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Ключевые слова
social networking sites / teacher-student collaborative assessment / academic writing / educational platform / сайты социальных сетей / оценивание в сотрудничестве преподаватель – студент / академическое письмо / образовательная платформа

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Liashenko M.S., Mineeva O.A., Povarenkina I.A.

The study addresses the necessity to design and deploy collaborative e-assessment via a social networking site (SNS) into teaching for academic writing at university. The aim of the research is to investigate students’ perceptions and experiences of using a SNS-based learning community which was designed and deployed for collaborative teacher-peer assessment. The design-based research employs a mixed methods approach to explore students’ experiences and perceptions of their learning outcomes. The analysis enables the researchers to present schematically the process and the model that highlight the key elements of the process of learning via SNS. Special attention is paid to learning outcomes and the factors, which are pointed out by the students as the most important for successful implementation of the technology into teaching and learning. The findings contribute to better understanding of students’ experiences of collaborative e-assessment via SNS and support further theoretical investigations to refine the specific design of such virtual learning communities and conceptualize learning via SNS.

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Статья описывает опыт создания и внедрения сайтов социальных сетей как образовательной технологии в рамках курса улучшения навыков академического письма. Цель исследования состоит в изучении мнения студентов и их опыта использования социальных сетей как виртуального образовательного сообщества, созданного для организации оценивания письменных работ в сотрудничестве преподаватель – студенты. Методология исследования включает в себя дизайн данного обучающего сообщества и смешанные методы сбора качественной и количественной информации об опыте использования данной технологии для улучшения навыков академического письма у студентов второго курса программ бакалавриата в вузе. Анализ данных позволил представить схематично процесс обучения посредством социальных сетей. Особое внимание уделяется образовательным результатам, которые студенты отметили как наиболее важные. Данные выводы могут быть использованы преподавателями, методистами и дизайнерами дистанционных и онлайн-курсов для лучшего понимания специфики дизайна и динамики обучения в виртуальных образовательных сообществах, созданных на основе социальных сетей.


родителей (76,4%), сделать ошибки (82,3%), опоздать (76,4%), сказочных персонажей (88,2%) и темноты (88,2%).

Детям, характеризующимся повышенным и высоким уровнями выраженности тревожности, была предложена коррекционная программа «Поверь в себя».

Результаты вторичной диагностики (опросник Филлипса, проективная методика А.М. Прихожан) выявили высокий уровень выраженности тревожности у 30% и 28% учащихся соответственно.

При повторном исследовании распространенных страхов младших школьников (методика Захарова, Панфиловой) выявлено 12% детей, у которых количество страхов превышает возрастную норму (> 12).

Полученный данные свидетельствуют о том, что уровень тревожности в группе испытуемых после прохождения коррекционной программы «Поверь в себя» снизился на 27%.

По показателям сравнительного анализа результатов первичной и вторичной диагностики было выявлено снижение количества страхов в группе испытуемых на 23% ^ = 2,12 (р < 0,05), t = 2,92 (р < 0.01); эмпирическое значение t = 4,9).

Коррекционная программа, основанная на идеях сказкотерапии «Поверь в себя», является эффективной для снижения уровня тревожности и количества страхов младших школьников через изменение отношения к страхам и трудностям, повышение уровня уверенности, обучение пониманию своих эмоций и обращению с ними. Эффективность использования сказки в работе с младшими школьниками обеспечивалась за счет проживания различных эмоциональных

Библиографический список

состояний в безопасной среде, вербализации переживаний, знакомства со словами, обозначающими различные эмоциональные состояния, благодаря чему у них формировалась способность к более глубокому пониманию себя и других людей, развитию социальной адаптации, что особенно важно в коррекции и профилактике страхов у детей младшего школьного возраста.

Эффективность коррекционной программы тревожности и страхов детей младшего школьного возраста получила эмпирическое подтверждение. Вместе с этим у 30% детей сохранились высокие уровни тревожности, у 12% количество страхов превышает возрастную норму (> 12).

Последний факт указывает на необходимость поиска психолого-педагогических технологий коррекции тревожности и страхов детей младшего школьного возраста индивидуальной направленности. Важно, чтобы каждый ребенок услышал и проиграл через сказкотерапию свою психотерапевтическую метафору, могущую сгладить травмы внешней реальности и сделать наполненной благополучием внутреннюю.

