ISSN 1810-0198. Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия Естественные и технические науки
Том 23, № 122
DOI: 10.20310/1810-0198-2018-23-122-113-124
oc L. I. Grosheva
Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin 33 Internatsionalnaya St., Tambov 392000, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. We decompose canonical representations on the Lobachevsky plane, associated with sections of linear bundles
Keywords: Lobachevsky plane; canonical representations; distributions; boundary representations; Poisson and Fourier transforms
In our work [1] we described canonical and boundary representations of the group G R U[ )2,2+on the Lobachevsky plane D in sections of linear bundles on D. Now we decompose these representations into irreducible ones. We lean on works [2], [3].
The Lobachevsky plane is the unit disk D ; zz < 2 on the complex plane with the linear-fractional action of G :
The boundary S of D is the circle zz R 2, it consists of points s R o t ia. the measure ds on S is da. Let D be the closure of D \ D R D { S. Let
so that D R }p > 1{ and S R }p R 1{. The stabilizer of the point z R 1 is the maximal compact subgroup K R [ )2+ consisting of diagonal matrices:
1. Representations of U[ )2,2+ induced by characters of [ )2+
z z àg R — ^ , g R bz 0 a
J b a
da bb R 2.
p R 2 zz,
so that D R G/K. The Euclidean measure dxdy on D is )2/3-jdpds, a G-invariant measure dp)z+ on D is
dfi)z+R p~2dxdy.
If M is a manifold, then V)M + denotes the Schwartz space of compactly supported infinitely differentiable C-valued functions on M, with a usual topology, and P') Af+denotes the spacc of distributions on M - of antilincar continuous functionals on 'P)M-\r
Recall principal non-unitary series representations of G trivial on the center. Let a / C. The representation Ta acts on the spacc V)S-\-hy
)T„)g-tp$a-№<p)alg-&sQ af.
The inner product from L2)S, ds~H
)i>,(p\s R t}j)u^p)uSs)u+ )2.2+
is invariant with respect to the pair T_^_!-)r
If a / Z, then Ta is irreducible and equivalent to T-a-i (for a / Z there is a "partial equivalence").
The following operator Aa acts on V)S-\- and intertwines Ta and T_ir_1 :
exponents ^„)s+R sn are eigenfunctions for Aa with eigenvalues an)a-H
an)a+R3n) 2-P —-± 2+
) <J U 71+ ) <J The composition A^A ^ x is a scalar operator:
AaA_a_ i R -—-—- ±E
where £*j)cr+ is a "Plancherel measure" (see Theorem 1.1):
2 \ 2 /
0 3 epxtTTT,
The operator Aa is mcromorphic in a with simple poles at u / )2/3-K) N.
There are four series of unitarizable irreducible representations: the continuous series: Ta, a R )2/3+0 ip, p / M, an inner product is (1.1); the complementary series: Ta, 2 < a < 1, an inner product is the form )A^i/j,(p\s with a suitable factor; the holomorphic and antiholomorphic series consisting of subfactors T„t± of a / Z.
We shall use denotation:
Let us take characters (one dimensional representations) of the group K that are trivial on the center QG, namely,
ojm)fc+Ra2mRa"2m, k / K, m / Z.
Denote by U^ the representation of the group G induced by the character uim. It acts by translations on the space of functions ip / V) G + satisfying the condition
tfj)kg+R ujm)k-\^p)g-\r It can be realized on functions on the disk D :
U{m))g~tf \ )z+R f)z^g+)bzQ a4'2m.
The representation U^ moves the Casimir element of the Lie algebra g to the Casimir operator (a differential operator on D). Its radial part is the following differential operator on (2, e +:
The representation [/!m> preserves the inner product
)/, h-fa R f)z-th)z-tfii)z-It
We denote the unitary completion of £Am) acting on L2)D1dp,+ by the same symbol.
