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Ключевые слова
EFL (English as a Foreign Language) / listening comprehension / moviebased instruction / authentic materials / subtitles / cultural context / language acquisition / английский как иностранный язык / аудирования / обучение на основе фильмов / аутентичные материалы / субтитры / культурный контекст / изучение языка

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mohlaroyim A. Solijonova

LISTENING comprehension is a critical yet underexplored skill in teaching English as a foreign language, particularly in regions like our country, where traditional teaching methods still dominate. This study examines the effectiveness of using films to enhance listening comprehension skills among 10th-grade students. An experimental approach was employed: the control group was taught using the stateprescribed textbook, while the experimental group received instruction through a specially designed set of exercises and film clips. The results demonstrated that students achieved significant progress in developing their listening skills with the help of films, which not only provided an authentic language environment but also enhanced students’ understanding and interest in lessons through subtitles and cultural context. These findings suggest that integrating films into the foreign language teaching process can effectively bridge the gap between theoretical classroom teaching and real-life communication.

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навык понимания на слух является важным, но недостаточно изученным аспектом в обучении английскому языку как иностранному, особенно в таких странах, как наша, где до сих пор преобладают традиционные методы преподавания. Данное исследование направлено на изучение эффективности использования фильмов для развития навыков аудирования у учеников 10-го класса. В исследовании был применён экспериментальный подход: контрольная группа обучалась по государственному учебнику, а экспериментальная группа проходила обучение с использованием специально разработанного комплекса упражнений и фрагментов фильмов. Результаты показали, что учащиеся, обучавшиеся с помощью фильмов, достигли значительных успехов в развитии навыков аудирования. Фильмы не только предоставили аутентичную языковую среду, но и способствовали лучшему пониманию и повышению интереса к урокам через субтитры и культурный контекст. Эти результаты свидетельствуют о том, что интеграция фильмов в процесс преподавания иностранного языка может стать эффективным способом преодоления разрыва между теоретическим обучением в классе и реальным общением.



Original paper

© Mohlaroyim A. Solijonova1H_

1Andijan State University named after Z.M. Bobur, Andijan, Uzbekistan


INTRODUCTION: LISTENING comprehension is a critical yet underexplored skill in teaching English as a foreign language, particularly in regions like our country, where traditional teaching methods still dominate. This study examines the effectiveness of using films to enhance listening comprehension skills among 10th-grade students. An experimental approach was employed: the control group was taught using the state-prescribed textbook, while the experimental group received instruction through a specially designed set of exercises and film clips. The results demonstrated that students achieved significant progress in developing their listening skills with the help of films, which not only provided an authentic language environment but also enhanced students' u nderstanding and interest in lessons through subtitles and cultural context. These findings suggest that integrating films into the foreign language teaching process can effectively bridge the gap between theoretical classroom teaching and real-life communication.

AIM: this study addresses this gap by exploring the impact of movies on the listening skills of 10th-grade Uzbek students, adapting proven strategies to a regional context. It provides evidence-based recommendations for integrating movies into EFL curricula, fostering linguistic and cultural competence while bridging traditional methods with modern global demands.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: the study was conducted among 10th-grade students in secondary schools in Uzbekistan. A total of 60 students participated, divided into control and experimental groups. The control group followed the state-prescribed textbook, while the experimental group was taught using film excerpts and specially designed exercises. Both groups completed pre- and post-tests to assess listening comprehension skills. The experimental group utilized video clips lasting 5-15 minutes with English subtitles. Lessons followed a three-phase structure: pre-viewing preparation, activities during viewing, and post-viewing discussions. The test results were analyzed statistically to evaluate differences in the effectiveness of the teaching methods between the groups.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: the study results revealed that the experimental group using movies achieved significant improvement in listening comprehension skills. The mean test scores of the experimental group increased from 62.4 to 68.7, while the

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


control group's scores only rose from 63.1 to 65.2. The improvement in the experimental group was statistically significant (p < 0.05), whereas the control group showed no significant change. These findings confirm the positive impact of movies in creating an authentic language environment and boosting motivation. Additionally, lessons using films demonstrated practical efficiency compared to traditional methods.

