimova

The article is devoted to the important methodological problem improvement of reading abilities at the lessons of literature in general education schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This problem is considered on the example of studying A.P.Chekhov’s works at lessons with the use of new pedagogical technologies Intellect Card and Synquain.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of reading skills in middle grades of general education school»

Development of reading skills in middle grades of general

education school

Chjen Yelena Vitalievna Dilrabo Ibragimova NamSU

Abstract: The article is devoted to the important methodological problem -improvement of reading abilities at the lessons of literature in general education schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This problem is considered on the example of studying A.P.Chekhov's works at lessons with the use of new pedagogical technologies - Intellect Card and Synquain.

Keywords: reading abilities, development of analyzing skills, art text, analyzing a work, intellect card, synquain, A.P.Chekhov, short story "Joy"

In the works of Anton Chekhov we find situations close to modern life, and they help us to understand the complexity of this problem in modern society.

When studying the works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, we identified the main aspects of this methodological problem. Thus reading abilities in the process of experimental work we have considered in the following aspects:

1. the ability to read and understand the content of the artistic text

2. the ability to analyze a work of fiction based on personal experience,

3. the ability to give a comparative analysis of various literary sources,

4. identification of the theme and idea of a work of fiction,

5. understanding of the author's position in the work,

6. an understanding of the system of images in the work,

7. the ability to express one's own point of view about the work read.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, having created the story "Joy", touched upon the actual problem - the problem of moral choice. The story "Joy" by Chekhov, written in 1883, became one of those that the teacher can offer in the list of extracurricular reading to students of 8th grades of schools with Russian language of instruction. This work, in our opinion, is important in the literature lessons of middle school students for several reasons:

First of all, the story by A.Chekhov raises important moral problems that are important and understandable to pupils, secondly, there is an opportunity to "challenge" pupils to discussion and debate, thirdly, in literature lessons it is possible to test the possibilities of new pedagogical technologies in the process of analyzing a fiction text.

"At the lessons of literature schoolchildren will have to summarize their knowledge and impressions from the studied and read in the middle grades, independent reading of Chekhov's stories, prepare reading and retellings for the contest..." [4, c.69].

In the center of attention of teachers-practitioners and methodologists-researchers the problem of improving reading abilities at the lessons on studying A.P.Chekhov's creative work occupies an important place.

For example, Semanova M.L. in her book "Chekhov at School" draws attention to "the independence of Chekhov the humorist, the originality of his creative method", considers it necessary to "explore with students the features of the construction of the story 'Joy', to help them realize the author's position and hidden hints in the subtext, to understand that the story makes not only 'to laugh, but also to think' [5, 22]. [5, 22]. M.L.Semanova advises to consider in detail the details hidden in the subtext, replicas from the author and the fact that the author is almost eliminated, his remarks are neutral [5, p.23].

In the book by V.V.Golubkov's book "Mastery of A.P.Chekhov" can help the teacher with such chapters as "A.P. Chekhov's stories on the stage, on stage and in the movies", "A.P.Chekhov's stories in the illustrations of artists" [2, p. 13]. [2, c. 13]. In Uzbekistan, Chekhov's creativity was studied by M.N. Faizullaeva in her dissertation on "A.P.Chekhov's Novellist in Chulpan's translation into Uzbek language" [6, p.13].[6, c.13]. Uzbek students have also written many graduate qualification works on the works of the great writer.

"Methodists see the reading of Chekhov's stories either in the teacher's performance or with the help of recordings of the actor's reading, but with the obligatory observation of how students react - what they find funny in the story, what outrages them, etc.". [5, c.44].

The story is not based on the biography of the hero or the solution of any problem, but on some very definite everyday, acute, ordinary situation, but a situation that causes laughter. The title of the story suggests that it will be about some kind of joy. These were the children's assumptions before they read the story. When asked what the hero rejoices in the story, one of the thoughtful pupils answered that Mitya Kuldarov rejoices in things that a smart person would be ashamed to rejoice in. He should be ashamed.

Then we applied the method "Intellect - map" at the lesson of literature in the 8th grade when studying the story "Joy".

The experiment was based on the application of new pedagogical technologies reflected in the methodological works of L.T.Akhmedova, E.A.Lagai and S.S.Magdieva.

Intellect map is a method of graphic expression of the processes of perception, processing and memorization of information, creative tasks, a tool for the development of memory and thinking.

To create the map we used colored pencils and markers, identified the main idea and problem, and placed the word in the center. We used illustrations to represent the central idea. Each main branch had its own color. We connected the main branches to the central idea, and we connected the second, third, etc. order branches to the main branches.

Students had to draw or write an image of the theme in the middle of a piece of paper with three-dimensional colored letters. Next, students "put the words in order", associations and grouped by meaning.

Pupils worked enthusiastically independently and in groups, began to analyze the text, "including" their own understanding, their life experience, understanding the artistic text more deeply and understanding the meaning of the subtext.

In the course of reading and analyzing the text, the children came to important conclusions: the main thing for the hero is fame. But his fame is negative. The hero does not realize that only good deeds can make him famous.

The experimental work led us to the idea that thoughtful reading expands and deepens students' knowledge of the writer's work and gives them an opportunity to find "their own Chekhov".

Synquain is a methodical technique, which is a composition of a poem consisting of 5 lines: The 1st line is a word that students have to reveal, the 2nd line is two definitions, the 3rd line is 3 verbs, the 4th line is a moral conclusion, the 5th line of the poem is the main meaning.

Here is an example of a synquain, which was compiled to characterize the main character of the story "Joy" by A. Chekhov:


Thoughtless, heartless.

Is rude, arrogant, dishonorable.

Rejoices in the grief of another person


The educational value of Chekhov's stories is enormous. After them everyone will think and ask himself: do I live my life in such a way, what should be my life.

On the basis of the experiment we made a number of conclusions:

1. A.P. Chekhov's work "Joy", which expands and deepens students' knowledge of the writer's work, improves their reading abilities - to read thoughtfully, draw conclusions, analyze the text....

2. In Chekhov's works there are aesthetic and moral problems that are close and understandable to students.

3. New pedagogical technologies, such as the Intellect Card and the Synquain, which improve students' reading abilities, provide great opportunities in the methodology of conducting extracurricular lessons.


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