Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) | NAUKI INZYNIERYJNE I TECHNICZNE # 8,2016
3. Слипченко А.В. Современные малоизнашиваемые аноды и перспективы развития электрохимических технологий водообработки / А.В. Слипченко, В.В. Максимов, Л.А. Кульский // Химия и технология воды. - 1993. - т.15, №3. - С.180-231.
4. Чвирук В.П. Поведение металлооксидных электродов на титановой основе в кислых хлоридных растворах / В.П.
Чвирук, Е.М. Заверач, О.В. Линючева // Вопросы химии и химической технологии. - Днепропетровск: УДХТУ - 1999 г. - № 1. - С. 354-356.
5. Фесенко Л.Н. Совершенствование технологии производства гипохлорита натрия электролизом морской воды. / Л.Н. Фесенко, С.И. Игнатенко, И.В. Пчельников // Водоснабжение и санитарная техника. - 2015. № 1. - С 7 - 15.
Khakimov Zafar Tulyaganovich,
Ph.D., Vice-Rector of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies.
The article discusses the use of the developed stand for the study of the passage of the optical signal transmission and their linearization pass characteristics of fiber-optic communication lines, as well as the possibility of simulation of optical radiation actual fiberoptic data transmission system.
Keywords: Fiberoptic data transmission systems, fiber-optic communication lines, an acousto-optic tunable filter, amplifier traveling wave spectral response.
The work is devoted to the complex research methods to improve the parameters of fiber-optic communication systems (PLAY), expanding their potential, increase quality and data rates, increased capacity up to the maximum limits, testing and application of fiber-optic data transmission systems.
Based on the specialized stand for full-scale measurements [1], testing and test individual components and devices,
and fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) in general, the selection of optimum modes of scientific and measuring system was created. Figure 1 shows a general view of scientific measurement system consisting of a stand with an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOPF), the alignment precision installation, the laser module and the spectrograph.
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Figure 1. General view of the scientific and measuring complex;
1 laser module with a wavelength of 1527 nm; 2-mode fiber; 3-traveling-wave amplifier (TWA); 4-section of single-mode fiber after BWM before AOPF; 5 AOPF; 6a- fiber after AOPF; 6b-fiber spectrograph to the input device; 7 additional Alignment device; 8 spectrograph; 9 photodetector; 10-electrometer amplifier U5-11; 11 additional voltage amplifier with built-in filter; 12a-screen computer monitor; 12b - two-coordinate recorder; 13 for setting the fine adjustment of the laser and the optical fiber; 14-power semiconductor laser unit; 15 PSU AOPF and AOPF modulator; 16 four-channel modulator; 17 switch to turn on the stand of the laser; 18 switch and turn AOPF modulator; 19-stand.
The laser light from the laser module 1 is entered into a single mode fiber 2 on the installation 13. The machine 13 allows up to 0.5 microns adjust (precisely exhibit relatively to each other) end of the optical fiber and a semiconductor laser emitting pad (pad size of 1 x 0.5 mm2 ).
Electrical power to the laser control circuit is supplied from the power supply 14. The laser light through the optical fiber 2 is supplied to BWM 3, which is amplified by 12 dB signal. Further, the radiation on the site 4 single-mode fiber supplied to AOPF 5. The power supply 15 provides the power for AOPF 5 and modulating device 16.
Laser radiation with altered spectral characteristics of the optical fiber 6b, fed to the optical input spectrograph 8. With an additional alignment device 7 is made to optimize the input laser light from the optical fiber 6b output end of the optical input of the spectrograph.
Radiation inside the spectrograph 8 flows through the optical gap and the lens on the diffraction grating. Further, through the exit slit of the optical radiation fed through svetozhgut to the photodetector 9.
The photocurrent of the photodetector 9 pre-amplified in the amplifier electrometer U5-11 10, then the output voltage
Wschodnioeuropeiskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) | NAUKI INZYNIERYJNE I TECHNICZNE # 8,2016
of the amplifier is further amplified in the voltage amplifier 11 with built-in filter that cuts the high-frequency interference and network (over 30 Hz).
