O'zbekiston Milliy universiteti Zamonaviy pedagogika va psixologiyaning dolzarb masalalari
National University of Uzbekistan Current Issues of Modern Pedagogy and Psychology
Shakhzoda Khabibullo qizi G'ulomova
UzSWLU student
The article discusses the importance and the role of grammar competence in language learning. The author of the article defines the concept of grammatical competence and suggests some communicative activities to implement in language classes.
Keywords: grammar, knowledge, activity, language, competence, skill, component, form, creative, practice, morphology
В статье рассматривается значение и роль грамматической компетенции в изучении языка. Автор статьи определяет понятие грамматической компетентности и предлагает некоторые коммуникативные действия для реализации на уроках языка.
Ключевые слова: грамматика, знания, деятельность, язык, компетенция, умение, компонент, форма, творчество, практика, морфология
Maqolada til o'rganishda grammatik kompetentsiyaning ahamiyati va roli muhokama qilinadi. Maqola muallifi grammatik kompetentsiya tushunchasini belgilaydi va til darslarida amalga oshirish uchun ba'zi kommunikativ tadbirlarni taklif qiladi.
Kalit so'zlar: grammatika, bilim, faoliyat, til, malaka, malaka, komponent, shakl, ijodiy, amaliyot, morfologiya.
As it's known, the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoyev speaking about the future of Uzbekistan underlies that "The time has come to create in Uzbekistan a new system of teaching foreign languages, which will become a solid foundation for the future. Since we set ourselves the goal of building a competitive state, from now on, graduates of schools, lyceums, colleges and universities must be fluent in at least two foreign languages. This strict requirement should become the main criterion for the work of the head of each education
O'zbekiston Milliy universiteti Zamonaviy pedagogika va psixologiyaning dolzarb masalalari
institution". That is why we as the future teachers have to contribute to the improving and mastering foreign languages teaching in our country, especially English, which has become the global language of international and intercultural communication. However, in the decree №1875 which was declared 2012, December, our first president stressed that "It is our task to prepare and teach professionally competent and energetic personnel, real patriots to see them in the world depository of science and culture. In this plan the notional program about training personnel was worked out on the formation of new generation of specialist with the high common and professionally culture, creative and social activity, wit the ability to orientate in the social and political life independently, capable to raise and solve the problems to the perspective."
In our modern society, the problem of the formation of grammatical competence as one of the leading and main components of language teaching and personality development is important in ensuring the effective use of communication. Without knowing grammar it is difficult to communicate written and spoken, so grammar is the foundation of language. During our investigation different ideas nad concepts are mentioned by scholars and researchers. According to Scrivener (2005), learners need to transfer the learned items into a living ability to use the language. The simple knowledge of grammar rules will not develop learners' skill in using grammar. The learners need to have opportunities to develop their competence in grammar and convert it into the available automatic output in real life communication. Canale and Swain (1980) grammatical competence is the "knowledge of lexical items and rules of morphology, syntax, sentence grammar semantics, and phonology" (p. 29) and a part of communicative competence. As we consider that grammatical competence is central component in any model of language competence and ability to recognize correct sentence and organize them to form texts.
Hence, the analysis of the concept of "grammatical competence" revealed the following main approaches to its definition in methodological books of teaching EFL:
^ as part of communicative competence ;
^ as the ability to use syntactic concepts (predicatively, syntactic means of communication in a sentence and a text, ways of distinguishing between the members of a sentence);
^ as an opportunity to operate with knowledge about the main forms of realization of the relationship between the subject and the predicate, about the main features of the syntactic structure of the sentence (intonational design of the
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O'zbekiston Milliy universiteti Zamonaviy pedagogika va psixologiyaning dolzarb masalalari
sentence, the relative completeness of the utterance), about the types and classification features of sentences, ways of expressing the main and secondary members of the sentence;
In order to develop students' grammar competence we suggest communicative tasks in language classes. According to Gao a communicative task or activity incorporates the actual processes of communication and engages learners in real life communication in meaningful contexts. We also assumed that exercises were primarily written, whereas tasks might be written, verbal, kinesthetic, or any combination of these, and activities are typically active and physical. Moreover, task is an activity that students participate in while using pre-existing or scaffolded linguistic resources. The activity should not be centered on language but rather on displaying a non-linguistic consequence, requiring pupils to use their own language resources and so focusing on meaning rather than form. While Richards believes that a task should be relevant to the requirements of the learners, Ellis believes that there should be a "gap." Prabhu's work, which describes three categories of tasks, inspired Ellis's gap. From our point of view the following tasks and activities are crucial in order to develop grammar competence:
Information Gap Activities an information gap is a task in which information must be shared in order to get the "whole picture." That instance, if one student is given half of the information and the other half, they must vocally communicate the information to each other in order to synthesize it and generate meaning. Learners will fill up the thinking gap by utilizing reasoning, deduction, inference, or perception abilities to construct new knowledge from existing data.
Questionnaire can be useful and worthwhile because they require both the questioner and respondent to exchange ideas with each other. They encourage the natural use of the language interactively. While using questionnaire as communicative grammar practice, the teacher can either give the learners topics to prepare the questions or give them the skeleton of questions which is used as the prompt for the survey. Questionnaires can be used to practice all types of questions communicatively in meaningful contexts.
O'zbekiston Milliy universiteti Zamonaviy pedagogika va psixologiyaning dolzarb masalalari
National University of Uzbekistan Current Issues of Modern Pedagogy and Psychology
Dictogloss is a communicative and interactive variety of traditional dictation. It is a kind of dictation in which learners listen and reconstruct the whole text rather than sentence by sentence. Dictogloss is an interesting, motivating, and communicative ESL grammar teaching technique. Varieties of grammatical items can be practiced through dictation and dictogloss.
Discussion forces learners to speak and listen naturally in meaningful contexts. Furthermore, it makes learners more fluent and confident in using language. "Fluency and confidence are important goals" of discussion. Learners will get plenty of chances to use the learned and currently learning language items naturally and meaningfully. In addition, they can use their passive language actively and communicatively.
As a conclusion, using language is important in the process of teaching and learning grammar, the learners get no opportunity to practice and use it in meaningful contexts. In most ESL/EFL grammar classes, the teachers mainly focus on presenting grammar items either deductively or inductively. Communicative grammar activities fill this existing gap in teaching grammar. Communicative activities like discussion, questionnaire, dictogloss, information gap activities provide natural, meaningful and real life contexts in which the learners can practice using grammar communicatively, meaningfully, and naturally.
1.'President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoev: It's time to create a new system of teaching foreign languages - a solid foundation for the future', May 6, 2021 'Правда востока', P-2.5.
2. Scrivener, J. (2005). Learning Teaching. Oxford: Macmillan Education.
3. Swain, M., & Lapkin, S. (1998). Interaction and second language learning: Two adolescent French immersion students working together. Modern Language Journal, 82(3), 320-337
4. Prabhu, N. 'Second Language Pedagogy', (1987) Oxford: University Press. P-2.5.
5. Gao, Y. (2008). Implementing Communicative Activities in English Reading Class. English Language Teaching, 1(1), 14-18.
6. Kidd, R. (1992). Teaching ESL Grammar through Dictation. TESL Canada Journal/revue TESL Du Canad, I(10), 49-61.