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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gafurov Anvar, Abdunazarov Bahromjon

In modern Uzbekistan, higher educaion is one of the fastest growing areas. Ater all, a strong state with an innovaive economy, a fair civil society where all human rights and interests are ensured, cannot be built without creaing an impressive personnel reserve. Training qualified specialists with criical thinking and modern knowledge in the most in-demand professions are the primary task. Becoming a student has become easier. Young people's access to higher educaion has increased significantly. If in 2016 only nine percent of graduates of secondary educaional insituions became students, now this figure has increased by 3.5 imes. The number of universiies in the country has increased to 170. The number of branches of foreign universiies has increased to 31. The non-state sector in higher educaion is acively developing; there are already 27 private universiies in the republic.

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PhD Gafurov Anvar Alfraganus university, g.anvar@mail.ru

Postgraduate student

Abdunazarov Bahromjon Alfraganus university


In modern Uzbekistan, higher education is one of the fastest growing areas. After all, a strong state with an innovative economy, a fair civil society where all human rights and interests are ensured, cannot be built without creating an impressive personnel reserve. Training qualified specialists with critical thinking and modern knowledge in the most in-demand professions are the primary task. Becoming a student has become easier. Young people's access to higher education has increased significantly. If in 2016 only nine percent of graduates of secondary educational institutions became students, now this figure has increased by 3.5 times. The number of universities in the country has increased to 170. The number of branches of foreign universities has increased to 31. The non-state sector in higher education is actively developing; there are already 27 private universities in the republic.

There is a choice of where to apply, when and under what conditions. Previously, all applicants took entrance exams at the same time - on August 1, and could choose only one faculty and university. If they passed the tests - and you are a student. If it didn't work out, wait until next year. Now it is possible to choose up to five universities and undergraduate specialties with the same blocks of subjects taken. From 2020, upcoming students have the right to apply simultaneously for all forms of study: full-time, part-time, evening and distance learning. It is also important that registration of applicants takes place online, and applicants can take exams in their region. Branches of foreign universities and private universities, as a rule, conduct entrance exams on different dates than state ones. Some recruit twice a year or more often. This means that an applicant can try to enroll in a number of universities in a few months.


The situation with admission quotas to universities is changing dramatically. Until 2017, for many years, just over 60 thousand people became students of state higher educational institutions. This year, taking into account all available forms of education, about 111 thousand people can enroll in a bachelor's degree and 10,688 people can enroll in a master's degree. Tens of thousands of quotas are provided by universities that received academic and financial independence last year, in accordance with Presidential resolutions. Now they themselves, based on their own capabilities, decide how many students they can accept and under what conditions.

Also, starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, one thousand places are allocated for training on the basis of a state grant in foreign universities and their branches, in private universities operating in the country. Another two thousand places, in addition to the general admission parameters, are allocated for women who do not have higher education and who have received recommendations from the State Committee for Family and Women. There are other additional quotas. As a result, according to the forecast of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, enrollment in the republic's universities in the 2022/2023 academic year will amount to more than 200 thousand people.


In recent years, non-state educational institutions have emerged and being developed in Uzbekistan. Over the years, we have gained some experience in managing them. However, in the context of the socio-economic crisis, even successful non-state universities are under the threat of ruin (bankruptcy) or administrative closure due to insufficient compliance of the qualitative prospects of their activities with the requests and needs of the state and society as a whole.

Therefore, the non-state sector is forced to change established approaches to management and financing of its activities. It is important to note that the state and society need the non-state

educational sector. The problems that every non-state university faces are extremely diverse. They begin from the stage of forming the management concept of a given university. The presence of a constant need to adequately respond to changing conditions in situations of numerous risks of both educational and financial nature raises the need for a scientific understanding of current events and, on this basis, the preparation of appropriate recommendations for improving the management mechanisms of a non-state university.

Therefore, it is extremely relevant to study the role and place of non-state universities in a changing world in connection with new education strategies and the correct definition of their functions, management methods and sources of financing. Issues of interaction between a non-state university and the state put on the agenda the tasks of standardizing the educational process of budget financing and budget control, which should be carried out taking into account the interests and risks of all social actors related to education.

