Научная статья на тему 'Development of a project of land tenure in the Stavropol territory'

Development of a project of land tenure in the Stavropol territory Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Pismennaya Elena Vyacheslavovna, Stukalo Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Kipa Ludmila Viktorovna

The provision of food security in Russia under conditions of the WTO and the Customs Union, the food import embargo and sanctions is a complex and multiscale task for supplying industry with the agricultural raw materials and the population with foodstuffs on stable basis and for achieving relative independence from the imports of raw materials and food products [1]. Currently, the agribusiness in the Stavropol Territory is developing faster than the agriculture in the neighboring regions of the North Caucasus Federal District. An analysis of the diversity of natural and socio-economic conditions in this Territory has shown that the existing areas of agricultural specialization do not correspond to the potential of the territory and the food security in general. With the reduction of the state financial support, an increase in the number of unprofitable farms has been marked. The structure of the foodstuff manufacturing (potatoes, fruits, milk, and meat) is increasingly drawn to the small-scale farms. The consequence of the land and economic reforms becomes the imbalance structure of agricultural lands, livestock population, crop acreages and rotations, deterioration of soil fertility indices in large and medium agricultural enterprises. The low yielding natural forage grassland are prevailing. A biologically simplified system of farming has been formed, which leads to a short-term economic effect on the background of the phytosanitary and agrochemical sustainability drop of tillable lands and to the deterioration of the natural environment state. The production and yield of agricultural crops is increasingly dependent on weather conditions. This is unacceptable for the recovery of livestock production and effective arable farming [2]. In accordance with the implementation of the «Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the North Caucasus Federal District until 2025», the Stavropol Territory in the future will continue focusing on the development of agribusiness. The main tasks of the agricultural production of enterprises should be as follows: the correction of specialization and location of livestock production in view of the natural resource base of the landscape; the increase in the share of green fodders from pastures and hayfields; the use of farming technologies adaptive to the climatic conditions that enhance the productivity of agricultural lands and efficiency of the spent material and technical resources; the conservation of degraded agricultural lands followed by grassing, etc. [4-6]. Such an approach will, on the one hand, prevent the manifestation of the adverse natural processes, and, on the other, ensure the environmental sustainability of the territory and the dynamic development of agribusiness, the economic competitiveness of the Russian market and the possibility of import substitution [7]. The aim of the “pilot” draft is to create land tenure with optimal structure and balance. Therefore, agro-ecological evaluation of «Dubovskiy» potential is done to take proper measures to optimize territorial organization of land tenure. The formation of land tenure model will trigger similar actions in 26 districts of Stavropol territory.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of a project of land tenure in the Stavropol territory»

сельскохозяйственные науки agricultural sciences

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2016-11-74-88 UDC 631.147 (470.630)


Pismennaya E.V., Stukalo V.A., Kipa L.V.

The provision offood security in Russia under conditions of the WTO and the Customs Union, the food import embargo and sanctions is a complex and multiscale task for supplying industry with the agricultural raw materials and the population with foodstuffs on stable basis and for achieving relative independence from the imports of raw materials and food products [1].

Currently, the agribusiness in the Stavropol Territory is developing faster than the agriculture in the neighboring regions of the North Caucasus Federal District. An analysis of the diversity of natural and socio-economic conditions in this Territory has shown that the existing areas of agricultural specialization do not correspond to the potential of the territory and the food security in general. With the reduction of the state financial support, an increase in the number of unprofitable farms has been marked. The structure of the foodstuff manufacturing (potatoes, fruits, milk, and meat) is increasingly drawn to the small-scale farms. The consequence of the land and economic reforms becomes the imbalance structure of agricultural lands, livestock population, crop acreages and rotations, deterioration of soil fertility indices in large and medium agricultural enterprises. The low yielding natural forage grassland are prevailing. A biologically simplified system of farming has been formed, which leads to a short-term economic effect on the background of the phytosanitary and agrochemical sustainability drop of tillable lands and to the deterioration

of the natural environment state. The production and yield of agricultural crops is increasingly dependent on weather conditions. This is unacceptable for the recovery of livestock production and effective arable farming [2].

