CRISIS PR COMMUNICATIONS OF RESTAURANTS IN THE CONTEXT OF COVID-19 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Terpugova Daria

The article is concerned with the food service sector issue in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and attempts to solve it with the help of media. In Russia, the market relations development has led to the elimination of a long-term public monopoly of food service. The ownership forms of numerous cafes, canteens and Soviet-style restaurants that were characterized by a limited assortment and traditionally low-pressure service, have changed in the process of privatization. The ownerships and owners of these establishments were changing, so profitability maintenance became their main goal. They began to compete for a customer who was willing to pay for the culinary delights offered, the quaint interior and the decent service. Gradually, the market of food service establishments began to revive and obey the economic laws of supply and demand, as well as competition.

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развития и позитивного изменения межличностных отношений участников конфликтного

взаимодействия. Сущность управления

конфликтами заключается в коррекции имеющихся противоречий и формировании конструктивных умений координировать и регулировать развитие конфликтной ситуации, в управлении процессом развития конфликта, а не конкретными участниками данного конфликта. Конструктивное разрешение конфликта не может осуществляться волевым воздействием руководителя, большую роль в процессе антиконфликтной деятельности играет взаимодействие всех участников конфликта. С нашей точки зрения, управление конфликтами заключается не столько в устранении или согласовании взаимных претензий, сколько в положительном изменении их межличностных отношений в деятельности и общении, и формировании у них антиконфликтной направленности, под которой мы понимаем осознанную готовность к конструктивному разрешению противоречий. В качестве методического инструментария управления конфликтами мы предложили руководству ООО «Сатива» использовать методику конструктивного обучения, которая обеспечивает коррекцию конфликтных противоречий, формирование конструктивных умений сотрудников

координировать и регулировать развитие конфликтной ситуации, что способствует формированию у них антиконфликтной направленности. Данная методика предназначена для работы с сотрудниками в неформальной обстановке, она очень проста в применении и не требует особых материальных затрат. Основная идея методики конструктивного обучения управлению конфликтами заключается в том, чтобы посредством организации соответствующей деятельности создать необходимую среду, которая будет способствовать активной деятельности сотрудников в изучении данной проблемы и накоплению практического опыта поведения в конфликтных ситуациях. Методика

конструктивного обучения управлению конфликтами предполагает решение несложных групповых задач в игровой форме с последующим совместным анализом данного процесса и его результатов участниками и руководителем.

Система задач подбирается таким образом, чтобы они, во-первых, имели проблемный характер разрешения, а во-вторых, чтобы решение каждой предыдущей задачи подготавливало к восприятию и решению новых задач. Для решения проблемного задания сотрудникам требуются умственные и физические усилия, в результате чего и происходит формирование в сознании определенных конструкций, в нашем случае - это конструкции управления конфликтом и поведения в конфликтной ситуации, отсюда и название -методика конструктивного обучения управлению конфликтами. Сотрудникам должна

предоставляться максимальная свобода выбора, так как насильственно, т.е. без внутреннего принятия, ни одна идея не может быть внедрена в сознание личности. Результатом реализации методики конструктивного обучения управлению конфликтами является формирование у сотрудников антиконфликтной направленности, т.е. готовности к выбору наименее конфликтных форм общения в их среде и, так как полностью конфликтов избежать невозможно, к выбору правильной стратегии в разрешении конфликтной ситуации.

Знания о конфликтах и способах управления ими, практическое использование современных подходов управления конфликтами в организации способствуют исключению неправомерных решений и акций, позволяют руководителю (сотруднику) действовать без лишних затрат энергии, без изнурительных проб и ошибок.

Список литературы:

1.Buddhodev S. Conflict management: making life easier. The IUP Journal of Soft Skills. 2011. C. 31-43.

2.Kadlecikova M. Management, 2013. C. 130-135.

3.Литвиненко, Т. Ю. Методика конструктивного обучения как методический инструментарий педагогического управления конфликтами в среде иностранных студентов / Т.Ю. Литвиненко, И.В. Свищева, А.Д. Ломакина // Интеграция мировых научных процессов как основа общественного прогресса: сборник материалов Международных научно-практических конференции за ноябрь 2013 года, Казань, 2013. - С. 223-228


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.5.79.1069

Terpugova Daria

Saint Petersburg


The article is concerned with the food service sector issue in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and attempts to solve it with the help of media.

In Russia, the market relations development has led to the elimination of a long-term public monopoly of food service. The ownership forms of numerous cafes, canteens and Soviet-style restaurants that were characterized by a limited assortment and traditionally low-pressure service, have changed in the process of privatization. The ownerships and owners of these establishments were changing, so profitability maintenance became their main goal. They began to compete for a customer who was willing to pay for the culinary delights offered, the quaint interior and the decent service.