Для разработки коррекционных программ тревожности и страхов младших школьников индивидуальной направленности имеется огромный потенциал психотерапии: от арт- и игровой терапии до гипнотерапии [1].

Дальнейшие исследования методологии индивидуально направленных психологических коррекционных программ тревожности и страхов младших школьников имеют большую востребованность со стороны родителей, педагогов и, конечно же, самих детей.

1. Гулина М. Терапевтическая и консультативная психология. Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2001.

2. Зинкевич-Евстигнеева Т.Д. Формы и методы работы со сказками. Санкт-Петербург: Речь, 2008.

3. Зинкевич-Евстегнеева Т.Д. Мастер сказок. 50 сюжетов в помощь размышления о жизни, людях и себе для взрослых и детей старше 7 лет. Санкт-Петербург: Речь, 2012.

4. Зинкевич-Евстигнеева Т. Развивающая сказкотерапия. Санкт-Петербург: 2006.

5. Зинкевич-Евстигнеева Т. Тренинг по сказкотерапии. Санкт-Петербург: ООО «Речь», 2006.

6. Бердникова Ю. Мир ребенка. Развитие психики, страхи, социальная адаптация, интерпретация детского рисунка. Санкт-Петербург: Наука и техника, 2007. References

1. Gulina M. Terapevticheskaya ikonsul'tativnaya psihologiya. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 2001.

2. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Formy imetody raboty so skazkami. Sankt-Peterburg: Rech', 2008.

3. Zinkevich-Evstegneeva T.D. Master skazok. 50 syuzhetov v pomosch'razmyshleniya o zhizni, lyudyah i sebe dlya vzroslyh i detej starshe 7 let. Sankt-Peterburg: Rech', 2012.

4. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. Razvivayuschaya skazkoterapiya. Sankt-Peterburg: 2006.

5. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. Trening po skazkoterapii. Sankt-Peterburg: OOO "Rech"', 2006.

6. Berdnikova Yu. Mir rebenka. Razvitie psihiki, strahi, social'naya adaptaciya, interpretaciya detskogo risunka. Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka i tehnika, 2007.

Статья поступила в редакцию 19.04.23

УДК 372.881.1

Liashenko M.S., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),

E-mail: mslyashenko@mail.ru

Mineeva O.A., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),

E-mail: mineevaolga@gmail.com

Povarenkina I.A., senior teacher, Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), E-mail: povarenkinaia@mail.ru

DEPLOYMENT OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES AS AN EDUCATONAL PLATFORM FOR TEACHING AT UNIVERSITY. The study addresses the necessity to design and deploy collaborative e-assessment via a social networking site (SNS) into teaching for academic writing at university. The aim of the research is to investigate students' perceptions and experiences of using a SNS-based learning community which was designed and deployed for collaborative teacher-peer assessment. The design-based research employs a mixed methods approach to explore students' experiences and perceptions of their learning outcomes. The analysis enables the researchers to present schematically the process and the model that highlight the key elements of the process of learning via SNS. Special attention is paid to learning outcomes and the factors, which are pointed out by the students as the most important for successful implementation of the technology into teaching and learning. The findings contribute to better understanding of students' experiences of collaborative e-assessment via SNS and support further theoretical investigations to refine the specific design of such virtual learning communities and conceptualize learning via SNS.

Key words: social networking sites, teacher-student collaborative assessment, academic writing, educational platform

М.C. Ляшенко, канд. пед. наук, доц., Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени К. Минина, г. Нижний Новгород,

E-mail mslyasheko@mail.ru

O.А. Минеева, канд. пед. наук, доц., Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени К. Минина, г. Нижний Новгород,

E-mail mineevaolga@gmail.com

И.А. Поваренкина. ст. преп., Нижегородский государственный лингвистический университет имени Н.А. Добролюбова, г. Нижний Новгород,

E-mail povarenkinaia@mail. ru


Статья описывает опыт создания и внедрения сайтов социальных сетей как образовательной технологии в рамках курса улучшения навыков академического письма. Цель исследования состоит в изучении мнения студентов и их опыта использования социальных сетей как виртуального образовательного сообщества, созданного для организации оценивания письменных работ в сотрудничестве преподаватель - студенты. Методология исследования включает в себя дизайн данного обучающего сообщества и смешанные методы сбора качественной и количественной информации об опыте использования данной технологии для улучшения навыков академического письма у студентов второго курса программ бакалавриата в вузе. Анализ данных позволил представить

схематично процесс обучения посредством социальных сетей. Особое внимание уделяется образовательным результатам, которые студенты отметили как наиболее важные. Данные выводы могут быть использованы преподавателями, методистами и дизайнерами дистанционных и онлайн-курсов для лучшего понимания специфики дизайна и динамики обучения в виртуальных образовательных сообществах, созданных на основе социальных сетей.

