Научная статья на тему 'Developing a haccp plan for quality and safety of mineral water'

Developing a haccp plan for quality and safety of mineral water Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Yaheliuk S., Peredriy O., Tkachuk V.

The outcomes of studies on the system of quality control of food products, including mineral water, are given in this contribution. As a part of the study comprehensive commodity product description with the ingredients and packaging have been conducted, risks connected with technological operations have been determined and critical control points of the mineral water production process have been detected. The НАССР plan, which permits to increase the quality, safety and competitive ability of mineral water, has been designed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Developing a haccp plan for quality and safety of mineral water»

Fig. 6. Element of decoration

The ratio of geometrical dimensions of this pattern is 8:5 which represents Fibonacci numbers and golden section.


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Yaheliuk S.

Lutsk national technical university, associate Professor, PhD, Senior Lecturer of department of commodity

Peredriy O.

Lutsk national technical university, associate Professor, PhDm Senior Lecturer of department of commodity

Tkachuk V.

Lutsk national technical university, associate Professor, PhD, Senior Lecturer of department of commodity


The outcomes of studies on the system of quality control of food products, including mineral water, are given in this contribution. As a part of the study comprehensive commodity product description with the ingredients and packaging have been conducted, risks connected with technological operations have been determined and critical control points of the mineral water production process have been detected. The HACCP plan, which permits to increase the quality, safety and competitive ability of mineral water, has been designed.

Keywords: quality, mineral water, HACCP plan, the consumer characteristics, quality, safety, process, risks.


It is impossible to provide quality and safety of domestic goods without implementation of systems that control the quality, especially HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, a system of risk, danger factors and critical control point analysis), on the food industry enterprises. The struggle for safety and quality of food takes place all over the world, including main trade partners of Ukraine, countries of CIS and Europe, that set mandatory condition of work and organization of HACCP systems and follow the transfer of production. It is important to put in remembrance that setting up HACCP and other systems ensure the competitive ability of manufacturing facilities in the food industry and help entrepreneurs make their business more successful. It boosts effectiveness of food industry and saves expenses. HACCP is also called an admission pass to international markets where it is prestigious and advantageous to work. Furthermore, setting up a HACCP assists attraction of investments and growth of enterprise value. Currently, there are a lot of Ukrainian enterprises on the markets of the EU and

CIS that are in compliance with standards of HACCP system. Nowadays HACCP or similar systems that provide security during the fabrication of food are established on 709 enterprises, 54 of such systems are on the stage of establishing and 138 are being developed [1].

Reference Analysis and Problem Statement

According to international requirements for food quality, the quality control only is insufficient. It cannot guarantee the safety from all detected deviations, and limits the ability to determine random distortion of chemical residues and contamination levels. The new global food industry introduces new quality management system to solve such problems. HACCP is a program that aims to eliminate the health risks associated with consumption of food. The principles of this system are included in the legislation of several countries, and its presence on the manufacturer's enterprise is in most cases a prerequisite for entering into contracts for the supply of food. Plenty of researches in the sphere of the use of HACCP system are conducted in order to assure quality and safety of food. For

example, M. Samarina showed the necessity and opportunities to develop and make use of HACCP plans for milk production [2]. M. Susska, V. Malyhina and V. Bidash considered the issue of safety for the poultry-processing industry [3]. Foreign scientists also con-ducted research of quality and safety on the grounds of quality standards [4-7]. Under the current legislation in Ukraine [8, 9], certification of food safety based on HACCP and quality standards of ISO 22000 becomes mandatory. Therefore, it is urgent and necessary to conduct research in this area.

The confirmation of the quality of domestic producers' mineral water is a current problem in Ukraine. For this reason, the purpose of this contribution is to develop proposals and practical recommendations on the implementation of the HACCP system for enterprises producing mineral water in Ukraine (by the example of mineral water "Yodanka Pavlivska").

The Results of the Research

HACCP is a powerful system that can be used for a wide range of simple and complex operations. It is used to provide safety of food in the course of all the production chain and the existence of a food product. To implement HACCP, manufacturers should explore their own product and production methods, and also apply this system to supply materials and store finished products, and, in addition, procedures for sale should be considered in retail trading including consumption. The concept of HACCP can be applied equally to both new and existing products, new production methods, as well as some parts of the technological process of recycling. This system can also be used to ensure effective operations in production support. HACCP system is a managing tool that provides more structured and scientific approach to the control of real hazards rather than the one through traditional inspection and quality control procedures of the final product. If HACCP system is used, the control proceeds from

the test unit of the final product (a random sample of products), namely testing the presence of abnormalities, in the field of de-velopment and production of specific products, namely to prevent deviations. To develop a HACCP plan, a HACCP team must be created, which will include one person (consultant, officer or other person) who studied HACCP. The HACCP team must have a Coordinator and Technical Secretary and, if necessary, consultants in the corresponding area of competence. The first task of this team is to develop a HACCP plan.

