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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Xolmatov Sh.Z.Ugli

In this article highlights of development of free economic zones in attracting foreign investment in the economy of Uzbekistan.

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UDC 33

Xolmatov Sh.Z.ugli master student Tashkent State Economic University Uzbekistan, Tashkent city DEVELOPMENT OF FREE ECONOMIC ZONES IN ATTRACTING FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN THE ECONOMY OF UZBEKISTAN

Annotation: In this article highlights of development offree economic zones in attracting foreign investment in the economy of Uzbekistan.

Key words: special economic zones, free economic zones, development, foreign investment.

As a policy tool, the modern Special Economic Zone has attracted considerable influence during the decades since its first appearances. Enacted in Ireland in 1959 and - to much critical acclaim - in China in 1979, zone policies have now been set up in more than 130 countries worldwide (most of which are in the developing world). In 2008, it was estimated that the nearly 3,000 zones in operation generate on the order of 70 million jobs and contribute $500 billion annually in direct trade-related value added. Special economic zones have transformed worldwide shipping practices, and have facilitated the global expansion of developed-world capital (FIAS, 2008).

The speediness of zones' proliferation worldwide would seem to imply their broad applicability to common developing-world problems and/or adherence to a standardized model of zone implementation: a platform which effects specific policy or economic objectives as a response to economic, social, political, or developmental circumstances. Free economic zones is part of SEZ.

As an important factor in the development of the national economy, the modernization of industry and the further increase in the level of employment of the population, the creation of favorable conditions for the production of products that meet world standards and are in demand in the world markets, attracting foreign investment, first and foremost direct investment, is an important task facing the countries Free economic zones occupy a special place in solving this task.Free economic zones are a zone that is defined by the economic, social, demographic criteria and needs of the country's development, aimed at a specific goal, limited. The main goal of the organization of such zones is the development of its industrial capacity, production, transport - transit and social infrastructure, the establishment of modern market infrastructures by attracting the domestic and foreign capital for the rapid socio-economic development of the individually selected territory, promising technical-technology and management experience.

Free zones were traditionally developed as isolated enclaves, both in terms of the underlying policy framework and geographic location (Table 5). Access to a generous set of incentives and privileges was tightly controlled. Qualifying firms typically had to be 80-100 percent export-oriented (for EPZs), engaged in recognized manufacturing activities, and at times only foreign-owned. Zone location

was restricted to relatively remote areas or near transport hubs, and zones were viewed primarily as growth poles for regional development. Zones were exclusively developed and operated by government bodies (World Bank, 2008). There has been many changes in terms of structure, ownership and scope of incentives offered in the course of time, including but not limited to: "the preferential policy package has been enhanced across depth and breadth; spatial dimensions have been broadened (traditionally, zones were located in the proximity of ports but modern SEZs have increasingly been located on country-wide basis in an effort to integrate them with host economies); number of privately owned, developed, and operated zones has grown worldwide"

The role of foreign investment is very important. The world economy is globalizing, barriers to trade are decreasing, tax laws and regulatory regimes are rapidly growing, with investment flows from abroad in the current conditions of liberalization. The total volume of foreign direct investment in the world grew by more than 14 times compared to 1980 year, to the state of 2007 year, totaling 11 trillion US dollars. Currently, there are about 64 thousand companies in the world, which control the activities of 870 thousand foreign subsidiaries. The volume of products sold by these enterprises amounted to about 18 trillion US dollars. And this, in turn, is more than 2 times the volume of the World Expos.

The experience of developed countries confirms that their active investment policy occupies a central place in economic growth. Therefore, the goals of socioeconomic development of Uzbekistan should be fully reflected in its investment policy.The legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On foreign investments", "On guarantees of foreign investors and their protection measures", "On a set of investment activities"and other legislative acts shall serve as its legal basis in the attraction and regulation of foreign investments in Uzbekistan.

The experience gained in developed countries in the organization of FEZ shows that this method has its own positive aspects in the application of new economic principles to social life. In general, the organization of FEZ and the provision of their effective functioning will serve as follows::

- to account for the acceleration of the transmission of modern techniques and technologies, production of competitive products in the world economy and obtaining high profits;

- expansion of production on the account of attracting domestic and foreign investment;

- formation of modern market infrastructure;

- prevent unemployment and improve workforce skills;

- the penetration of qualified specialists from abroad;

- to prevent economic and social development differences between them on account of the development of separate territories;

- development of export-oriented production, etc.