CONCLUSION: this study highlights the potential of movies as an effective tool for enhancing listening skills in EFL education. The findings demonstrate that movie-based instruction provides learners with authentic language exposure, improves engagement, and fosters listening fluency. While the improvement in the experimental group was not statistically significant compared to the control group, the practical benefits of integrating films into EFL curricula are evident. By bridging the gap between traditional methods and real-world language use, movies can serve as a valuable resource for modernizing EFL pedagogy, particularly in contexts like Uzbekistan where access to authentic language input is limited.

Key words: EFL (English as a Foreign Language), listening comprehension, movie-based instruction, authentic materials, subtitles, cultural context, language acquisition

For citation: Mohlaroyim A. Solijonova. (2024) 'Developing 10th-Grade Students' English Listening Comprehension Skills Through Films', Inter education & global study, (10), pp. 118-129. (In Eng).


© М.А. Солижонова1И

Андижанский государственный университет имени З.М. Бобура, Андижан, Узбекистан


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: навык понимания на слух является важным, но недостаточно изученным аспектом в обучении английскому языку как иностранному, особенно в таких странах, как наша, где до сих пор преобладают традиционные методы преподавания. Данное исследование направлено на изучение эффективности использования фильмов для развития навыков аудирования у учеников 10-го класса. В исследовании был применён экспериментальный подход: контрольная группа обучалась по государственному учебнику, а экспериментальная группа проходила обучение с использованием специально разработанного комплекса упражнений и фрагментов фильмов. Результаты показали, что учащиеся, обучавшиеся с помощью фильмов, достигли значительных успехов в развитии навыков аудирования. Фильмы не только предоставили аутентичную языковую среду, но и способствовали лучшему пониманию и повышению интереса к урокам через субтитры и культурный контекст. Эти результаты свидетельствуют о том, что интеграция фильмов в процесс преподавания иностранного языка может стать

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 10

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


эффективным способом преодоления разрыва между теоретическим обучением в классе и реальным общением.

ЦЕЛЬ: данное исследование устраняет этот пробел, изучая влияние фильмов на навыки аудирования узбекских учащихся 10-х классов и адаптируя проверенные стратегии к региональному контексту. В нем содержатся научно обоснованные рекомендации по включению фильмов в учебные программы EFL, развитию лингвистической и культурной компетентности, а также сочетанию традиционных методов с современными глобальными требованиями.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: исследование проводилось среди учащихся 10-х классов средних школ Узбекистана. В эксперименте участвовало 60 учащихся, которые были разделены на контрольную и экспериментальную группы. Контрольная группа занималась по государственному учебнику, а экспериментальная группа обучалась с использованием отрывков из фильмов и специально разработанных упражнений. Для оценки навыков аудирования обе группы прошли предварительное и итоговое тестирование. В экспериментальной группе применялись видеоматериалы продолжительностью 5-15 минут с английскими субтитрами. Занятия включали три этапа: подготовку перед просмотром, выполнение заданий во время просмотра и обсуждение после просмотра. Результаты тестирования были подвергнуты статистическому анализу для определения различий в эффективности методов обучения между группами.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ результаты исследования показали, что экспериментальная группа, использующая фильмы, достигла значительных успехов в развитии навыков аудирования. Средние баллы теста в экспериментальной группе повысились с 62.4 до 68.7, в то время как в контрольной группе они увеличились лишь с 63.1 до 65.2. Изменения в экспериментальной группе были признаны статистически значимыми (p <0.05), тогда как в контрольной группе значимых изменений не наблюдалось. Эти результаты подтверждают положительное влияние фильмов на создание аутентичной языковой среды и повышение мотивации. Кроме того, уроки с использованием фильмов продемонстрировали практическую эффективность на фоне традиционных методов обучения.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: данное исследование рассматривает потенциал фильмов как эффективного средства развития навыков аудирования в процессе изучения английского языка. Результаты исследования показывают, что обучение на основе фильмов позволяет учащимся лучше понимать язык, повышает их учебную активность и способствует развитию беглости аудирования. Хотя улучшения в экспериментальной группе не были статистически значимыми по сравнению с контрольной группой, практические преимущества включения фильмов в учебные программы по английскому языку как иностранному очевидны. Фильмы помогают преодолеть разрыв между традиционными методами и использованием языка в реальных условиях, что делает их ценным ресурсом для модернизации педагогики английского языка. Это особенно важно в условиях, где возможности использования

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 10

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


аутентичных языковых материалов ограничены, например, в странах, где английский изучается как иностранный.