Ключевые слова: сайты социальных сетей, оценивание в сотрудничестве преподаватель - студент, академическое письмо, образовательная платформа

Information communication technologies have become an inseparable element of every aspect of human activity including an educational sphere. Education has undergone through a paradigm shift switching from instructivism to the system which uses more collaborative and participatory approaches. These changes in understanding how knowledge should be created and disseminated imply greater students' involvement and changing the teachers' role [1; 2]. The focus of pedagogical and teaching practices is now on collaboration and networking elements in education. Social media, blogs and wiki services have become popular not only with students but also with teachers and lecturers [3]. It can be explained by the fact that social media can create collaborative settings for various educational purposes. Recent empirical research point to a high educational potential of social networking sites (SNS) and their acceptance by students [3]. Still there is little research devoted to using SNS as an educational tool for informal networked e-learning or e-assessment. The purpose of this research is to design a SNS learning community for collaborative e-assessment of academic writing at a Russian university. The design-based research employs a mixed methods approach to explore students' experiences and perceptions of their learning outcomes for further refinement and development of the design. The research is aimed at better understanding of students' experiences in terms of the effectiveness of such educational platforms for academic achievements.

Literature review. New technologies have transferred assessment practices into e-domain [4; 5; 6; 7]. Despite the advantages of computer- based assessment such as efficiency, effectiveness, immediate response, validity and reliability, such an approach is not suitable for complex writing skills. Collaborative e- assessment as a type of formative assessment is believed to be more appropriate for this purpose due to its collaborative nature. It is aimed at giving feedback on various aspects of academic writing: a paragraph structure, linking devices, phrases for paraphrasing etc. [8]. Collaborative e-assessment is underpinned by Vygotsky's sociocultural theory which explains that students learn better through cooperative learning in groups by interacting, sharing feedback, questioning, being involved in self and peer- assessment [9]. There is a wide range of empirical research describing the gains of collaborative e-assessment in language learning. The most popular forms are online writing forums, blogs, wikis. Overall, the findings show a positive student feedback to implementing collaborative formats of e-assessment into teaching languages and the importance of cooperative learning and social co-construction of knowledge.

A large share of research is devoted to social media as an educational tool language teaching because social media have become ubiquitous due to a variety of advantages and affordances the users can benefit from [3]. S ocialnetworksareviewed as an effective teaching and learning tool which is engaging aodienpularo/rth etuctents. Social networks, wiki technologies, text chats are deployed forenhaapingroanind ank writing skills [8]. However, these "writing-to-learn" environments require well planned instructional and pedagogically driven interventions [5]. The synthase! ofthe t te sstnre in this field pointed to the focus on collaborative forms of writing with less attention paid to students' assessment skills or patterns of teacher-studeeUntetwdion. Beetáes, empirical projects do not investigate teaching practices in detail. There arisesthe ne. cessity to focus more on intervention strategy and investigate the educational designs [7]. The importance of conducting design-based research for onHop eneironments has been spotted in the literature on pedagogical research, language teaching and e-as-sessment [1; 3; 6]. The literature review has resulted in raisingtOyreseatch qeettione investigated in this paper.

The overarching research question is the following: what are the students' experiences of using a SNS for collaborative e-assessment to support academic writing? The sub-research question can be formulated as the following: what are the students' experiences of the collaborative e-assessment process and their achievements? The research is expected to contribute to a better understanding of the key elements which underpin learning process and the conditions which are needed for a successful deployment of such educational technologies into teaching practices at university.

