Научная статья на тему 'Determination of the significant factors of furnace bay equipment affecting energy consumption'

Determination of the significant factors of furnace bay equipment affecting energy consumption Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Rakhmonov Ikromdzhon Usmonovich, Omonov Fakhriddin Berdiyaarovich

The structure of oven flight is brought in article. And also it is considered questions of influence on a consumption of energy resources of significant factors of the equipment of oven flight. In article the major problems in modern metallurgy and methods of increase in efficiency of electrosteel-smelting production are considered. The most significant periods of electrosteel-smelting engineering procedure, the period of fusion of a metalloshchikhta in which more than 70% of the electric power spent for all of electric melting are consumed are analyzed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Determination of the significant factors of furnace bay equipment affecting energy consumption»

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Список литературы

1. Издательство БХВ-Петербург/ Тактика защиты и нападения на Web-приложения, 2005. 432 с.

2. Positive research. Сборник исследований по практической безопасности. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.ptsecurity.com/upload/ptru/analytics/Positive-Research-2016-rus.pdf/ (дата обращения: 01.03.2016).

3. Козлов Д.Д., Петухов А.А. Методы обнаружения уязвимостей в web- приложениях / Программные системы и инструменты: тематический сборник ф-та ВМиК МГУ им. Ломоносова. № 7. П/р Л.Н. Королева. М: Издательский отдел ВМиК МГУ. Изд-во МАКС Пресс, 2006.


'Rakhmonov Ikromdzhon Usmonovich - Senior teacher;


Abstract: the structure of oven flight is brought in article. And also it is considered questions of influence on a consumption of energy resources of significant factors of the equipment of oven flight. In article the major problems in modern metallurgy and methods of increase in efficiency of electrosteel-smelting production are considered. The most significant periods of electrosteel-smelting engineering procedure, the period of fusion of a metalloshchikhta in which more than 70% of the electric power spent for all of electric melting are consumed are analyzed. Keywords: efficiency, specific expense, installation, production, technological complex.

The furnace bay includes: a) repair and furnace roof assembly site (elev. 0 m); b) furnace bay site (8.5 m elev.), c) furnace equipment repair site (8.5 m elev.); d) Residential and office premises for repair and duty personnel of main support services. The bay is equipped with railway access road (route 5), 3 cranes of 180/63/20 tons capacity, weighbridge of200 t capacity for weighing scrap tub [1].

Furnace span is equipped with 1 DSP-100 arc furnace for steelmaking.

The most important problems in modern metallurgy is the high energy consumption of steel products, which is one of the main indicators that determine the efficiency of the entire iron and steel industry in a constantly growing energy shortages, environmental requirements. Improvement in efficiency of electric steel production lead to the possibility of melting virtually all grades of steel in EAF with a high degree of automation of the melting process. The raw material is scrap. In about 40% of world steel smelted using scrap steel. A requirement for the operating mode of EAF is to provide maximum performance with a minimum specific consumption of electricity.

The most important period of the EAF process is a period of melting metal-charge, which consumes more than 70% of the electricity consumed on the entire electromelting process. By intensifying the technological processes, electric arc furnace can reduce the time of operation under the current, which allows improving the process.

"Uzmetkombinat" introduced a new type of arc furnace DSP-100 UMIC with bay release of liquid steel in the main steel ladles, followed by secondary treatment in the complex steel processing unit. Using the DSP-100 for charge melting processes and molten bath oxidation of impurities ensures the release of the standard precursor for various grades of steel, with the reduced dwell time of the molten metal in the furnace, reduced lining wear and increased furnace productivity. To intensify the melting of the charge furnace is equipped with a system of three gas-oxygen burners by "Lange" company with automatic control of gas flow and oxygen and all operating parameters output to the control and the computer. In the development of electric modes the main task is to establish the optimum amount of power in accordance with heat requirements in each period of melting [2]. Thus, maintaining optimum power modes at each stage of melting allows minimizing melting duration and power consumption, which improves the economic performance of the furnace. Transferring steel finishing operations on the complex steel processing unit made it possible: to reduce specific cost of electricity on smelting, refractories, electrodes, ferroalloys, to adjust the chemical composition of the steel and the temperature more precisely. This enabled the flexible management of the entire cycle from melting to casting of steel.


1. Rahmonov I. U. Analysis of problems of management of a power consumption and ways of their decisions. International Scientific-Practical Conference "Science and Innovation in the XXI century: problems and solutions", 29.09.2015. United Kingdom. London. P. 22-25.

2. Hoshimov F.A., Rahmonov I.U. Rationing of electricity productation in the rolling of ferrous metallurgy. European Science review Scientific journal. № 11-12, 2014. (November-December). Austria. Vienna.


'Котов Владимир Михайлович - начальник отдела; 2Ерыгина Людмила Александровна - старший научный сотрудник, Национальный ядерный центр Республики Казахстан, г. Курчатов, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: показаны особенности работы опреснительной установки с контактным теплообменом между греющим паром и испаряемой водой. Проведен анализ характеристик обмена энергией в элементах установки, определяющих ее экономическую эффективность. Предложены технические решения, снижающие затраты энергии на опреснение воды в вариантах с повышенным давлением пара в испарительной камере.

Ключевые слова: опреснительная установка, выпаривание, рекуперативный теплообменник, компрессор, пар, вода.


Существующий во многих регионах дефицит пресной воды может быть покрыт за счет опреснения соленых вод. Основной технологией, используемой при этом, является выпаривание в многокорпусных аппаратах. Она становится экономически выгодной при высокой производительности. Недостатком, являющимся следствием использования многокорпусных аппаратов, является сложность общей схемы. Кроме того при работе проявляется осаждение солей на рабочих поверхностях аппаратов, ухудшающее эксплуатационные свойства.

Возможные устранения данных недостатков могут быть связаны с технологией контактного теплообмена между испаряемой водой и греющим паром [1]. В предложенном решении [2] используется испарительная камера с падающим потоком соленой воды, который контактирует

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