Научная статья на тему 'Development of auditing methods in accordance with international criteria and standards'

Development of auditing methods in accordance with international criteria and standards Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ilkhamov Shavkat

The issues of auditing development in accordance with international criteria and standards are highlighted in the article.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of auditing methods in accordance with international criteria and standards»

terms, as the heterogeneous levels of consumption can not be directly added together.

For road transport companies these approaches are implemented through cost management based on advanced cost management methods. In other words, to reduce the cost ofATP can be used a variety of cost management techniques aimed at achieving savings based: in the transport experiment (the longer, the company was engaged in this type of traffic in this area, the easier it is to control the route cost to promote their service, etc. e) A.; the hard cost control, allows you to get a competitive advantage as a result of tariff reductions and the use of savings for the further development of the enterprise; to minimizing the cost of the study traffic and customer requirements, advertising and other transport services.

In the implementation of differentiation, the focus is on upgrading the range of company's products through the creation of something that is felt by consumers as something rare and unique. Approaches to take into account product differentiation: the commitment to the brand, quality of service, availability of dealer network, design and features of products and/or technology.

For road transport enterprise approaches to differentiation of transport services take into account: customer commitment to a particular ATP, maintenance (best execution of documents, forwarding services, etc.), especially mode of transport used for the carriage of cargo transport information technology.

Differentiation of products for road transport can result in serious non-recurrent costs, such as buying an expensive rolling stock with higher technical and performance characteristics, advertising campaigns, a deeper study of the market of services and potential customers.

From a common approach to cost management move on to management practices. Consider the method of constructing the value chain. The essence of this method is as follows. Design and analysis of value chain, first of all, determines where in the value chain can be increased value for the customer, or reduced costs. value chain system — a method of classification of the chain on a strategically important economic activities, to determine the behavior of costs and sources of differentiation. Thus, the total value chain for each enterprise — is unique.


1. Ryazantseva Natalya, Ryazantsev Dmitry. 1 C: Enterprise. Accounting. Secrets ofwork. - SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, -2012. - 320 p.

2. Praktikum to program complex «Accounting execution cost estimates.» - M.: Finance and Statistics, - 2003. -136 p.

3. Makalskaya M. L., Konstantinov S. B. Associations. Accounting, taxation and auditing. - M.: Business and Services, - 2002. - 224 p.

4. The State Committee on Statistics of Uzbekistan «Tourism in Uzbekistan» - Tashkent - 2014year. International tourist flows, - P. 32.

5. Dmitriev O. V., Nicholas E. V. Accounting and analysis of economic activity in the publishing houses. - M.: Finance and Statistics, - 2004. - 240 p.

6. Golikova E. I. Accounting and financial reporting: reform. - M.: Business and Services, - 2012. - 224 p.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJEMS-17-1-5-10

Ilkhamov Shavkat, PhD of Economics, Tashkent state university of economic, Uzbekistan.

E-mail: shavkat.i@mail.ru

Development of auditing methods in accordance with international criteria and standards

Abstract: The issues of auditing development in accordance with international criteria and standards are highlighted in the article.

Keywords: audit, auditing, international criteria, standards, method, internal inspection, audit risk, the level of importance.

The increasing number of organizations requiring auditor's services, establishing joint ventures, bringing foreign investment in real sector of our country's economy lead auditing to develop in accordance with international standards. Therefore, as the president of Uzbekistan Republic noted: "Auditing should be developed in order to defend the interests of entrepreneurs" [1]. Advancement of this area depends firstly on the development of framework which regulates auditing in compliance with international criteria and standards. Consequently, "... the universal economic model for settling problems causing regress in world's economic system and establishing proper control over it has not yet created" [2].

The economic players should possess the information on costs, control and analyses in order to be competitive in current world's financial recession. This in turn, assists, firstly in generation of reliable financial accounts, secondly, enables to regulate negotiations between consumers and partners within making decisions and managing various activities.

Internal control can be highlighted as one of the most effective tools in regulating management system of economic player within theoretical and practical approach. Internal control is an integral part of a management system of economic player, it combines "accounting, inspection terms and conditions and particular instruments " [3], thus all together they are used to form a reliable financial report. Due to this economic player will be able to collect crucial information to evaluate correctly fulfilled job and to differentiate fixed account indexes.

The general conception of governing economic player, trends of organizing internal control, disorders in requirements of running accounting records, many auditing companies complicate the situation by achieving aims without learning the reliability of internal auditing instruments. This happens due to the fact that there is no suitable and reliable method to evaluate above-mentioned instruments.

Thus "expanding the role of the auditing companies and developing its system, ensuring its stability and effectiveness in accordance with international criteria and standards, broadening variety and scale of auditing services in our country" are determined as important tendencies [4].

