Научная статья на тему 'Crowd recruiting as the competence assessment of applicants service company'

Crowd recruiting as the competence assessment of applicants service company Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Borodai Vladimir

The article shows that one of the alternative methods of recruitment and selection of candidates could serve crowd recruiting technology; in accordance with the projects crowd recruiting technology services companies get a significant mechanism to optimize the time and cost parameters of search and selection of applicants; mechanisms for designing and implementing projects crowd recruiting enable employers check applicants not only on the knowledge of certain professional theoretical questions, but also to evaluate the skills of candidates in the practical sphere, check their corporate responsibility in the decision-making and action.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Crowd recruiting as the competence assessment of applicants service company»



Бородай Владимир Александрович / Borodai Vladimir — доктор социологических наук, профессор, кафедра сервиса, туризма и индустрии гостеприимства, Донской государственный технический университет, г. Ростов-на-Дону

Abstract: the article shows that one of the alternative methods of recruitment and selection of candidates could serve crowd recruiting technology; in accordance with the projects crowd recruiting technology services companies get a significant mechanism to optimize the time and cost parameters of search and selection of applicants; mechanisms for designing and implementing projects crowd recruiting enable employers check applicants not only on the knowledge of certain professional theoretical questions, but also to evaluate the skills of candidates in the practical sphere, check their corporate responsibility in the decisionmaking and action.

Аннотация: в статье показано, что одной из альтернативных методик набора и отбора кандидатов может послужить технология краудрекрутинга; в соответствии с технологиями краудрекрутинговых проектов сервисные компании получают механизм существенной оптимизации временных и стоимостных показателей работы по поиску и отбору претендентов; механизмы проектирования и реализации краудрекрутинговых проектов дают возможность работодателям проверить претендентов не только на знания тех или иных профессиональных теоретических вопросов, но и оценить навыки и умения кандидатов в практической сфере, проверить их корпоративную ответственность в ходе принимаемых решений и действий.

Keywords: crowd recruiting, hiring, motivation, business task, project, corporate culture.

Ключевые слова: краудрекрутинг, найм персонала, мотивация, бизнес-задача, проект, корпоративная


In the current market conditions for each of the Russian service company to find the most suitable and the best contender for the vacant seat is a problematic issue. The problem is that in the process of recruitment and selection of candidates is difficult to identify the most suitable candidates who have real competence for the vacant post. It is difficult to choose the applicant who is able to show initiative features, show responsibility for the decisions taken, the person who is different characteristics of loyalty, has the intention to seriously and for a long time to connect his life to the service organization activities. This is not a complete list of candidates the characteristics that would like to see employers in the process of recruitment and selection. Undoubtedly, to identify all the qualities you need to spend a huge amount of time, intellectual and other resources. Moreover the problem is complicated by the fact that some service companies conducting recruitment and selection of personnel with sufficient regularity, and that tens and hundreds of people who need to pay attention.

In modern management practice, there are many techniques related to the search and selection of candidates. But in recent years the most progressive utility companies are trying to use the method of crowd sourcing or crowd recruiting.

Crowd recruiting evolved at the intersection of these areas as: recruiting and crowd sourcing. For the employer, it was not enough to determine the capable and interesting participants, observing the progress of crowd sourcing projects. They had to carry out a quantitative and qualitative assessment of candidates, considering the candidates as potential employees of the service company. Thus, there is a project in which the integrated capabilities of competent experts on the part of recruitment. Another factor that contributes to the emergence crowd recruiting in the labor market, it is the time factor, i.e. accelerated recruitment and selection of personnel among the significant and array of candidates [6].

Crowd recruiting technologies provide the opportunity to consolidate competence resource huge number of participants to solve various problems. This is achieved through on-line collective work on the same problem. The process of collective on-line work is done in the Internet space to "selected areas" service of the organizing company.

In accordance with the project crowd recruiting technology services companies get a significant mechanism to optimize the time and cost parameters of search and selection of candidates. But this is not all the advantages of new technologies. Mechanisms for implementation of the project crowd recruiting enable employers check applicants not only on the knowledge of certain professional theoretical questions, but also to evaluate the skills of candidates in the practical sphere, check their corporate responsibility in the decision-making and action.

It should be noted several positive aspects that allow to take seriously the crowd recruiting technology. Any service company that has a commitment to work on crowd recruiting technology can simultaneously solve related problems. For example, it is possible to resolve their long-existing real problems in various functional areas. It is sufficient to form the basis of practical case studies (cases) for applicants on the basis of real business objectives of the company. As a result, the service company acquires a set of different options to address their existing problematic issues (operational control), or issues that need to target assessment in the various functional areas, or the entire company (strategic management). In favor of the considered technique evidenced by the fact that the proposed candidates meet business objectives of the company allow them to integrate their own intellectual potential in diverse fields of activity [2].

Another distinctive and, at the same time a positive response crowd recruiting project is the involvement of applicants in the job to solve the business problems of service companies and their desire to feel involved in the activities of the organization. The interactivity of the project is a good motivational program that ensures the loyalty of future employees. For the company and the applicant "... the principles of market behavior are guided by norms of rationality and mutual benefit". [1] Therefore, the consolidation principles are a good prerequisite for the formation of the future governance model with an extended influence of corporate culture elements. And in general crowd recruiting technique, whether we like it or not, it involves the formation and development of corporate culture of the service company. Moreover the internal elements of the corporate management culture, ie, the willingness of the company to make decisions on the use of advanced management methods - the use of crowd sourcing, promotes translation of corporate culture elements into the environment. Thus, given a vector image component forming a service company that can not fail to strengthen its competitive position in the market, ensures customer loyalty. There comes a time when companies than ever it will be important not just to adjust to the market, but also to try to set the rules of the game on it [3], [5].

By entering into the practice of HR services company service crowd recruiting technology, it should be clearly understood that the main purpose of the implementation of such projects is still recruiting staff and training is not to find solutions to problematic issues of the company. Indeed, in the process for the employer to evaluate the most important: professional knowledge on the profile of the work, general cultural competence, allowing to navigate in related fields. The important is to define the distinctive abilities of the candidates in the field of working with information resources and skills to implement the commanding principles of interaction and, of course, the establishment of a number of individual personal characteristics -punctuality, responsibility, strategic orientation of the candidates thinking, interested applicants an optimal decision of situational problems (cases) and others [4]. But if a procedure of crowd recruiting add a standard tool of personnel management for the recruitment and selection of personnel in the form of tests, interviews and other methodological techniques, you can get a detailed assessment of the competence-future employee.


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2. Boroday V. A. Increased business potential based on Business Intelligence technologies // Technology Business in Russia: theory and practice, IV Int.. scientific-practical. conf., Saratov, 2016. Publishing House MTC "Business Academy". P. 3-6.

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5. Boroday V. A. Strategic management in the service as an operational business process in a multi-strategic model // Technology Business in Russia: theory and practice, the materials IV Intern.. scientific-practical. conf. Saratov, 2016. Publishing House MTC "Business Academy". P. 6-10.

6. Bochkareva V. A. Marketing customer benefits as a new paradigm producer of cultural and leisure services // Economy and Society, 2015. № 6-1 (19). P. 381-384.

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