Научная статья на тему 'Determination of critical control points for curd dessert with addition of vegetable ingredients (hawthorn, apricot, carrot)'

Determination of critical control points for curd dessert with addition of vegetable ingredients (hawthorn, apricot, carrot) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим сельскохозяйственным наукам, автор научной работы — Kalymbetova Zh., Orymbetova G., Mailybaeva E.

Настоящая работа посвящена изучению критических контрольных при производстве функциональных продуктов на основе творога и растительного сырья (боярышника, абрикоса, моркови). Определены возможные биологические и химические опасности и способы их устранения. Представлены результаты исследований критических контрольных точек на основе системы HACCP, обеспечивающие контроль качества и безопасность при производстве кисломолочного продукта (творожный десерт с добавлением растительных ингредиентов).

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The present work is devoted to the study of critical control in the production of functional products based on cottage cheese and vegetable raw materials (hawthorn, apricot, carrot). Possible biological and chemical hazards and ways of their elimination are determined. The results of studies of critical control points on basis of HACCP system providing quality control and safety in the production of a fermented milk product (curd dessert with the addition of vegetable ingredients) are presented.

Текст научной работы на тему «Determination of critical control points for curd dessert with addition of vegetable ingredients (hawthorn, apricot, carrot)»



Kalymbetova Zh.1, Orymbetova G.2, Mailybaeva E.3

1-4M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan 'master-student, 2cand.of tech.sc., assos.prof., 3master


Настоящая работа посвящена изучению критических контрольных при производстве функциональных продуктов на основе творога и растительного сырья (боярышника, абрикоса, моркови). Определены возможные биологические и химические опасности и способы их устранения. Представлены результаты исследований критических контрольных точек на основе системы HACCP, обеспечивающие контроль качества и безопасность при производстве кисломолочного продукта (творожный десерт с добавлением растительных ингредиентов).


The present work is devoted to the study of critical control in the production of functional products based on cottage cheese and vegetable raw materials (hawthorn, apricot, carrot). Possible biological and chemical hazards and ways of their elimination are determined. The results of studies of critical control points on basis of HACCP system providing quality control and safety in the production of a fermented milk product (curd dessert with the addition of vegetable ingredients) are presented.

Ключевые слова: творожный десерт, технология, молочная продукция

Key words: cottage cheese dessert, technology, dairy products.

The production of high-quality, biologically complete and safe products is the most important strategic task of the food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Industrialization and chemicalization of industrial production leads to the need to create a cottage cheese product with functional properties that enrich the product with minerals, and vitamins, etc.

Analysis of the situation in the dairy industry shows that the most relevant is the creation of a new cottage cheese product with vegetable ingredients that could compete with imported products in terms of both economic indicators and nutritional value.

Milk and its processed products are indispensable and useful in diets of baby food for all age categories, as well as adults. In most cases, the base of raw materials for the production of sour milk products is cow's milk, in this regard, at the moment, the most promising is the interest in using raw milk and other types of domestic animals [1, 2].

Milk is manifested as the most complete food product for the population, as it contains almost all the necessary nutrients that are easily digestible and balanced.

Sour milk products of baby food are: curd desserts with fruit fillers "Rostishka", "Suzbe", "ABVGDeyka", etc.

Currently, the main requirement for ensuring the safety and quality of sour-milk products in the production of food products on the whole technological chain is the implementation of the international standard ISO 22000: 2005, which contains the HACCP (Hazards Analysis and Critical Controls) principles, and controls starting from the acceptance of raw materials and to the consumer. According to the principles of HACCP in

the production of food at all stages, the selection of critical control points (CCPs) in which risks are possible that are associated with hazard of product safety for the health of consumers [3,4].

Curd dessert is a milk and protein product made from cottage cheese with the addition of fillers [5,6].

The technology for the production of cottage cheese desserts includes the following: milk acceptance, milk normalization, pasteurization, cooling, fermentation, mixing, clot separation, packaging, labeling.

As fillers were selected hawthorn, apricot, carrots.

Apricot contains vitamins P, B1 and PP, but most of all carotene (provitamin A) and potassium salts. There are also mineral substances - potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Microelements are represented by iron salts and iodine compounds.

The composition of hawthorn fruits include fatty acids, pectins, tartaric and citric acids, flavonoids, vitamins C, E, P, beta-carotene.