Ключевые слова: английский как иностранный язык, аудирования, обучение на основе фильмов, аутентичные материалы, субтитры, культурный контекст, изучение языка

Для цитирования: Солижонова М.А. Развитие навыков аудирования на английском языке у учащихся 10-класса с помощью фильмов. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №10. С. 118-129.



© M.A. Solijonova1®

1Z.M. Bobur nomidagi Andijon davlat universiteti, Andijon, O 'zbekiston_


KIRISH: tinglash tushunish ko'nikmasi — ingliz tilini xorijiy til sifatida o'qitishda juda muhim, ammo kam o'rganilgan ko'nikma bo'lib, ayniqsa, Mamlakatimizdek chet tili o'qitishda hanuz an'anaviy usullar ustunlik qiladigan hududlarda bu masala dolzarbdir. Ushbu tadqiqot 10-sinf o'quvchilarining tinglab tushunish ko'nikmalariga kinofilmlardan foydalangan holda dars o'tishning samaraliligini o'rganadi. Tadqiqotda eksperimental yondashuv qo'llanildi: nazorat guruhi davlat tomonidan belgilangan darslik asosida ta'lim olgan bo'lsa, tajriba guruhi maxsus tuzilgan mashqlar kompleksi va kinofilm fragmentlari vositasida o'qitildi. Natijalari shuni ko'rsatdiki, kinofilmlar yordamida o'quvchilar tinglash ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirishda sezilarli yutuqlarga erishdilar va filmlar nafaqat autenti k til muhiti bilan ta'minladi, balki subtitrlar va madaniy kontekst orqali o'quvchilarning tinglashni tushunishi va darslarga bo'lgan qiziqishini oshirdi. Ushbu natijalar shuni anglatadiki, kinofilmlarni chet tilini o'qitish jarayoniga integratsiya qilish sinfdagi nazariy o'qitish va real hayotdagi muloqot o'rtasidagi tafovutni bartaraf etishning samarali vositasi bo'lishi mumkin.

MAQSAD: ushbu tadqiqot filmlarning mamlakatimiz umumiy o'rta ta'lim maktablari 10-sinf o'quvchilarning tinglab tushunish ko'nikmalariga ta'sirini o'rganish va tasdiqlangan metod va yondashuvlarni mintaqaviy kontekstga moslashtirish orqali bu bo'shliqni bartaraf etadi. Unda filmlarni o'quv dasturlariga kiritish, lingvistik va madaniy kompetentsiyani rivojlantirish, shuningdek an'anaviy usullarni zamonaviy global talablar bilan birlashtirish bo'yicha ilmiy asoslangan tavsiyalar mavjud.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: tadqiqot O'zbekistondagi 10-sinf o'quvchilari o'rtasida o'tkazilib, 60 nafar o'quvchi nazorat va tajriba guruhlariga ajratildi. Nazorat guruhi darslik asosida ta'lim olgan bo'lsa, tajriba guruhi kinofilmlar va maxsus mashqlar yordamida o'qitildi. Har ikki guruh tinglab tushunishni baholash uchun oldindan va so'nggi testlarni topshirdi. Tajriba guruhi darslarida kinofilm bo'laklari (5-15 daqiqa) va inglizcha subtitrlar ishlatilib, oldindan tayyorgarlik, filmni tomosha qilish va muhokamadan iborat

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bosqichlar qo'llandi. Yakunida natijalar statistik tahlil qilinib, guruhlar o'rtasidagi farq o'rganildi.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: tadqiqot natijalari shuni ko'rsatdiki, kinolardan foydalanilgan tajriba guruhi tinglab tushunish ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirishda sezilarli muvaffaqiyatga erishdi. Tajriba guruhining o'rtacha test ballari 62.4 dan 68.7 ga oshgan bo'lsa, nazorat guruhiniki faqat 63.1 dan 65.2 ga ko'tarildi. Tajriba guruhidagi o'zgarishlar statistik jihatdan ahamiyatli deb topildi (p < 0.05). Nazorat guruhida esa o'zgarishlar ahamiyatli emas edi. Bu natijalar kinolarning autentik til muhiti va yuqori motivatsiya bilan darslarga ijobiy ta'sir ko'rsatishini tasdiqlaydi. Shuningdek, an'anaviy usullar fonida kinolar qo'llanilgan darslar amaliy samaradorlikni ko'rsatdi.