In accordance with the implementation of the «Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the North Caucasus Federal District until 2025», the Stavropol Territory in the future will continue focusing on the development of agribusiness. The main tasks of the agricultural production of enterprises should be as follows: the correction of specialization and location of livestock production in view of the natural resource base of the landscape; the increase in the share of green fodders from pastures and hayfields; the use of farming technologies adaptive to the climatic conditions that enhance the productivity of agricultural lands and efficiency of the spent material and technical resources; the conservation of degraded agricultural lands followed by grassing, etc. [4-6]. Such an approach will, on the one hand, prevent the manifestation of the adverse natural processes, and, on the other, ensure the environmental sustainability of the territory and the dynamic development of agribusiness, the economic competitiveness of the Russian market and the possibility of import substitution [7].

The aim of the "pilot" draft is to create land tenure with optimal structure and balance. Therefore, agro-ecological evaluation of «Dubovskiy» potential is done to take proper measures to optimize territorial organization of land tenure. The formation of land tenure model will trigger similar actions in 26 districts of Stavropol territory.

Keywords: agriculture; land fund; yield; agricultural lands; agricultural zones.


Письменная Е.В., Стукало В.А., Кипа Л.В.

Обеспечение продовольственной безопасности в России в условиях ВТО и Таможенного союза, эмбарго на импорт продовольствия и санк-

ций является сложной и многомасштабной задачей для снабжения промышленности сельскохозяйственным сырьем и населения продуктами питания на устойчивой основе и для достижения относительной независимости от импорта сырья и пищевых продуктов [1].

В настоящее время АПК Ставропольского края развивается быстрее, чем сельское хозяйство смежных регионов Северо-Кавказского федерального округа. Анализ многообразия природных и социально-экономических условий в крае показал, что сложившиеся зоны аграрной специализации не соответствуют потенциалу территории и в целом продовольственной безопасности. На фоне сокращения государственной финансовой поддержки отмечен рост количества убыточных хозяйств. Структура производства продуктов питания (картофеля, плодов, молока, мяса) все больше тяготеет к мелкотоварным хозяйствам. Следствием земельных и экономических преобразований становится разбалансированность структуры угодий, поголовья скота, посевных площадей и севооборотов ухудшение показателей плодородия почв в крупных и средних сельскохозяйственных предприятиях. Преобладают низкоурожайные естественные кормовые угодья. Сложилась биологически упрощенная система земледелия, которая ведет к краткосрочному экономическому эффекту на фоне падения фитосанитарной и агрохимической устойчивости пашни и ухудшению состояния природной среды. Производство и урожайность сельскохозяйственных культур все больше зависит от погодных условий. Это недопустимо для восстановления животноводства и эффективного ведения земледелия [2, 3].

В соответствии с реализацией «Стратегией социально-экономического развития Северо-Кавказского федерального округа на период до 2025 г.» Ставропольский край и в дальнейшем будет специализироваться на развитии агропромышленного комплекса. Основными задачами сельскохозяйственного производства предприятий должны стать: корректировка специализации и размещения животноводства с учетом природно-ресурсной базы ландшафта; увеличение удельного веса зеленых кормов с пастбищ и сенокосов; применение адаптивных к природно-кли-

матическим условиям технологий земледелия, способствующих повышению продуктивности сельскохозяйственных угодий и эффективности затраченных материально-технических ресурсов; консервация деградированных сельскохозяйственных угодий с последующим залужением и др. [4-6]. Такой подход позволит, с одной стороны, предотвратить проявление неблагоприятных природных процессов, с другой, обеспечить экологическую устойчивость территории и динамичное развитие АПК, экономическую конкурентоспособность на российском рынке и возможность импортозамещения [7].

Целью «пилотного» проекта является создание оптимального структурно-сбалансированного землепользования. Поэтому проводится агроэкологичекая оценка потенциала хозяйства «Дубовский» в целях принятия верных действий по оптимизации пространственной организации угодий. Формирование модельного землепользования послужит стартовым началом одноименных действий в 26 районах Ставропольского края.

Ключевые слова: сельское хозяйство; земельный фонд; урожайность; сельскохозяйственные угодья; сельскохозяйственные зоны.


