Научная статья на тему 'Defect structure of fullerene C60 molecular complexes'

Defect structure of fullerene C60 molecular complexes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Нанотехнологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по нанотехнологиям, автор научной работы — Lopatin D. V.

The studies present theoretically obtained data on the electronic structure of molecular complex of fullerene C60 with organic and metalorganic donors. Use TD-DFT method for calculation of excited electronic states allowed to determine the optical transition in the complexes. The calculated spectra agree well with the data of optical spectroscopy. The possible defects states of the molecular complex are calculated. It is shown that the most probable defect structure of real crystals is imperfect fullerene molecule.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Defect structure of fullerene C60 molecular complexes»


УДК 541.6


D.V. Lopatin

The studies present theoretically obtained data on the electronic structure of molecular complex of fulle-rene C60 with organic and metalorganic donors. Use TD-DFT method for calculation of excited electronic states allowed to determine the optical transition in the complexes. The calculated spectra agree well with the data of optical spectroscopy. The possible defects states of the molecular complex are calculated. It is shown that the most probable defect structure of real crystals is imperfect fullerene molecule.

Keywords: fullerene, defect, DFT modeling.


It is well known that fullerene C60 molecules can form nonclassical isomers as well as tetragonal and heptagonal rings in some theoretically proposed nonclassical fullerene isomers, which have commonly been regarded as defects. Such topological defects in fullerene cages are experimentally available among a significant number of possible structures. Much attention has been paid to the mechanisms of their formation and annihilation. Window-like defects of octagonal or larger rings obtained by fullerene molecules, enable guest chemical species, such as single atoms and small molecules, to pass in and out of the cages. Stable fullerene isomers can also receive defects by C-C bond breaking and a loss of carbon atoms during various collision reactions7 or irradiation with lasers and electrons.

The aim of the work was to reveal and to give detailed research of electronic and defects structures of molecular complexes C60 with organic donors (TMPDA- N,N,N’,N’- tetrame-thyl-p- phenylenediamine, TBPDA- N,N,N’,N’-tetrabenzyl- p-phenylenediamine) and metallor-ganic donor {CuII(Etdtc)2}2- copper (II) die-thyldithiocarbamate).

Computational details

All computational studies were performed with the Gaussian 03 series of programs with density functional methods as implemented in the computational package. Electronic structure were calculated B3LYP (hybrid functional -Becke s three-parameter formulation and gradient corrected correlation functional - Lee,

Yang and Parr) with the 6-311++g(2d, 2f) basis set. The equilibrium geometries of the molecules were determined by means of the gradient technique. Tight SCF convergence criteria (10-610-8 a.u.) were used for all calculations. The calculation of the optical spectra of the complexes has been performed by solving the time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) equations22,23 according to the method implemented in Gaussian

03. The equations have been solved for 10 excited states.

Results and discussion

Quantum chemical calculation of electronic structure of complexes and of possible defect structures was carried out. After the procedure optimization of geometrical parameters of the molecular complexes quantum mechanical calculations of single-electron spectrum, as well as the spectrum of excited electronic states were carried out. The complex has an energy spectrum typical for molecular semiconductors and the gap (AE) between HOMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital) and LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital) is equal AE=1.26-2.26 eV. For the donor molecules calculated value of the minimum energy gap AE=2.91-3.89 eV, which exceeds significantly (1.2-1.6 eV) the same parameter of the molecular complex.

To explain the peculiarities of the absorption and photoconductivity in the visible spectrum, we calculated the excited electronic states of the molecular complexes in the TD-DFT method. The calculation allowed for a correlation of experimental optical bands with optical tran-

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sitions in the complex. The calculated spectrum agrees well with the data of optical spectroscopy.

We considered the defective isomers of TMPDAC60, TBPDAC60 and {CuII (Etdtc)2}2-C60 molecular complexes. The most probable types of structural defects in molecular complexes were computer-simulated. Type I -(CH3) defects caused by imperfections of alkyl substituent of the donor (such as one or several CH3 groups or the benzene ring removal); de-

fects formed by the removal (D) or substitution (R) of copper, sulfur or nitrogen atoms in the donor. Group II consists of single imperfections or groups of single imperfections in fullerene molecule: topological defects (SW) resulting from Stone-Wales transformation; «window» type defects, formed by breaking the C-C bond between a pentagon-hexagon pair or two neighbor hexagons; vacancy (V) formed by a carbon atom removal from a fullerene complex; defects formed by interstitial oxygen (O).

Figure 1. The spectra of excited states of the molecular complexes: 1a, 1b - TMPDA-C60; 2a, 2b - TBPDA-C60;

3a, 3b - {CuII(Etdtc)2}2-C60.