The HACCP implementation team should conduct a comprehensive description of each product, including ingredients and packaging. It is important for the members of the team to be aware of the product properties, its purpose and use. It is necessary to analyse whether all groups of consumers can consume this product. Product description should contain the following information: product name or product group, important characteristics of the final product, the use of the product, the type of packaging including packaging materials and conditions, shelf life expiry date, including requirements for temperature and humidity, place of sale, instructions on the label, special control of distribution (for example, transport conditions). The systems approach to problem solving to ensure the quality and safety of mineral water through the implementation of the requirements of all-Union State Standard 4161-2003 and allUnion State Standard ISO 22000:2007 makes it possible to carry out a comprehensive analysis, determine the influence of each stage of production on the final result, determine their dependency relationship, justify the need for immediate and long-term issues mineral water production in Ukraine. During the developing a HACCP milestones the guidelines in [10] are used. The descriptive results of the mineral water "Yodanka Pavlivska" are given in the Table 1.

Table 1

The Description of Mineral Water "Yodanka Pavlivska"

General information Natural table water "Yodanka Pavlivska" extracted from artesian well about 90 metres deep, additionaly iodinated and bottled in half litre bot-tles.

Chemical composi-tion, mg/decimetre3 Hydrogen Carbonate - 200-500, Sulphate - < 50, Chlorine - 30-150, Calcium - 50150, Magnesium - < 50, Sodium and Calcium - 30-150 Iodine - < 50

Safety properties All indexes are up to the quality of all-Union State Standard 878-93 "Mineral Water. Technical Specifications".

Primary packaging Glass half litre bottle with a bottle cap.

Transport packing Bottles of 20 pieces are set in plastic boxes.

Shelf life Keep in special ventilated dark warehouse protected from moisture at temperatures from 5 °C to 20 °C.

Transport conditions To be transported by any type of transport in accordance with the rules of transportation of perishable goods that are subject to this form of transportation.

Expiry date 12 months

Intended use Ready to use, it is recommended to use chilled and shake before use.

Consumer groups All groups can consume it without exception.

The danger if used improperly None

Instructions on the label Natural table hydrocarbonate, chloride-hydrocarbonate, sodium-calcium mineral water "Yodanka Pavlivska", artificially saturated with C02. Composition (mg/decimetre3): Hydrogen Carbonate - 200-500, Sulphate - < 50, Chlorine - 30-150, Calcium - 50-150, Magnesium - < 50, Sodi-um and Calcium -30-150, iodine - < 50. ALL-UNION STATE STANDARD 878-93. Manufacturer: TOB "Yodanka", 45342, Volyn Region, Ivanychi District, Village Pavlivka, 1 Nezalezhnosti Street.

Next, you need to chart the process of mineral water production. The process chart is a simple schematic picture of the process that the company uses in the production. It should be accurate, clear, and illustrate the manufacturing process of

the product which is used in the enterprise understandably. The flow diagram of producing mineral water "Yodanka Pavlivska" is represented in picture 1.

Picture 1. The Flow Diagram of Producing Mineral Water "Yodanka Pavlivska"

The next step is to compile a list of risks associated with technological operations and to identify critical control points (CCP). This list shall be issued as a decision breakdown structure (Table 2).

The developed HACCP plan, which contains a list of all critical control points, measured parameters of technological process and their critical limits, applied corrective actions and audit plan are presented in Table 3.

Table 2

The Decision breakdown structure to Identify Critical Control Points

Process step Hazards Source of the dangerous factors Conclusion

Microcellular ceramic filtering Microbiological contamination Contamination with filter material CCP

Transmitting ultraviolet rays through the water Microbiological contamination Underconcentration of chlorine in water CCP

Enriching water with C02 Microbiological contamination Lack of C02 in water CCP

Table 3

HACCP Analysis Plan

Process Step Hazards Control Measures Value CP/CCP

Type* Name

Water from the well M Microbiological contamination Monitor of the microbiologi-cal status of the horizon 3 General control

Water from the well P Mechanical impurities Use pipes made only with approved materials 1 General control

Water from the well C Herbicides Use pipes made only with approved materials 1 General control

Water from the well P Mechanical impurities Regular maintenance of filters 1 General control

Water from the well C Hydrogen sulphide Monitor of the microbiologi-cal status of water from wells horizon 1 General control

Water injection into the storage tank M Microbiological contamination 1 General control

Storing water in the tanks M Microbiological contamination Use storage reservoir made only with approved materials 1 General control

Sand filtering M Microbiological contamination Check the condition and re-place the filter material in the filter 8 CP

Sand filtering M Microbiological contamination Back flushing of filters 8 CP

Water after sand filtering P Mechanical impurities 4 General control

Transmitting ultraviolet rays through the wa-ter M Microbiological contamination 9 CCP

Ceramic filtering P Mechanical impurities 2 General control

Ceramic filtering M Microbiological contamination Back flushing of filters 9 CCP

Enriching water with CO2 M Microbiological contamination 8 CCP

* note: M - microbiological factor; P - physical factor; C - chemical factor


1. The HACCP Plan for the production of mineral water "Yodanka Pavlivska" was developed on the results of the research.

2. Implementation of HACCP Plan would make possible to: reduce the health and life danger risks of consumers while using the mineral water, improve consumer confidence; provide a systematic approach of production control, including control of all parameters of safety products from raw materials to the point of consumption; successfully compete on the market, attract foreign investors, conquer new trade markets, ensure reliable product quality, which determines the image of the company.

3. Using the HACCP system will provide high-quality and economical mode of quality control at the enterprise; the safety of food products and their quality will be guaranteed as well as control functions will be fulfilled in the production process.


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