DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
communicative skills / effectiveness / language barrier / approach. / коммуникативные навыки / эффективность / языковой барьер / подход.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mukhiddinova, Dilafruz Mansurovna, Sodiqova, Sayyorakxon Talabovna, Jurayeva, Zulaykho Shamsidinovna

The aim of this investigation is to seek out the explanations which impede the process of acquiring speaking skills, to work out the students’ needs and improve the efficiency of teaching English as a far off language. As the effective teaching of foreign languages is predicated on communication and therefore we decided to specialize in developing speaking abilities in order to overcome the barrier and teachers should create self-confidence in them. By realizing this goal, teachers should know their students better. The questionnaire covered the students’ needs and problems in mastering communicative skills. According to the students’ answers to the present questionnaire new approaches of teaching speaking skills are developed.

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Целью этого исследования является поиск объяснений, препятствующих процессу приобретения навыков речи, изучение потребностей учащихся и повышение эффективности преподавания английского языка как далекого языка. Поскольку эффективное преподавание иностранных языков основывается на коммуникации и поэтому мы решили специализироваться на развитии говорящих способностей, чтобы преодолеть барьер и учителя должны создать в них уверенность в себе. Реализуя эту цель, учителя должны лучше знать своих учеников. Анкета охватывала потребности и проблемы учащихся в овладении коммуникативными навыками. По ответам студентов на настоящий вопросник разработаны новые подходы к обучению навыкам говорения.


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Mukhiddinova Dilafruz Mansurovna, Sodiqova Sayyorakxon Talabovna, Jurayeva Zulaykho Shamsidinovna,

English Language Teachers, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute

Abstract: The aim of this investigation is to seek out the explanations which impede the process of acquiring speaking skills, to work out the students ' needs and improve the efficiency of teaching English as a far off language. As the effective teaching of foreign languages is predicated on communication and therefore we decided to specialize in developing speaking abilities in order to overcome the barrier and teachers should create self-confidence in them. By realizing this goal, teachers should know their students better. The questionnaire covered the students ' needs and problems in mastering communicative skills. According to the students' answers to the present questionnaire new approaches of teaching speaking skills are developed.

Keywords: communicative skills, effectiveness, language barrier, approach.



Мухцддинова Дилафруз Мансуровна, Содикрва Сайёрахон Талабовна, Жураева Зулайхо Шамсидиновна, Преподаватели английского языка Кокандский государственный педагогический институт

Аннотация: Целью этого исследования является поиск объяснений, препятствующих процессу приобретения навыков речи, изучение потребностей учащихся и повышение эффективности преподавания английского языка как далекого языка. Поскольку эффективное преподавание иностранных языков основывается на коммуникации и поэтому мы решили специализироваться на развитии говорящих способностей, чтобы преодолеть барьер и учителя должны создать в них уверенность в себе. Реализуя эту цель, учителя должны лучше знать своих учеников. Анкета охватывала потребности и проблемы учащихся в овладении коммуникативными навыками. По ответам студентов на настоящий вопросник разработаны новые подходы к обучению навыкам говорения.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor

Ключевые слова: коммуникативные навыки, эффективность, языковой барьер, подход.


Muhiddinova Dilafruz Mansurovna, Sodiqova Sayyoraxon Talabovna, Jo'rayeva Zulayho Shamsidinovna,

Ingliz tili fani o'qituvchilari, Qo'qon davlatpedagogika instituti

Annotatsiya: Mazkur tadqiqotdan maqsad nutq ko 'nikmalarini olish jarayoniga to'sqinlik qiladigan vositalarni qidirish, o'quvchilarning ehtiyojlarini o'rganish va ingliz tilini uzoq til sifatida o'qitish samaradorligini oshirishdan iboratdir. Chet tillarini samarali o'qitish kommunikatsiyaga asoslanayotgani va shuning uchun biz nutqdagi to 'siqlarnini bartaraf qilish uchun muloqot qobiliyatini rivojlantirishga ixtisoslashishga asosiy e'tiborimizni qaratdik. Ushbu maqsadni amalga oshirishda o 'qituvchilar o'z o 'quvchilarini yaxshi bilishlari shart ekanliklarini misollar yordamida izohlab o 'tdik. Anketa o 'quvchilarning kommunikatsion ko'nikmalarni egallashga bo'lgan ehtiyojlari va muammolarini qamrab oldi. Talabalarning ushbu savolga bergan javoblari bo'yicha so'zlash ko 'nikmalarini o'rgatishga yangi yondashuvlar ishlab chiqildi.

