CURRENT ISSUES OF ORGANIZING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
Healthy lifestyle / physical education / sports / bad habits / longevity / health / proper nutrition.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Mavlonova O.D.

This article discusses the current problems of organizing a healthy lifestyle. The role of a healthy lifestyle in living a quality life is analyzed.

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Mavlonova O.D.


Department of Interfaculty Physical Culture Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education Namangan State University


Abstract. This article discusses the current problems of organizing a healthy lifestyle. The role of a healthy lifestyle in living a quality life is analyzed.

Key words: Healthy lifestyle, physical education, sports, bad habits, longevity, health, proper nutrition.

Population health is the most important factor in successful social development and national security, an important resource for ensuring the stability of the state, and the level of quality of life and health status of the population can be used to judge the effectiveness of state policy in the social sphere. The unsustainable development of the country's economy, insufficient legal, resource, information and financial support for measures to preserve the health of the child population and develop healthcare, and protracted reforms have contributed to a significant deterioration in the health of the population. In the life of modern society, problems associated with smoking, poor nutrition and alcohol consumption have become especially acute. Typically, children and young people are not inclined to think seriously about their health, even when they get sick. Unfortunately, in most families, a healthy lifestyle is not a priority. A healthy lifestyle is a rational lifestyle, an integral feature of which is active activity aimed at maintaining and improving health. A lifestyle that promotes public and individual health is the basis of prevention, and its formation is the most important task of the state's social policy in protecting and strengthening the health of the people. Preserving the health of the people and especially children's health in conditions of a negative natural balance is the most important state task. Only healthy people are able to study, work, develop socio-economic potential, and protect the interests of the country. With the help of epidemiological, socio-hygienic and other modern studies, numerous evidence has been obtained of the direct impact of conditions and lifestyle on children's health. Most often, unhygienic, medical and environmentally illiterate behavior, non-compliance with the regime and daily routine, nutrition, work, rest, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, low physical activity (inactivity), psycho-emotional overload, etc., which are in In some cases they are causes of diseases, in others they are risk factors for health problems.

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the health of the population of our country is currently characterized as critical, therefore the search for effective methods for improving it is an urgent public and state problem.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle is one of the main tasks of medical workers in promoting the health of patients. Currently, in this direction, the emphasis is on increasing the role of the nurse in creating a healthy lifestyle for the child population. The style of a healthy lifestyle is determined by the personal and motivational characteristics, capabilities and inclinations of a person. It involves active work to preserve and strengthen one's own health, in which the following main components can be distinguished: •conscious, targeted use of various forms of physical activity; •targeted development of hygienic and health skills; •use of natural factors in promoting health (hardening) and a civilized attitude towards nature; •active fight against bad habits and their complete eradication; •activities to promote and introduce a healthy lifestyle into the life of every person and society. An individual style of healthy lifestyle is understood as a way of organizing life activities inherent in a particular person, taking into account individual interests, needs, capabilities and connections with his educational, professional and everyday activities. Thus, a healthy lifestyle is a regime of restrictions combined with an optimal regime of physical activity. Human physical activity is one of the main factors in maintaining and strengthening health, an irreplaceable universal means of preventing illnesses and slowing down the aging process of the body. A person's motor pattern is not the same at different ages. However, the general thing is that physical activity is absolutely necessary for a child, an adult, or an elderly person. It must be a constant factor in life, the main regulator of all body functions. An important component of a healthy lifestyle is rational nutrition. It ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high performance, and prolong life.

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without observing the rules of personal hygiene: daily routine, body care, clothing, shoes, etc. The daily routine is of particular importance. When compiled correctly and strictly implemented, a clear rhythm of the body's functioning is developed. And this, in turn, creates optimal conditions for fruitful work and high-quality recuperation.

The following main directions in activities to promote a healthy lifestyle can be identified: 1. Creation of an information and propaganda system for increasing the level of knowledge of all categories of the population about the negative impact of risk factors on health and the possibilities of reducing it. 2. The second important area of developing a healthy lifestyle is the so-called "health education". Comprehensive educational, 17 training and educational activities aimed at increasing awareness of health issues and its protection, developing health promotion skills, creating motivation for leading a healthy lifestyle, both for individuals and for society as a whole. 3. Measures to reduce the prevalence of smoking and consumption of tobacco products, reduce alcohol consumption, and prevent drug use. 4. Encouraging the population to have a physically active lifestyle, physical education, tourism and sports, increasing the availability of these types of health improvement. [16] The formation of a healthy lifestyle, therefore, is a whole system of public and individual types, methods, forms of

activity, activities aimed at overcoming risk factors for the occurrence and development of diseases, optimal use in the interests of protecting and improving social, psychological and natural health conditions and lifestyle factors.

An effective lever for the formation of a healthy lifestyle should be hygienic education of the population. Territorial health centers, medical and physical education dispensaries (departments, offices), cosmetology clinics (departments, offices), health promotion offices of various medical institutions must make the basis of the content of their activities the promotion of the principles of forming a healthy lifestyle, nurturing a system of behavioral reactions that have a beneficial effect on the health of all people, starting with infancy. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is a national task, and healthcare workers who stand at the outpost of this national program should themselves be an example of compliance with a healthy lifestyle.


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