DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN TOURISM INDUSTRY IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
tourism / tourism industry / "Leisure Coast" tourist zone. / tourism / tourism industry / "Leisure Coast" tourist zone.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Akhmadjonova Yo.T.

The article provides information about the developing tourism sectors in Uzbekistan, and the work carried out in the field of ecological tourism in the Jizzakh region is highlighted on the example of the Zomin resort and the Aydar-Arnasoy lakes ecotourism area.

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The article provides information about the developing tourism sectors in Uzbekistan, and the work carried out in the field of ecological tourism in the Jizzakh region is highlighted on the example of the Zomin resort and the Aydar-Arnasoy lakes ecotourism area.


UDC. 338.482.2

Akhmadjonova Yo.T.


"Chemistry " department Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan



Abstract. The article provides information about the developing tourism sectors in Uzbekistan, and the work carried out in the field of ecological tourism in the Jizzakh region is highlighted on the example of the Zomin resort and the Aydar-Arnasoy lakes ecotourism area.

Key words. tourism, tourism industry, "Leisure Coast" tourist zone.

INTRODUCTION Tourism entered the world economy in the 21st century as a socio-economic field with a very positive impact. According to the information of the World Tourism Organization, 10% of the world's production and service turnover is accounted for by tourism.

Tourism is not only about studying the past, getting to know other peoples and peoples, their customs, traditions, national heritage, enjoying their cultural monuments, but also a great source of business.

Uzbekistan has a large historical and cultural heritage - more than 7, 300 ancient, architectural and archaeological monuments. Most of them are located in the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shahrisabz, Termiz, Kokan and Tashkent. More than 200 historical monuments and monuments in our country are included in the list of cultural heritage of UNESCO.

METHODOLOGY. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Decree No. PF-4861 adopted by Mirziyoyev on December 2, 2016 on measures to ensure the rapid development of the tourism sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan is of historical importance, and for the first time in the economy, the tourism sector was given the status of a strategic sector. As a result, a new stage of the national tourism industry has begun in Uzbekistan in ensuring the development of related industries and sectors serving foreign and domestic tourists [1].

Due to this, the issue of development of tourism activities in 2017-It is no coincidence that the Strategy of Actions on the five priority directions of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2021 is also reflected in the priority directions of economic development and liberalization. Uzbekistan has all the necessary resources for the development of a modern tourism industry and is located on the Great Silk Road. Our country is comfortable natural and climatic

conditions, rich historical and cultural heritage, etc currently high for the development of both domestic and international tourism has potential.

RESULT. We can say that Uzbekistan has developed various fields of tourism. For example, tourism of historical monuments - in the cities and districts of Bukhara, Khiva, Samarkand, Shahrisabz, Tashkent [2].

Archaeological tourism - the study of the remains of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khorezm and other cities, the ruins of ancient fortresses, and archaeological findings about the life of the peoples of ancient Central Asia.

Ethnographic tourism is the effort and desire to study the traditions, culture and lifestyle of different nations, peoples and regions, which motivates people to travel.

Gastronomic tourism is travel across countries and continents, the purpose of which is to get acquainted with the local cuisine, and to give tourists the opportunity to taste antique food and products.

Travel tourism is a trip to the reserve to watch animals, hunting, fishing trips, photo-hunting, trips to see amazing animals in the wild. The travel program not only teaches local sights, but also how to drive a car in a mountainous area, overcome obstacles, learn to live in a camp, and survive in emergency situations.

Hunting tourism has also been launched in our country. Hunting tourism -the legal and legal standards of hunting have been created in our republic, and the water basins of rivers, foothills, desert and hilly areas with great potential in various areas of hunting are natural and territorial regions. existence. For example, Nurota, Forish, Birchmulla, Bakhmal, Zomin mountain zones, Arnasoy, Aydarkol, To'dakol, Shorkol reservoirs; We can mention Ustyurt plate, Kyzylkum, Konimehchol zones.