Carrots are rich in carotene, and also contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, etc., macro- and microelements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

The aim of the work is to determine critical control points in the production of curd dessert with the addition of vegetable ingredients.

Experimental investigations were carried out in the laboratories of the Department "Food Engineering" of M.Auezov SKSU.

As objects of research were selected cottage cheese, vegetable raw material (hawthorn, apricot, carrots), developed the dessert.

At first studied the chemical composition and biological value of vegetable raw materials and milk. Then

developed the recipe and dessert production technology based on cottage cheese, investigated its organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters, established storage life and modes.

The analysis of dangerous factors that may be in the production of products provides for the collection and evaluation of information about the risks and conditions that contribute to their occurrence. The effectiveness of the security management system will depend on whether this analysis is carefully conducted [7].

First of all, a list is made of all possible dangerous factors, such as physical, chemical, microbiological. At the same time, it is necessary to analyze the finished product, ingredients, raw materials, actions that take place at each stage of the production process, where the possibilities for the appearance, growth or preservation of dangerous risks in the product, storage regimes, personnel, packaging, production environment, sale of products in the market, supermarket and consumption by consumers.

Each risk should be evaluated according to the severity of the adverse effects on the health of consumers and according to the likelihood of its implementation.

Table 1. Microbiological parameters of dessert

The conducted studies of the finished dessert showed that according to physicochemical and organo-leptic parameters that they meet the requirements of GOST R 52790-2007 [10].

For each possible dangerous rick conducted a risk analysis taking into account the probability of occurrence of a factor and the importance of its consequences and made up a list of circumstances in which the risk is greater than the permissible level.

Hazardous factors established in TR CU 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products" and TR CU 021/2011 "On the safety of food products" were considered significant regardless of the results of the assessment.

PPA was determined for every possible potentially dangerous factor at all stages of the food chain.

In the technological process, the stages of acceptance of raw materials (hawthorn, apricot, carrots), pasteurization of the mixture (curd mass, vegetable components) are attributed to the CCP, which should be monitored and controlled to minimize or eliminate potential hazards. CCPs are thoroughly studied and all data on them are documented. CCP for the production of a curd product are:

Based on the standard ISO 22000: 2005, the "Decision tree" method was used for the analysis of CCP [8]. This method seems to be simple and consistent in use, and therefore contributes to its frequent application in order to determine the CCP, which describes the course of logical thinking when studying the hazard at each step of the production process. Responding to the questions of the decision tree, the HACCP team decides on the expediency of finding a critical counter point at a specific stage.

The composition and properties of cottage cheese are determined by the type of the main product and the features of its technology.

The source of mineral salts, vitamins, organic acids and aromatic substances of greatest interest is hawthorn, apricot, carrots. It also increases appetite and is recommended for cardiovascular [9].

Fruits of hawthorn, apricots and carrot juice were added to the resulting cottage cheese in the batch stage in an amount of 1 to 30%.

The results of the study of microbiological parameters of curd dessert are presented in Tables 1.

- acceptance of raw materials (hawthorn, apricot, carrot), contamination of plant components with E. coli bacteria, etc.; patulin, toxic elements, pesticides, nitrates;

- pasteurization of the mixture (curd mass, vegetable components), depends on the initial bacterial contamination.

The next stage was monitoring the CCP, which is designed to carry out, in a planned manner, monitoring and measurements that are necessary for the timely finding of critical limit damages and the implementation of appropriate preventive or corrective actions.

For each CCP, corrective actions were made, including: checking the measurement area, setting up equipment, removing inappropriate products.

In the future, for the qualitative work of the HACCP system, it is necessary to constantly maintain and improve it. For this, it is necessary to establish internal checks systematically and in a timely manner. The HACCP team must function constantly to correct corrective actions and fix them in a timely manner.

The carried out researches testify that the developed cottage cheese product of a functional purpose with vegetative ingredients is a valuable source of many enzymes, vitamins, growth stimulants.