In environmental conditions, "Dubovskiy" tenure is situated in steppe zone with unsustainable humidity. In temperature, the climate on the territory is moderate continental climate. The tenure is located in chernozem zone of soil province with Ciscaucasian types of chernozem prevailing. As to its geomor-phology, the tenure is situated on high Stavropol upland of erosive and denudation type with valley and cavin segmentation. That is the reason why this land tenure is conventionally divided into three parts. Drainage network is represented by Razvilka and Kizilovka rivers. The tenure lacks irrigated land. The territory is covered by mixed and corn plants as well as by sheep fescue and feather grass. Natural vegetation remains only on cavin slopes. Their unregulated use has lead to the lack of grass cover and the absence of corn plants in plant stand which have been replaced by low-productive species.

The purpose of the work

The aim of the "pilot" draft is adjustments in specialization and introduction of agricultural techniques adaptive to weather conditions to enhance higher productivity of acreages and efficiency of material and technical resources used, etc. This approach might prevent the decrease in productive capacity on the one hand, and provide ecological sustainability on the territory and competitiveness in the domestic market on the other.

Materials and methods study

The application of an comprehensive approach (ecological and landscape-based, agro-ecological, territorial) allows us to fully take into account the terms of the spatial organization of farming production and natural resource management, the level of administrative-territorial and agro-zonal division of Stavropol territory.

The problem of improving the organizational and spatial structure of agrarian land management today has become particularly urgent in connection with the adoption of the concept of sustainable development. The sustainable land management should take into account more fully the properties and features of the landscape and the suitability of the economic territory. During the land management it is rational to use an ecological and landscape approach in conjunction with an agro-environmental one. The landscape design begins with a landscape zoning and ends with the formation of environmentally homogeneous regions, to which the system of farming and soil management, environmental objects and events are tied. As a result of the ecological and landscape organization of the territory, the production costs of natural resources and the cost of agricultural production are minimized, and its quality and competitiveness of an enterprise are increased [8-10].

An agro-ecological approach is the study of agro-ecological characteristics of the territory in relation to certain types or groups of agricultural crops and selection of the agro-ecologically similar land masses as the basis for designing agrocoenosis. The end result is the formation of a basis for binding a system of farming, placement of crop rotations, fields, work areas, etc. [11].

The use of territorial approach allows us to determine the current trends economic and environmental development of agricultural land management for the formation of its development strategy [12, 13].

This integrated approach allows for consideration of the environmental, territorial, and economic potential of the land tenure, for binding the system of agricultural production management to land, and for determining its prospects [14-16]. Land management is becoming an essential tool for the differential use of local natural resources, peculiar features of farming, and cultivation of agricultural crops. At land management of an agricultural enterprise, the territorial organization and location of the farm's production facilities, its branches as well as the territorial organization of production processes with the placement of the infrastructure elements are carried out. In this case, the land tenure can be regarded as an integral, interrelated set of design elements that need to be organized in accordance with the environmental principles. The project, as a final product of land management, allows us to optimally link the economy, the organization and the production technology, the land arrangement taking into account the local environmental conditions, and the territorial characteristics of land and agro-ecological potential [17-20].

Results and discussion

The area of "Dubovskiy" farm is 11,505.4 ha (which includes 87.3% of acreage). At its establishment (in 1965), the tenure specialized in cattle-breeding; now it specializes in grain-growing. "Dubovskiy" is a farm with intensive farming. For forty years of crop acreage land use, corn and legume cultures have been cultivated. Crop productivity fluctuates in different years. This can be explained by the change in areas and specialization of the farm, underuse of advanced farming methods and use of organic fertilizers as well as erosion bywater and air, domestic market conditions and regional policies in agriculture [19].

Having analyzed the abovementioned soil suitability groups, we suggest the classification of all soils of "Dubovskiy" that includes seven agro-ecological groups: four groups that include agricultural fields and three that include

natural forage lands. All this is supposed to provide ecological sustainability of the region (table 1).

Table 1.