Methodology. An investigation of students' experiences involved designing a SNS learning space for collaborative e-assessment. The research explored the setting designed in a popular Russian network Vkontakte which is perceived by Russian students as more useful, trustworthy, and enjoyable than other social networks due to the affordances: efficiency, functionality, usability, and an emotional design. The SNS based learning community was entitled "IELTS Writing Activator" and then was embedded into teaching practice as an additional educational platform to share papers and provide peer feedback on a regular basis outside formal traditional classes of English at university. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is an abbreviation for an international exam which tests academic and general language skills. The format of the exam requires to write different types of papers (essays, graph descriptions, map and process descriptions). The aim of the collaborative e-ayyessmentn/agtofiee out collectively the ways how to improve academic writing in preparing for this international exam in English. It is necessary to mention that it was the requineeent nHhe curriculum to prepare students for academic writing of the i nternst isnaioxeodyrmht. Academic writing tasks were included in the syllabus of the Englishlnr^oatjostudinw

at the university and the students were to be assessed in writing according to the exam criteria. In addition to conventional weekly classes, SNS based community was used as an educational platform for additional training through writing papers and sharing them for collaborative assessment. The teaching strategy involved numerous tactics: sharing students' essays and graph descriptions for peer review, writing encouraging responses for the shared papers, providing examples of assessment and sample papers, posing stimulating questions to maintain the discussion etc.

A mixed method research strategy chosen for the analysis required collecting two diverse types of data. The reason for selecting mixed methods methodology for the study can be explained by two factors: firstly, there was a necessity to find out the learners' needs quantitatively in terms of academic writing; secondly to gather qualitative data about the students' experiences of using SNS community. The sample was represented by two groups of undergraduates of IT faculty in a Russian university. The participants demonstrated an upper intermediate language level of the language proficiency in English, and they voluntarily decided to take part in the community and the research. According to the statistics of SNS community, the demographic profile of the respondent group was rather homogeneous. Most students were mainly from Russia (95%), from one age group (18-21 years old). The gender differences were split as 46% male students and 54% female students. They were sent an invitation message to join SNS group "IELTS writing activator". The total number of the participants was 41, with 9 people volunteering to be core members who were expected to share their written papers with the group for assessment.

At the quantitative stage the students from 2 groups (n = 45) were asked to answer closed questions via an online using SurveyMonkey to determine students' needs and expectations from the project. The questions were designed to cover the design of learning tasks (specification, frequency of submission, time management, assessed skills etc.). Most respondents (83%) realized how important extra writing practice was for the exam success at the end of the semester. The most challenging writing assignments were reported to be essays (45%) and process description (28%). More than a half of the participants (56%) stated that they did not write regularly. The preferable frequency for submissions was once a week. More than one third used the Internet (39%) when writing. Generating and developing ideas were said to be the most challenging aspects (34%). The statistical data on students' needs informed the pedagogical design concerning SNS educational setting: students' awareness of the importance (rationale); frequency of tasks (once a week); types of tasks (essays/ processes); specifications of the skills.

Atthe qualitativestage the data collectionstartedassoonss the course was completed to aae^ vr^ lalaeetl attltudao.otao^toasura relateel togtadlsgbytfie toaoher-teeeotehat. TosathertOesusHtatiae Satatwotypbs etsuraesa were usa-eas online and a paper-based questionnaire. Both instruments comprised a set of open-esdbd questians d^t^^id at collout¡bc the tats op stebents' esperlences of tSelr co operative activity. It included the points about collaborative assessment (willingness, ¡enefite.aosessment system)seuvcO.uvomvn- tretention of the material, reasoning sClHs.tran sfotar lestnit

Results. The research resulted in the themes about the assessment process tat wereldesSSied durivgetnemet ib attalybis: w¡ll¡rlsnesstopbe¡s¡eate,eenvStsscS challenges of the process, the role of the teacher. It can be presented in the diagram showlsethe (Pctere of toe susccssfcldesloymest¡

MwPiemPiwn, eeiminenn, inl wihhingnenn wf T-En


Beneftin inl cbrnllengen wf ibe heiening pewcenn

The role of the teacher

Fig. 1. The interconnectedness of the factors contributing to effective deployment of SNS as an educational platform

Thrse themes are the factors contributing to the effectiveness of the proposed teacfilng isractice. The willingness to take part in the SNS community was based on

the teacher's (T) and students' (Ss) readiness to use SNS as an educational platform and their intrinsic motivation to be the part of the community and to contribute regularly. Most students expressed the opinion that the activity created more training of academic writing. Their motivation to actively participate in the experiment was based on their understanding that it could be useful to improve academic writing for exam training. It emphasized the importance of the teacher's control and personal "obligation" for sharing their papers and assessing others' work. The most popular argument for greater participation was the willingness to understand the structure and the criteria of academic writing. This activity was not graded, and the students were intrinsically motivated because the activities were associated with other advantages rather than a grade or a mark.