Microbiological parameters Research results The normalized index Designation of Normative Documentation for test methods

E. coli Not detected Not allowed in 1.0 cm3 (g) GOST 9225-84 GOST 32901-2014

St.aureus Not detected Not allowed in 1.0 cm3 (g) GOST 30347-97

Mold Not detected Not more than 50 CFU / cm3 (g) GOST 10444.12-2013

Yeast Not detected Not more than 50 CFU / cm3 (g) GOST 10444.12- 2013

Pathogenic, including Salmonella Not detected Not allowed in 25.0 cm3 (g) GOST 31659-2012

L.monocytogenes Not detected Not allowed in 25.0 cm3 (g) GOST 32031-2012

Cottage cheese dessert with vegetative ingredients is balanced in terms of food and biological value by a product enriched with functional ingredients, and is recommended for mass consumption by the population. The proposed product has polyfunctional properties and surpasses the usual cottage cheese dessert on the content of minerals and vitamins.

According to the organoleptic and physicochemi-cal parameters, the quality of the cottage cheese dessert fully corresponds to the requirements of normative and technical documentation.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the HACCP system is one of the most effective tools in the field of safety and quality, especially for food products, which is based on the study of serious circumstances, which can be used to make decisions related to food hygiene, the creation of quality assurance programs.

The analysis of the most possible hazards in the production of curd desserts was carried out, potential CCPs were identified taking into account biological, chemical, and physical risks. As controlling actions, changes were made in temperature regimes in technological processes. Also, a monitoring system for monitoring at the CCP and corrective actions was established.


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3. Bernovskiy Yu.N. Standards and product quality: a practical training manual / Yu.N. Bernowsky. - Moscow: Forum: INFRA-M, 2014. - 256 p.

4. Nikitchenko V.E., Seryogin I.G., Nikitchenko D.V. The system of food safety HACCP: Textbook. allowance. - Moscow: RUDN, 2010. - 205 p.

5. Gorbatova K.K., Gunkova P.I. Chemistry and physics of milk and dairy products. SPb.: GIORD, 2012. 336 p.

6. Golubeva L.V., Dolmatova O.I., Bandura V.F. Cottage cheese products for functional purposes. Bulletin VGUIT. №2, 2015. p.98-102

7. Denisova, E.L. Hygienic assessment of nutrition, habitat and health of children and adults (on the example of c.Orekhovo-Zuevo) [Text]: dis .... Cand. honey. Sciences: 14.00.07 / Denisova, Elena Le-onidovna - M., 2004. - 189 p.

8. ISO 22000:2005 "Food safety management systems. Requirements for all organizations in the chain of production and consumption of food"

9. Berezina V.V. Commodity research and examination of the quality of fruits and vegetables and mushrooms. 2015. - 200 p.

10. GOST R 52790-2007 Cheese curds glazed. General specifications.


Рахматулин М.Л.,

докторант, Уразбаева Р.Е., аспирант, Атамкулов Н.Е.,

магистрант по специальности машиностроение 6М071200 КазНИТУ им.К.И.Сатпаева, гАлматы

Для получения полос высокого качества нами разработан многофункциональный продольно-кли-новый стан (ПКС) для прокатки полос [1].

Многофункциональный ПКС для прокатки листов из сталей и сплавов содержит, электродвигатели, редукторы, шестеренные клети, универсальные шпиндели, муфты, клети с рабочими и опорными валками, нажимные механизмы. При этом в первых трех клетях установлены два, а в последних двух клетях, четыре опорных валка. Вращение уменьшающихся в направлении прокатки рабочих валков осуществляется через подшипниковые клети пятью мотор-редукторами с угловой скоростью т = иЯ (где и - скорость прокатки в каждой клети стана; Я - радиус рабочих валков в каждой клети стана). При этом расстояние между клетями увеличены на величину опережения, а регулировку расстояния между рабочими валками производят едиными червячными нажимными механизмами, расположенными сверху и снизу станин стана и подшипниковых клетей.

Необходимо отметить, что рабочие валки в каждой клети имеют постоянный диаметр, а в последовательно расположенных клетях диаметр валков уменьшается в направлении прокатки. На выходе происходит разрезка тонкой полосы или смотка ее в рулоны.

При проектировании прокатных станов важным является определение геометрических размеров составных частей данного стана в зависимости от условий эксплуатации, используемых материалов и т.д. [2]. Для определения геометрических размеров элементов стана производят комплекс необходимых вычислений различными методиками инженерного анализа и компьютерной технологии.

При конструировании нажимного механизма нового стана важным вопросом является расчет механизма винт-гайка (рисунок 1). Расчет производили по методике, приведенной в работе [3] для винтового нажимного механизма с общей грузоподъемностью F = 0,6725 МН при прокатке полос толщиной до 100 мм.

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