DEALING WITH CHILDREN IN STRESS SITUATIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
stress situations / physical / mental and emotional reaction / overreaction or emotional outbursts / stressli vaziyatlar / jismoniy / aqliy va hissiy reaktsiya / haddan tashqari reaksiya yoki hissiy portlashlar.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sevara Aslonjonova

This article about stress situations and how to deal with children in such case.Stress is an automatic physical, mental and emotional reaction to difficult situations. It's a normal part of everyone's life, including the lives of children

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Ushbu maqola stresli vaziyatlarda va bunday holatda bolalar bilan qanday kurashish haqida. Stress bu qiyin vaziyatlarga avtomatik jismoniy, aqliy va hissiy reaktsiya . Bu har bir inson hayotining, jumladan, bolalar hayotining odatiy qismidir.


Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions

Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar


Sevara Aslonjonova

student of 124 group, 2nd treatment faculty TMA Supervisor: Kadirova Lola Utkurovna - the teacher of the department of Pedagogy,

psychology and languages lolautkurovna@1973 gmail.ru

This article about stress situations and how to deal with children in such case.Stress is an automatic physical, mental and emotional reaction to difficult situations. It's a normal part of everyone's life, including the lives of children.

Keywords: stress situations, physical, mental and emotional reaction, overreaction or emotional outbursts.

Ushbu maqola stresli vaziyatlarda va bunday holatda bolalar bilan qanday kurashish haqida. Stress - bu qiyin vaziyatlarga avtomatik jismoniy, aqliy va hissiy reaktsiya . Bu har bir inson hayotining, jumladan, bolalar hayotining odatiy qismidir.

Kalit so'zlar: stressli vaziyatlar, jismoniy, aqliy va hissiy reaktsiya, haddan tashqari reaksiya yoki hissiy portlashlar.

Children are very finely organized creatures. They read the emotional background of their parents and their nonverbal behavior even better than what we openly broadcast to them. Including negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, wrath and spite.

A stressful situation also occurs against the background of experiences that the child cannot cope with on his own. Conflicting, irritable and aggressive behavior in some cases is just an attempt to draw parents attention to their problem, so parental intuition allows them to notice a cry for help under the mask of irritation and aggression. Child aggression is a way to convey something important to parents.



Tashkent Medical Academy Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023

Integration of Science, Education and Practice Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan,

in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:

A child who has once experienced a stressful situation alone has increased vulnerability, and each subsequent stress will experience even more deeply.

In order to help a child cope with such complex feelings, it is first of all important to identify them.

Emotion identification is an important part of the process, in fact, emotional intelligence is brought up in this way, when a person can recognize his own emotions and cope with them, as well as recognize them from others in order to respond adequately.

Next, you need to normalize the situation : "I understand that you're angry. This happens when something doesn't work out for us (say something here that suits your situation)." Or you can say this: "You're

all tense. I can see that you're disappointed."

It is important to explain to the child that feelings are given to us in order to help us cope with various situations in life. Feelings can be painful, but if you try to avoid them, it gives them even more power.

If a child is worried or, for example, afraid of what is happening in the world because he has encountered news or heard something from adults, it is important to explain the situation to him - if possible at the level of the child's development, that is, without details and fairly honestly.

This step is not easy, but if you are proactive and start a difficult conversation first, then you will be able to avoid a situation in which your child will look for answers to questions independently in different sources.

If the child is anxious and worried, here is the algorithm for further actions:

• Sit down next to him, take his hand. Hug — it can give a sense

of stability for both a child and an adult.

• It is important to say his feelings out loud: "I understand that you're scared, you're worried, you're worried."I also feel something similar."

• Give the child the right to any feelings, explain: what is happening to him is a normal reaction.

• Tell the child the truth, without brushing off, without prevaricating, in a language understandable for his age.

Do not tell everything at once, follow the child's questions. Don't hide your feelings. Show that they are also normal and that you are able to cope with them. Maybe not perfect, but capable.

May 6


Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions

Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar


It will also let the child understand that he is not alone in his experiences and can rely on an adult.

In case of non-standard actions, regularly pronounce and explain to the child what and why you are doing. What further solutions can there be. It is necessary for the child to see that an adult understands the situation and can somehow influence it. For example: "In order to make it safer, we close all windows and doors."

In a person's life, stress is an invariable component, a normal reaction to changes. But chronic stress - can block development and learning opportunities.

While all stress cannot be eliminated, you can prevent excess stress from affecting your children's lives by:

Establishing and keeping routines: With many simultaneous changes, children need to be able to count on something that's going to be the same most of the time. That's why routines are so important. If your family wasn't routine-orientated before, now is a good time to implement daily routines to provide structure and support. You could start a new bedtime habit or strive to have supper together a few nights a week to provide consistency at home for your children.

Encouraging healthy diet and sleep habits: Tired or hungry kids are rarely happy. Make sure that your children's diet includes a mix of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins to keep them full and focused. A lack of sleep can trigger overreaction or emotional outbursts, so follow a bedtime routine to make sure your children get enough sleep each night. Encourage good sleeping habits of shutting of the TV, turning off the phones and putting away electronics. Allow time to transition from the activity of the day to becoming ready for bed. The body naturally creates melatonin, but the body needs to know that it is nighttime. Try dimming the lights and having them do something that does not stimulate their mind. This could include reading a book, writing in a journal or doing something that does not have a light on it. Managing your mental health: It's hard to be an effective parent if you struggle with your mental health. Take steps to keep burnout and stress at bay in your life.

Parents can't solve every problem as kids go through life. But by teaching healthy coping strategies, you'll prepare your kids to manage the stresses that come in the future.

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions

Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va vechimlar



1.The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind .

2. Raising Good Humans: A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids

3. The Psychology of the Child Berbel Ingelder and Jan Piaje.

4. Medical English for Health Professionals [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.englishhints.com/medical-english.html (accessed: 12.02.2022).

5. Bobojonova, S. (2022). Interpretation of speech etiquette in educational discourse.

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7. Bobojonova, S. (2023). Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Pedagogika, psixologiya va tillar. Общественные науки в современном мире: теоретические и практические исследования, 2(5), 80-82

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