The respondents considered different benefits that the activity offered. The most important advantage was reported to be peer-review for writing because it could show different perspectives and different opinions about writing. The other advantage is the tutor's feedback for better "understanding of writing details" and "noticing the mistakes". Despite the obvious benefits, collaboration and providing feedback was not so easy for the learners. Some students described challenges such as psychological uneasiness to initiate the discussion and worries about their linguistic competences to find mistakes and provide the feedback in English.

According to the feedback the teacher's role was significant. Most students thought that the teacher contributed greatly to the process of collaborative assessment in SNS. They admitted that the teacher supported the discussion by raising questions, providing constructive comments and the criteria for writing, and assessing the papers. Students showed understanding that such activities take teacher's time and effort. The teacher's role was indispensable in choosing the materials and providing the assessment criteria.

The other perspective that the research revealed was about the perceptions of achievements or learning outcomes because of the teaching practice. The main achievements that were highlighted during the research were the following: learning through reading and reflecting and learning through teacher-peer collaboration. The respondents indicated the importance of reading each other's papers and teacher's commentary to better understand the criteria and reflect on mistakes. Most of the comments were about favorable effects that different perspectives had on their way of thinking. In addition, the students described the positive impact of the activity on

cess of collaborative e-assessment in SNS. The quantitative data about the needs informed the design of the SNS community in terms of the pedagogical strategies and tactics. The qualitative analysis resulted in rich description of students' perceptions pointing to the core themes penetrating the data analysis: the importance of active teacher's role in correcting mistakes; the effectiveness of peer-review in providing examples; the improved writing skills as a result.

Designing and deploying into teaching such learning settings is an important process and must be carefully planned and masterfully orchestrated because new innovative teaching methods require new pedagogical approaches for an effective deployment [10, 11]. The findings of this design-based research enabled us to propose a model that would schematically describe the process of collaborative learning environment designed for e-assessment of writing. The model is underpinned by three key elements: materials and resources for teaching (content), learning activities (context), SNS based learning community (technology). The materials include the syllabus, the course book and academic writing materials (tests, assessment criteria, resource books with samples etc.). The activities comprise both a peer assessment and a formative assessment by the teacher which are conducted via a SNS based community. The function of the teacher is to select a reliable content, monitor and guide learners and enhance communication. "lELTS writing activator" is the third element of this model which was designed as an educational platform for teacher-students collaboration outside the classroom. An effective deployment of the model into teaching practice is dependent on certain conditions that must be created. To start with an educator should think about the rationale behind the deployment of this teaching practice. The SNS learning community is expected to address certain learning needs of students (for example, in this case the rationale is to improve academic writing through cooperative learning). The participants must be ready and willing to take part in the activities outside traditional classroom teaching. This small-scale research has provided the evidence that such learning activities are positively perceived by students due to several benefits they can bring: more training for academic writing, improved peer assessment skills, interpersonal communication skills, higher order thinking. However, some barriers and challenges must be considered when deploying this educational technology into teaching practices. The main problems center around psychological, language, technical and methodical factors [1; 2; 10]. The model can be presented by the table given below (table 1)

Table 1

The main features of the model of the collaborative learning and e-assessment process via SNS as an educational platform

Key elements Conditions Long-term benefits

Content (teaching materials) - Accountability and reliability of the materials - Teacher's role - Educational needs - Language competence - Personal development - Analytical and evaluative skills - Greater learners' autonomy

Context (learning activities) Psychological, language, technical and methodical barriers

Technology (SNS learning community) - Rationale for deployment - Motivation and readiness of the participants

their reasoning and reflection skills. They mentioned different strategies but the most important was reading each other's essays and teachers' feedback. They reflected on the way how to generate their own comments or present a better version of a work being guided by the teacher's comments. Reading not only triggered their cognitive processes of reasoning and generating ideas, but also engaged them in greater reflection and self-assessment. The respondents pointed to the positive influence that the cooperative assessment had on their learning outcomes in comparison with the conventional approach: "improved quality of writing", generating ideas, finding mistakes etc. There was not much information provided on transference of learning. However, certain long-term benefits were mentioned as their personal achievements and development. Overall, students wrote about long-term benefits from the activity such as gaining experience through knowledge communication in the group.