In figure 1 the spectra of excited states of the molecular complexes are shown (the spectra of defective donor molecules: (CH3) - dot lines, (D) - dash lines, (R) - dash-dot lines (see fig. 1 - 1a, 2a, 3a); spectra of defective C60 molecules: (V) - dash-dot lines, (O) - short dash-dot line, (SW) - dot lines, (W) - dash lines (see fig 1 - 1b, 2b, 3b)). In figure 1 the spectrum of nondefect molecular complex is shown in a thin solid line and the spectrum of photoconductivity molecular complex is shown in a heavy solid line (experimental data).

The comparison of the calculations with photoconductivity measurement results proves that in all the molecular complexes with the defects formed by the donor molecule (fig. 1 - 1a,

2a, 3 a) the calculations of complex excited states spectra differ markedly from the initial state (fig 2, thin line) and from the obtained optical data (fig 1, heavy line). Apparently the defective isomers of donors cannot be found in actual practice.

The results of computer simulation of molecular complexes with defects in the fullerene molecule (fig. 1 - 1b, 2b, 3b) show that the excited electronic states spectra correlate qualitatively with the real crystals photoconductivity spectra only in such cases of the vacancy defects when the vacancy substitutes an atom of carbon in the pentagon closest to the donor. To all seeming, the defects of this type play a considerable role in the defect formation of real crystals.

4. Развитие математических теорий и методов для компьютерных приложений


It is determined that conductivity of TMPDAC60, TBPDAC60, {CuII (Etdtc)2}2-C60 complexes is strongly affected by traps having at depth Et1=0.43 ± 0.02 eV and Et2=1.29 ± 0.02 eV below the bottom of conduction band. The studies present theoretically obtained data on the electronic structure of molecular complex of fullerene C60 with organic and metalorganic donors. Use TD-DFT method for

calculation of excited electronic states allowed to determine the optical transition in the complexes. The calculated spectra agree well with the data of optical spectroscopy. The possible defects states of the molecular complex are calculated. It is shown that the most probable defect structure of real crystals is imperfect fullerene molecule.


The work was supported by RFBR (projects 10-02-00763).

УДК 539.24


Д.Ю. Головин, А.В. Кульнев

Разработан алгоритм автоматического определения фаз по изображению микрошлифа и его реализация в среде LabView. Показана достаточность анализа гистограмм распределения RGB пикселей изображения для определения фазового состава образцов железистого кварцита.

Ключевые слова: анализ изображений, структурный анализ, LabView, магнетит, гематит, кварцит.

Для горной промышленности всегда была очень актуальна задача увеличения эффективности добычи рудного сырья и его обогащения. Ввиду гигантского тоннажа производства даже небольшое увеличение извлекаемости полезного компонента из руды или уменьшение энергоемкости процесса ее обогащения дает огромный экономический эффект. Наиболее точным, но и весьма долгим и трудоемким методом получения информации, необходимой для оперативного управления процессом обогащения руды, является химический анализ. Другой используемый метод основан на визуальном исследовании образцов с помощью микроскопа. Этот метод также требует большого времени и высокой квалификации оператора.

С развитием электроники и вычислительной техники стало возможным фиксировать изображения, получаемые с помощью различных микроскопов, на цифровые фотокамеры с качеством, достаточно высоким для автоматического извлечения из них необходимой информации с помощью компьютерного анализа. Теоретические подходы и примеры практического использования обработки изображений в горнорудной промышленности можно найти в [1-6].

Совместное использование анализа изображений и комплекса современных методов

наноиндентирования [7, 8] может позволить быстро прогнозировать технологическую ценность руды (измельчаемость, обогащаемость и т.д.) и оптимизировать процесс ее обогащения на основе полученного комплекса морфологических и физико-механических параметров.

Цель данной работы состоит в разработке методов и программно-аппаратных средств для характеризации структуры образцов магнетит-гематитовых руд с целью прогнозирования параметров ее обогащаемости и извлекаемости железа с помощью компьютерного анализа изображений микроструктуры и наноиндентирования.

В качестве типичного представителя такой руды были приняты образцы железистого кварцита из Михайловского месторождения (Курская область). При разработке программного обеспечения проанализирован ряд изображений шлифов магнетит-гематитовой руды, полученных с помощью оптического микроскопа AXIO Observer, Carl-Zeiss (Германия) с цифровой CCD матрицей разрешением 5 мегапиксел. Фазовый состав магнетит-гематитовой руды был однозначно аттестован независимым методом - рамановской спектроскопией. Таким образом, эксперимент показал, что на изображениях микрошлифов белая фаза является гематитом, серая - магнетитом, а темная - кварцитом (рис. 1).

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