CRITICAL THINKING IN ADOLESCENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Karshibaeva Dilfuza Burlievna

This article discusses the issue of critical thinking elements that are formed in childhood and increase in adolescence. It will teach the student to avoid difficult situations and not be afraid to Express themselves.

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Текст научной работы на тему «CRITICAL THINKING IN ADOLESCENTS»



Karshibaeva Dilfuza Burlievna


Sattarova Feruza Rustam kizi


Jizzakh state pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan)


This article discusses the issue of critical thinking elements that are formed in childhood and increase in adolescence. It will teach the student to avoid difficult situations and not be afraid to Express themselves.

Keywords: analysis, presentation, generalization, correct estimation, emulation, comparison, classification.

It is important that elements of critical thinking that were formed during childhood increase during adolescence. It will teach the student to avoid difficult situations and not be afraid to Express themselves. The inability to overcome obstacles, fears of trials and depression can be overcome in a timely manner. It is also crucial to think critically about the ability to persuade students to understand the good and bad in life in certain situations.

Critical thinking skills:

- analyze the above;

- generalization;

- correct assessment;

- emulation, comparison;

- classification;

- evidence;

- summarize.

The head of our state, especially teachers, gives great confidence in spiritual and educational work.

Each period of personality formation is unique. In particular, adolescence is different from other periods, with its panic, change of opinion, rapid nervousness, and crises. The main reason for this is that physiological and psychological changes occur during adolescence. This makes it difficult to enter society, take your place in life and objectively evaluate events.

Especially important is the development of critical thinking in adolescence. Because in this era, theoretical thought begins to have great significance. They try to find out the content of the surrounding masses at a high level. During this period, the adolescent's interest in knowledge progresses. The acquisition of scientific theoretical knowledge leads to the development of thinking. The ability to think through arguments indicates its influence. It is the ability to make deductive conclusions.

Teenagers are encouraged to develop intensive development of their personal qualities, including knowledge, skills, intellectual progress, critical thinking, self-management, emotional, ethical and practical abilities based on innovative methods and technologies of training.

Implementing strategies and technologies that encourage students to acquire independent critical thinking skills, develop a creative and pedagogical environment that encourages critical thinking and

promotes critical thinking among students. The development of critical thinking in students is largely effective due to the use of innovative methods in the learning process. While studying social Sciences and Humanities in the education system, there is an extensive opportunity to develop critical thinking in adolescents. In particular, the subjects of the national system of independence, as well as history and literary criticism.

We want to describe our views in one literature lesson on the development of critical thinking in adolescents.

Topic: "the Past few days»

After completing a brief review of the topic and answering questions with students, ippo (FSMU) uses an innovative approach to develop students ' critical thinking.

One innovative way to encourage students to think critically is the "two-Part diary" method. This method, first of all, helps to deepen the text of the subject, and secondly, it encourages students to give an objective assessment of events. One of the most important elements of critical thinking is that students can accurately assess events.

After completing the two-day diary, the students will be divided into two parts. In the left section, students should write a text or something that has a strong influence on them, or a really emotional image.

One of the methods that develops students ' critical thinking is the "problem-based learning" method.

Using the innovative methods described above gives the teacher the expected results. Because critical thinking has a lot of thoughts, the ability to choose the most optimistic idea from different points of view.

Thus, since critical thinking begins with taking information that ends with making decisions, in this process students learn a culture of listening and communicating when dealing with conflict. They compare different points of view and find optimal conclusions

Critical thinking is the highest intellectual activity of the reader and is a complex process of creativity, concentration and refinement of information. Special attention will be paid to solve problems on analysis, comparison, interpretation, application, arguments, news or evaluate the thinking process.

Thus, critical thinking is a relevant topic today and innovative methods should be used to develop it. Because they must be able to understand the active participation of students in the learning process and their perceived responsibility for this process and the ability to analyze the information presented at different levels. As a result, citizens ' learning skills, which can solve various problems at the regional, local, national and international levels, can make a conscious contribution to solving the most important issues of society and the ability to distinguish the creative ideas of young people.

List of references

1. K. Yuldashev, V. Kadyrov, Zh. Yuldashbekov. 9th grade. Textbook of literature. Tashkent, 2014

2. Ishmuhammetov R. With the help of innovative technology to develop the effectiveness of training. -T.: TDPU, 2005.

3. Makarenko A. S. Pedagogical problems of the younger generation, - 4th ed. M.: Vlados., 1999. - 457s.

4. Karshibaeva G. A. Language and formation of higher psychological functions. Interdisciplinary Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Interdisciplinary research in science and education. 2017

5. Karshibayeva, G. A., Abdukadyrova, N. Kh., Abdukarimova, E. I. Pedagogical conflicts-inevitable companions of school life. I International scientific conference "Aspects and trends of pedagogical science" St. Petersburg, December 2016


Туракулов Лазиз Тиркашевич

Джизакский государственный педагогический институт



В данной статье рассматривается вопрос о процессе социолизации воспитанников Домов милосердия, причины негативных характерных черт, а также собраны предания исламской религии.


This article discusses the issue of the process of sociolization of the pupils of the Orphanage, the reasons for the negative characteristics, and also the narration of the Islamic religion are collected.

Ключевые слова: Дом милосердия, гуманнизм, семейное благополучие, социолизации воспитанников, исторические заповеди, педагогика-психология, исламская религия, народная педагогика, этнопсихология, сирота, социальная сирота.

Key words: Orphanage, humanism, family well-being, socialization of pupils, historical precepts, pedagogy-psychology, Islamic religion, folk pedagogy, ethnopsychology, orphan, social orphan.

Со дня обретения Республикой Узбекистан независимости наше правительство стало заботиться о реализации сильной социальной политики. Этот уход, конечно же, напрямую связан с вниманием к Дому милосердия.

Президент Республики Узбекистан Шавкат Мирзиеев 11 февраля 2019 года подписал указ "О дополнительных мерах по усилению социальной защиты детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей". Совместно с Министерством народного образования, Министерством занятости и трудовых отношений Республики Узбекистан, Министерством здравоохранения и Министерством финансов Республики Узбекистан в месячный срок создать 1 штатную единицу психолога в домах, детских городках и детских домах "Мехрибонлик", детских городках и детских домах, в которых численность воспитанников превышает 200 человек, и 2 штатных единицы психолога в детских домах "Мехрибонлик", детских городках и детских домах[1,3].

За счет средств Фонда развития информационно-коммуникационных технологий Министерства по развитию информационных технологий и коммуникаций Республики Узбекистан в целях обучения воспитанников домов милосердия и детских городков навыкам

программирования и подготовки молодых специалистов в сфере информационных технологий к их подключению к сети Интернет и оснащению компьютерами, при этом отмечалось, что учащимся 10-11 классов необходимо создать условия для прохождения производственной практики в ведущих организациях по направлению "информационно - коммуникационные

технологии". Вышеперечисленные решения возлагают ответственность на руководящих работников и воспитателей домов милосердия и при этом должны быть внимательны к людям из всех слоев общества.

Дома милосердия были преобразованы в учебно-воспитательные учреждения по принципу государственного интерната для детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей, а также семей и переданы в ведение государства. [1,4]

Ребенок всю жизнь хочет жить вместе с родителями, жить вместе с сестрами, братьями и другими близкими родственниками. Никто не имеет права похищать детство ребенка.

В годы независимости были изданы специальные законы по улучшению деятельности домов милосердия. Изданы указы и распоряжения Президента Республики Узбекистан,

постановления и нормативные документы Олий Мажлиса и Кабинета Министров Республики

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