Let V)D+bc the space of restrictions to D of functions from 7?)C+ with the induced topology, and by V)D-|-the space of distributions on C with supports in D. Consider the inner product with respect to the Lcbesgue measure on D :
)F,f\DR F)z-tf)z-fady, zRxOiy. )2.4+
The space V)D-\- can be embedded into V)D-\- by assigning toh/ V)DJr the functional / U )h,f\D, f / V)D± So we shall write the value of F / V')D+at f / V)D+ in the same form: )F1f\s-
We define the Poisson transform Pa ; V)S-|-oo C°°)D-\- and the Fourier transform F& ; V)D+oc associated to the character U)m, as integral operators
PimV' )2 sz-?a'~2m Sm ip)s^ds. -s
)s+Rs"m )2 sz-F'^p-" f)z-tifi)z+ D
The Poisson and Fourier transforms Pa and intertwine representations 1 —o—\
with and fn-m' with Ta respectively. The Poisson and the Fourier transform are
conjugate to each other:
)Fim)f, ^|sR)/,4mVv
Using the spectral resolution of the radial part of the Casimir operator (1.2), we obtain the following Plancherel theorem for
Theorem 1.1. Let us assign to a function f / V)D+ the family }Fa f( where o R 2/3 0 ip1 p / M, of its Fourier components of the continuous series and the family , /{ where k R 1, 2,..., 2, of its Fourier components of the analytic (if m < 1) or the anti-analytic (if m > 1) series. This correspondence is G -equivariant. One has the inversion formula:
f)z+ R u^P™, FW Hz-^L=-i/2+ipdP
—oo H-1
0 / ¿)3fc0
1 o
and the Plancherel formula for functions f,h / V)D-\~:
L '
0 f (1-4)
Therefore, the previous correspondence can be extended from the space V)S-\- to L2 )D, dp+ and gives then the decomposition of the unitary representation on L2)D, dp-\- into
the direct integral of the representations Ta, a R 2/3 0 ip of the continuous series, and the direct sum of §f?i§ representations 7jt + or Tk R 1,2,..., §m,§ 2, of the analytic (m > 1) or anti-analytic (m. > 1) series. This decomposition is multiplicity free.
2. Canonical representations
Let A / C. We define the canonical representation R\,m of the group G associated with a character of K as follows:
)Rx,m)g^f+)z+R f)z^g+)bz 0 a-F2A_4,2m,
it acts on the space V)D-\r
The inner product (1.3) is invariant with respcct to the pair )Rx,m, R-x-2 m+*
)Rx,m)g^, h\DR)f, R_^_2tJg-'4i\D, g/G. )3.2+
Let us define the operator Q.\,TO - first on V)D~H
)Q\,mf+)z+R c)A,m+ )2 zw-?'2™ f)w-&udv,
„ AO m 2 cJA, m+R-.
It intertwines and -fl_.\-2,m :
Q\,mR\,m)g+R- R \ 2,m)g^Q\,mi £7 / G,
and interacts with the form (1.3) as follows:
)Qx^f,h\DR)f,QXtmh\D. )3.3+
The formulae (2.1) and (2.2) allow to extend the representation R\,m and the operator Qx,m to the space V')D-|-of distributions on D.
Canonical representations Rx,m generate boundary representations L\.m and M\m. Consider the Taylor series of / / V)D+ in powers of p:
f)z+C cio 0 ciipO a2p2 0 =t±±^
where aj. R afc).s+are functions in V)S-H
Let a)/+denote the column )ao,«1, ■ ■ . + of the Taylor coefficients.
Denote by ! ^D+the space of distributions on C concentrated at S and of the form
where ¿)p+is the Dirac delta function on the real line (being a continuous linear functional on 'P)M+) and its j - th derivative. Set
! )D+R{%L0! k)D+
There is a natural filtration
! i2)D-h^±S± )3.4+
A distribution yj)s4^®)jH-acts on a function / / V)D-\-as follows:
|dr|) 2il{)ip1al\s. )3.5+
Distributions from ! fc)JD+can be extended to a wider space than V)D-\r Namely, let 14)Z)+ be the space of functions / on D of class C°° on D and on S and having a Taylor decomposition of order k :
f)z+R a0 0 aip 0 a2p2 0 ... 0 akpk 0
uniformly with respect to u / 51, where am R am)f+ belong to V)S-\r Then (2.4) is well preserved for / / UjjD-lr
The canonical representation R\,m acting on V')D-\^ preserves the spacc ! )D+and the filtration (2.3). The first boundary representation L\ m is the restriction of Rx,m to ! )D-\r The second boundary representation acts on columns a)/+by:
M^m)g^a)f+R a)Rx,m)gtf+
Theorem 2.1. The representation L\m is equivalent to a upper triangular matrix with diagonal T_\_i, .... The equivalence is given by multiplication of the
functions tpk)s+ by s~m. The representation M\jTn is equivalent to a lower triangular matrix
with diagonal T-x-2, T-\s,____ The equivalence is given by multiplication of the Taylor
coefficients a^)s-\-by s~m.