The nature of Uzbekistan is rich and diverse, more than 200 healing underground mineral water and mud sources have been identified in different regions of the country. These underground waters are diverse according to their chemical composition, medical-biological and other properties. On the basis of these resources, physiotherapeutic hospitals, sanatoriums and other health care facilities were established. "Chortoq", "Shahimardon", "Arslonbobo", "Altiariq", "Chimyon" located in the Fergana valley, "Abu Ali ibn Sina" located in the Samarkand region, "Sitorai Mohi-Khosa" in Bukhara and "Chinabad" located in the city of Tashkent, and There are sanatoriums and recreation centers with mineral water treatment like "Turon". Today, there are more than 57, 318 special sanatorium, prophylactic, rest houses for people working in our country.

DISCUSSION. From the classifications of the tourism industry, we can conclude that it is possible to expand not only foreign tourists, but also business tourism in our country.

The decision of the President of June 19, 2020 "On additional measures to develop the tourism industry in strict compliance with the requirements of the enhanced sanitary-epidemiological security regime" sets out a number of measures to increase the tourist potential of the Jizzakh region [3]. It was an

important document not only for the development of the region's tourism, but also for the development of our economy.

In the decision, a number of measures for the creation and development of a tourist zone in the territory of the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system together with the administration of Jizzakh region were determined. In particular, the development of water recreation and beach tourism in the new "Leisure Coast" tourist zone, preliminary calculations of the cost of laying railways for transporting passengers to the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system, and the development of engineering and communication networks, permanent buses The development of tourism and related infrastructure with the involvement of business entities will undoubtedly increase the tourist attractiveness of Jizzakh region [4, 5]. Active work is currently underway to attract investment to the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system, which is one of the promising tourist destinations in Jizzakh region [6, 7]. Efforts to attract foreign investors to the Aydar-Arnasoy lakes ecotourism route are ongoing. The implementation of the tasks defined in the President's decision on the development of this ecotourism place will be an important contribution to the economy of the region.

In this decision of the head of our state, special attention is paid to another important tourist destination of our region - the works to be carried out in the Zomin district. The development and implementation of the plan of measures for the establishment of all-season, winter and summer recreation centers in the Zomin district, which is specified in the decision, will serve to use the opportunities in the region more widely. It is not for nothing that this tourist area is mentioned separately in the decision. The surroundings of the sanatorium are rich in various useful flora and fauna, their aroma helps people relax and restore the nervous system. The beautiful nature of the Zomin district is an invaluable asset. But it is also known that we are not using this wealth to the extent possible. In particular, the shortness of the holiday season in Zamin is one of the main problems.

Therefore, the decision of the President focused on this very issue - the establishment of all-season, winter and summer recreation centers in the region, and determined the ways of wider use of opportunities, which was another important step in the development of tourism.

CONCLUSION. Summing up from the above, we can say that if we look at the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan and tourist classification as the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of the interest of a wide segment of the population in the field of tourism, the tourist attractions that we can offer to the residents of our country and foreign tourists Our destinations are unique and aimed at developing domestic and foreign tourism.


1. "O'zbekiston Respublikasining turizm sohasini jadal rivojlantirishni ta'minlash chora-tadbirlari to'g'risida"gi O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2016-yil 2-dekabrdagi PF-4861-sonli Farmoni.

2. http s: //uzbekistan.travel/uz/i/hamma-uchun-turizm/

3. https://www.mintrans.uz/news/turizm-sohasini-sanitariya-epidemiologik-xavfsizlikning-kuchaytirilgan-rejimi-talablariga-qat-iy-rioya-qilgan-holda-rivojlantirishga-doir-qo-shimcha-chora-tadbirlar-to-g-risida

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5. Akhmadjonova, Y. T. (2022). Water composition and ecological status of aydar-arnasoy lake system. Экономика и социум, (5-2 (92)), 21-24.

6. Narziqulovich, P. M., & Abulkosimovich, A. A. (2023). Pollution characteristics of sangzor river water. Ethiopian International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 10(09), 221-224.

7. Narziqulovich, P. M., Abulqosimovich, A. A., & Bobur Ulug'bek o'g, M. (2023). Problems of providing clean drinking water to the population of jizzakh region. Ta'lim va rivojlanish tahlili onlayn ilmiy jurnali, 3(1), 102-107.

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