CREATIVITY PHILOSOPHY IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS IMPERSONAL THEORY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Dzhura S.G., Chursinov V.I., Yakimishina V.V.

The article covers several problems: philosophical understanding of a creativity problem in human’s consciousness different states (wakefulness, sleeping, consciousness changed states, consciousness deviant states, different types of a trance, etc.). An attempt to explain the creativity phenomena by the universe modern polarization theory, the hyperbolic field concept, quantum physics, the universe multidimensional theory, the string theory, artificial intelligence and anthropo-space gnosis and also by the complex variable mathematical theories and the centaur theories is made. The synthetic approach to the reality understanding is reasoned. The forecast of possible ways of development of humanity in case of acceptance of this or that coordinated position based on the reality ontological and semantic structure is made. Such prospects as trans- humanism, the classical biological approach, consciousness independence, and field and ray forms of matter are examined.

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Dzhura S.G.

Doctor of Philosophy Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk (DPR)

Chursinov V.I.

Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk (DPR)

Yakimishina V.V.

Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk (DPR)


Abstract: The article covers several problems: philosophical understanding of a creativity problem in human's consciousness different states (wakefulness, sleeping, consciousness changed states, consciousness deviant states, different types of a trance, etc.). An attempt to explain the creativity phenomena by the universe modern polarization theory, the hyperbolic field concept, quantum physics, the universe multidimensional theory, the string theory, artificial intelligence and anthropo-space gnosis and also by the complex variable mathematical theories and the centaur theories is made. The synthetic approach to the reality understanding is reasoned. The forecast ofpossible ways of development of humanity in case of acceptance of this or that coordinated position based on the reality ontological and semantic structure is made. Such prospects as trans-humanism, the classical biological approach, consciousness independence, and field and ray forms of matter are examined.

Key words: the universe polarization theory, quantum physics, the universe multidimensional theory, the string theory, anthropo-space gnosis, trans-humanism, the reality ontological and semantic structure, the complex variable theory and the centaur theory.

A talent reaches the goal that no one can reach;

A genius reaches the goal that no one can see. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Creativity is one of the most mysterious phenomena in a human's life. The paper makes an attempt to reveal the mystery, and namely to examine the highest (philosophical) level of understanding of the phenomenon from the point of view of the inter-disciplinary system approach. We offer to examine the creativity main problem (as we see it) which is the creativity type. It is not a secret that the creativity can be both constructive and destructive (both for the society and an individual). The research hypothesis is the assumption that comprehensive studying of the phenomenon can reveal its rational explanation mechanism although the irrational component is still of importance which cannot be ignored. The topicality of this philosophical understanding of the creativity problem can be easily proved by the speech of the President of the RF Mr. V.V. Putin at the Festival of Youth and Students on October 21st 2017 [1] in which he suggested three postulates: ".. .I would like to start with a very simple thing: 1. These grand creative plans, if they are not in the sphere of a fundamental science, are to be applied. They are to be workable in terms of not only tomorrow or the next day, but also in terms of the current day.; 2. Education is the key point.; It is mastering of Soft-Skills.; The second point is skill development: communication skills, ability to control your emotions and work in a team.; 3. The third point is very important to all of us irrespective of what we do or will do in the future. Do you know what it is? It is a moral and ethical component of any business! ...; .When we do something, I repeat, we must never forget about the moral and ethical basis of our business. All we do is to be to people's good, is to strengthen a person, but not to destroy him" [1]. The leader of the Big Russian World oriented the young generation to their future creativity which is to be for the benefit of people,

education and peace all over the world. Thus, the topicality of the task is doubtless: creativity which moves up (constructive) and down (destructive) will lead the individual and his environment. Our book [2], which was noted in the DPR, Germany, and Russia [3] in 2017, covers the moral and ethical aspect. The portal "Business

