CURRENT ISSUES OF HISTORY TEACHING METHODOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
History / method / methodology / lesson analysis / periodization / pedagogical skills / innovative methods.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dexkanova S.

This article discusses the current issues of history teaching methodology. Complex issues of historical science methodology are analyzed.

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Dexkanova S. teacher

Department of Social Sciences Namangan Engineering and Construction Institute


Abstract. This article discusses the current issues of history teaching methodology. Complex issues of historical science methodology are analyzed.

Key words: History, method, methodology, lesson analysis, periodization, pedagogical skills, innovative methods.

Methods of teaching history is a branch of pedagogical science that studies the process of teaching history in order to use its laws to further improve the effectiveness of teaching, education and personal development. The subject of history teaching methods is the process of teaching history. The learning process can be defined as a change in learning acts that occurs according to objective laws, during which the activities of the teacher and students change, as well as the properties of students as a result of their activities.

The learning process consists of the following interrelated and interdependent components: learning goals, content, teacher activities, student activities and results. The methodology of teaching history explores how, with the help of what methods, means and techniques to ensure the most accessible, visual, concrete and convincing perception, understanding and assimilation of historical facts; what methods and means to ensure the memorization of these facts, how to reveal the phenomena being studied in the most accessible way, how to organize the active mental work of students so that the revealed phenomena are learned and help further knowledge. The task of methodology as a science is to explore the natural connections between various aspects of learning and, on the basis of the known patterns, to develop requirements for the academic subject, teaching and learning, to ensure that students deeply understand the fundamentals of historical science and to instill in them a humanistic worldview. The content of the history teaching methodology includes:

a) studying the history of the technique;

b) determination of the cognitive, educational significance and objectives of history, its place in the education system;

c) determining the scope of the school history course, scientific substantiation of programs and textbooks;

d) development of methods and organizational forms of training that correspond to its goals and content;

e) development of educational equipment for history, etc.

The process of teaching history is part of the general educational process at school, but a special part. It is carried out on the basis of the general principles of

didactics (a section of pedagogy that sets out the theory of education and learning).

2. Methods of teaching history is a pedagogical discipline. This does not at all mean that there is no organic connection between the methodology and history itself. This connection lies in the fact that when analyzing the learning process and its development, the methodology actually works with historical material, comparing how they taught previously, which methods and techniques were more effective and how, based on them, the learning process can be improved at the present time. In addition, when organizing a lesson and using various teaching methods, an objective historical picture of the past and present must be preserved. It should be added that the methods of teaching history themselves are specific, they are unique to history. The methodology of teaching history at school is closely related to pedagogy, since it is a branch of pedagogical science, and is connected with didactics and the theory of education. In addition to the above, the technique is associated with philosophy (the theory of knowledge is of particular interest), psychology (knowledge of the mental characteristics of children of different ages), age-related physiology and school hygiene.

3. It must be admitted that throughout the world, methodology is one of the most conservative sciences. And it is often difficult to determine what is more in this conservatism: the desire to preserve traditional methods or the desire to prevent the introduction of new ones.

This feature is imprinted on the state of our school, where the unprecedented centralization of education (unified programs, common textbooks, unified methodology) has led the methodology to a moral impasse. At the same time,

It should be noted that at present, in some schools of our republic, teacher-methodologists work and they are allowed to develop methodological techniques for conducting lessons themselves; teachers use various textbooks and teaching aids. Existing shortcomings in the learning process can be eliminated through greater use of experiment as a method of scientific research. The experiment should primarily concern the process of students' assimilation of knowledge and the development of methodological recommendations on how to enhance students' independence in acquiring knowledge, what incentives and techniques to use so that knowledge, even the most difficult, is acquired consciously and stored for a long time. It is also necessary to strengthen theoretical research into methodological problems. The development of science and technology has led to the inclusion of a significant amount of new knowledge in school curricula, and accordingly has led to an overload of programs and textbooks. Eliminating this overload is one of the most pressing problems of the technique. Experimental work is carried out in the teaching methods of all school subjects. For example, to check the availability of the material selected for training. Research has found in a number of cases that students' cognitive abilities are underestimated. In some areas, the material being studied turned out to be so elementary that it delayed the

overall development of the children. In this regard, some topics previously studied in high school were transferred to a lower grade. On the other hand, the activities carried out showed that the complication of the studied material in some subjects reduced the accessibility of training. Finally, organizational forms of training require more in-depth research. Among these forms, the lesson now receives the most attention. Other forms of organizing educational activities have been less studied - seminars, discussions, lectures, electives, homework, extracurricular activities, etc. The issue of the relationship and interconnection of lessons and other organizational forms of education in boarding schools and extended-day schools has been poorly studied. It is necessary to study more deeply the meaning of rational forms of mutual assistance, collective work, etc.

4. The main tasks of teaching history at school can be divided into 3 groups: educational, educational, developmental. The group of educational objectives requires:

• enriching the memory of students with information about the most important events, names, ideas, and the development of civilizations of the world - from ancient times to the present day;

• develop a scientific understanding of the historical process in a form accessible to students;

• teach students to find cause-and-effect relationships, to identify factors that influenced the pace, nature and characteristics of the historical development of different countries and peoples.

The group of educational tasks sets the goal:

• to educate conscious patriots of the Fatherland who know and honor the history of their people, the uniqueness of their centuries-old culture as an integral part of world culture, and feel personal responsibility for its historical destiny;

• on the basis of history, to form a personality who is aware of the priority of universal and national values over class, party, and group interests;

• to instill in children diligence, readiness to work and respect for working people.

The group of developmental tasks includes:

• developing students' creative thinking and cognitive activity;

• instill in schoolchildren independence in academic work, develop the ability to independently replenish their knowledge from sources of extracurricular information, and critically evaluate various historical sources;

• stimulate interest in science and art, develop their political activity, encouraging humanistic values in it.

5. The successful implementation of these tasks depends on many conditions of educational activity: specific and general. Individual conditions develop in each individual school and individual class.


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