Discussion of the results. The analysis of both quantitative data at the launch of the SNS- based learning community and the qualitative analysis after the course completion have proved positive students' perceptions and experiences from the pro-

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In conclusion it is necessary to mention the fact that SNS were not initially designed for educational purposes. Despite this fact, SNS-based learning communities have been already deployed in educational domain at universities worldwide. The paper describes a research attempt to design, deploy and assess SNS as an educational platform to enhance academic writing of bachelor students. The research has resulted not only in the findings about students' attitudes and perceptions towards virtual learning mediated via SNSs but enables to describe schematically the learning processes and interconnectedness of different elements in collaborative e-assessment via a SNS community. The paper proved the importance of the teacher as an expert and a facilitator of such learning communities where students co- construct knowledge through active participation and collaboration. The findings of the research are likely to contribute to better understanding of how knowledge is generated in SNS learning communities when they are used as educational platforms for teaching and learning. The results of the research can be useful for educators, teachers and course designers who are actively involved in the field of technology enhanced learning.

Вайндорф-Сысоева М.Е., Тихоновецкая И.П., Вьюн Н.Д. «Цифровой Форсайт» - образовательная практика с конструктором коллективной работы в условиях гибридного обучения. Вестник Мининского университета. 2022; № 10 (2): 1.

2. Воронина Д.К., Шамов А.Н. Профессионализация иноязычной подготовки студентов нелингвистических вузов: подходы, технологии, приемы и способы. Вестник Мининского университета. 2022; № 10 (2): 5.

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8. Hirvela A. Collaborative writing instruction and communities of readers and writers. TESOLjournal. 1999; № 8 (2): 7-12.

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10. Ляшенко М.С., Минеева О.А. Методологические подходы к пониманию педагогической культуры в педагогических исследованиях. Перспективы науки и образования. 2018; № 5 (35): 10-17.

11. Romanova K.A., Lyshenko M.S. A participative approach to teaching and learning in higher school. World Applied Sciences Journal. 2012; № 20: 84-89.


1. Vajndorf-Sysoeva M.E., Tihonoveckaya I.P, V'yun N.D. «Cifrovoj Forsajt» - obrazovatel'naya praktika s konstruktorom kollektivnoj raboty v usloviyah gibridnogo obucheniya. Vestnik Mininskogo universiteta. 2022; № 10 (2): 1.

2. Voronina D.K., Shamov A.N. Professionalizaciya inoyazychnoj podgotovki studentov nelingvisticheskih vuzov: podhody, tehnologii, priemy i sposoby. Vestnik Mininskogo universiteta. 2022; № 10 (2): 5.

3. Akbari E., Pilot A., Simons P.R.J. Autonomy, competence, and relatedness in foreign language learning through Facebook. Computers in Human Behavior. 2015; № 48: 126-134.

4. Bennett R.E. Formative assessment: A critical review. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. 2011; № 18 (1): 5-25.

5. Bikowski D., Vithanage R. Effects of web-based collaborative writing on individual L2 writing development. Language Learning & Technology. 2016; № 20 (1): 79-99.

6. Charman D., Elmes S. A computer-based formative assessment strategy for a basic statistics module in Geography. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 1998; № 22 (3): 381-385.

7. McConnell D. EBOOK: E-Learning Groups and Communities. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). 2006.

8. Hirvela A. Collaborative writing instruction and communities of readers and writers. TESOLjournal. 1999; № 8 (2): 7-12.

9. Jaramillo J.A. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory and contributions to the development of constructivist curricula. Education. 1996; № 117 (1): 133.

10. Lyashenko M.S., Mineeva O.A. Metodologicheskie podhody k ponimaniyu pedagogicheskoj kul'tury v pedagogicheskih issledovaniyah. Perspektivy nauki iobrazovaniya. 2018; № 5 (35): 10-17.

11. Romanova K.A., Lyshenko M.S. A participative approach to teaching and learning in higher school. World Applied Sciences Journal. 2012; № 20: 84-89.

Статья поступила в редакцию 03.05.23

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УДК 372.881.1

Gerasimova K.Yu., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Orenburg State Pedagogical University (Orenburg, Russia),

E-mail: ksusha.gerasimova2011@yandex.ru

Miroshnikova D.V., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Orenburg State Pedagogical University (Orenburg, Russia), E-mail: dollyfill56@gmail.com


the article, the authors take into consideration both the educational and methodological significance of foreign-language pedagogical discourse. Moreover, the latter is connected with the formation of intercultural communication skills of participants of the educational process. Foreign-language pedagogical discourse is presented as a complex and integrative phenomenon that influences the formation of the communicative culture of modern representatives of the younger generation. During the analysis of the essential features of foreign-language pedagogical discourse, considerable attention is paid to the linguistic and extralinguistic conditions for the successful functioning of pedagogical discourse at a foreign language lesson. The authors characterize the key features of the speech portrait of a foreign language teacher and the most important features of the foreign language communicative educational environment. The authors regard the study of characteristic features of the text format of pedagogical discourse as promising areas for further research. Besides, they are about to analyze the most effective algorithms for improving the speech portrait of a modern foreign language teacher and characterize the system of professional and terminological vocabulary of foreign language pedagogical discourse.