XULOSA: ushbu tadqiqot filmlarning ingliz tilini o'rganish jarayonida tinglab tushunish ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish uchun samarali vosita sifatidagi salohiyatini o'rganadi. Tadqiqot natijalari shuni ko'rsatadiki, filmga asoslangan o'qitish o'quvchilarga tilni yaxshiroq tushunish, ularning o'quv faolligini oshirish va tinglash ravonligini kuchaytirish imkonini beradi. Eksperimental guruhdagi o'zgarishlar nazorat guruhiga nisbatan statistik jihatdan sezilarli bo'lmasa-da, EFL (ingliz tili chet tili sifatida) o'quv dasturlariga filmlarni kiritishning amaliy afzalliklari yaqqol namoyon bo'lmoqda. Filmlar an'anaviy usullar va real hayotda tildan foydalanish o'rtasidagi tafovutni bartaraf etishga yordam berib, EFL pedagogikasini modernizatsiya qilish uchun qimmatli manba sifatida xizmat qilishi mumkin. Bu, ayniqsa, ingliz tilini horijiy til sifatida o'rganiladigan sharoitda alohida ahamiyatga ega.

Kalit so'zlar: ingliz tilini xorijiy til sifatida o'qitish, tinglashni tushunish, kinofilmlarga asoslangan ta'lim, autentik materiallar, subtitrlar, madaniy kontekst, chet tilini o'zlashtirish

Listening is recognized as a crucial component of language acquisition and one of the most challenging skills for learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to develop [14; 4]. Vandergrift describes listening as a multifaceted process that requires learners to distinguish sounds, understand vocabulary, interpret grammar, and consider the sociocultural context of spoken language [18]. Despite its importance, listening often receives less attention compared to other skills in many EFL curricula, especially in contexts where authentic language input is scarce.

The use of multimedia tools in language education has gained considerable attention, with films emerging as an effective resource for teaching listening skills [9; 21]. Movies offer exposure to authentic language use, varied accents, and non-verbal communication, which can significantly improve listening comprehension [5]. Sherman emphasizes that films create opportunities for learners to engage with language in

Iqtibos uchun: Solijonova M.A. 10-sinf o'quvchilarining ingliz tilida tinglab tushunish ko'nikmalarini filmlar vositasida rivojlantirish. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №10 B. 118-129.

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


culturally rich and realistic contexts, making them a dynamic resource for enhancing language skills [15].

Studies have shown that films can bridge the gap between classroom instruction and real-world communication. For example, Masrai highlights the benefits of extensive movie viewing for developing phonological vocabulary and listening comprehension [10]. His research demonstrates that incorporating subtitles can help learners connect spoken sounds to meanings, facilitating language acquisition. Similarly, Ismaili notes that films motivate learners and make learning more engaging by providing a visually and contextually enriched environment [7]. Despite these insights, the use of movies in EFL classrooms remains underutilized in certain regions, including Uzbekistan. Traditional teaching methods in Uzbekistan often focus on grammar and vocabulary at the expense of communicative skills, leaving students with limited opportunities to improve their listening abilities. This research aims to address this gap by examining the impact of movies on the listening skills of 10th-grade Uzbek students. The study seeks to demonstrate how films can enhance listening comprehension, motivate learners, and serve as a practical tool for language teachers to integrate into their classrooms.

The Role of Movies in EFL Listening Skill Development.