Therefore it's important to conform auditing regulation system to international auditing standards and develop methods of assessment of internal inspection during auditing.

"While checking financial report and relevant financial information by auditing organizations" [5], the method of evaluation internal checking should be based on complex of methods and procedures containing auditing internal standards.

Internal control is very important to take measures against depression in Uzbekistan and to take financial and economic decisions by economic players. As the President of Uzbekistan Republic had noted: "... If only there is a guidance of development and strategies to implement comprised of profoundly considered distinct goal and sustainable methods which provide opportunity to foreseen the growth and recession of world's economy and possible challenges can a country and its nation attain a progress" [6].

Taking previous thoughts into account its crucial to set up internal control effectively in order to implement tasks which lead economic players to stable functioning and producing goods ofhigh quality," to increase competitiveness of companies at the expense of creating exceedingly frugal system, encouraging to reduce manufacturing expenses and product's net cost" [7]. As far as this system is effective the auditing risk will also be a minimum.

In normative documents auditors are given at least three stages to assess internal control system:

1) General familiarization with internal control system;

2) Primary assessment of reliability of internal checking system;

3) Confirmation of reliability of internal control system.

Likewise, auditing organizations can also decide

to use multiple choices of evaluating internal control system" [8]. However technological process of evaluating internal checking system is comprised of many stages, so highlighted stages are also comprised of interim steps. Auditors are given instructions at other standards.

Unfortunately representing recommendations on evaluating internal control system in different standards does not lead all organizations to establish the only method to evaluate internal control system. This creates a necessity to develop the complex of internal standards for auditing organizations. Therefore, during the research based on international auditing standards, 24 technological steps on assessing internal control system were worked out.

One of the most important steps in planning auditing is assessing economic players' accounting and internal control system and regulated by corresponding national standard [8]. It's well known that supervision is

one of the functions of management. Therefore organizing internal control system and its implementation is a supportive instrument for manager to regulate the management system of economic player.

Effective internal control system depends, first ofall, on responsible employees who were appointed to run related work. The process ofselecting, employing, upgrading professional skills, advance training of workers should be appropriately lead them to the high professional competence.

The economic book [9] elucidates the algorithm called "the method of direct testing ", which means distribution of absolute cost of the level of importance among separate paragraphs of financial report. This, in turn, contains following points:

1. To select assets and liabilities to distribute the level of importance as per the most considerable segment at the end of balance.

2. To distribute the significance level amongst selected debit and credit operations. Here, the significance level is defined not by the percentage of the end ofbalance, but by representing indexes as a percentage in the balance sheet (currency of balance (2%) and the amount of private capital (10%)) and in the report of financial results (gross sale volume (2%), general costs (2%), balance sheet profit (5%)), as it is recommended in related standards [10].

According with international experience "an audit defines the level of importance based on own experience.

Table 1. - Fundamental

Usually audits identify the level of importance using designated characteristics. The most popular of them are: from 5 to 10 percent of income before paying profit tax; from 0,5 to 1,0 percent of all assets; from 0,5 to 5,0 percent of private capital; from 0,5 to 1,0 percent of net profit" [11].

R. D. Dustmuradov proposes to use following seven quantative indicators: proceeds from sale (service and work) (5%), net cost of sold goods (3%), temporary cost (3%), private capital (10%), currency of balance sheet (5%), uncompleted production (3%), undistributed profit (2%)" [12]. Whereas N. F. Karimov set forward the following five items of financial reports of commercial banks: "net profit of balance sheet (3,2%), gross profit (2,7%), gross assets (1,3%), stock capital (5,3%), general expenses (3,0%)" [13].

It is not aimed to designate absolute cost of the level of importance in normative documents. However, it's indicated that "while finding out the absolute cost of the level of importance an audit should take as a base the most important indexes which, on one hand characterise the liability of the report of economic player, and on another hand named as major indicators of financial report" [14].

As a result of analysing international experience it's suggested to allocate the level of importance to the portion of some balance sheet accounts in gross balance. Therefore, we can use indexes of table 1.

indexes of financial report

The items of balance sheet assets The sum, in thousand sum According to international criteria According to offered criteria

Por-tion% Level of significance, in thousand sum Por-tion% Level of significance, in thousand sum

The gross profit from sale (service and work) (2-form, 030-line) 857821 - 2 17156

The profit before paying income tax (2-form, 240-line) 441503 5-10 44150 5 22075

Gross assets (1-form, 400-line) 2226600 0,5-1,0 22266 0,5 11133

Authorized capital (1-form, 410-line) 650910 0,5-5,0 32545 5 32545,5

Net profit (2-form, 270-line) 368489 0,5-1,0 3684 1 3684

(17156+22075+11133+32545+3684)/5=86594/5=17318; (l7318-3684)/17318=78, 7%; (32545-17318)/17318=87, 9%

The derived index is to be compared with the least and the biggest numbers:

If the difference goes above 30%, two (3684 and 32545) numbers should be excluded and these numbers will no longer be used in calculation. Calculation is to be

carried out based on the rest indexes:

(l7156+22075+11133)/3=50364/3=16788; The derived number can be multiplied or decreased, it should not overtop 20% due to international standards. This number is to be decreased:

(16788-15000)/16788=10, 6%; (lower than norm). allocated among balance sheet accounts and their por-Thus, we can designate the level of importance as tion in the balance itself, the reached results are shown in 15 000 sums. The derived level of importance can be the table 2.