Another important reason for the establishment of the FEZ is that it often does not want to fully open the state economy for capital flow, to use its own specific investment flow everywhere. Therefore, it also uses partial openness as a special

territory. And in specially created regions, it is possible to create a unique investment climate and thereby increase the interest of foreign investors. V.V.Kiryuxin according to the function of investment attractiveness, investment activity and linkage of the investment environment, high tax incentives in their own right in turn lead to an increase in capital flow aimed at the same zone.

Free economic zones are seen by their organizers as an important stage in the implementation of the principles of an open economy. Their activity is associated with the activation and liberalization of foreign economic activity. The openness of the economy of Free Economic Zones to the outside world is to a large extent. And the customs, tax and investment regime is favorable for foreign and domestic investments. Also, free economic zones provide socio-economic benefits to the economy of the country in the way of increasing the level of employment. Only 33% of the business zones in the United States are above the national level of employment.

It is known that in Uzbekistan, too, the achievement of economic efficiency on account of the intensification of foreign experience continues at an accelerated pace. Currently, three "Navoi" FIEZ, "Angren" SIEZ and "Jizzakh" SIEZ are organized in Uzbekistan and their activities are being carried out. Consequently, the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the establishment of a free industrial and economic zone in Navoi region"on December 2, 2008 was the basis of the first FEZ organization in our country. Currently, there is a simplified procedure for obtaining permits for the entry and exit of non-resident citizens to the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as for the implementation of labor activity by them, with separate customs, foreign exchange and tax regimes applicable to the holders of labor in the "Navoi" FIEZ. The term of the Navoi Council of Ministers ' activity may be 30 years later than this term. In this area, a number of tax benefits are added depending on the size of the full-fledged investments included in them in relation to the last listed entities.

From 20-30 years on the basis of the strategic development program, the industrial-innovative development potential of the region will further increase by creating new areas around the existing sectors of the region. In this regard, it is worth noting that the establishment of a free economic zone in our country, ensuring its functioning fully corresponds to the experience accumulated in world practice.

Measuring the effectiveness of feeders is a much more complex issue. Because of its positive impact not only on the region but also on the economy of the entire region. In addition, the activity of free economic zones does not immediately give socio-economic benefits, it requires some time.The current investment policy in our country contributes greatly to attracting foreign direct investment to the free economic zones and the economy of our country as a whole.


1. Yulia Sorokina. Special Economic Zones of Russia, 2014.

2. Кирюхин В.В. Инвестиционный риск в анализе инвестиционной привлекательности. // "Проблемы современной экономики", 2006, № 3 (19).

3. Hamroyev H.R. Zonal siyosat. Monografiya.-T.: "Fan",-2008.

4. O"zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2008-yil 2-dekabrdagi "Navoiy viloyatida erkin industrial-iqtisodiy zona tashkil qilish to„g„risida"gi farmoni. / "Xalq so"zi" № 235 (4645). 04.12.2008

УДК: 13.00.02

Yuldasheva M. teacher


Annotation: This article examines the importance of foreign languages in human life.

Key words: Foreign language, teaching, learning, technology, methods, innovation

Currently, due to the tendency of universal globalization and close interaction of different languages and cultures, a foreign language acquires special significance, since often many people have a need to communicate or conduct any activity in a foreign language. Accordingly, the need to learn a foreign language is growing and there is a growing interest in how to teach this subject. In this regard, the question of applying new approaches and methods in the field of foreign language teaching has become acute. Along with traditional methods, there are so-called innovative techniques in teaching a foreign language. This is due to the fact that the world is in constant change, integration of cultural experience is taking place, and the problem of adapting to new conditions is becoming especially urgent through expanding one's own knowledge of the languages being studied and their carriers. If we turn directly to the teaching of foreign languages, then the application of new technologies is becoming increasingly important.

In general, innovations, or innovations, are applicable in the field of teaching, including a foreign language, since it is impossible to ignore the innovation component, which serves as a great help to the teacher. As is known, the Russian educational system implies the so-called variability principle, which enables the teacher to focus on multiple methods, including the author's. The teacher is given a great freedom of action, which includes the freedom to choose one or another innovative technologies, thanks to which the entire educational process is being developed.

Currently, there are many innovative models in the field of teaching foreign languages, and various researchers are turning to the problem of innovative technologies, including E.G. Kashina, L.S. Djumanova, M.A. Palagutin, M.N. Kotunov. In their works, they considered the problem of choosing innovative models aimed at the effective development of the individual in the conditions of modern rapidly changing reality. We dwell on some of the models proposed by researchers.

In connection with the expansion of the network of communications, the advent of the Internet, the informatization and the computerization of society, the

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