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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Glushchenko V.V.

The subject of the article is the methodological foundations of the science of crises (crisology); the object of the article is the global systemic crisis; the purpose of the article is to reduce the damage from the global systemic crisis; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved in the article: the causes of the crisis are described; the methodological foundations of the science of crises-crisisology are formed; the cognitive and practical significance of the crisisology is investigated; the scientific methods of this article are: methodology of science; historical and system analysis; heuristic methods; system approach; scientific foundations of management; the scientific novelty of this article is determined by the fact that the article describes the methodological foundations of the science of crises - crisis management, defines its structural elements, formulates the object, subject, functions and roles of the crisis, formulates and examines the functions and roles of crisisology, provides a classification of crises, examines the mechanism of crises, describes the elements and types of crisis management; describes the scientific and the practical significance of the crisisology

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23670/IRJ.2022.120.6.114


Научная статья

Глущенко В.В.*

Москва, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (glu-valery[at]Yandex.ru)


Предметом статьи являются методологические основы науки о кризисах (кризисологии); объектом статьи является глобальный системный кризис; целью статьи является уменьшение ущерба от глобального системного кризиса; для достижения этой цели решаются следующие задачи в статье: описаны причины кризиса; сформированы методологические основы науки о кризисах-кризисологии; эпистемологическое и практическое значение кризисологии; научными методами этой статьи являются: методология науки; исторический и системный анализ; эвристические методы; системный подход; научные основы управления; научная новизна данной статьи определяется тем, что в статье описываются методологические основы науки о кризисах - кризисологии, определяются ее структурные элементы, формулируются объект, предмет, функции и роли кризиса, формулируется и рассматриваются функции и роли кризисологии, приводится классификация кризисов, рассматривается механизм кризисов, описываются элементы и виды антикризисного управления; описывается научное и практическое значение кризисологии.

Ключевые слова: развитие цивилизации, технологический уклад, кризис, причина, следствие, учреждение, технология, эффективность, конфликт, наука, практика, антикризисное управление, кризисология.


Research article

Glushchenko V.V.*

Moscow, Russia

* Corresponding author (glu-valery[at]Yandex.ru)


The subject of the article is the methodological foundations of the science of crises (crisology); the object of the article is the global systemic crisis; the purpose of the article is to reduce the damage from the global systemic crisis; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved in the article: the causes of the crisis are described; the methodological foundations of the science of crises-crisisology are formed; the cognitive and practical significance of the crisisology is investigated; the scientific methods of this article are: methodology of science; historical and system analysis; heuristic methods; system approach; scientific foundations of management; the scientific novelty of this article is determined by the fact that the article describes the methodological foundations of the science of crises - crisis management, defines its structural elements, formulates the object, subject, functions and roles of the crisis, formulates and examines the functions and roles of crisisology, provides a classification of crises, examines the mechanism of crises, describes the elements and types of crisis management; describes the scientific and the practical significance of the crisisology

Keywords: development of civilization, technological order, crisis, cause, effect, institution, technology, efficiency, conflict, science, practice, crisis management, crisisology.


The relevance of this work in 2022 is connected with the entry of the global crisis of 2008 into its geopolitical, the most destructive and dangerous phase of the crisis. Crisisology is the science of crises and crisis management. However, crisisology can also be considered as a methodology for studying the processes of formation of a new technological order. The development of the theory of technological orders opens up new opportunities for optimizing anti-crisis management processes.

The hypothesis of the article is the statement that the development of the science of crisis (crisisology) will help to reduce the risks of the devastating consequences of the global crisis.

The purpose of this work is to reduce the damage from the global crisis by developing and socializing the methodological foundations of a new science - crisisology.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

- describes the process of changing technological patterns during the development of human civilization;

- the concepts of «crisis» are investigated, the causes (sources) of the crisis during the change of technological orders are described, possible classifications of crises are given, the mechanism of crisis development is described;

- the scientific structure of crisisology, the object and subject of the functions and roles of crisisology, the laws of crisisology are determined;

- the epistemological and practical significance of the crisis is described.