Kalit so'zlar: kommunikativ ko'nikmalar, samaradorlik, til to'siqlari, yondashuv.

The purpose of this study is the development of speech skills in studying English, and also improving the effectiveness of training English as a foreign language. For solving this problem, first of all, it is necessary to find out students' needs, what problems they face in English language during training process, which obstacles impede rapid development and the development of speech skills; secondly, which training methods can be used to motivate students to speak and develop speech skills. This study puts goal to identify ways of development in communication skills for foreign language students. To solve this problem, it is necessary to figure out what communication is.

Modern encyclopedia gives the following definition of the term "communication": Communication (Latin communicatio, from communico - make common, bind, communicating). Communication, transmission of information from


person to person - specific form interaction of people in the processes of their knowledge, employment activities carried out by mainly through the language. (Modern Encyclopedia. 2000.)1

Representative of Communicative E. I. Passov (1991) considered the method of training, that "communicativity is that our training should be organized so that by their basic qualities, it was like a process of communication." Therefore, it is necessary to approximate training process by nature of the real communication process. We must know that students need to be provided foreign language instruction in organic unity with active communication. Based on this, E. I. Passov determines how he should present educational material, how to organize training and control for the educational process to have communicative orientation.2 The figure -Foreign Language Teacher's Wear should not be focused on formal presentation of educational information and formal knowledge control, speech skills and skills of trainees, and organization of communication and personal self-expression of students are also very crucial for the process.

However, even if organization of the lesson is well-formed, it must be taken into account student individuality, problems with which they may encounter. One of the common problems are language barrier that interferes with development communication skills. Language barrier often develops from the fact that a person is afraid to make a mistake in the conversation. Reasons for the appearance of a language barrier in students' communication is still not clear. It can be a fear to commit error, and shyness, and bad pronunciation, and fear of being ridiculed or look stupid, etc. There are students who take very hard to make them talk. It can be related to both the character of the student and the culture of the area where he lives, and even sometimes with family upbringing. Teacher's role in this case, prevents the appearance or rids of the student in language barrier. J. Harmer (2001) in such cases suggests using a pair or group work that will provoke silent students talk.3 When such students work in pairs or mini groups, they experience less excitement, and start talking. The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language. The communication approach is widely used in the lessons, and the teacher will help to remove language

1 Modern Encyclopedia, 2000. Russia, Avanta + Publishing House

2 Passov E.I. 1991. Communicative method of teaching foreign language speaking. Moscow. Education

3 Harmer. J, How to teach English. Longman, Malaysia. 2001. 352 p.


and psychological barrier, students will disappear fear of speaking English. From time to time, students will acquire self-confidence rhetoric. Students who are studying foreign language cannot speak the language or speak freely without any self-confidence. (Brown, 1994).4 Communicative approach assumes automation of speech skills through the use of new textual structures and vocabulary in student speech in class. "Training Game Form" material combined with professionalism and teachers bring great results.

Here is a great overview of why communication skills are important.5

Successful communication can deepen relations in personal life or professional life. In personal life, they can help us understand better people and situations that happen on a daily basis. Developing communication skills can help us avoid conflicts, compromise and help in better decision making. Although we can develop certain communication skills, communication is more effective if it is spontaneous than when it follows certain formulas. The spoken word has a different echo of spontaneous spoken speech.

Of course, it takes time and effort to develop these skills and become a successful speaker. The more effort and practice, the communication skills will be more spontaneous and more instinctive.