Table 2. - Equal distribution of the index of significance level by balance structure*

The items of balance sheet assets Sum, thousand sum Por-tion,% The level of significance, thousand sum Balance passive items Sum, thousand sum Por-tion,% The level of significance, thousand sum

Fixed assets 197202 8,8 1320 Authorized capital stock 650910 29,2 4380

Long term investment 828357 37,3 5595 Subjoin capital 80993 3,8 570

Stock of resources and goods 1036312 46,5 6975 Reserve capital 565877 25,4 3810

Debtors 96273 4,3 645 Retained income 405034 18,3 2745

Monetary funds 68456 3,1 465 Operating obligations 523786 23,3 3495

Total 2226600 100 15000 Total 2226600 100 15000

*compiled by author from the indexes of "Uzdonmahsulot" incorporated company's financial report.

In this way, during auditing an audit designates fixed assets, long term investment, authorized capital stock and others as 1320; 5595; 4380 thousand sum respectively, moreover it is obligatory to designated in audit's general plan. The level of importance shows the highest

level of the mistakes audit can possibly make or miss. It's suggested to equally distribute the index of level of importance on debit — credit recordings of an economic player (Table 3).

Table 3. - Equal distribution of the level of importance according to debit-credit recordings

Numbers of items * Debit turn- Portion in The level of sig- Credit turn- Portion in The level of

over, thou- total turn- nificance, thou- over, thousand total turn- significance,

sand sum over,% sand sum sum over,% thousand sum

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0100 95517 0,11 16,5 149275 0,2 30

1000 369476 0,44 66,0 506216 0,6 90,0

1010 83747 0,10 15,0 - - -

2810 21365801 25,5 3825,0 21271938 25,3 3795,0

4000 56128746 67,2 10080,0 56080913 67 10050,0

5100 1955362 2,3 345 1954341 2,2 330,0

5200 296684 0,3 45,0 283721 0,3 45,0

5500 842845 1,12 168,0 830879 1 150,0

6000 1891955 2,35 352,5 1597896 2 300,0

6100 10098 0,01 1,5 215496 0,2 30,0

6300 - - - 11873 0,1 15,0

6400 62969 0,07 10,5 - - -

6520 888 0,1 15,0

6600 15988 0,01 1,5

6700 - - - 17699 0,1 15,0

6900 - - - 6171 0,1 15,0

7250 21374 0,02 3,0 - - -

7810 141500 0,16 24,0 - - -

8300 - - - 600840 0,7 105,0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8500 - - - 18273 0,1 15,0

8700 264357 0,31 46,5 - - -

Total 83546419 100 15000 83546419 100 15000

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To conclude, this method has following advantages: there is possibility to calculate the turnover based on debits and credits of an account designated for distribution, because the methods of distributing the level of importance among account remainders can be used by the audit in auditing conclusion to confirm the report.

However the cost of level of importance can have various forms in this method, likewise the balance sheet accounts of precise period may not rank by the largest criteria while making-up balance sheet. Particularly, the costs of the level of importance are distributed among the accounts of long term assets and accounts payable too.

* The name of accounts:

0100 - Accounts on accounting of the basic means;

0400 - Accounts on accounting ofnon-material assets;

1010 - Not Finished productions;

2810 - Finished goods;

4000 - Accounts received;

5100 - The Settlement account in bank by calculation to native currency;

5200 - The Settlement account in bank by calculation to foreign exchange;

5500 - Money funds in the special bank account;

6000 - Accounts paid to suppliers and contractors;

6100 - Accounts paid gonepHMx and dependent economic societies;

6400 - Accounts on indebtedness accounting in the budget;

6500 - Accounts on accounting of indebtedness on insurance and to target state funds;

6600 - Accounts on accounting of indebtedness to founders;

6700 - Accounts on accounting of calculations with the personnel on payment;

6900 - Accounts on accounting of indebtedness to other creditors;

7200 - Accounts on accounting oflong-term obligations;

7800 - Accounts on accounting of long-term credits and loans;

8300 - Accounts on authorised capital accounting;

8500 - Accounts on reserve capital accounting;

8700 - Accounts on accounting unallotted has arrived (no coverings a loss).


