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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Liashenko Maria Sergeyevna

In the era of digitization teachers and learners are faced with the challenges that technology enhanced learning brings. The paper dwells on the paradigm shift and the current trends in the educational environment impacted by the proliferation of Web 2.0 technologies which provide resources and tools that make learning process social, interactive, and collaborative. The paper pays special attention to the challenges that educators are likely to face on the way of effective deployment of ICT in teaching practices. The paper provides the readers with the information about the teaching practices which involve the deployment of social media into teaching English at university. The author describes two case studies showing how educational potential of wikis and social networking sites can be utilized in English teaching. In conclusion the author mentions the importance of creating certain conditions for effective deployment of Web 2.0 technologies to maximize their educational potential.

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1. Азаров, Ю.П. Игра и труд. - М.: Знание, 1973. - 93 с.

2. Азаров, Ю.П. Искусство воспитывать. - М.: Просвещение, 1979. - 255 с.

3.Аникеева, Н.П. Воспитание игрой. - М.: Просвещение, 1987. - 143 с.

4.Баев, П.М. Играем на уроках русского языка. - М.: Рус. яз., 1989. - 86 с.

5.Берн, Э. Игры, в которые играют люди. - М.: Рус. яз., 1992. - 399 с.

6.Беспалько, В.П. Педагогика и прогрессивные технологии обучения - М.: Издательство ИРПО МО РФ,

1995. - 336 с.

7.Выготский, Л.С. Психология развития ребенка. - М.: ЭСКМО, 2004. - 512 с.

8.Газман, О.С. В школу - с игрой. - М.: Рус. яз., 1992. - 399 с.

9.Гальперин, П.Я. Методы обучения и умственное развитие ребенка. - М.: 1985. - 45 с.

10. Добринская, Е.И. Свободное время и развитие личности. - Л.: Знание, 1983. - 32 с.

11. Дьяченко, В.И. Сотрудничество в обучении - М.: Просвещение, 1991. - 191 с.

12. Дьяченко, В.К. Общие формы организации процесса обучения: актуальные проблемы теории и практики обучения. - Красноярск: Изд-во Красноярского университета, 1984. - 185 с.

13. Журавлев, А.П. Языковые игры на компьютере. - М.: Просвещение, 1988. - 142 с.

14. Занько, С.Ф. Игра и ученье. - М.: Просвещение, 1992. - 142 с.

15. Коваленко, В.Г. Дидактические игры на уроках математики. - М.: Просвещение, 1990. - 94 с.

16. Коджаспирова, Г.М. Педагогика. - М.: ВЛАДОС, 2004. - 352 с.

17. Кукушин, В.С. Теория и методика обучения: учебное пособие. - Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2005. - 474 с.

18. Кульневич, С. Нетрадиционные уроки в начальной школе учитель. - Воронеж: 2004 - 245 с.

19. Кэрролл, Л. Логическая игра. - М.: Наука, 1991. - 192 с.

20. Леонтьев, А Н. Психологические основы дошкольной игры. - М.: АНО ПЭБ, 2008. - 389 с.

21. Майоров, С.А. Введение в микроЭВМ. - Л.: Машиностроение, Ленингр. отд-ние, 1988. - 304 с.

22. Макаренко, А.С. Некоторые выводы из педагогического опыта. - М.: Просвещение, 1958. - 16 с.

23. Минкин, Е.М. От игры к знаниям. - М.: Просвещение, 1983. - 192 с.

24. Михайленко, Н.Я. Организация сюжетной игры в детском саду: пособие для воспитателя. - М.: Линка-Пресс, 2015. - 91 с.

25. Никитин, Б.П. Ступеньки творчества, или развивающие игры. - М.: Просвещение, 1990. - 160 с.

26. Орлов, А.А. Введение в педагогическую деятельность: учеб.-метод. пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб. заведений. - М.: Академия, 2004. - 281 с.

27. Пидкасистый, П.И. Технология игры в обучении и развитии. - М.: РПА, 1996. - 269 с.