Let N R }1,2,3,...{. In the generic case: 3A / N, the representation L\m is diagonalizable, which means that the space ! )D+ is the direct sum of the spaces Vff )k / N+ so that L\ m is the direct sum of the T^x—i+k )k / N+
3. Poisson transform
Let A, a / C and m / Z. We define the Poisson transform associated with the canonical representation Rx,m the map Pj^ ; V)S+oo C'°°)Di-by the following formula
) Pff <p p-x~a-2 )2 sz-^'"2™ sm ip)s^ds.
The Poisson transform P-J™ intertwines the representations T_fT_1 and the canonical representation Rx,m '■
Rx,m)gW^ R PT „1)ff+ )g / G+
With the intertwining operators Aa and Qx,m the Poisson transform interacts as follows:
P^A, R
7 ' ) A m+ ) A 0 m 2+ The Poisson transform is mcromorphic in <r, and has poles at the points
a R A k, a R A 2 0 I )k,l / N+ )4.2+
All poles are simple except in the case when the two sequences (3.1) have a non-empty intersection and the pole belongs to this intersection. This happens when 3A 0 2 / N and
1 ^ A;, / ^ 3A 0 2, At 0 I R 3A 0 2. In this case the pole fi is of the second order. Let us write down the principal part of the Laurent series of P^1 at the poles fi of the first order:
p(m) R Q ^
' <J ¡1
The residue intertwines Tpi with Rx,m- Let us write it explicitly. We set
Va,m,n)p+R )2 p-fm+n}/2 F)u 0 2 0 m, a 0 2 0 7i=3tr 0 where F is the Gauss hypergeometric function. Expand V in powers of p:
va,m,n)p+R f j <i
here w^j? are polynomials in n of degree k. The coefficients of these polynomials are rational functions of a with simple poles. Now we set
W(m) R ™>(m) V d ^
If a pole fi belongs only to one of the sequences (3.1), then it is simple and
Pt\1+i R )
where ™ is the following operator V)S-foo ! jt)Z?-H
& V R ^ j ) 2-F ^J^- ) )4-3+
The operator is mcromorphic in A. For fixed k R 2,3. . . it has k poles (simple) at the points A R k 2, k 4/3, k 3,..., )k 2-1/3. It intertwines T-x-i-i-t with L\ m (restricted to ! *)£)+).
Theorem 3.1. Up to a factor, the composition of the operators Qx,m and is the Poisson transform P^_2 \-k
n R i ptm)
?S>R§) A 20 Mr'JH
n<™))A+R A)3A 3t0 24 )A0'"02+)A "'03+ k ' 3tx2> k( )3A 0 3 k+
4. Fourier transform
Let A, a / C and m / Z. We define the Fourier transform associated with the canonical representation Rx,m the map Fj^ ; V)D-\-oc V)S+ by the following formula
jfy/^s-"1 )2 zs^2mpX-° f)zMxdy.
The integral converges absolutely for So)A <j-\- > 2, So)A0 <7+> 3 and can be mcromorphically continued in a and A. The Poisson and the Fourier transform are conjugate to each other:
This allows to transfer statements about the Poisson transform to the Fourier transform. The Fourier transform interacts with the intertwining operators as follows:
A. iff R a ^aW^l v F^U„Qx,m R <Hi£?.
It has poles in a at the points
a R A 3 k, a R A 0 2 0 I )k,l / N+ )5.3+
All poles are simple, except the case 3A 4 / N and the pole fi belongs to both sequences (4.2), i. e. 1 ^ k,l ^ 3A 4 and k 0 / R 3A 4. In this case fi is of the second order. For the Laurent cocfficicnts of the Fourier transform we use a similar notation as in case of the Poisson transform. The first Laurent coefficient Fj™/ for the first order fi intertwines R\,m with Tfi. Let us write it explicitly:
Ft-x-2-fc H 3) A 3
i-M R 3)
where h ™2 is a "boundary" operator V)D-\-oc V)S+ which is defined in terms of the Taylor coefficients c„ of / as follows:
The operators £<m> and
are conjugate to each other (up to a factor): 2 "i *(>©/+Pis-
The operator intertwines R\,m with '/' \ 2 t- It is ineromorphic in A. It has k poles (simple) at the points A R k 2, k 2/3,...,) k 4-|/3.