Key words: pedagogical discourse, foreign language lesson, intercultural communication, linguistic and cultural interaction, teacher's speech portrait

К.Ю. Герасимова, канд. пед. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Оренбургский государственный педагогический университет», г. Оренбург,

E-mail: ksusha.gerasimova2011@yandex.ru

Д.В. Мирошникова, канд. пед. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Оренбургский государственный педагогический университет», г. Оренбург,

E-mail: dollyfill56@gmail.com


В представленной статье авторы рассматривают учебно-методическую значимость иноязычного педагогического дискурса для формирования навыков межкультурного общения субъектов образовательного процесса. Иноязычный педагогический дискурс представлен как сложно организованный интегратив-ный феномен, влияющий на становление коммуникативной культуры современных представителей подрастающего поколения. В ходе анализа сущностных характеристик иноязычного педагогического дискурса значительное внимание уделяется лингвистическим и экстралингвистическим условиям успешного функционирования педагогического дискурса на уроке иностранного языка. Авторы характеризуют ключевые черты речевого портрета учителя иностранного языка и наиболее важные особенности иноязычной коммуникативной образовательной среды. В качестве перспективных направлений дальнейшего исследования авторы видят изучение характерных особенностей текстового формата педагогического дискурса; анализ наиболее эффективных алгоритмов усовершенствования речевого портрета современного учителя иностранного языка; характеристику системы профессиональной и терминологической лексики иноязычного педагогического дискурса.

Ключевые слова: педагогический дискурс, урок иностранного языка, межкультурное общение, лингвокультурное взаимодействие, речевой портрет учителя

The urgent necessity of modern educational theory and practice is connected with the study of various types of institutional discourses, including the discourses of pedagogy as a means of understanding and designing modern pedagogical phenomena. In this regard, it is necessary to take into consideration pedagogical discourse (in particular, within the framework of foreign language classes) as a multifunctional phenomenon. It can be extremely useful for more adequate self-determination among the problems of general and higher education; for the search of both unused solutions and unaccounted conditions which can help to implement certain pedagogical ideas in a rather successful way. This will greatly contribute to the development of the theory and practice of modern Russian education at the federal and regional levels.

The relevance of studying pedagogical discourse as a multifunctional mechanism, as well as the process of its evolution, is associated with the progressive and important essence of this phenomenon. Pedagogical discourse is a kind of harmonizing pedagogical dialogue. If the latter is properly constructed, it will help the teacher to identify hidden reserves of students' personality, increase their intellectual and motivational activity, strengthen positive emotions from the educational process as a whole. Particularly, the study of effective mechanisms of the organization of pedagogical rhetoric in the process of teaching a foreign language is of great scientific interest for us in the framework of this article. Undoubtedly, this scientific direction has a rich potential for the development of intercultural communication skills. The

latter is an integral part of the necessary features of any modern employee in many fields of activity.

Thus, the urgency of the problem predetermined the purpose of our study, namely: to characterize foreign-language pedagogical discourse as a phenomenon that functions in educational communication and contributes to the formation of intercultural communication skills among the participants of the educational process.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, we will highlight the following scientific aims: to analyze the development of pedagogical discourse from the standpoint of an integrative-systemic approach; to conduct a comparative analysis of the essential characteristics of the concept of "foreign-language pedagogical discourse"; to identify the most promising ideas about the basics of pedagogical rhetoric that may be in demand in the theory and practice of modern Russian education (in particular, as a part of a foreign language lesson).

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the social significance of the problem of teaching the basics of pedagogical rhetoric to future representatives of the teaching profession (in particular, teachers of a foreign language) is substantiated; it is also proved that the competent construction of foreign-language pedagogical discourse contributes to the achievement of students' progressive educational results at a foreign language lesson (formation of variability of thinking; intensification of the learning process; formation of intercultural communication skills and key competen-

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