Научная статья на тему 'Dependence to determine reduction of the strength of concrete and sectional area of armature in time'

Dependence to determine reduction of the strength of concrete and sectional area of armature in time Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Saatova Nodira Ziyayevna

The main purpose of calculation of the degree of salt corrosion of concrete and reinforcement is to assess their effect on the load capacity and life span. As a result of the work developed the method of estimation of influence of salt corrosion of the concrete work and fittings. Depending on the definition proposed for reducing the strength of the concrete reinforcement, and the cross sectional area over time during operation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Dependence to determine reduction of the strength of concrete and sectional area of armature in time»

Dependence to determine reduction of the strength of concrete and sectional area of armature in time

Saatova Nodira Ziyayevna, Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute, Senior scientific researcher E-mail: [email protected]

Dependence to determine reduction of the strength of concrete and sectional area of armature in time

Abstract: The main purpose of calculation of the degree of salt corrosion of concrete and reinforcement is to assess their effect on the load capacity and life span. As a result of the work developed the method of estimation of influence of salt corrosion of the concrete work and fittings. Depending on the definition proposed for reducing the strength of the concrete reinforcement, and the cross sectional area over time during operation.

Keywords: Corrosion, concrete, reinforcement, salt corrosion, strength, main beam, Plate external console.

There are numerous studies [1; 2; 3], where developed various proposals to determine the depth of corrosion by the chemical composition of hazardous reagents composition of the concrete salts, and other factors. In [1; 2; 3] is considered as the basis ensuring of the thickness of the protective layer of concrete is sufficient for reliable corrosion protection of concrete and reinforcement.

It should be noted that the results of these works are difficult to take into account in practical calculations of the effect of salt corrosion work of superstructures.

This fact requires the development of methods of calculation of resource of superstructures based on the analysis of long-term experimental data available measuring factors directly taken into account in the calculations.

One of such possible areas is to evaluate the effect of salt corrosion through the strength of the concrete and reduce the cross-sectional area of reinforcement. For this purpose, treated during many years of experimental data and obtained in recent years as a result of examination and testing of existing reinforced concrete superstructures [4; 5; 6; 7; 8]. Totally processed results of 32 measurements of the strength of concrete and corrosion of reinforcement in the span of highway overpass in the city of Tashkent.

From Table 1 shows that the strength of concrete slabs external console subject to influence salt corrosion with increasing age decreases substantially. After 43 years of the actual operation of the concrete strength of 20 MPa., which is 50 % below the designed 40 MPa. salt penetration was achieved while almost the entire plate thickness. Table 1. - The results of the test concrete superstructures

The location of the beams Place strength measurements Time from start of operation, years

20 26 32 43

extreme Plate external console 35 30 24 20

The edge of the main beam 38 35 35 32

average Slab 38 40 36 36

The edge of the main beam 40 40 39 36

extreme Plateexternalconsole 34 28 22 21

The edge of the main beam 40 40 36 36

average Slab 35 33 22 22

The edge of the main beam 40 40 38 36

Figure 1 shows the variation in time on the strength of the concrete test results. Also given data to evaluate the effect of salt corrosion of concrete to reduce its strength.

Reducing of the strength of the concrete in the rib of the main beam is much lower than in the slab of the carriageway. To

describe in time reduce of the strength of concrete process proposed by the dependence of the exponential type:


Ru„ = Rube ~aT, bT b

where: R — design strength; b, a — parameters characterizing the rate of decline in strength over time; T — time from the start of operation, respectively.

In (1) parameters b and a are determined on the basis of the known dependencies of processing of experimental data:

a - —

b0 = e-ar ; JT - T )(lnR- ln Rt )

T N (T-T )

- £

R = ^ '



T = ^ '



- I

nR = '=








where T — the average value of the time; R — the average value of strength.

According to available data the results obtained:


Fig. 1. Reducing of strength of concrete in salt corrosion As can be seen from Fig. 1 dependence (7) correctly describes the change in the strength of concrete in time.

To determine the degree of influence of salt corrosion on the reinforcement of the slab in the area of the largest opening surface cracks were removed corroded reinforcement (fig. 2). Actual measurements of the diameter of the valve after cleaning the surface of the reinforcement from corrosion products. At the same time we measured the diameter of a corroded valve after opening of the protective layer of concrete without extracting them.

Section 9. Technical sciences

Fig. 2. Corrosion of reinforcement, extracted from the carriageway slab in various years

Fig. 3. Reducing armature's cross-sectional area as a fraction of the original: AS0 — initial area of reinforcement (armature); A — sectional area of the armature after corrosion

Table 2. - The results of measuring the diameters of the valve during the operation superstructures in the conditions of salt corrosion are stored

Measuring number Change of rebar diameter, mm. Notes

1986 y. 1996 y. 2000 y. 2008 y.

1 11.8 9.6 6.7 6.2 Measurements without removing the reinforcement (armature)

2 - 8.5 - 5.9 Measurements with removing the reinforcement (armature)

As shown in Table 2 under the actual diameter of salt corrosion of reinforcement after 43 years of operation decreased almost 2-times. Fig. 3 shows a graph of cross-sectional area reduction valve during salt corrosion

Reducing the cross-sectional area of reinforcement in time dependence can be described by:


AT=A e 0-015 T,

sT SO '

where ASg — initial area of reinforcement; T — time in years from the start of operation.

As a result of the work developed the method of estimation of influence of salt corrosion of the concrete work and fittings. Depending on the definition proposed for reducing the strength of the concrete reinforcement, and the cross sectional area over time during operation.


1. 2.




6. 7.

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Tukhtakuziev Abdusalim, leader of the laboratory

Imomkulov Kutbiddin Bokijonovich, senior scientific employee, The Research Scientific Institute of mechanizations and electrifications of agriculture, Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]

Energy-efficient chizel-cultivator

Abstract: In article are brought the results of the studies on development of the technological scheme of the work and schemes of the accommodation worker organ energy-efficient chisel-cultivator.

Keywords: chisel-cultivator, worker organs, blocked cutting, hemi blocked cutting, unlocked cutting, rip perish paw, double-sided reversible ogival paw, unilateral ogival paw, tractional resistance, consumption fuel.

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