Научная статья на тему 'Designing manual for reading lesson'

Designing manual for reading lesson Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Khayrullayeva Dilorom

Language learning materials play an important role in order to create effective teaching and learning environments. Some teachers base their practices following a textbook, but they sometimes claim that a textbook does not fulfill both teachers’ and learners’ expectations. Other teachers recognize the importance of developing their own instructional materials as they fit into their teaching contexts. This article describes the process of designing an English reading comprehension manual for High school ESP learners.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Designing manual for reading lesson»

для различения речи каждого говорящего ставится тире между совами автора и косвенным предложением (Кулдош хеч нарсага тушунмай индамасдан туршан экан,-сизга айтяпман, тез булинг, отга мининг!- деб буйрук килибди).

Мужчины в основном используют запятые (... so she pushed her and coaxed her and got her up, and tied a string round her neck, and passed it down the chimney, and fastened it to her own wrist) и дефисы в своих речах (... лаби гезарган холда ун етти кеча-ю ун етти кундуздан кейин кош корайган вактда бир баланд калъанинг олдига келибди...). В общем целью использования этих знаков препинания мужчинами является создание удобства для лучшего понимания текста читателями и сжатие письменного текста и выражение собственных мыслей более полноценно. Фоно-стилистические переходы (аллитерация, ассонанс, какофония) в основном свойственны женским дискурсам. Среди структурных аспектов переходов, использования хиазмы и зевгмы мужчинами свидетельствует о несоблюдении речевых норм. Мужчинам свойственно точное доставление речи слушателю или собеседнику, так как их речь богата анафорой и полисиндетоном. Нарушение речевых норм и конфликтные разговоры тоже свойственны мужчинам, потому что в их речи часто встречается парадокс и катахреза.

Список литературы

1. Асирян С.С. Гендерные аспекты моделирования образа женщины в американских фольклорных текстах: Дис. ... канд. филол. наук. Ставрополь, 2011. 200 c.

2. Гриценко Е.С. Язык как средство конструирования тендера: Дисс. на соис. уч.степ.доктора филол.наук.-Нижний Новгород, 2005. 219c.



Abstract: language learning materials play an important role in order to create effective teaching and learning environments. Some teachers base their practices following a textbook, but they sometimes claim that a textbook does not fulfill both teachers' and learners' expectations. Other teachers recognize the importance of developing their own instructional materials as they fit into their teaching contexts. This article describes the process of designing an English reading comprehension manual for High school ESP learners.

Keywords: memorize, predict, interpret, reading manual, assessment, committee, metacognitive factors.

Reading is one the most important language skills as it is used quite often not only for everyday life, but also for academic purposes. Lopera [2] defines reading as "an interactive process in which the writer and the reader dialog through a text". The reader has to interpret the message posited by the writer and they both have to create coherent meaning. Lopera [3] supports that the reader needs to possess certain elements in order to understand the text: linguistic knowledge, background knowledge, and cognitive processes. Linguistic knowledge involves awareness about the language, that is, recognition of vocabulary, grammar structures, and tenses. Background knowledge has to do with the knowledge that the reader has about the topic he/she is reading. The prior knowledge of a topic helps readers understand the text. Finally, cognitive processes help readers memorize, predict, and

interpret the text. While designing materials for each course each department should organize their own team with experienced teachers who teach Reading and Writing lessons.

Subsequently, the designers should discuss their teaching experiences and exchanged the materials they had used in their classes. Finally, they begin the process of designing the manual taking into account the following academic issues:

1. The three stages for reading activities: pre-reading activities, while-reading activities, and post-reading activities [2, P.79-90]. Pre-reading activities were intended to construct background knowledge. In this stage, teachers design activities such as vocabulary introduction, looking at visuals, and previewing the text. While-reading activities were intended to ask students to have immediate contact with the reading. Asking for the main idea, guessing, and making inferences are some examples. Post-reading activities were intended to verify and expand knowledge acquired during the reading. Identifying the author's purpose, discussing the author's line of reasoning, summarizing the text are some examples of this stage. It is worth noting that the academic group designed all activities and created most of the readings.

2. Two forms of assessment: formative and summative [1, P.165-183]. The results tell the teacher what he/she must do/adjust during the course (at the beginning, in the middle, etc.). The latter refers to an assessment at a specific time and it usually occurs at the end in order to evaluate what students have learnt.

3. The following general considerations for the design of the manual:

■ Some grammar topics need to be covered in this manual as they are proposed in the program of reading comprehension I. However, they are a complementary part of the reading strategy. The grammar topics help readers recognize linguistic elements. These grammar topics are going to be under the heading "grammar corner"

■ The manual must contain academic language in order to familiarize students with the formal organization of texts

■ Websites are suggested for further practice

■ Each topic needs to have a goal in order to inform readers of the purpose of the theme

■ The exercises as well as the readings can be adapted. Some techniques such as adding, modifying, rewriting, subtracting, or simplifying could fit the purpose [4].

The teacher can bring other readings as well as exercises in order to recycle or reinforce the reading topics. Dictionary use is important in the process of understanding readings.

This manual aims at intensive reading: teachers guide the process, and it is usually given in classrooms. Nevertheless, the teacher of the course may involve extensive reading, too: reading individually and silently for the purpose of enjoyment.

In order to verify the academic production of the manual, designers decided to take into account the following strategies [2]:

■ Designers will pilot some units of the manual during the design;

■ The academic committee will assess the manual and give feedback to designers.


1. Areiza H. (2013). Role of systematic formative assessment on students' views of their learning. PROFILE, 15(2), 165-183.

2. Lopera S. (2012). Effects of strategy instruction in an EFL reading comprehension course: a case study. PROFILE, 14(1), 79-90.

3. Lopera S. (2014). Motivation conditions in a foreign language reading comprehension course offering both a web-based modality and a face-to-face modality. PROFILE, 16(1), 89-104.

4. McDonough J., & Shaw C. (1993). Materials and methods in ELT. Oxford: Blackwell.

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