28. Полат, Е.С. Обучение в сотрудничестве. Иностранный язык в школе. - М.: Юрайт, 2003. - 270 с.

29. Самоукина, Н.В. Организационно-обучающие игры в образовании. - М.: Народное образование,

1996. - 111 с.

30. Сластенин, В.А. Педагогика: учеб. пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб. заведений. - М.: Академия, 2002. - 576 с.

31. Спиваковский, А.С. Игра - это серьезно. - М.: Педагогика, 1981. - 141 с.

32. Стронин, М.Ф. Обучающие игры на уроках английского языка. - М.: Просвещение, 1981. - 111 с.

33. Сухомлинский, В.А. Сердце отдаю детям. - Киев: Радянська школа, 1974. - 288 с.

34. Талызина, Н.Ф. Общий анализ учебного процесса. - М.: Междунар. пед. акад., 1995. - 414 с.

35. Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт // Ы1р://минобрнауки.рф, 2009 г.

36. Хейзинга, И.В тени завтрашнего дня. - М.: АСТ, 1992. - 539 с.

37. Шиллер, Ф. Письма об эстетическом воспитании человека. - М.: РИПОЛ, 2018. - 240 с.

38. Шмаков, С.А. Игры учащихся - феномен культуры. - М.: Новая школа, 1994. - 238 с

39. Шмаков, С.А. Культура - досуг - ребенок. - М.: Новая школа, 1994. - 160 с.

40. Элъконин, Д.Б. Психология игры. - М.: ВЛАДОС, 1999. - 358 с.

41. Яновская, М.Г. Творческая игра в воспитании младшего школьника. - М.: Просвещение, 1974. - 128 с.


UDC 372.881.111.1

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, assistant Professor Liashenko Maria Sergeyevna

Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical university under the name of Kozma Minin (Nizhny Novgorod)



Аннотация. В эпоху цифровизации все участники образовательного процесса сталкиваются с проблемами использования разнообразных технологий и учебных платформ для решения учебных задач. Данное исследование посвящено описанию опыты применения вики сайтов и социальных сетей для улучшения академических навыков в изучении английского языка в вузе. Авторам рассматриваются основные глобальные тренды современного образования, характеризующегося переходом к интерактивным формам организации образовательной среды. Особое внимание уделяется путям решения многообразия задач и преодоления сложностей на начальном этапе использования технологий Web 2.0 в образовательной среде. Данная статья описывает возможности применения вики сайта для организации проектных работ и сайта социальных сетей для улучшения навыков академического письма в подготовке к международным экзаменам по английскому языку. В заключении автор отмечает важность создания определенных условий для эффективного применения технологий в учебном процессе с целью максимального раскрытия их образовательного потенциала.

Ключевые слова: ИКТ, Веб 2.0, сайты социальных сетей, вики сайты, изучение английского. Annоtation. In the era of digitization teachers and learners are faced with the challenges that technology enhanced learning brings. The paper dwells on the paradigm shift and the current trends in the educational

environment impacted by the proliferation of Web 2.0 technologies which provide resources and tools that make learning process social, interactive, and collaborative. The paper pays special attention to the challenges that educators are likely to face on the way of effective deployment of ICT in teaching practices. The paper provides the readers with the information about the teaching practices which involve the deployment of social media into teaching English at university. The author describes two case studies showing how educational potential of wikis and social networking sites can be utilized in English teaching. In conclusion the author mentions the importance of creating certain conditions for effective deployment of Web 2.0 technologies to maximize their educational potential.

Keywords: ICT, Web2.0, social networking sites, wiki sites, English learning.