The object of the work is a global systemic crisis in the world.

The subject of the work is crisisology as an independent scientific discipline and, at the same time, as part of economic theory and management theory.

A study of literary sources on the topic of this article showed the following. Chris is characterized as a special state of the whole world, which has its own specific features [1, P. 167-178]. In the course of research, it is proved that crises are inherent in the development process [2, P. 221-229]. Experts believe that the global crisis may be related to political processes in the

world [3, P. 186-193]. Crises can be explained from the point of view of the theory of cycles in economic development [4, P. 35-37]. The emergence of the crisis is associated with the following factors: with the development of information technology [5, P. 19-23]; with the humanistic crisis in the development of society [6, P. 124-128]. The crisis may be accompanied by a change in the geopolitical structure of the world [7, P. 159-162]. The development of the crisis requires changes: in the philosophy and culture of geopolitical governance [8, P. 71-81]; changes in public administration [9, P. 84-97]. To study such a large-scale object as a global crisis, it is necessary to develop a separate scientific discipline - crisis studies [10, P. 10-17], [11, P. 250-254], [12, P. 333-354]. The development of the scientific theory of technological orders allows us to shape the image of the future after the end of the global crisis [13, P. 17-40]. At the same time, the development of individual fields of activity requires the formation of branch scientific theories. For example, to justify the development of the monetary system, it may be necessary to develop a new technological theory of money [14, P. 85-111]. The model of the structure of the world after the end of the crisis makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of global and national anti-crisis management [15, P. 52-58].

The analysis of scientific publications carried out in this article confirms the relevance of the topic of this article.


The process of human civilization development can be represented as a sequence of technological orders. For a long time, the theory of technological orders was tried to be created within the framework of economic theory. Nothing came of it. Such a negative result is due to the fact that the technological order is not a purely economic object of research. In reality, the technological order is a complex technogenic system. Therefore, it is necessary to study technological orders within the framework of the theory of hierarchical systems [16, P. 12-17]. Under the technological order, it was proposed to understand the system integration of such elements: new technologies; management methods; forms of doing business; means of payment; types of social and industrial relations; organizational culture of production and consumption processes [13, P. 17-40].

Currently, there is no unified classification of the numbers of technological orders. The most common classification, in which six technological orders are distinguished. But this classification covers only the period of capitalist development. Currently, 9 technological orders can be identified.

The first technological order is associated with the invention of such a propulsion as a sail, it covers a period of time from 5500 BC to 2000 BC.

The second technological order is characterized by the influence of the invention of horse traction. It lasted from 2000 BC to the IX century AD.

The invention and use of a windmill and a water mill is a distinctive feature of the third technological order. This technological order lasted from the IX century to 1770.

The fourth technological order lasted from 1770 to 1830. It is related to the invention and use of textile machines.

The fifth technological order covers the period from 1830 to 1880. He is associated with the invention of the steam engine.

The sixth technological order includes a period of time from 1880 to 1930. This technological order is characterized by the invention of two types of engines at once, namely, an electric motor and an internal combustion engine.

The seventh technological order includes the time from 1930 to 1970. This technological order is determined by the invention of computers, the atomic bomb and the atomic reactor, and the development of automation tools.

The eighth technological order covers the time period from 1970 to 2010. This technological order is characterized by the development of microelectronics and microprocessors, automated flexible production systems, databases, ATMs, electronic money, etc. developed.

The technological order under the number «nine» continues at the present time. It covers the period from 2010 to 2040 (the forecast period). This technological order is characterized by the development of such types of technologies: resource-saving technologies; nanotechnologies; environmentally friendly technologies; neurotechnologies; IT technologies, etc.

Forecasting shows that the following features may be inherent in the new (ninth) technological order: the emergence of new forms of doing business (ecosystems, technology platforms, clusters, etc.); the frequent and continuous nature of innovation; the post-industrial nature of innovation; competition of organizations at the level of organizational cultures (and not products); the distributed nature of geopolitical management; development multicurrency monetary system and others [13, P. 17-40], [15, P. 52-58].