Literature review

The problems of managing a non-state university have been studied by many authors. Thus, on the problems of the theory of economics of education paid attention, in particularly, Zhiltsov E.N., Zuev V.M., Chekmarev V.V., Yakobson L.I.. However, on economic sides of education management explored by Abankina I.V., Balykhin G.A., Klyachko T.L., Molchanov I.N., Fedotov A.V.. In private sector economic affairs explored by V.A. Zernov, A.A. Zagorodnaya, A.S. Partylov, V.M. Ramzaev.

However, most authors focused mainly on certain aspects of the problems of non-state universities, in particular on the issues of managing investment activities, forming and developing human resources, managing innovative structures and developing business activities in market conditions, and others. In general, there is a shortage of comprehensive studies of the state's vision of the problems under consideration. The paths for further development of non-state educational structures, as well as the economic foundations of their activities, have practically not been defined. All this determined the purpose and objectives of this study. Methodology

The methodology focuses on comparative historical analysis, modeling, literature analysis, analysis of archival materials and documents, analysis of basic research concepts, cause-and-effect analysis of the phenomena being studied and forecasting.

Main body

At the same time, the main subjects of management - the state, society and business - participate in these models in different ways. In the state model, educational institutions are completely administratively subordinate to state educational authorities, being their divisions. The market model in its pure form has not been implemented anywhere and cannot be introduced into education due to its inevitable destruction. However, its elements, one way or another, are present in countries with the most liberal economies. In a mixed model, state education authorities retain the functions of developing a strategy for the development of educational institutions and regulating the process of implementing this strategy. Thus, in relation to educational institutions, the state turns into a customer and consumer of educational services.

There is a decentralization of education management, a division of powers and responsibilities between different levels of the state - federal, regional, municipal, between the state and the educational institution itself. The mixed model of education management, which is currently being formed in Uzbekistan, involves the introduction of market relations in the organization of management of the sphere of social services, including by eliminating differences between public and private institutions and organizations, stimulating the private sector to create an alternative system for the provision of social services, introduction of partially market management principles into the activities of state and municipal structures. In the mixed model, an important organizational and economic mechanism for managing universities is government procurement. State orders in the education system involve financing on a competitive basis of state budgetary and non-state organizations involved in training personnel under targeted state programs.

As of November 2023, the number of universities in Uzbekistan reached to 199. The higher percentage belongs to public sector - 114 (72 percent), afterwards comes to public - 55 (27 percent)

and 30 (16 percent) branches of foreign universities. Therefore, enrollment indicator is reached to 214 thousand students.

Figure 1. Number of higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan

120 114











In addition, in the process of managing a university within the framework of a mixed model, network management mechanisms can be used, meaning not a hierarchical (vertical) management system, but a horizontal system of self-organization. In modern society, as noted in the work, a number of educational institutions are networked in such a way that, entering one point, a student can plot any trajectory. The condition for the existence of such a structure is the presence of an institutional core: an individual educational program. Funding is transferred from providing institutions to providing programs and projects in the field of education.

In the mixed model of education, the main role in making and approving decisions is played by the public, public and professional associations, local governments and other self-government bodies, trade unions, and voluntary associations. The cooperative behavior of the educational community as a result of agreements within it and dialogue and compromises with other social actors of society and the economy has priority over competitive mechanisms of struggle and direct rivalry.

The public model of education management is implemented, in particular, through a mechanism of trust and coordination, which must be present in all levels of education, at all levels of management. Thus, at the municipal level of government, a number of collegial public bodies have recently been formed. Such organizations include: boards and councils of municipal educational authorities, councils of heads of educational institutions, certification commissions, expert councils, scientific and methodological, educational and methodological councils and centers, conflict, medical pedagogical commissions. All these public organizations perform much needed work for their territories.

At the same time, the work especially emphasizes that in a post-industrial society, hierarchical subject-object relationships lose their meaning, and social networks built on the principles of mutual understanding and mutual learning begin to occupy the main place. Network forms of interaction in the management and self-government of the economy, social sphere, including education, are acquiring an important role, that is, self-organization comes to the fore. The power-dependence relationship also loses its significance in education itself, since it is unable to provide the necessary motivation to the main subjects of the educational process.

It is no longer possible to learn once and for the rest of your life. A person will have to learn to learn and relearn. Instead of mechanical submission, the main role will be played by the ability to make the right decisions in conditions of uncertainty. A self-developing person and a self-developing society are the prototype of the future. In a post-industrial society, space opens up for self-education (informal), as well as non-formal and non-state education within the formal system (partly public, partly private). In these conditions, non-state education is already one of the elements in the education system of the new society. In addition, in the dissertation the author substantiates the position that the highest, middle and lowest thresholds of accessibility to higher education should be institutionally structured. For example, this could be postgraduate, master's and bachelor's degrees.