Introduction. The large-scale deployment of information communication technologies (ICT) in all spheres of educational system resulted in the paradigm shift that occurred in the educational practice (Harasim 2000). These profound changes have impacted the formats in which teachers and students communicate and deal with teaching and learning resources. Instructivism, that is known as a teacher centered approach, was followed by more student-oriented learning theories and more teacher-student collaboration. Constructivism was facilitated due to Web 2.0 tools. The leading principles of this learning format are more learner-centered approaches where teachers and learners interact to co construct the knowledge, with teachers being as facilitators and learners as active producers of their knowledge. Web 2.0 technologies enhanced social networking and collaborative practices (Churchill 2007). The arrival of Web 3.0 tools, based on sematic technologies, shifted education towards learners even more: there arose the need to design and explore the way how personalized learning environments could enhance learning and teacher-student collaboration (Pileggi et al. 2012). This type of user-generated education (Gerstein 2014) can be characterized by the following trends. The role of teachers and students have changed due to larger scale of differentiation and personalization of education. ICT have led to the digitization of the whole educational process. On the other hand, they improved the access to a wide range of educational resources. The assessment system has changed too: from summative to formative assessment for students and by students.

The introduction of COVID-19 restrictions has made teaching community switch to online and distant teaching and learning enhanced via Wb 2.0/ Web 3.0 tools. This change has caused many challenges as well as opportunities how ICT can be deployed to create virtual learning environments. Education 2.0 /3.0 creates a variety of learning scenarios due to the principles which underpin this model (Keats and Schmidt 2007):

• learner centered approaches which provide opportunities to create knowledge artifacts and share them with learning community (tools, stories, websites etc.).

• Social networks and wiki technologies play an important role in co construction and dissemination of knowledge.

• Institutional mechanisms and educational strategies adapt to changing conditions and consider different stakeholders.

• The focus on blurring the borders between different layers of educational system (teacher- learners/ institutions/ disciplines).

Due to these profound changes in the way how information is processed and disseminated, language education is also going through a paradigm shift: the development beyond the communicative approach to more complex and dynamic action and student -oriented approaches.

1. Deployment of ICT in teaching and learning: challenges to face.

1.1. The dilemmas to address before ICT deployment.

The deployment of ICT in education requires answering a variety of questions to make technology enhanced learning as effective as possible. In real everyday teaching and learning practices both teachers and learners are faced with different challenges both of technical and psychological nature when combining traditional approaches with web-technologies. They must answer the questions what to use? how? when and why? That is why the questions about the choices that teachers and learners must make, practical examples of the development and implementation of new innovative e-products, new psychological approaches how to build the atmosphere of collaborative learning could be of great interest for all participants of the educational process (Lyashenko and Malinina 2015).

Firstly, the question about the teachers themselves because educators are expected to be ready and aware of the affordances that ICT could offer in terms of educational opportunities for learners. Secondly, the question about the target audience to address should not be underestimated. There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a technology to teach learners: to start with psycho-physiological characteristics of learners including their age and cognitive development. These characteristics can impact the choice of the learning platform. For example, in some countries it is prohibited for younger learners to sign in social networks (FB or Google account).

It is important to pay attention to the fact that cognition is "socially embedded" (Gibbons et al 2000) so socio-cultural or religious contexts should be considered too. For example, in several countries there is a complete ban on social media and restrictions on FB or other social networking cites (SNS). The other problem relates to language skills of learners. Many ICT technologies have interfaces created in English and this fact could lead to language barriers too if the language proficiency of learners is low. The other most important issue to consider is an affective domain of learning which is focused on motivational aspects such as attitudes, perceptions, and opinions (Miller 2005). This aspect is directly connected with technology acceptance whether the suggested technology is easy and useful for studies from learners' perspectives.

1.2. TAM as a theoretical framework for ICT initial deployment.

The theoretical framework Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) could be applied to explore the ways how learners initially perceive the deployment of ICT because it "focuses more on the importance of a technology as a tool" (Davis 1989:7). The model describes mainly the constructs of perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PU). "Perceived usefulness... is defined as the prospective user's subjective probability that using a specific application system will increase his or her job performance within an organizational context. Perceived ease of use. refers to the degree to which the prospective user expects the target system to be free of effort" (Davis 1989:7). The main constructs of the model are the following: external variables, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards using, intention to use. All these factors can characterize the actual use of the system (Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw 1989). Educators can use TAM to initially explore students' perceptions about the ease and usefulness of the technology they are going to deploy.