5. Decomposition of canonical representations
For simplicity we restrict ourselves to generic A lying in the strips )k / Z+:
4/30 k < SoA < 2/30 k.
Case A: A / /q. Let /, h / V)D-1 Consider the functions
f0)z+Rpx+2f)z^ h0)z+Rp~Jh)z+
Since A / Jo, both functions /o)z+and /10)2 + belong to L2)D,dp-\r Let us apply to this pair of functions /0, h0 the Planchercl formula (1 19). We obtain:
00 ,
)/o, KM, R f0, hQ\st dp
-00 b=-l/2+ip
H-1 9 ^
0 £ ^)3n0 2+)F^f0:F(^_1h0\s.
Then we return to / and h :
H-i 9 v
¿¿H2-»Fg f, fQ^^s. (5-1)
Lr dP
W= l/2+ip
Now usimg the conjugacy (4.1), we transfer the Fourier transform of h to the Poisson transform of F^J f. We obtain a formula that gives an expansion of / regarded as a distribution in V)D-H
,(m) p(m)
L/JU -pi
/ R ^..C/1 , dp
0 f ¿)3n0 2^„_iil?/- (5.2)
d 0
Theorem 5.1. Lei A / I0. Then the canonical representation R\,m decomposes, in a similar way as U M, see 2, into the direct integral of the representations Ta, a R 2/3 0 ip, of the continuous series and the direct sum of fyre§ representations T,1 + or , 71 R 1, 2,... j 2, of the analytic (771 < 1) or the anti-analytic series (m > 1) with multiplicity one. Namely, if we assign to f / V)D+ the family of Fourier components
}F^f{ where a R 2/3 0 ip and a / }1,2, ...,ffre§ 2{, then this correspondence i G -equivariant. There is an inversion formula ): .3+ and a decomposition ): .2+ of the form
)/, Md-
Case B: A / , k / N. Wc perform analytic continuation of (5.2) from the strip I0 to the right, to the strip Here the poles of the Poisson transform intersect the line of
integration Soct R 2/3 and give additional terms. Wc obtain
oo M"1 k
— CO
/ 0 f
j/=0 J=0
f R 0 0 ):.4+
where the integral and the first sum mean the same as in (5.2) and
_M T> 9J+m 2 _2_ ¿.(m) p(m)
A,ti ti, o J ¿ + — ------„,J>X,v A,—A—l-pu"
a_mJ A z (J
The operators , v ^ k, can be extended to ! because the Fourier transforms
occuring in are already extended. Thus, the operators , v ^ k, are defined on the spacc
Vk)D+RV)D^O ! k)D+ ):.5+
The operators , v ^ i:, acting on the space are projection operators onto
the spaccs see § 2 for them, i.e. the following relations hold:
(m) (m) R (m) A,?; X,v ^ X,v i
4'? R 1, vRs.
Thus, in Case B we have
Theorem 5.2. Let A / Ik+i, k / N. Then the space V)D+ has to be completed to the space Vk)D-\^ see ): .5+ On this space the canonical representation R\tTn splits into the sum of two terms: the first term decomposes as does in Case A, the second term decomposes
into the sum of the irreducible representations c T\_v with v R 1,2,..., k. Namely,
let us assign to any f / Vk)D+ the family { where a R 2/3 0 ip, a R n,
n R 1,2,. ..,jj7i§ 2, and a R A 2 0 v, v R 1,2,..., k. This correspondence is G -equivariant. The function f is recovered by the inversion formula ): .4+
Case C: A / I_k _i, k / N. Now we perform analytic continuation of (5.2) to the left, to the strip I-k-1- Here the poles
<j R A 3 v, ctRA0 20 ?j, t> / N, v ^ k,
of the integrand (they are poles of the Fourier transform) intersect the line of integration Soct R 2/3 and give additional terms. We obtain
oo I™!"1 k
f R 0 f 0 f ):.: +
J=o J= o
where the integral and the first sum have the same meaming as in (5.2) and
-R \ 9jn _2_ p(m)
hx>* K } a m)XQ 2 0 ^ ■
Denote by „ the image of the operator . The operators 4"' with v ^ k can
be extended to the space Lfe) D+ since the operators b with v ^ k are defined on this space. In particular, 4™ can be applied to , s ^ k, and we can consider the products 474? with v,s^k.