Donbass" published reportage about it [4]. All which is new is known to be the well forgotten old. We have not been the first to discuss creativity from this viewpoint. The author of the fundamental paper [5] following the ideas of another outstanding Russian philosopher [6] makes an attempt to justify human's creativity for the benefit of the mankind and evolution. There is one question to answer: what does the benefit mean and why does the good have to make excuses all the time? How can we measure the benefit? Is it possible to do? The questions are not rhetorical at all. Mr. Nikolay Berdyaev criticizes the traditional morality of the Christian world which he thinks is not creative [7]. He suggests an argument that all which is new comes to the world as nonsense and leaves it as a dogma. It is the dogmatic traditional Christian morality which doesn't give the way to the creativity. On the other hand the book makes Mr. Berdyaev's dream a reality: "The new philosophy dream is to become a scientific one. Nobody of recognized philosophers doubts the correctness and legality of the desire to by all means turn philosophy into a scientific discipline [8]". In this paper we leave aside the discussion on dynamics of development of the religious world outlook of the system "The Old Testament - The New Testament- the Latest Testament" as it is a separate thing to discuss [9]. The creativity is known to be examined not only as a process of creation of something new, but also as the process taking place under the interaction of a person (or human's inner world) and the reality (what it means is still under discussion). That is why the concept of creativity is the linking component in the system "an individual- consciousness- the nature". We will examine the concept within the system. Changes take place not only in the reality but also in the individual. We will use the system dialectic approach in the paper. It is a separate question what the reality is. There is a question raised in the philosophical paradigm of the universal monism: "Are you aware of the space?" [10] We think the reality is a multidimensional hierarchic structure with the following gradation (bottom up): 1) noise, 2) data (which can be measured), 3) information (classified data), 4) knowledge (data and laws of the data functioning), 5) wisdom (reflection of the Absolute or the Truth, or God in religious coordinates), 6) Absolute (God, the Truth) [11]. Thus, the creativity is a result of the interaction of the subject and the object through a mysterious subject which is consciousness. The concept linguistic analysis leads to the following analogy: consonance (a joint sound), cooperation (joint work), and consciousness (joint knowledge). So, it is producing of the joint knowledge through the creativity. Let us examine the concept of the creativity in the light of consciousness modern theories. The range is from a consciousness cognitive and symbolic analysis [12] to the consciousness impersonal theory [13]. We like the approach of the author of [12]: "Philosophy differs from other spheres of human culture by the fact that it allows speaking about the outrageous things and covering the problems which other disciplines will never examine". We will try to follow the lofty idea in our research. Like the author [12] we understand that the way we have chosen is not easy at all. "That is why I am trying to examine the issues though it is clear to me that my position is vulnerable" [12]. The oriental ethical gnosis recommends keeping the consciousness open, so does the consciousness modern theory: "The fauna demonstrates a huge variety of the forms of perception and feeling which have not been known to us before. Even though the human does not have many of them, their existence is possible in principle. The fact that modern science does not understand the way they are organized and function does not discredit them and is not the reason to reject them" [12]. We will try to expand the sphere of scientific understanding of the phenomenon. Mr. N. Tinbergen says [12]: "This so-called extrasensory (supersensory) perception is an unclear phenomenon because of many reasons and, first of all, because of a vague terminology. If a sense organ is defined as something which delivers information about the environment to an animal, there is no supersensory perception at all. On the other hand, if the term is applied to some unknown processes, we should say about wide spread of the extrasensory perception among living beings. In fact the echolocation night bats have, fish lateral line functions and the way electric fish find their prey are based on the processes we did not know about and thus were supersensory 25 years ago" [12]. "The world human comes across in his everyday life is known to be the world of average dimensions. The human's sense organs are consequently adapted to perception of these very ranges. Thus, he sees within the interval between ultra-violet and ultra-red radiation. Bees, for example, have their ability to percept in the

ultraviolet range (that is why the human and the bee see a flower differently). This allows them finding nectar easily. But they are unable to distinguish between a red and a black flower" [12]. We have already reasoned the human's creativity hypothesis [4] the key message of which is that the human is an antenna with its nerve centres (plexus in oriental philosophy) oriented to the nature. It exchanges information with the space data base (in scientific terminology) or God (in a religious and philosophical coordinate system) through psychic energy (energy and information influence or consciousness in other coordinates). Prof. V.V. Puck [5] (the Department of Mathematics of Donetsk National Technical University, our alma mater, was named after him)