Analyzing the data on the coverage level of HEIs, according to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, 295,393 out of a total of 385,437 school graduates in 2022, or 77 percent, will enter higher


education institutions. participated in entrance exams. 85,869 of them, or 23%, were admitted to public higher education institutions, which increased by +4% compared to 2021 and +12% compared to 2020.





0 10 20 30 40 50 60

■ 2030 «2025 "2023 « 2020 - 2019

Figure 2. Forecasting of enrollment to HEI

But, as you can see, there is still a high need to cover graduates in higher education institutions, including plans to increase the coverage of graduates by 50% by 2030, which means increasing from 782,993 students to 1,174 million.

At the same time, the work examines property relations and corresponding approaches to financing within the framework of a mixed model of education management, which are very important for organizing the management of a non-state university. The main sources of formation of university property are the following: purchase and sale, rent, transfer for free use (loan), mortgage (pledge). The property is replenished from budgets at various levels, state extra-budgetary funds, from material and monetary contributions from founders, voluntary donations and targeted contributions from legal entities and individuals, from funds received from paid educational, entrepreneurial and other activities, through privatization, changes in the bundle of property rights. A non-state university, as a non-profit organization, is the owner of the property transferred by the founder, and is also the owner of property acquired during the activities of the non-profit organization.

The institutes and universities of Uzbekistan are tasked with bringing the level of education in line with world standards, entering and gaining a foothold in authoritative international rankings of higher educational institutions. And this is impossible without comprehensive cooperation with foreign universities.

Over the past six years, international cooperation in the field of higher education has reached unprecedented proportions in Uzbekistan. More than six thousand professors and teachers of domestic universities have completed training and internships at foreign universities and research centers in Europe, the USA, Asia and the CIS countries. At the same time, 6,279 foreign professors and experts have been attracted to local higher education institutions since 2017.

The number of branches of foreign universities in the country has increased from seven to 31. Prestigious universities from the USA, Great Britain, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, Italy, Japan, Belarus, Russia and other countries have entered the higher education market in Uzbekistan. The number of joint educational programs of "double diplomas" goes into the hundreds.

An important role in the integration of higher education in Uzbekistan into the global educational space belongs to cooperation with universities of the Russian Federation. The first and second Russian-Uzbek educational forum were held in 2018 and 2021. Hundreds of rectors, vice-rectors and professors of leading universities of the two countries took part in the events. Last November, speaking at the second forum, the rector of Moscow State University, head of the Russian Union of Rectors Viktor Sadovnichy spoke about the implementation of 63 "road maps" of scientific and educational partnership between Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation. He emphasized that 115 universities in

our countries are implementing 240 cooperation agreements. On the sidelines of the second forum, about 30 more documents were signed.


What I have to say in this section, and my conclusion includes the following, is that a country that pays attention to education will go over to rule a country that does not pay much attention to education. Therefore, by expanding the scope of education in our higher education institutions, by occupying a new market, by making wide use of the scientific and innovative potential, in the future, regularly reforming science, forming highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and thinking in a new way, the work of modernizing the scientific infrastructure will be qualitatively new. We doubt that we will be promoted to the next level.

Literature of use

1. Aucoin, P. 1990. Administrative reform in public management: Paradigms, principles, paradoxes and pendulums. Governance 3(2): 115-137.

2. Leitner, K.H., Elena, S., Fazlagic, J., Kalemis, K., Marinaitis, Z., Secundo, G., Sicilia, M.A., and Zaksa, K. 2014. A strategic approach for intellectual capital management in European universities. Guidelines for Implementation, UEFISCDI Blueprint Series

3. Florez, J.M., M.V. Lopez, and A. Lopez. 2014. Corporate governance, analysis of the top 100 universities in the Shanghai ranking. Revista de Educacio'n 364: 170-196.

4. Trakman, L. 2008. Modelling university governance. Higher Education Quarterly 62(1/2): 6383.

5. Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, https://edu.uz/uz/pages/sss

6. Ministry of preschool and school education https://t.me/uzedu/18612

7. Author's development based on the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030

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