Eepa3uucKuu COM3 YneHbix (ECY) # 10(79), 2020


Gradually, the market of food service establishments began to revive and obey the economic laws of supply and demand, as well as competition.

Key words: food service establishments, restaurants, pandemic, crisis, communication, modern society.

The word "restaurant" is borrowed from French. It means "restoring". The fact is that in 1765 Boulanger, the Parisian soup vendor, placed a sign over his tavern in order to attract the visitors' attention to it. The sign read "Come to me all who suffer from pain of the stomach and I will restore you!"

In Russia, restaurants appeared in the early 19th century. They served mainly French cuisine and wine. The menu and the sign "'Restaurant" were also in French for a long time. Then their translations appeared. The private restaurant industry was actively developing until the state system changed and all private enterprises were nationalized. The restaurant industry was under state control for seventy years, which hindered its development. The market relations development has led to the elimination of a long-term public monopoly of food service. The ownership forms of numerous establishments that were characterized by a limited assortment and low-pressure service, have changed in the process of privatization. The ownerships and owners of these establishments were changing, so profitability maintenance became their main goal. They began to compete for a customer who was willing to pay for the culinary delights offered, the quaint interior and the decent service. As a result, gradually the market of food service establishments began to revive and obey the economic laws of supply and demand, as well as competition.

According to TripAdvisor, there are currently 9985 food service establishments in Saint Petersburg. Dozens of new cafes, bars and restaurants are launched in St. Petersburg every month.

However, due to Covid-19 pandemic emergence, many countries including Russia have enforced a ban on visiting food service establishments. In this regard, according to the group of companies "Best" (rus. BecTL), a record number of restaurants were shut down in St. Petersburg. In 2019, 383 restaurants were launched in St. Petersburg, while 408 ones were shut down. As a result, the food service lost 110 thousand square meters at the market.

Anti-Covid measures introduced by the Urban Authorities have dug a pit for the whole restaurant industry. So instead of thinking through security measures, they shed responsibility by shutting an entire sector down.

"Our people still need to take at least three meals a day whatever they do. That is why the food industry will always be a success", said Leonid Grabar, a popular restaurant businessman in the St. Petersburg, who heads the Federation of restaurateurs and hoteliers in the north-west and the well-known restaurant holding.

Non-chain restaurants, which were not cut out for delivery and did not have a serious capital cushion, had the hardest time, unlike chain establishments. But the international holding Ginza, for instance, did not close its restaurants during the quarantine, it kept working. They managed to stay afloat and save about 1,000 jobs

while adhering to all the rules. This was not without corruption.

Chain establishments could afford delivery both by their own and with the help of different delivery services. But the second way is not always profitable -65% of the order is received by the restaurant, and 35% goes to the integrator company. So at high cost and high wage this is completely unprofitable and relevant only with a good margin.

Besides, delivery turned out available for non-chain private projects. It is significant, because rent issue is another problem of quarantine time. Unfortunately, not all owners were ready to meet the requirements of merchants because of their unwillingness to lose income or loan payments for the premises.

The pandemic period had a smaller impact on restaurants with their own delivery and those which were agile enough to adjust. Not the entire range of dishes is in demand for delivery, so it was more profitable for a significant part of restaurants to close during the quarantine.

In order to let the establishment keep its place at the market, the following is possible:

1. Changing the sector in favor of a cheaper one (e.g. cake-shop, bakery);

2. Production of pre-cooked dishes (dumplings, frozen products etc.), if possible;

3. Using a sales outlet hosted by the restaurant to cook take-away food (e.g. fast-food stands near the metro).

Another popular way to support a business is running events online and active SMM support via social networks. This is a new customer-restaurant connection that is convenient and less expensive. Via this connection restaurateurs were able to maintain customer loyalty, advertise home delivery services, and quickly and effectively notify subscribers of new features (menu, new delivery terms, entry limitations). Social media was essential both for restaurants that kept working, and for establishments that suspended their work - after all, a restaurant should always be in contact with a standing customer. Otherwise there is a great risk of losing them.

Here is an example: the CheerDuck restaurant situated on Vasilievsky island, St. Petersburg, took the liberty of publishing the secrets of its dishes and cocktails in the media (Facebook, Instagram, VK) for guests. It was done to let them use these recipes to create culinary delights staying home.

Also, the popular Instagram channel "RestInSpb" created a great feature that reviewed various offers that were available for restaurant's customers who wanted home delivery in the context of quarantine. The main convenience of this online-format is the ability to get information from anywhere where there is a signal, and touch-free communication.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to bargain for a problem that can cause a market to suffer losses. No

establishment expected such a situation — the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, when it has to make ends meet, close or shut down. Thus, today we can state with confidence that restaurant establishments have faced the challenge that has emerged due to the current crisis.

This situation cases the transformation of the integrated communication campaigns of institutions in the field of Horeca, since the estimation of their performance in the context of the crisis situation will be calculated using new criteria, methods and metrics.

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