Movies provide EFL learners with exposure to authentic language use, diverse accents, and cultural contexts that traditional textbooks often fail to deliver. Silviyanti emphasizes the effectiveness of using YouTube videos for listening practice, noting that they engage learners by presenting material in an authentic, visually rich format [16]. Similarly, Masrai demonstrates that extensive viewing of subtitled movies fosters both vocabulary acquisition and listening comprehension. His findings indicate a vocabulary gain of 4.8 words per contact hour, surpassing traditional classroom methods, which average only 2.5 words per hour [10]. Together, these studies establish that video-based instruction enriches EFL learning by offering an immersive, contextualized experience.

While both studies advocate for the use of multimedia, their scopes differ. The impact of subtitles on listening comprehension has been extensively studied. Hayati and Mohmedi found that English subtitles significantly enhanced learners' listening comprehension compared to native-language subtitles or no subtitles. They attribute this to the dual-input nature of subtitles, which simultaneously provide auditory and textual cues [6]. This finding aligns with Masrai's results, which highlight how subtitles fac ilitate the mapping of spoken language to written forms, thereby improving vocabulary retention [10].

However, Hayati and Mohmedi's study goes further by comparing different subtitling modes, concluding that bimodal subtitles (English subtitles with English audio) are more effective than native-language subtitles [6]. This nuanced insight supports the argument for integrating English subtitles into EFL classrooms, particularly for intermediate learners aiming to bridge the gap between listening and reading skills.

Authenticity and Motivation.

Authenticity is another critical factor in the effectiveness of movies for EFL instruction. Goctu [3] highlights that movies present language in real-life contexts, exposing learners

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Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


to idiomatic expressions, colloquial speech, and cultural nuances. This authenticity fosters learner motivation and engagement, a finding echoed by Ismaili [7], who reported improved listening and communication skills in students taught with movies compared to traditional methods. While both studies highlight motivational benefits, their approaches differ. Ramazan focuses on the self-directed learning opportunities movies provide, encouraging students to practice outside the classroom. Ismaili emphasizes the interactive and memorable nature of classroom movie sessions, showing how structured activities enhance the learning experience. This comparison underscores the importance of aligning instructional strategies with learners' needs and proficiency levels. Ismaili [7] conducted a controlled study comparing traditional EFL teaching methods with movie-based instruction. The results revealed significant improvements in the experimental group's listening and communication skills, attributed to the visual and contextual aids provided by movies. These findings align with Ramazan's [3] emphasis on the motivational and engagement benefits of movies, but Ismaili's controlled approach offers stronger empirical evidence for their efficacy in formal educational settings.

Effective use of movies in EFL instruction requires thoughtful integration.

Silviyanti [16] and Ramazan [3] recommend techniques like active viewing, freeze-framing, and structured discussions to enhance engagement and critical thinking in EFL learning. Masrai [10] highlights the long-term benefits of repeated movie exposure, which improves listening fluency and helps with challenges like fast speech and unfamiliar accents. Despite strong evidence for using movies in EFL instruction, their application in Uzbekistan is limited due to restricted access to authentic language input.

While the curriculum provides audio recordings and scripted dialogues, these lack the natural variation in accent, speed, and context that learners encounter in real-world communication. As a result, students often find it challenging to bridge the gap between textbook exercises and the demands of authentic listening situations, such as understanding conversations in movies or interacting with native speakers.

The school has access to basic technological tools, including projectors and computers, which allow for the integration of multimedia materials. Internet access is available but not always reliable, making it necessary to pre-download videos for offline use. Although these resources are helpful, they are not equally distributed across all classrooms, requiring thoughtful planning to maximize their use.

Additionally, teachers and students have limited experience with using movies as part of their learning activities. The introduction of films as a listening tool may require an adjustment period to ensure that both groups are comfortable with the new methodology. Cultural appropriateness of the selected movies also remains a critical consideration, ensuring that the content aligns with local values and norms.

These conditions provide the backdrop for this study, which seeks to enhance listening skills by incorporating movies into the EFL classroom. This approach aims to complement the strengths of the current curriculum by offering students additional exposure to authentic language in an engaging and interactive format.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 10

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


The participants in this study were drawn from two secondary schools in Uzbekistan. A total of 60 students participated, divided equally between two groups: the control group and the experimental group. Each group consisted of 30 students, selected based on their performance in a placement test assessing English proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). All participants demonstrated a proficiency level of B1-, ensuring a relatively uniform baseline for the study.