Information is entered into the computer of the spectrograph through COM port (RS-232). On the monitor screen 12a shown the recorded spectra.
Also, spectra can be directly displayed on the XY recorder 12b, and recorded on graph paper. Turning the laser in a stand made with the toggle switch 17, the inclusion of AOPF performed using a toggle switch 18.
In this scientific and measuring complex set of spectral characteristics of the research was conducted, including spectrogram removed without the use of laser radiation and using AOPF.
The optical signal generated by the semiconductor laser, consisting of several transverse modes, through the microlens is entered into single-mode fiber.
As is known, in systems with wavelength division multiplexing applied several (the number of channels) single-frequency laser diodes emitting equidistant along the length of the radiation, with a difference of a few nanometers in the spectrum.
Thus, the apparent refractive index of the resonator has a group refractive index. Depending on the values X = 1,52 m, n and L = 200 - 500 microns, the interval between the modes is AX = 1,5 - 3 nm. This elementary calculation explains the regular line structure of the spectrum of the semiconductor laser (Figure 2). [2-3].
1. Radjabov TD, AM Nazarov, Davranbek DA, AA Simonov, Khakimov ZT, Pichko SV The device for the diagnosis and optimization of the spectral characteristics of optical fiber communication systems number IAP20090142 .// State Patent Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan "OFFICIAL BULLETIN" -Tashkent. 2010. №4 (108), pp 19-20.
2. T.D.Radzhabov, O.A.Kobildzhanov, V.V.Kurepin, S.V.Pichko. A method of forming an optical signal for fiber optic testing devices with ASU Uzbekistan Patent IDP 04 788 B, 2000.
3. A.Kozanne, J. Fleury, Mr. Maitre, M. Rousseau, optics and communication // Moscow, Because of the "Mir", 1984, 326327, 502 p.
Хом'як Мар'яна Ieaniena
студентка, фiзико-математичний факультет, Тернотльський нацюнальний педагогiчний ушверситет
iMern Володимира Гнатюка Карабт Оксана Йосифiвна канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедри нформатики i методики и викладання Тернотльського педагогiчного утверситету iменi Володимира Гнатюка
Homiak M.I. student, department of physics and mathematic, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University
Karabin O.Y. PhD at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University,
Department of Computer Science and Methods of Its Teaching
Розглянуто питання аналiзу тональностi тексту. З'ясовано змкт понять «природномовш тексти» i «емоцшний змкт». Також у сmаmmi висвтленню питання щодо розробки алгоритму програми для визначення емоцшного змкту mексmiв. Уробоmi розглянуто рiзнi методи аналiзу mональносmi природно мовних mексmiв. При тому за основу до^д-ження було використано комбшований пiдхiд аналiзу текстових даних i синтаксичних зв'язшв у mексmi. При викори-стант даного тдходу враховуеться не лише емоцшний змкт окремих слiв, але i словосполучень. Це дозволяв ранжувати mексmовi дан за емоцшним забарвленням. На основi цього тдходу реалiзовано алгоритм, який дозволяв визначити емо-цшне забарвлення природномовних mексmiв.
This article describes problem of analyzing text tone. Found out the meaning of "natural language texts" and "emotional content". Also, the article describes an algorithm that allows determining the emotional content of the lyrics. This article examines the various methods of analysis tone of natural language texts. As the main method of text data and syntactic links in the text used a combined analysis. This approach is used not only emotional meaning of each word, but also meaning of phrases of words. This allows you to rank text data for emotional content. Based on this was implemented algorithm, which determines the emotional content of natural language texts.
Ключовi слова: природномовн тексти, тональшсть тексту, емоцшний змкт, ранжування, сенmименmаналiз текстових даних, семантика тексту.
Keywords: natural language texts, the tone of the text, emotional content, ranking, sentiment аnаlysis, semantics of the text.
Постановка проблеми. Одшею з важливих переваг ви-користання шформацшних технологш е можлив^ть ав-томатизованого аналiзу великих масивiв даних. Спектр
завдань, як ввдносяться до шформатизацп рiзних сфер життя, е надзвичайно широким i включае, зокрема, отри-мання шформацп з метою прийняття ршень, навчання,