The emergence of new geopolitical poles is predicted, which will try to form their own: technological system; political system; monetary system; scientific and innovative system; education system and others [13, P. 30 - 46], [15, P. 52-58].

From the point of view of the theory of technological orders, the crisis is a stage of transition from one technological order to another [13, P. 30 - 46], [15, P. 52-58]. The reason for the crisis is that the existing real system of industrial relations begins to restrain the development of new technologies. The old public institutions (including the world order) are beginning to restrain the development of new technologies and the modernization of the economy as a whole.

At the same time, within the framework of a systematic approach, the crisis can be considered as one of three states of the process of socio-economic development: the process of sustainable development; the process of unstable development; the process of crisis. As you know, sustainable development is characterized by an increase in all types of assets involved in the reproduction process. Unstable development is characterized either by variable growth rates, or by an increase in some types of assets involved in the reproduction process and a decrease in other types of assets. One of the forms of unstable development can be called a recession (Lat. Deepening — retreat). The third state of the socio-economic sphere is a crisis. «Crysis» - translated from Greek - court, the moment of decision-making, a turning point or outcome [10, P. 10-17]. It is widely believed that the Chinese write the word «crisis» in two hieroglyphs. They believe that by doing this, the Chinese make it clear that in addition to the «danger» in any crisis situation, there is also an «opportunity».

There are such interpretations of the crisis as such. Firstly, a crisis can be called a situation, a state of the system in which it is impossible for a subject of political, socio-economic and other activities to continue functioning within the framework of the previous model of functioning or organizational behavior. Secondly, a crisis can be called a situation when a problem has been

identified in the functioning of a complex system or object. The term «problem» is interpreted here as a critical discrepancy between the desired and actual state of the control object.

The crisis finds its expression in the fact that there is a failure in the functioning of the subject (state, market, industry, enterprise, etc.). The crisis can also be expressed in the fact that the functioning of the management object is accompanied by unacceptably low efficiency or unacceptably high costs of time and / or financial and other resources, a high level of risk. With this interpretation, a sign of a crisis may be the output of the parameters of economic processes from the established areas of acceptable values. It is important to note that this interpretation opens up the possibility of monitoring and diagnosing the crisis at an early stage.

The source of the crisis (as well as the risk) are factors of the external and internal environment of the organization that can generate a crisis. These sources can have different physical nature and be: natural; man-made; socio-economic. The socioeconomic sources of the crisis are associated with the violation of harmony in the social and industrial relations of the subjects of economic and social processes. The general trend is to increase the degree of freedom of subjects of industrial relations. However, the source of the crisis may also be an imbalance between the rights and obligations of subjects of industrial relations. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in innovation, its subjects have more freedom than subjects of routine activity in the economy.

The crisis has its own mechanism, which includes: the sources of the crisis; the development apparatus (aka the apparatus of the manifestation of the crisis); the consequences of the crisis.

Regardless of the nature of the sources and the development apparatus, the crisis has negative financial consequences -damage. Therefore, often on the basis of financial manifestations, crises associated with other sources are mistakenly attributed to financial ones.

Diagnosis of the crisis consists in establishing the causes of deterioration (or improvement) of the parameters of socioeconomic development, their transition to an unacceptable state. Diagnostics is an important element of the assessment of the current state and lays the foundation for the development of recommendations for overcoming the crisis [11, P. 250-254].

To correctly diagnose the crisis, it is recommended to perform the following actions: describe the external manifestations of the crisis (financial, structural, etc.); present the information received in a form convenient for analysis; analyze information about the crisis; establish links between the causes and consequences of the crisis; formulate the results of a diagnostic study; describe the causes (sources) of the crisis.

It can be said that the crisis (as an economic category) performs the following functions in socio-economic development:

1. manifestations of hidden (latent) conflicts of elements and/or stages in the functioning of markets and the reproduction process;

2. actualization of the process of economic diagnostics of the causes of conflict, disharmony in the reproductive process;

3. development and implementation of measures to restore economic harmony (at an acceptable level, for example, in the distribution of integral profits) in the reproduction process;

4. mass selection of effective owners from the point of view of the quality of risk management of socio-economic activity;

5. restoring the adequacy of socio-economic relations in the reproductive process to the level of technological development;

6. updating ideological, political, socio-economic conditions and methods of managing market activities and activities in the reproduction process;

7. development of the technological basis of organizations and production institutes in organizations, etc.