Theorem 5.3. The operators 4w , v ^ A;, are projection operators on , namely, the following relations hold:
y,(m) v(m) R
^A.u ^A.u IV ^A.U >
R i, sRv.
Thus, in Case C we have
Theorem 5.4. Let X / A; / N. Then the canonical representation Rx,m
considered on the space 14)D+ splits into the sum of two terms. The first term acts on the subspace of functions f such that their Taylor coefficients e„)/+ are equal to zero for v ^ A', and decomposes as R\,m in Case A, the second term decomposes into the direct sum of the A; 0 2 irreducible representations T-\-2~v (C Ta+i+» ), w R 1,2,..., fc, acting on the sum of the spaces „ . One has an inversion formula, see ): .: -fc-
1. Grosheva L.I. Canonical and boundary representations on the Lobachevsky plane associated with linear bundles. Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki - Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 2017, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1218-1228. DOI: 10.20310/1810-0198-2017-22-6-1218-1228.
2. Molchanov V.F., Grosheva L.I. Canonical and boundary representations on the Lobachevsky plane. Acta Appl. Math., 2002, vol. 73, pp. 59-77.
3. Grosheva L.I. Kanonicheskie predstavleniya v secheniyakh lineynykh rassloeniy na ploskosti Lobachevskogo [Canonical representations on sections of linear bundles on the Lobachevsky plane]. Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki - Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 2007, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 436-438. (In Russian).
Received 23 March 2018 Reviewed 25 April 2018 Accepted for press 5 June 2018
Grosheva Larisa Igorevna, Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin. Tambov, the Russian Federation. Associate Professor of Physics and Mathematics, e-mail: [email protected]
For citation: Grosheva L.I. Decomposition of canonical representation on the Lobachevsky plane associated, with linear bundless. Vestnik. Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki - Tambov University Reports. Series; Natural and Technical Sciences, 2018, vol. 23, no. 122, pp. 113-124. DOI: 10.20310/1810-0198-2018-23-122-113-124 (In Engl., Abstr. in Russian).
DOI: 10.20310/1810-0198-2018-23-122-113-124 УДК 517.98
Л. И. Грошева
ФГБОУ ВО «Тамбовский государственный университет им. Г.Р. Державина» 392000, Российская Федерация, г. Тамбов, ул. Интернациональная, 33
E-mail: [email protected]
Аннотация. Мы разлагаем канонические представления, действующие в сечениях линейных расслоений на плоскости Лобачевского
Ключевые слова: плоскость Лобачевского; канонические представления; обобщенные функции; граничные представления; преобразования Пуассона и Фурье
1. Grosheva L.I. Canonical and boundary representations on the Lobachevsky plane associated with linear bundles // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия Естественные и технические науки. Тамбов, 2017. Т. 22. Вып. 6. С. 1218-1228. DOI: 10.20310/1810-0198-2017-22-6-1218-1228.
2. Molchanov V.F., Grosheva L.I. Canonical and boundary representations on the Lobachevsky plane // Acta Appl. Math. 2002. Vol. 73. P. 59-77.
3. Грошева Л.И. Канонические представления в сечениях линейных расслоений на плоскости Лобачевского // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия Естественные и технические науки. Тамбов, 2007. Т. 12. Вып. 4. С. 436-438.
Поступила в редакцию 23 марта 2018
Прошла рецензирование 25 апреля 2018 г.
Принята в печать 5 июня 2018 г.
Грошева Лариса Игоревна, Тамбовский государственный университет им. Г.Р. Державина, Тамбов, Российская Федерация, кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент, e-mail: [email protected]
Для цитирования: Грошева Л.И. Разложение канонических представлений в сечениях линейных расслоений на плоскости Лобачевского // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия Естественные и технические науки. Тамбов, 2018. Т. 23. № 122. С. 113-124. БОТ: 10.20310/1810-0198-2018-23-122-113-124