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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nikolaev A.N., Shlat N.Yu., Anufryienko L.V., Shalak O.M.

Objective of the study was to experimentally substantiate the dependence of the cohesion of sports teams, the success of their performances, as well as the devel-opment of the personality of young volleyball players, on the degree of severity of the captains of these teams' propensity for various leadership options.Methods and structure of the study. In the study of the components of leadership behavior of some of the athletes, a holistic approach was used, consisting in the use of both personal and team indicators. Two methods were also used as instrumental methods - a laboratory experiment and a closed survey. The subjects were female athletes of older adolescence (13-15 years old) involved in volleyball. The study was reduced to measuring indicators of leadership behavior, the main socio-metric indicator - team cohesion, successful performances.Results and conclusions. The success of the team's performances, on the one hand, is determined by its cohesion, which, in turn, depends on the match "captain - expressive leader." The fact that the functions of the team captain and the instrumental leader coincide contributes to the competitive success of the athletes. The success of activities for the upbringing, education and rehabilitation of young female volleyball players to a certain extent depends on the level of team cohesion and on the match "captain - expressive leader". All this should be taken into account in the practical activities of trainers.

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Criteria for selecting volleyball team captain on the signs of their leader be-havior

UDC 159.9.072

Dr. Psych., Professor A.N. Nikolaev1 PhD, Associate Professor N.YU. Shlat1 L.V. Anufryienko2 O.M. Shalak2

1Pskov State University, Pskov

2Polotsk State University, Novopolotsk, Belarus

Corresponding author: nialo@mail.ru


Objective of the study was to experimentally substantiate the dependence of the cohesion of sports teams, the success of their performances, as well as the devel-opment of the personality of young volleyball players, on the degree of severity of the captains of these teams' propensity for various leadership options.

Methods and structure of the study. In the study of the components of leadership behavior of some of the athletes, a holistic approach was used, consisting in the use of both personal and team indicators. Two methods were also used as instrumental methods - a laboratory experiment and a closed survey. The subjects were female athletes of older adolescence (13-15 years old) involved in volleyball. The study was reduced to measuring indicators of leadership behavior, the main socio-metric indicator - team cohesion, successful performances.

Results and conclusions. The success of the team's performances, on the one hand, is determined by its cohesion, which, in turn, depends on the match "captain - expressive leader." The fact that the functions of the team captain and the instrumental leader coincide contributes to the competitive success of the athletes. The success of activities for the upbringing, education and rehabilitation of young female volleyball players to a certain extent depends on the level of team cohesion and on the match "captain - expressive leader". All this should be taken into account in the practical activities of trainers.

Keywords: team captains, instrumental leaders, expressive leaders, realization of leadership potential, team cohesion, factors of successful performances, success of performances, pedagogical success.

Introduction. As a rule, the voting on the election of team captains first takes place on the candidacy proposed by the coach. Coaches usually take into account his athletic performance and the presence of positive relationships in the "coach-captain" dyad. An assistant coach and a kind of organizer of the activities of a sports team can, and probably should, be its informal leader. The leader is one of its members, for whom the majority or all the rest recognize the right to make responsible decisions concerning the interests of the entire group [2]. However, coaches can err, because everyone can be the leader of one kind of leadership, but be led in relation to another kind.

The presence of an informal leader contributes to the achievement of competitive success [4]. However, the team also has an informal leader - its captain. Probably, in order to achieve high success in competitive activity, the most desirable is the manifestation of

the functions of an informal leader in the person of a formal leader - the team captain. So far, the literature does not consider the interaction of formal and informal leaders (captain and leader).

The maximum effect in the organization of sports activities of a team of team players is achieved when its captain acts in accordance with the plans and tasks of the coach. So far, there is no data on the advisability of choosing team captains on the basis of their leadership behavior. And this despite the fact that back in 1986, Yu.A. Kolometsev argued that leaders have fairly wide opportunities to take part in the management of a sports team [5] and that it is precisely "... the phenomenon of leadership that interests scientists from the point of view of increasing the effectiveness of the group's joint activities" [3, p. 9].

This kind of research is very important both in practical and theoretical terms.

Objective of the study was toexperimentally substantiate the dependence of the cohesion of sports teams, the success of their performances, as well as the development of the personality of young volleyball players, on the degree of severity of the captains of these teams' propensity for various leadership options.

Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted in 16 children's volleyball teams of older adolescents aged 13-15, training groups. The number of subjects included 14-17 people from each team. All subjects, in the amount of 233 people, were female. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: "The ability to be a leader" by L.V. Anufrienko [1]; "Realization of the Leadership Potential of the Personality" A.N. Nikolaev [8]; instrumental leadership behavior - with the help of the homeostatic installation of V. I. Rumyantseva [4]; "Sociometry" (J. Moreno) [According to the book: 6]. The success of the activity of volleyball players was determined by the method of A. N. Nikolaev, which is based on the success of the activity of coaches in the implementation of the main functions of sports - educational, educational, health-improving and competitive [7].

To process the results, the c2 criterion was used - chi-square. Each of the teams was divided into two groups according to indicators: successful - not successful (according to competitive success; 6/10); pedagogically successful - unsuccessful (in terms of upbringing, education and rehabilitation by means of sports; 9/7); cohesive - not cohesive (8/8); the same volleyball player is an expressive leader and team captain - different athletes (captain-EL; 9/7); the same volleyball player is the instrumental leader and team captain - different athletes (captain-IL; 6/10). The contingency of five pairs of indicators was determined.

Results of the study and their discussion. Motives to become and be a leader among young volleyball players exceed both their capabilities (5.54>4.37) and their real embodiment (5.54>4.12). The expressive leadership behavior of female athletes is almost 2.5 times higher than their instrumental leadership (4.68>1.91; see table).

Indicators of leadership behavior of young female volleyball players (n=233)

Leadership behavior х s v %

Motivation to be a leader 5,54 1,03 18,6

Ability to be a leader 4,37 1,26 28,8

Realization of leadership potential 4,12 1,19 28,9

Expressive leadership in general 4,68 1,16 24,8

Instrumental leadership behavior 1,91 1,88 98,4

The cohesion of the members of volleyball teams turned out to be a kind of linkage center, it is associated with three of their five characteristics - with competitive success (c2=8,53; p < 0,01), which is closely related to the indicator of coincidence captain-IL (c2=6,97; p<0,01).

2,13; 0,12

Captain -instrumental leader

^ 6,97; 0,01

Cohesion teams

4,57; 0,05

8,53; 0,01

Competitive success

Captain -expressive leader

3,33; 0,06

2,81; 0,10

Pedagogical success

The following contingency indicators were obtained, reaching a significance level of p<0.05 (see figure).

Pleiad of contingency of team indicators of female volleyball players (n=16)

* Explanations: the contingency of indicators reaching 95% reliability and above is highlighted with a double line; the first number reflects the value of c2, the second - the level of significance; the arrows show the direction of influence.

The success of the competitive activity of the team is determined by their cohesion, which depends on the coincidence of captain-EL (c2=4.57; p<0.05) and captain-IL (c2=2.13, though at p<0.12 ).

The pedagogical success of the coach is associated with the cohesion of the teams (c2=3.33; p<0.06) and the coincidence of captain-EL (c2=2.81; only at p<0.10).

Pedagogical success is not related to the success of team performances in matches.

In relation to criterion c2, the regression coefficient is not calculated, but common sense suggests that the direction of influence should be as follows: when choosing a team captain who is an expressive leader, its cohesion increases, which is associated with successful performances. The successful choice of the team captain of the volleyball player who is its instrumental leader has a direct impact on the success of the performances of volleyball teams.

In volleyball teams with a captain who is an expressive leader, with a probability of 95%, a high level of group cohesion should be established, which cannot but increase the motives for the interaction of athletes with each other and, accordingly, increase the motives for playing volleyball. The cohesion of teams in team sports, in addition to improving the psychological climate, promotes mutual understanding, promotes teamwork.

When choosing captains of volleyball teams, it is advisable for a coach to focus on his predominant


Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I november I № 11 2022

professional orientation: mainly on sports results or on education, training and development. If for the first, then an instrumental leader is more in demand for the performance of captain's functions, and if for the development of the personality of his students, then expressive.

To identify leaders, you can use the methods, links to which are posted in this article. Other homeostatic settings can also be used to identify the instrumental leader.

Conclusions. The success of the performances of volleyball teams of educational and training groups, consisting of children of older adolescence, depends on how the captains of these teams have a tendency to instrumental leadership. The cohesion of these teams is another factor in the successful performances of young athletes, which, in turn, are largely due to the coincidence of the performance of the functions of team captains with the performance of the functions of an expressive leader. The choice of captains of volleyball teams on the basis of their leadership behavior is also expedient in that it contributes to a more complete implementation by coaches of other functions of sports - educational, educational and recreational.

The practical significance of the study is based on the fact that the choice of captains of volleyball teams on the basis of their leadership behavior is not difficult, but it has a significant effect in terms of competition, as well as in the success of the formation of young athletes as individuals. There is reason to believe that a similar effect can be found in other team sports as an example.


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