The mass selection of effective owners during the crisis is a consequence of the actions during the crisis with a high intensity of socio-economic (selective) risk function. This situation is characteristic of the global crisis associated with a catastrophic risk - the risk of insolvency for a large number of socio-economic entities at the same time [12, P. 333-354], [15, P. 10-75].

From the point of view of risk theory, a crisis is a period of mass realization of risks with catastrophic or significant damage to a large number of socio-economic entities at the same time.

The socio-economic roles (positive results) of the crisis can be called: renewal of the political and economic elite; creation of prerequisites for further sustainable development; reduction to an acceptable level of risks in the reproductive process, etc.

The anti-crisis management algorithm includes: monitoring and detection of the problem; collection of additional information; diagnosis of the problem; determination of management goals; development of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the solution; generation of a certain set of options for proposals; forecasting the consequences of adopting these options; verification of estimates; execution of decisions; control of results [12, P. 333-354].

The basis for the classification of crises can be the following factors: geographical coverage of countries; the degree of coverage of spheres of life or markets (global, regional, sectoral); the scale of damage; duration of the course, etc. The following types of crises can be distinguished: global; regional; sectoral (financial, by industry, market, by individual economic entity, etc.), etc.

In terms of risk theory, the global crisis represents the realization of a fundamental risk. The fundamental risk has: deep, large-scale sources; this risk is beyond the control of either an individual or a group of people.

The most difficult and dangerous is the global crisis. The global crisis is characterized by: firstly, a large number of countries covered; secondly, a variety of socio-economic manifestations (bankruptcy of economic entities, unemployment, inflation, etc.); thirdly, the depth and complexity of the underlying causes; fourth, the course of the global crisis may be accompanied by world wars, geopolitical changes. There may be a desire of stronger, developed countries to shift the severity of the damage from the crisis to less developed countries, including using methods of military pressure, etc.

The total damage from the crisis is defined as the result of adding up the amount of direct damage during the crisis and the costs of eliminating the crisis.

It seems possible to express the hypothesis of the «innovative/investment nature» of globalization explaining globalization by the growth of the resource intensity of innovation [17, P. 61-62].

The sources of the global crisis include: failures and imbalances in the development of individual stages (production, distribution, exchange, consumption); imbalances in the development of subsystems of the reproductive process (labor, labor tools, labor items, technologies, financial resources); inconsistency of existing production institutions, relationships that are necessary for the development of new technologies. The financial crisis in the state or company does not just mean the presence of some local omissions or shortcomings in the work of managers. Such a crisis appears as a result of inconsistency with the process of development of new technologies: in the policies of states and corporations; in the plans for the development of the world economic system, the state, business; the state of markets and market strategy, and others.

In favor of the system-management approach in crisis management, it is also said that the crisis as an economic category has both the properties of subjectivity and objectness in the processes of economic management.

As a subject of management, the crisis has an impact on the behavior of economic entities. It is known that during the crisis: consumption is being reduced; investment programs are being curtailed; in anticipation of the development of inflation, free resources are being invested in non-monetary assets, etc.

As an object of management, the crisis is affected by: international organizations (in a global crisis - the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, etc.); coordinated actions of informal groups of national governments (the « seven», «twenty»); global, international and transnational corporations and other subjects of geopolitics.

The materials of this article allow us to conclude that the global crisis observed since 2008 is associated with: the development of new types of technologies; lag in the development of new production systems of relations (institutions); violation of fair proportions in the financial distribution that ensures the reproductive process; possible disruption of the functions of money, in particular the function of the measure of value in the process of inflation [13, P. 30 - 46], [14, P. 85-111].

The scientific method in crisisology is a system of principles and methods by which objective knowledge of the reality of the global crisis and methods of crisis management is achieved.