Agro-ecological classification of soils, recommended

Agro-ecological groups of soils Area, ha

Tillage of the 1st agro-ecological group 3,522

Tillage of the 2nd agro-ecological group 3,470

Tillage of the 3rd agro-ecological group 1,216

Tillage of the 4th agro-ecological group 64

Natural forage lands of radical improvement of the 5th agro-ecological group 189

Natural forage lands of simplificated improvement of the 6th agro-ecological group 174

Natural forage lands of sustainable use of the 7th agro-ecological group 725

The 1st agro-ecological group includes valuable soils: flat tillage areas with slope inclination up to 1° suitable for cultivation of any agricultural culture. This group includes fertile soils: Ciscaucasian deep, medium-deep, leached, carbon-bearing chernozem, low-humic and weak-humic, medium- and heavy-loamy soils. The total area of this group is 3,522 ha; it will be used mostly as crop rotation fields and insignificant areas - as pastures.

The main factor influencing yields is the amount of moisture, so agricultural measures should be aimed at moisture accumulation and conservation due to different depth soil cultivation for particular plant growing. It is recommended to use manure as a natural fertilizer in the amount of 20-30 t/ha. To receive high regular yields, crop rotation should be applied to soils of this group. The main types of field crop rotation are crop tilling with the following rotation: 1 - pea; winter wheat; 3 - sunflower; 4 - winter wheat; 5 - maize for silage;

6 - winter wheat; 7 - grain maize; 8 - spring barley or 1 - pea + oats; 2 - winter wheat; 3 - sugar-beet; 4 - maize for silage; 5 - winter wheat; 6 - sunflower;

7 - spring barley; 8 - grain maize. It is recommended to cultivate cereal crops on the 57.9% of total area; the remaining area should be used for technical crops and bare fallows. Fodder crops that include silage in field crop rotations and perennial plants on meliorated fields should cover only 8.5%.

To protect soils from erosion by wind, it is recommended to apply strip location of crop fields and fallows across prevailing winds as well as to reduce the number of operations during soil cultivation. Snowtrapping is advisable. For higher pasture productivity and better grass stand surface improvement and chemical fertilizers are essential [4].

The second agro-ecological group is represented by soils with 2-3° slope inclination and climatic soil types less exposed to degradation. Their area totals 3,470 ha, 62.5% of which are used as tillage areas (41.6% are perennial plants). This group is divided into two subgroups:

1 - Ciscaucasian ordinary leached, normal, carbon-bearing and alkalinized, deep, medium-deep and veil, low-humic and weakly-deflated limited to wide uplands chernozems;

2 - soils with sandy-loam and sandy structure: Ciscaucasian leached medium-deep weakly- and medium-deflated chernozems.

It is recommended to cover these lands with grain-grass-tilled crop rotations: 1 - sainfoin; 2 - winter wheat; 3 - winter wheat; 4 - pea; 5 - winter wheat; 6 - sunflower; 7 - maize for silage; 8 - winter wheat; 9 - grain maize; 10 - spring barley with sainfoin undersow. In this type of crop rotation crops occupy 70% of tillage area including 40% for winter wheat. This intensive use of tillage contributes both to higher yields and soil enrichment with nitrogen and organic matter.

Farming techniques and agricultural measures on the cultivated soils should be aimed at the increase in soil resistance to blowing and reduction in wind speed in the ground layer. One of the crucial measures against erosion by wind is snowtrapping. The network of field protective forest strips is advisable. For higher pasture productivity, their radical improvement, weed-killing and regulated cattle pasturing should be done.

On the soils of the 2nd agro-ecological group strip farming and regulated cattle pasturing are recommended.

The third agro-ecological group is represented by the tillage with slope inclination up to 5°, medium degree of degradation, suitable for limited agricultural use. It includes weakly eroded soils - Ciscaucasian leached, normal, carbon-bear-

ing and weakly-alkalinized, deep, medium-deep, low-humic and slightly-humic, non-rubble and low-rubble, non-saline and low-saline chernozems of various particle-size distribution including Ciscaucasian deep slightly-humic weakly-eroded chernozems (10-25%), meadow weakly-alkalinized chernozems (up to 10%) and carbon-bearing veil humic medium-eroded chernozems (10%).

