Научная статья на тему 'Critical thinking and practicing new language items'

Critical thinking and practicing new language items Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Beiskhanova Saltanat Altaevna, Yelemessov Zhalgas Amanbaevich

The basic methods of practicing new language items are considered in article. The results of a survey of students is given.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Critical thinking and practicing new language items»

Beiskhanova Saltanat Altaevna, Karaganda State Technical University, teacher, department of foreign languages Yelemessov Zhalgas Amanbaevich, Karaganda State Technical University, student, Mining Institute E-mail: saltik_SS@mail.ru

Critical thinking and practicing new language items

Abstract: The basic methods of practicing new language items are considered in article. The results of a survey of students is given.

Keywords: practicing language, types of learning, listening, reading, speaking, writing.

In our days learning another language means that you are one step higher than others. Because man can survive in another country and also when you are studying, you can study parallel their culture, their education and develop yourself. So, now we are going to sight information that will help you to start learning in right way and to start easily.

Don’t be afraid of making of mistakes when you learn a new language. It is normal that you will make mistakes. Try to practice in a ‘safe’ environment, a place you feel safe and with people you are comfortable with. They won’t laugh when you make mistakes and will help you by correcting you. Also try it with your friends, because when they will wrong you can see it and would be easier to learn.

Change your electronics to another language. Your cell phone, your computer, television, and more can be changed to another language. By casually changing these items you will learn new vocabulary and context for words that relate to those topics. Your cell phone can be in English, and it is possible to say that you’ll gain a few vocabulary words from doing this.

Being an upstanding citizen such as yourself, surely you follow the news. Where do you get your news? What is your source? It doesn’t really matter, all that matters is that you are getting that news one way or another. If you spend the same time reading, listening to, or watching the news in a different language imagine what you will learn over time. Moreover, you won’t be taking any more time to do it [1].

You can also do this with things like your email accounts. One of your email accounts can be used in English. Sure, all the words and their functions aren’t known, but it is found that you learn them when you need them. There are four types of activities to practice new language items. They are: listening, reading, speaking and writing.

Listen to music in a different language. We are living in the digital age and we listen to a lot of music. When was the last time you did much of anything without bring your Mp3 player along? Think about how much time you spend working out, relaxing, or studying with music. All of that time could be spent practicing a foreign language. Remember, you don’t have to understand everything. Learning the context of a word in a song, or just one word a day even, is progress. Someone needs to have some playlists in Russian, Spanish, Italian, French, and English [2].

This will be for more advanced people in a language, but try to add a different keyboard to your computer’s settings. You can easily add almost any language through control panel/keyboards. Although your keyboard buttons will be in whatever language they are currently, you can easily toggle between other languages when you are typing to get the feel for the other buttons.

This tip depends somewhat on where you live, but look for and seek internationals in the language that you want to learn. Students at universities and people in bigger cities will have more ease in doing this. Use your resources and find out these people. Embrace them, eat with them, and learn their culture. Remember that part of learning a language is embracing a culture. It is very difficult to completely learn a language without embracing the culture that holds it. And you can just speak with your friends.

Practice your acting and talk to yourself. When you are going to do your daily routine, practice doing things in that language. Think about how you would explain what you are doing in a foreign language. Better yet, say it when you are doing it. Handle your small affairs in another language. What do we mean? Well, things like going to the grocery store, eating at a restaurant, ordering something, etc. If you live near a big metropolitan area, then the chances are that you will be able to find people speaking the language that you want to learn unless it is really obscure. Go there to take care of stuff [3].

Watching foreign films is not just a great way to get practice listening to your new language. They are also a wonderful window into the larger cultures you will encounter via your new language. Learning a new language is just part of the picture. If you do not know the language but can discuss what are considered the cinematic masterpieces of a particular country or culture, you are more likely to impress people “over there" Today there are many, many opportunities for viewing foreign films. Most college campuses have some kind of foreign film program that is open to the public. Some larger metropolitan areas even have movie houses that show foreign films. Even subscriber movie services like Netflix offer hundreds of titles.

Reading is one way of learning of a new language. Do not only practice speaking, but learn to read the foreign language. You can start with children’s book in your new language; move on to books for youth, to continue to books of your own interest or books you have already read. Read websites in your new language or even a newspaper.

Another benefit of reading a lot in your new language is that you will be able to speed up your writing ability in this foreign language too. Try out that new recipe that you found in your new language. Grab every chance to practice! [4].

You need to pay the attention to listening of your new language. Even if you don’t understand a lot of your new language yet, enjoy hearing it. Listen to it and her rhythm. Listen to songs, the radio. Try to grasp the meaning of the lyrics and check it on the internet to see how much you already understand. Take it one step at a time [5].

Although the writing is of secondary importance in the study of a foreign language, but without it is still impossible. If you do not know how to express their thoughts in writing, you can not be considered a person who knows English comprehensively.

There are the following ways to improve of writing:

1. to perform all written exercises, especially when you need to translate from your native language into a foreign language.

2. to make the question to read english text.

3. to write dictation to check memory again learning the English vocabulary.

4. to make written statement of the text.

5. at later stages of self-study of English — writing essays on interesting topics. You can restrict the volume of essays with 200-300 english words.

Writing exercises are useful because each word is exposed to literal and sound analysis. Writing is also a means of memorizing new English words, especially for those who have a well-developed motor memory.

Students of Karaganda State Technical University were asked about «which type of practicing would be the best», and the results of students’ opinion poll are shown in this graph:

Results of survey

В reading у listening В speaking в writing

This graph shows that interviewers would like to improve listening that’s why to get better results it’s necessary to pay more attention to listening at lessons. This

work should be done not only at lessons, but out of it too. A lot of independent tasks must be given to students, for example listening to modern songs, watching different movies. It would motivate students for learning foreign language. Reading is on the second place after listening should be practiced too; perhaps we get more information from reading. Speaking and writing have less percentage it might be connected with the aim and intentions of a person. Activity of a human being is a strong motivation for learning of a foreign language and especially what type of speech activity the person will choose depends from person’s preferences. The aim of teaching is to reveal this moment and to build learning of foreign language according that.


1. Комарова Э. П. Структурно-композиционные характеристики научного текста//Новейшие методы преподавания иностранного языка студентам неязыковых специальностей вузов. М.: МГУ, 1991. - с. 15.

2. Андронкина Н. М. Проблемы обучения иноязычному общению в преподавании иностранного языка как специальности//Обучение иностранным языкам в школе и вузе. СПб., 2001. - с 150-160.

3. Мильяр-Белоручев Р. К. Теория и методика перевода. М.: Московский лицей, 1996. 208 с.

4. Гуль Н. В. Подготовка студентов к чтению неадаптированной литерату-ры//Лингводидактические проблемы обучения иностранному языку. СПб., 2001. - с. 151-155.

5. Комисаров В. Н. Современное переводоведение. Учебное пособие. М.: ЭТС, 2001. 422 с.

Voitleva Nafiset Adalgerievna, Adygei state university, associate professor of musical and performing disciplines

E-mail: nafiset11@ yandex.ru

individual and creative work in a piano class with students — future music teachers

Abstract: In article recommendations about the organization of individual and creative work in a tool class, in particular, in a piano class with students — future music teachers taking into account pre-university preparation, individual distinctions, inclinations, abilities being trained are made.

Keywords: educational process, individual and creative preparation, music teacher.

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