Currently, in accordance with the object of research, it is structurally possible to present a crisis theory consisting of scientific knowledge about the sources, mechanism of crisis development and crisis management. The theoretical basis of crisis management can be called the theory of risks [17, P. 2].

The system management approach in crisisology is related to the system approach in economic theory. This approach reflects the study of the object (crisis) taking into account the interrelation of its various aspects, while the main attention is paid to the use of the results obtained in the process of crisis management.

Within the framework of a systematic approach in crisisology, it is proposed to consider the specific research methods inherent in it as the subject of crisisology (the science of crises): the sources of the crisis and the nature of its course: methods and tools of anti-crisis management; changes in the efficiency, costs and risks of activities in the state and the world generated by this crisis and anti-crisis management.

The method of crisisology is a system of principles and techniques by which the removal of uncertainty is achieved, objective knowledge of the nature of the crisis, the nature of the course and methods of crisis management.

The dialectical spiral-like nature of crisis cognition determines the increased importance of two methods of its research: historical and logical.

The functions of crisisology consist in those actions, in what exactly crisis management performs in the economic (political, social, technological) subsystems of the state. The following functions of crisisology be distinguished: methodological, cognitive, instrumental, prognostic, preventive, psychological and socialization function.

The methodological function of crisisology will be as follows: development of theoretical foundations and methodology for the study of crisis phenomena and processes; formulation of laws and scientific categories of crisis management; development of anti-crisis management tools to minimize the damage from the crisis and ensure the effectiveness of crisis management.

The cognitive function of crisisology encompasses the processes of: accumulation, description, study of facts of reality during periods of crises of various levels (global, sectoral, regional, etc.); analysis of specific phenomena and processes of the crisis state; identification of the most important problems and contradictions of the development of crises.

The instrumental (regulatory) function of crisisology has a practical character. This function consists in: synthesis of anticrisis management tools; development of practical recommendations for power structures; preliminary assessment of proposed anti-crisis solutions.

The prognostic function of crisisology includes: assessment of the state of the economy and society in the future from the point of view of the possibility of crisis development; identification of the state of crisis; modeling of economic processes and relations for the possibility of crisis development.

The preventive function of crisisology consists in the following: assessment of dangerous conditions; in carrying out preventive measures; formation of anti-crisis management programs based on the forecast of the results of the crisis.

The psychological function of crisisology consists in: orientation of citizens to the fact that a crisis is possible, but its course depends, among other things, on behavior of citizens; positive perception of managerial decisions of power structures.

The function of socialization in crisisology as follows: to introduce the concepts of crisis management into socio-economic practice; to disseminate knowledge about the essence of the crisis; to train citizens in methods of effective socio-ethical crisis management.

The roles of crisisology are useful (or harmful) results, the consequences of applying scientific methods of crisis management in practice. For the global economic system and the national economy of the state, the role of crisis management is as follows: reducing the risk of geopolitical and socio-economic destabilization; timely detection of signs of crisis; ensuring conditions for sustainable socio-economic development of economic and social systems. For the subjects of socio-economic activity, the role of crisis management is to reduce the risk of bankruptcy, to reduce the political risks of sustainable socio-economic development of this subject.

The laws of crisisology are stable logical connections that reflect the essence of the global crisis and the impact of this crisis on the socio-economic system.

1. During the period of change of technological order, a crisis develops, which arises for a number of reasons: the inhibition of the development of new technologies by old production institutions; a violation of harmony in the distribution of financial results of joint activities, and much more.

2. The sources of the crisis may be the inconsistency of production institutions, business forms and management methods with the requirements arising from the essence of technologies characteristic of the new technological order.

3. The crisis ends after the formation of new social and industrial institutions that ensure the development and implementation of technologies of a new technological order.

4. The crisis in development consists in a decrease in the efficiency of production processes in the real sector of the economy, therefore, the crisis has financial consequences and a financial component of the crisis.

5. In the process of its development, the crisis may have several manifestations and forms (financial crisis, systemic crisis, global crisis, geopolitical crisis and others).