1.3 ICT for teaching English at university: professional context and background.

Various information communication technologies are used in the educational process in Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Russia). There could be mentioned videoconferences, webinars, presentations, blogs, forums, interactive dictionaries, visual thesaurus, concordance systems, websites, Moodle system etc.). Working with 1, 2, 3-year students of the faculty of Design, Fine arts and Media technologies and teaching the English language as the second one, the author of the paper makes use of the variety of ICT to reach the educational goals and motivate students to improve their language skills.

Moodle as a leaning management system is widely used in teaching practices at the university. It enables to use a variety of e-forms from texts with hyperlinks, interactive glossaries, online tests, presentations, projects. It is aimed at increasing the intergenerational cooperation between T-S and social cohesion in the university structure as it can be easily adjusted to different age groups. Teachers can create a variety of products from virtual libraries and language laboratories to simple testing in the system (Lyashenko and Frolova 2013). Despite certain advantages, the system does not provide a variety of opportunities for peer and teacher-student collaboration and is used by the teachers at Minin university mainly as a teacher-centered platform to conduct tests, upload lectures and tasks for summative assessment (Lyashenko Mineeva 2019).

In addition to Moodle other Web 2.0 tools are deployed into teaching English at the faculty. For example, Quizlet which enables learning words in a new, more interesting, exciting and, as a result, effective way. It is well-known that it is impossible to master a foreign language without constant exercising and drilling. And Quizlet is of great help here, as it allows in a playful manner to practise words and word combinations. Interactive flashcards (language to go: prepositions flashcards | Quizlet are very effective for vocabulary practice. Using the technology students can improve spelling and pronunciation. Depending on the objectives and available time the teacher can use ready-made cards, as now there are more than 9 million sets of topics to choose from. Another way is to tailor cards to suit the requirements of educational programs or create own sets paying attention to the needs of a particular group of students, their level of knowledge and experience. It goes without saying that cards specially tailored for a certain group always give better results, as while making them teachers consider characteristics of students, their preferences and needs. So, with the help of Quizlet.com it is rather easy and very convenient to approach individually to each group and even to a particular student (Lyashenko 2016).

Social media tools such as wiki sites and social networking sites are also embedded into language teaching to create more learner-cantered contexts. Google wiki sites can also be used to solve a variety of teaching problems and tasks. They are created to support a particular discipline. Such a technology provides the teacher and students with the opportunity to download and upload the information, to get an easy access to the materials, to do projects. The sites could be a virtual platform for collaboration within the university structure.

Social networking sites can become an effective platform for teacher-student academic collaboration too. Social media have become a pedagogical tool within emerging online environments (George and Dellasega 2011). The term social media is used to denote any form of on-line technology or practices through which users create communities to convey information, ideas, independent learning, entertainment, and personal messages and thus facilitate communication and interaction between individuals and groups (Passey 2010). Social media for teacher-student collaboration can be classified into the following categories (Kaplan, A.M., Haenlein): 1) blogs and microblogs (Twitter); 2) content communities (YouTube, Quizlet.com); 3) social networking sites (Facebook); 4) collaborative projects (wiki sites). Despite the ubiquity, social media are being underutilized in the educational context.

2. Deployment of wiki and social networking sites (SNS) into educational process at university: educational potential for English teaching.

Social media are considered nowadays to be an integral part of educational environments (Lepi 2012). Not only empirical studies but documents and reports point to the wide-spread deployment of social media for professional and educational purposes in universities (Seaman and Tinti-Kane 2013). The importance of social contexts in which learners develop language literacy is underlined in the studies by Vygotsky (Vygotsky 1962). Recent studies report controversial views on the advantages and disadvantages of using SNS in classroom environments (George and Dellasega 2011). Despite certain controversy, many researchers admit the importance of incorporating this phenomenon into teaching in higher education (Liu 2010).