For the purpose of identifying causes slowing down the process mastering speech skills, which was compiled students' questionnaire. The questionnaire covered the following types of questions:

4 Brown. D, 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching Longman: San Francisco State University

5 https://blog.smarp.com/top-5-communication-skills-and-how-to-improve-them


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a) what types of learning skills do English students consider the most important?;

b) what are the sensations of students tested in the process of speaking?;

c) how much time do students spend learning English?;

d) for what purpose are they studying English?;

e) how do they evaluate educational materials?;

e) how do they assess the classroom environment?;

g) how often do students talk on English?;

h) what types of training activities do they consider the most effective for the development of spoken speech?;

After analyzing the data, it became possible to change tactics teaching, work on educational materials and identify problems that slow down the process of assimilation and the development of conversational skills. The following species have been proposed: activities that activate speech skills.

1. Involvement of students in mini conversations. Teacher either by himself or with students choose a topic. Students discuss this topic in small groups, or in pairs, exchange ideas. If the topic involves a solution to any problems, then students have to solve this problem in groups and then exchange opinions. The next stage is to discuss the decision, which group was optimal or most acceptable.

2. Description of the picture. Teacher shows a picture of people talking to each other to the group. Students in couples or in mini groups reflect on what people in the picture can talk, cry, taking into account the situation, place and other circumstances.

3. Show a video. Students is viewed only part of the movie. Then they are offered in mini groups or in pairs to discuss the continuation of the film. Students put forward their assumptions. Then the entire film is shown. Exactly the same work can be done with reading or listening to text. Students are given only part of the text, or proposed listen to an incomplete text version and then in groups to discuss the intended ending or the denouement of the plot.

4. Dialogues. Dialogs can pursue different objectives. With the help of it, information can be easily gathered in the form of interviews, discussion of any significant events or simply improvised situation where students should use certain phrases and expressions.

5. Role-playing games. Role-playing game - methodical reception belonging to the group active ways of learning practical proficiency in a foreign language. Role-


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playing game is a conditional its participants' knowledge in real practical activities among people, creates the conditions of real communication. For example, you can give the following task: "You are all participants in the international scientific student conference. And you take turns you will act as a speaker, participant a conference that has the right to ask a question: Speaker, Translator and Chairman conferences."; or another example: teacher calls the theme of the role-playing game, and then asks students to compile various situations, affecting various aspects of this topic.

6. Monologues. Monologues including short speeches, reports, presentations and oral résumés help students organize their speech and reproduce it. Having practiced all the above activities, good results were obtained in mastering speech skills. The effectiveness of the training here is due to the primarily by increasing motivation and interest in the subject. Group activities have a positive effect on identity of the trainee.

They provide an opportunity to create and unite team, create a friendly atmosphere in class and the joy of communicating with like-minded people. Training process at such a training method is close to the process of communication and is aimed at practical use of the language. Situations which simulated in role-playing, allow to approximate speech activities in real life communication classes, which corresponds to the main principle of the communicative method.

Communicative approach as a foreign language instruction gives positive effect to students to have the opportunity in communicating English by using real life situations. Students do not learn the language for confirming the fact that they "know" foreign, but for real communication with the help of activities such as discussion, role-playing, problem solving, and etc.. Lessons pass lively, interesting, thereby motivating students are entertaining to learn the language.

Thus, working in groups gives opportunity for all students to participate actively in discussions and develop speech skills. In addition, students working in mini groups or in pairs feel less embarrassed or ashamed, not embarrassed of their pronunciation; besides students are produced such necessary qualities such as self-confidence, self-sufficiency and ability to work in a team. Good planned speech activities motivate students to speak.

1. Modern Encyclopedia, 2000. Russia, Avanta + Publishing House

2. Passov E.I. 1991. Communicative method of teaching foreign language speaking. Moscow. Education

3. Harmer. J, How to teach English. Longman, Malaysia. 2001. 352 p.


4. Brown. D, 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching Longman: San Francisco State University

5. https://blog.smarp.com/top-5-communication-skills-and-how-to-improve-them

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