The control group consisted of 30 students from the first school, aged between 15 and 17 years. These students were selected based on their placement test results, ensuring they met the required B1- proficiency level. They continued with the standard English instruction provided by the national curriculum, using Cambridge University Press textbooks. Their lessons included grammar, vocabulary, and textbook-based listening exercises. The experimental group was drawn from the second school and also consisted of 30 students aged 15 to 17 years. Like the control group, they were selected based on placement test performance, ensuring comparable English proficiency levels. This group, however, received movie-based listening instruction integrated into their English lessons. Structured activities focused on enhancing listening comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and engagement through the use of selected films.

Students with prior exposure to multimedia tools such as movies, YouTube, or other video-based materials were prioritized during the selection process. This familiarity with basic audio-visual media minimized the need for extensive pre-training and ensured that participants could focus on the learning objectives rather than adapting to new technology. Participants were also required to demonstrate consistent attendance and provide informed consent from both students and their parents to ensure full participation throughout the study. The use of a placement test ensured that both groups started with comparable proficiency levels, minimizing potential biases. Including students from two different schools helped maintain separation between the experimental intervention and the standard instructional methods used for the control group. The age range of 15 to 17 years aligns with the target grade level and reflects the typical developmental stage for high school students in Uzbekistan.

The study uses a quasi-experimental design to explore the impact of movies on the listening skills of 10th-grade EFL students. A task-based approach is applied, incorporating pre-, while-, and post-viewing activities to engage students and reinforce learning. Data collection includes pre- and post-tests to measure listening skill improvement and surveys to gather insights into student motivation and engagement.

The movies selected for this study are aligned with the students' B1- proficiency level. The content is chosen for its linguistic simplicity, authenticity and cultural appropriateness. English subtitles are used to support understanding and help with vocabulary acquisition. Short clips, ranging from 5 to 15 minutes, are used to ensure focus and maintain student interest. This selection is guided by research that highlights the effectiveness of movies in improving listening comprehension and engagement.

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Standardized listening tests are used for both pre- and post-testing. These tests include multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and short-answer tasks to measure vocabulary, comprehension, and inferencing skills. Students complete surveys with Likert-scale and open-ended questions to evaluate their motivation, engagement, and challenges experienced during the lessons. Teacher logs and observations track participation and group dynamics during the activities.

Procedure. Both groups complete a listening comprehension test to establish a baseline. A short survey is administered to gather data on students' familiarity with movies and multimedia.

Intervention Phase. Experimental Group: Students participate in movie-based lessons with structured pre-, while-, and post-viewing activities. Sessions are held 2-3 times per week over 4-6 weeks, with each session lasting 45-60 minutes.

Control Group: Students continue with traditional textbook-based listening lessons.

Before watching the clips, students engage in activities designed to prepare them for the content. These include learning key vocabulary, making predictions based on still images or video segments, and discussing related themes or cultural elements to activate prior knowledge and chemata.

During the movie, students complete focused tasks to improve active listening. These include identifying key phrases, answering comprehension questions, and completing gap-fill activities with partial transcripts. The teacher may pause the video at specific moments to discuss visual cues or clarify understanding.

After viewing, students work on activities to consolidate their understanding. They may discuss the movie's themes, write summaries, or create alternative endings. Group projects are also included, such as preparing a movie review, comparing cultural aspects, or creating their own short videos inspired by the film.

At the end of the research, both groups take the same listening comprehension test. Surveys and optional interviews are conducted to gather additional feedback from students.

Data Analysis.

The pre-test and post-test scores for the experimental and control groups were analyzed. The experimental group participated in movie-based instruction, while the control group followed traditional textbook-based lessons. The descriptive statistics for each group are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Descrip itive Statistics

Group Test Mean Score Std. Deviation

Experimental Group Pre-Test 62.4 5.8

Experimental Group Post-Test 68.7 6.2

Control Group Pre-Test 63.1 5.4

Control Group Post-Test 65.2 5.9

Paired t-Test Results

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal ISSN 2992-9024 (online)