6. During a crisis, socio-economic relations worsen, the crisis may be accompanied by political and socio-economic conflicts.

7. To overcome the crisis, it is necessary to update political methods and legislation.

To overcome the crisis, it is necessary to carry out a coordinated transformation of: the technological basis of organizations; management methods in the organization; forms of doing business; organizational culture of business and public administration. Therefore, within the framework of crisis management, a system-management approach in public administration and political science can be effective. In order to emphasize the specifics of the changes taking place, it may be necessary to rebrand the organization, for example, constitutional reform in the state and others.

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When emerging from a crisis, the anti-crisis management process can be divided into two components that are different in their content:

1. stabilization anti-crisis management in order to avoid catastrophic consequences;

2. targeted institutional changes in the system.


The global systemic crisis began in 2008. In 2009, some believed that the crisis was over. However, the crisis continues to deepen. In 2022, the global crisis turned into a geopolitical crisis.

The perception of the crisis by society has passed three stages during this time:

1) the crisis was identified as a financial crisis;

2) the crisis was recognized as a system-wide;

3) the crisis became a geopolitical one.

The existing system of relations (world order, national institutions) strives for their self-preservation for as long a period of time as possible. Therefore (as practice has shown since 2008) anti-crisis management is more often confrontational than consensual?

The materials of this article show that two approaches can be distinguished in crisis management:

1. crisisology as a methodology for studying the development of a new technological order;

2. crisisology as a general theory of crises and crisis management.

The development of the theory of technological orders opens up new opportunities for optimizing anti-crisis management processes.

The epistemological significance of crisis studies lies in the ability of crisis studies to separate (structure) scientific theories that relate to various technological orders. The onset of a real crisis is an indicator not only that the existing world order and public institutions do not correspond to the essence of new technologies. Does the crisis mean that the scientific theories that explained the existing world have become insufficiently adequate to the real state of this changing world? The crisis suggests that the old theories are not coping with their mission to reduce the risks of the development of human civilization by adequately displaying the existing world? At the same time, each new technological order requires its own new scientific support?

The practical significance of the crisisology is as follows. To increase the ef-fectiveness of crisisology at all hierarchical levels, it is possible to jointly use the re-sults of crisisology and the theory of technological orders.

In order to synthesize an anti-crisis management program using the theory of technological orders, you need to do the following:

1. Build a model of the previous technological order;

2. Build a predictive model of a new technological order;

3. Make a comparison of these two technological orders;

4. Establish how these models differ;

5. Develop a set of measures (policy) to manage the transition of the management object (world, state, corporation) from the previous to the new technological order and world order [13, P. 30 - 46], [15, P. 52-58]. In addition, SWOT analysis can be carried out. As a result of such an analysis, the following can be established: strengths and weaknesses of the internal organization; threats and opportunities of the external environment. In accordance with this, such a plan should include: activities that reduce threats; activities that use opportunities; activities that use the strengths of the organization; activities aimed at minimizing the weaknesses of the organization and others, aimed at minimizing the weaknesses of the organization and others.

The process of overcoming the crisis, which coincides with the process of forming a new technological order, is influenced by organizational culture.

The organizational culture of the formation of a new technological order can be understood as a set of beliefs, norms of behavior and values characteristic of such anti-crisis management.


The article establishes that the process of changing technological orders can take the form of a crisis. The source of the development of the crisis is the disharmony between: technologies; production institutions; management methods; organizational

culture of the firm, the state, etc. This article clarifies the concept, functions and roles of the crisis, The article shows that the crisis goes through a number of stages in its development (financial crisis, systemic crisis, geopolitical crisis, etc.). The paper substantiates the necessity and usefulness of the development of the science of crises (crisology). The article shows that the crisisology has its own object, subject, functions, roles and laws. This allows us to consider crisisology as an independent scientific discipline. The crisisology is connected with the theory of technological orders. The paper proposes a methodology for the formation of an anti-crisis management program using the theory of technological patterns. The development of an anti-crisis management program using crisisology and the theory of technological orders allows for a purposeful transition from the old to the new technological order (structure).

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

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