CULTURAL MANAGEMENT FEATURES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
management / culture / cultural industry / cultural heritage / education

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Zunnunova U.G.

This article discusses the features of management in the field of culture.

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Текст научной работы на тему «CULTURAL MANAGEMENT FEATURES»

УДК 316

Zunnunova U. G. associate professor

Department of Informatics and Management National Institute of Arts

and Designnamed named after Kamoliddin Behzod CULTURAL MANAGEMENT FEATURES

Abstarct: This article discusses the features of management in the field of culture.

Keywords: management, culture, cultural industry, cultural heritage, education

Nowadays, the sphere of culture is multifaceted and combines a combination of the most diverse areas, processes, forms and practices. Unlike other social areas of activity (education, sports, healthcare, etc.), this area of activity includes much more diverse sectors, which makes it a complex object of management. Therefore, the features of the management of the cultural sphere are caused, first of all, by this quality of heterogeneity of the cultural sphere. The modern sphere of culture is folklore, and art (including traditional arts and crafts), and education, and leisure programs, and the cultural industry, and cultural heritage, and much more. In addition, this includes those areas of this sphere (legal, economic, organizational, etc.) that ensure the implementation and functioning of these areas of work. In the field of culture, directors, guides, librarians, managers, artists and people of other professions are employed. But all of them are cultural workers.

Management of any field of activity involves both universal patterns of management, and a number of features. Management in the field of culture is a set of managerial decisions aimed at the efficient use of all types of resources in social activities (social, creative, financial, symbolic, material, etc.). Managing such an organization, be it a theater, museum or exhibition hall, is not easy, and this is due to a number of factors. In this article we will consider the key features of cultural management that are closely related. Features of management in the field of culture represent the starting point that defines and forms strategies for the effective management of cultural activities.

Features of management in the field of culture are largely determined by the mission characteristic of the respective institutions and the specifics of their activities. Despite the different departmental affiliations or the different status of cultural institutions, the mission of each of them will have a common foundation.

The first feature of management in the field of culture is the goals of the work of cultural institutions, which determine the direction of its activities. Most cultural institutions are non-profit. Therefore, their main goal is not to make a profit. The activity of cultural institutions involves achieving spiritual rather than material goals - education, enlightenment, upbringing, creative development, charity, etc. For example, the mission of the library can be not only the creation of a unique information resource in the region, but also the formation of a creative and communicative platform in this territory .Cultural activities are diverse, as noted

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above. But in the cultural sphere, mainly material goods (for example, books) are produced not so much as intangible goods, that is, services. The specificity of cultural services produced determines, accordingly, the nature of the work of a cultural institution. Features of the production of the service sector, as well as the characterization of cultural services, affect the characteristics of management in the field of culture. The second feature of management in the field of culture is due to the properties of cultural services as the main result of cultural activities.

A cultural service is the result of cultural activity, or cultural activity in the field of culture. Cultural services include library services, a tour of the museum, a movie screening, the possibility of visiting the exhibition, a concert, theatrical production, master classes in a folk art house, folklore studies, etc. When we introduce the concept of "cultural service", we are more likely to switch to an applied position when looking at culture and cultural (creative, spiritual, educational) activities. With the help of this concept, we have the opportunity to objectively evaluate cultural activities, apply management and marketing technologies, analyze and monitor the work of institutions in this field. The third feature of cultural management is a consequence of the specifics of the cultural products market. The specifics of the market for cultural products can be disclosed on the basis of the following aspects. a) Features of demand and competition. Modern conditions for the activities of cultural institutions in a market environment make it necessary to take into account demand trends for certain cultural services in management strategies. This is necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the relevant institutions. Without taking into account demand and competitor analysis, a cultural institution may experience a continuous decrease in the number of visitors. b) Market segments. The cultural services market is diverse, as follows from what was mentioned above. In this regard, cultural services are not part of one, but a number of markets of one direction or another. First of all, the services of cultural institutions will be in demand within such market segments as leisure, entertainment, educational, recreational, etc.

However, these institutions often have to compete with commercial organizations. That is why a cultural institution needs flexible and adaptive management tools. c) Donor market and market. Cultural institutions balance among the two main vectors of the market. The first vector is aimed at attracting additional resources for the production of cultural services. The source of such resources, as a rule, is the donors of the institution, including sponsors, grantors, partners, etc. While the second vector, on the contrary, is aimed at the art of selling cultural services. For example, the organization of the exhibition can be supported by local authorities or a charitable foundation (donor market), while the target group for which it will be implemented is completely different (schoolchildren, or city dwellers, or city guests, and so on).

The fourth feature of management in the field of culture is due to the fact that this area constantly requires state support. However, relations between the state and the sphere of culture can be different, and this depends on the principles and directions of the cultural policy of the state or region. The state can financially

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support all sectors of culture, but at the same time it can focus on particularly important cultural projects or types of cultural activities. Often the state in many countries pays special attention to the problem of preserving unique, outstanding monuments of cultural heritage. Therefore, this direction of activity of the cultural sphere is stably financed by the state.

The fifth feature of cultural management is that in this area there is a need to attract additional resources. As mentioned above, the sources of additional resource support for cultural activities in the management of the cultural sphere are commonly called donors. As such donors can be a variety of structures, organizations, individuals and many others who can and are able to provide any form of support. The art of attracting additional, non-state resources for non-profit organizations is dedicated to a special type of activity called fundraising. With the help of fundraising, cultural institutions are able to regularly use donor funds to increase the efficiency of their work.


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"Мировая наука" №10(31) 2019


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