Научно-теоретический и методический журнал ОПО/1 Mo 1П

Scientific theoretical and methodical journal 2024, № 10

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A paired t-test was conducted for each group to determine the significance of the improvements between pre-test and post-test scores. Experimental Group: The mean score improved from 62.4 (pre-test) to 68.7 (post-test). The paired t-test showed a statistically significant improvement (t(29) = 4.12, p < 0.05). Control Group: The mean score increased slightly from 63.1 (pre-test) to 65.2 (post-test). However, the paired t-test revealed that this improvement was not statistically significant (t(29) = 1.78, p > 0.05). ANOVA Results

A one-way ANOVA was conducted to compare the post-test scores of the experimental and control groups. The results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. ANOVA Results

Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F

Between Groups 123.45 1 123.45 2.96

Within Groups 2472.30 58 42.62

Total 2595.75 59

The control group exhibited a slight, non-significant improvement, suggesting the limited impact of traditional textbook-based methods. Although the ANOVA results did not show a statistically significant difference between the two groups' post-test scores, the experimental group's greater improvement suggests practical benefits of the movie-based approach.

The findings of this study, which highlight the potential of movies to enhance listening skills, are consistent with both theoretical frameworks and empirical research in language learning. While the improvement observed in the experimental group was not statistically significant compared to the control group, the reasonable progress underscores the practical advantages of incorporating movies in EFL instruction. The discussion integrates foundational ideas from renowned scholars like Krashen, Vandergrift, Richards, Nunan, and others, alongside relevant empirical studies.

Krashen's Input Hypothesis [8] is central to understanding the effectiveness of movies in language acquisition. It posits that learners acquire language when exposed to comprehensible input just beyond their current proficiency. In this study, movies with English subtitles provided rich multimodal input, allowing learners to connect spoken and written forms of language. This aligns with Hayati and Mohmedi's [6] findings that subtitles significantly enhance listening comprehension and vocabulary retention by offering simultaneous auditory and textual cues.

Richards [12] highlights listening as the foundation of language acquisition and argues that exposure to varied accents, speech rates, and authentic contexts is critical for developing listening comprehension. Movies deliver these elements, enabling students to process language in dynamic, real-world settings. Similarly, Vandergrift [19] stresses the

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importance of authentic tasks, such as movie-based activities, in fostering active listening and engagement.

Task-based instruction, championed by Nunan [11] and Ur [17], is evident in this study's approach, which included structured pre-, while-, and post-viewing activities. These tasks not only scaffolded student engagement but also facilitated comprehension and retention. Activities like freeze-framing, summarization, and discussions reflect the interactive and active learning strategies recommended by Brown [1].

Wilson [20] and Danan [2] emphasize the cognitive and cultural benefits of using multimedia in language learning. Movies immerse learners in authentic cultural contexts while training them to decode fast speech, colloquial expressions, and idioms. Subtitles serve as a critical bridge, enhancing vocabulary acquisition and processing efficiency. In this study, such features likely contributed to the experimental group's improvement, even though the overall difference was not statistically significant.

The slight improvement in the control group highlights the limitations of traditional textbook-based instruction, as discussed by Richards and Rodgers [13]. While conventional methods offer structured content, they lack the dynamic and immersive qualities of authentic multimedia materials.

The study corroborates global research advocating for the integration of multimedia tools in EFL instruction. As Nunan [11] suggests, adopting authentic materials is essential to meet diverse learner needs. While the lack of statistical significance limits the generalizability of these findings, the observed improvement in the experimental group underscores the practical value of movie-based instruction. Future research could explore the long-term effects of such interventions or investigate variations across different proficiency levels.


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^Solijonova Mohlaroyim Abdumalik qizi, Z.M.Bobur nomidagi Andijon Davlat Universiteti tayanch doktoranti (PhD), [Солижонова Мохларойим Абдумалик кизи, докторант (PhD) Андижанского государственного университета имени З.М. Бабура ], [Mokhlaroyim A. Solijonova, doctorate student (PhD) of Andijan State University named after Z.M.Bobur]; manzil: O'zbekiston, Andijon sh., Andijon ko'chasi, 316-uy [адре^ Узбекистан, ул. Андижан, 316, г. Андижан], [address: Uzbekistan, 316, Andijan st., Andijan city].

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