The total area is 1,216 ha 63.1% of which are under fodder plants (this includes 90% of perennial plants). It is recommended to apply soil-protective crop rotations with a wide range of perennial plants and winter wheat. These crop rotations are of extensive type where soil fertility is maintained biologically. Anti-erosion measures should be targeted at reducing and eliminating the destructive effect of erosion by water. Cross-slope cultivation should be used. Strip cropping with rotation of perennial and annual crops or annual continuous and row crops is recommended. Snowtrapping and snowmelt regulation are advisable. Recommendations for pastures include regulation of cattle pasturing and surface improvement by overgrassing.

The following crop and grass rotations are the most appropriate on this type of soils: 1 - hay lucerne; 2 - hay lucerne; 3 - winter wheat; 4 - winter barley; 5 - spring barley with lucerne undersow; or 1 - pea; 2 - winter wheat; 3 - spring barley; 4 - sainfoin; 5 - sainfoin; 6 - winter wheat; 7 - winter barley.

The fourth agro-ecological group includes Ciscaucasian normal and carbon-bearing, medium-deep and veil, slightly-humic, non-rubble and low-rubble, non-eroded, weakly-eroded and medium-eroded chernozems.

They can be found on gentle and penchant slopes of various exposition and are suitable for cultivation of perennial plants and pastures. It is advisable to sow perennial grasses on the tillage areas that lost their properties, and thus, transform these lands from tillage into hayfields and pastures of radical improvement with strict cattle-pasturing regulation.

The fifth agro-ecological group includes Ciscaucasian normal and carbon-bearing, medium-deep and veil, slightly-humic, non-rubble and low-rubble, medium-eroded chernozems. As it is recommended to use these areas as pastures, tillage areas should be sown with grass and cattle-pasturing should be regulated. Cross-slope cultivation should be applied to this type of soils.

The sixth agro-ecological group includes Ciscaucasian normal and carbon-bearing, slightly-humic, non-rubble and low-rubble, highly-eroded chernozems and their combination with Ciscaucasian carbon-bearing, veil, slight-ly-humic, medium-rubble, medium-eroded chernozems (10-25%) and gullies (10-25%) as well as with dense rock exposure (10-25%). This group of soils covers penchant and steep slopes of Razvilka river. Their total area is 189 ha. Grassing of tilled areas with perennial plants, cross-slope cultivation, limited cattle pasturing and afforestation of gullies are recommended.

The seventh agro-ecological group includes meadow and alluvial-meadow alkaline saline soils. They are situated on the plains of Kizilovka and Rzvilka rivers and Sukhoi stream and thus, excessively moisturized. This land should be covered with perennial salinity resistant grasses. Overgrassing, killing of poisonous and badly grazed plants and regulated cattle-pasturing are recommended. It is advisable to plant water-conservation forests along river banks and pond shores.


This integrated approach allows corrections in the development of farming taking into account current agroecological requirements applied to acreages and agricultural crops. It also contributes to the development of proposals on the ways of achieving the desired productivity of cultivated crops. By the target year of 2025, agricultural reclamation of "Dubovskiy" tenure will remain high (87.0%). Farm specialization will be transformed from grain to cattle-breeding and crop with the developed cattle-breeding and crop production. Such distribution of agricultural acreages will correspond to agro-zoning of Stavropol territory [1].


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DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Pismennaya Elena Vyacheslavovna, PhD, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

Stavropol State Agrarian University

12, Zootekhnicheskyper., Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation [email protected]

Stukalo Vladimir Aleksandrovich, PhD, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

Stavropol State Agrarian University

12, Zootekhnichesky per., Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation [email protected]

Kipa Ludmila Viktorovna, Senior Lecturer

Stavropol State Agrarian University

12, Zootekhnichesky per., Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation [email protected]

ДАННЫЕ ОБ АВТОРАХ Письменная Елена Вячеславовна, доцент, кандидат географических наук, доцент

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет

пер. Зоотехнический, 12, г. Ставрополь, 355000, Российская Федерация [email protected]

Стукало Владимир Александрович, доцент, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет

пер. Зоотехнический, 12, г. Ставрополь, 355000, Российская Федерация

[email protected]

Кипа Людмила Викторовна, старший преподаватель

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет

пер. Зоотехнический, 12, г. Ставрополь, 355000, Российская Федерация

[email protected]

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