2.1. Social networking sites (SMS) for academic writing in exam training.

In academic year 2018-2019 a SNS was designed and launched by the author to enhance 2-year students' academic writing in exam training for IELTS. The site "IELTS writing Activator" was deployed on the platform of Vkontakte, a Russian social networking site (https://vk.com/club162184854?from=quick_search). The main objective was to provide students with academic writing training, to be more exact to improve essay writing and graph descriptions. The participation was voluntary but constant during the semester (September- November 2018). There were three formats of participation after uploading their papers into the site: teacher's feedback, peer-review, using an external site https://writeandimprove.com/

TAM was used afterwards to research students' attitude to using SNS as a virtual leaning environment to enhance academic writing. As the result of the deployment 49 papers were written by the students per 1 semester and reviewed (30 by the teacher and 19 by the students). The research findings showed the factors that can enhance SNS deployment (external variables: psychological, ethical, technological etc.) (Liashenko 2019).

Table 1

Variables in SNS deployment (according to TAM)

External variables

Psychological factor Language factor Technical factor Methodical factor

• communication with teachers • motivation • self-control • grammar • listening • vocabulary • spelling • teacher's expertise • distractors • types of the platform and its limitation • materials • teacher's role

The educational potential of SNS as an educational tool can be improved if the students' perceptions are considered to explore its acceptance among students and find out the variables that can influence students' affective domain.

2.2. Wiki sites deployment for teacher- students collaboration.

Wiki-technologies have been actively used by teachers to achieve the aim of collaboration and active equal participation in English learning activities (Li 2012). Wiki sites are proposed as an effective scaffolding platform to support L2 teaching and learning (Lin and Yang 2011). Scaffolding is a form of learner support provided in a variety of ways, assigning several roles and responsibilities for students and other participants in the educational environment (McLoughlin 2002).

Since 2015 wiki sites have been deployed by the author for the variety of teaching reasons and learning formats: individual projects- pair activity- group activity- several groups. For example, this year wiki site was used for collaborative projects in teaching 2-year students of Faculty of Design, Fine arts, and Media technologies at Minin university. The students took part in a variety of project works: Glossary, Art gallery, Unusual styles, My favorite art supply. These activities implied either group or individual projects devoted to studying professional English for designers. The projects can be found using the link https://sites.google.com/view/art-and-design-mininuniver/home

There are plenty advantages for wiki deployment: experience and ease of use; utility (access to the resources and transparence of artifacts); updating, editing and fast feedback; an interactive and innovative approach to teacher-student collaboration. The platform is very flexible in terms of user generated content and offers a variety of tools for generating and editing the content and artifacts.

Conclusion. To maximize educational potential of Web 2.0 technologies such as SNS or wikis certain conditions must be created. The overall educational system should be digitized, and it means an easy access to the Internet, availability of other computer facilities, proper deployment of digital tools into the educational system at all levels from preschool to higher school. The educators must have enough digital skills to design, deploy and do assessment in virtual learning communities. This new format of teaching and learning requires not only the knowledge of technology but also a better understanding and awareness how to combine tools with curriculum and what pedagogical approaches to apply to build collaborative environments with students in synchronous and asynchronous learning formats. To deploy social media into teaching educators should take into consideration the barriers and challenges that are likely to emerge on the way to technology-enhanced learning. Given the awareness about possible problem areas, social networking sites and wikis are sure to enhance learning process and academic performance of students in general.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

11. Li M. Use of wikis in second/foreign language classes: A literature review. - 2012.

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13. Lin W.C., Yang S.C. Exploring students' perceptions of integrating Wiki technology and peer feedback into English writing courses // English Teaching: Practice and Critique. - 2011. - T. 10. - №. 2. - C. 88-103.

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15. Lyashenko M.S. Implementation of web-based technologies into teaching and learning practices in the university // International Journal of Information and Education Technology. - 2016. - T. 6. - №. 3. - C. 243.

16. Lyashenko M.S., Malinina I.A. The Use of Learning Management System projects for teaching a foreign language in the university // Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. - 2015. - T. 182. - C. 81-88.

17. Lyashenko M.S., Mineeva O.A. Methodological approaches to pedagogical culture understanding in pedagogical research // Perspektivy Nauki i Obrazovania. - 2018. - T. 5. - №. 35. - C. 10-17.

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