Karimov I. A. "Establishing entrepreneurship in society - guarantee ofthe progress." - Tashkent. - Uzbekistan, - 2001. Karimov I. A. "2012 year will be the year to lift the pace of development of our country to new stage", - Tashkent. - Uzbekistan, - 2012.

National standards of auditing No 12 as "Evaluating accounting and internal control system during auditing inspections", paragraph 18. Registered by The Ministry ofJustice of Uzbekistan Republic on 12th ofApril, - 2007 by number - 1673.

The decree No 1438 of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan on 26th of November, - 2010 on "About sustainable ways of reforming economical-bank system and increase its stability, likewise reaching high international rating indexes in - 2011-2015".

Law on "About Auditing" of the Republic of Uzbekistan (article 9), - 26th of - May - 2000. Karimov I. A. "World economic recession, the ways and measures of eliminating it in Uzbekistan", - Tashkent. -Uzbekistan, - 2009.

Karimov I. A. "Strengthening democratic reforms in country and the conception of development of civil society", - Tashkent. - Uzbekistan, - 2010.

8. National standards of auditing - No 12 as "Evaluating accounting and internal control system during auditing inspections", paragraph 26. Registered by The Ministry ofJustice of Uzbekistan Republic on 12th of - April, -2007 by number - 1673.

9. Danilievski U. A., Shapiguzov C. M. and others "Auditing: tutorial". Second edition- Moscow, FBK-PRESS, - 2001.

10. Appendix 1. The standard of auditing "The level of importance and auditing risk".

11. Auditing. Teaching book prepared by "PRAGMA" in assistance with agency of US in international development. -T, Publishing company of National association of accountants and audits of Republic of - Uzbekistan, - 2005.



12. Dustmuradov R. D. "The fundamentals of auditing". Tutorial. - Tashkent. National Encyclopedia of - Uzbekistan, - 2003.

13. Karimov N. F. "The challenges of issuing internal audit system and developing its method in commercial banks", abstract of a thesis, - T, - 2007.

14. National standard of auditing - No 9 as "The level of importance and auditing risks", paragraph 9. Registered by The Ministry ofJustice of Uzbekistan Republic on 3rd of September - 1999. by number 813.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJEMS-17-1-10-12

Kalonov Muhiddin Bahritdinovich, applicant TSUE E-mail: mutabarchik@mail.ru

Organization of accounting and cost analysis of provision of cars

Abstrat: The article revealed issues of organization of accounting and analysis of the cost of providing services of cars. Classification of costs and methods of accounting and calculation. The results of the operations depend on the information that they use for planning, monitoring and control of management, and support decision making. The main criterion for effectiveness of the system is the efficient management of financial and human resources. Managerial Accounting provides the necessary information for this framework and mechanism for the implementation of this task.

Keywords: organization, analysis of costs, management accounting, costs, vehicles.

Management accounting is an area of expertise that of economic entities are directly dependent on the fea-

are in demand by all involved in entrepreneurial activity in order to achieve the goals of their administration or the owner of the organization. The results of the activities depends on the information that they use for planning, monitoring and control of management, as well as support decision making. The value of this account is to systematically consider issues within the organization of operational planning, control and accounting of certain types of activities. The main criterion for the effectiveness of the system is the effective management of financial and human resources and management accounting provides this essential information base and the mechanism of realization of this task.

Management is a kind of the accounting "rules of the game", developed individually for each company with all the features of its functioning. Among the characteristics of management accounting are the following: efficiency in the provision of management information; preparation of weekly and sometimes daily reports; the possibility of detail of information to the extent that the benefits of the information received is higher than the cost to develop it; analysis of the fait accompli of economic activities and planning for the next reporting periods [1].

A significant role in managerial accounting is given account of costs and cost of goods (works, services). The success of the issue, and even the continued existence

sibility of produced costs that need to be taken into account and must be promptly analyzed in order to reduce them. Therefore it is necessary to disclose the nature and content of concepts such as costs, expenses and costs. These issues, along with issues of cost classification and methods of accounting and calculation will be discussed below. There will also be an objective necessity justified the feasibility of selection as an object of study accounting and analysis of transport and forwarding services costs, and will also be formulated approaches to the identification of the place and role of transport companies in the area of the national economy in the new conditions of its functioning.

In contrast to Marx's theory of marginality theory traditionally distinguishes four groups of factors: land, labor, capital, entrepreneurial activity [2].

The main differences between the two systems are as follows:

- marcsizm comes from the fact that the factors of production as an economic category determined by the social orientation of production. Already in the original basis of the production process formed the class composition of society and the need for class struggle for "justice." Marginality also consider factors such as the general technical and economic elements without which the production process is unthinkable;

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