said about it many times. The thesis supports the ideas of an outstanding neurophysiologist academician of the RAS N. P. Bekhtereva: "I assume that a thought exists separately from brain and the latter catches it from the space and reads. There is much we see but cannot explain" [16] and the concept of the best ever electrical engineer Nikola Tesla: "My brain is a receiving device. There is a nucleus in the space out of which we get knowledge, power and inspiration. I haven't revealed the nucleus mysteries, but I know for sure it exists" [17]. We can suppose that other genii of the mankind worked according to the scheme (though not always). For example, A.S. Pushkin was inspired in Boldino village (in modern terminology there was a coverage zone of the World Communication Statement). Richard Bach started writing his great book "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" and then the connection broke and he could do nothing about it. It was only after the period of many years that he was able to finish it in the same great manner. Any type of creativity (dancing, music, painting, cinema, research etc) is to be tuned up to some Eternity wave and might have some divine nature (if the genius is inspired by something). The method does not have either a mathematical proof (induction) or a deductive conclusion. Even basic theorems of linear algebra cannot be proved without the induction. Paper [18] covered the issues of logic system development and its incompleteness in details. Anthropocosmism consciousness ontology describes the approach based on the following basic ideas: the universal monism, dialectics, consciousness fine substance nature, consciousness energy nature, relative potential mentalism as the universality of archetype of the great consciousness in the space totality and, possibly, consciousness relative functionalism [19]. The analysis of the doctrine texts did not let the author [19] make the definite conclusion as to the functionalism. However, he thinks that some elements of functionalistic interpretation of the consciousness essence are present in a non-developed form in theosophy and Agni Yoga. The theosophical theory about coatings (Russian dolls like) or the so called "consciousness principles" (the "consciousness principles" is a theosophical term related with the multidimensional nature of human's consciousness in the ontological structure of the micro space) speaks in favour of this point of view. According to the theory the consciousness can functionally be displayed in all ontological plans or levels of the space being through different bodies (coats or carriers) - a physical body, an astral body, and a mental body. While explaining the issue Mrs. E.P. Blavatskaya stated: "A numen (the consciousness - intellect) can be a phenomenon on any existence plan being displayed through the relevant basis or the explorer" [20]. Therefore we can drive to a conclusion that the brain is not the only consciousness explorer and the exceptional organ. The consciousness can act outside somatic capsulation and neurophysiologic dependence on the brain. This suggests that the consciousness is functional, and is some spiritual or energy characteristic able to be manifested in the nature alternatively and as a substrate. While interpreting the consciousness as a monad accumulated psychic and energy potential anthropocosmists do not support the idea of physiological reductions and state that the consciousness and the psychic reality are ontologically multidimensional. Taking into account the tendencies of development of natural science in the end of the XX and beginning of the XXI centuries the philosophical position does not look like free speculation anymore and gains certain theoretical and empiric basis [19]. The war of the New Time against obsolete metaphysics seems to have been over successfully in the XIX century. But everything turned out to be not as it had been expected. The war results rocked the basics of the ordinary consciousness and scientific mind! The reduced to dust esoteric metaphysics were exposed to reincarnation in generally recognized scientific doctrines. Academic science started reproducing the truth of mystical doctrines of the past through the mouths of its best representatives. The Nobel Prize winners in physics started proving totally seditious from the point of view of classical science and crazy from the point of view of common sense ideas: all fundamental particles are none other than structuralized and vibrating space - physical vacuum. To put it in simpler words, the total world is built out of the space vacuum. People in Europe were

looking for the inviolable blocks of the universe - Democritus' eternal atoms- for many thousands of years. They found the horrible Great Nothing of overthrown metaphysical systems instead. It is the irony of the evolution of the learning mind - the mysticism is tasted much brighter in modern physical theories than in some religious doctrines [13]. We support the approach of the author [12] who explains the Absolute vibration scheme: "The world a human comes across in his everyday life is the world of average dimensions. Human's sensors are, correspondingly, adapted to perceive these very ranges. Thus, he sees within the interval between ultraviolet and ultra-red rays. However, bees have the ability to perceive in the ultraviolet light (that is why bees and the human see a flower differently) and can easily find nectar. But a red and a black flower are indistinguishable for them". The philosophical approach fully correlates with conclusions of our paper [12] in which the hypothesis of the mysterious reality is represented as the Absolute vibration schemes. It can be displayed symbolically as a famous

emblem of N.K. Roerich (three red circles in the red ring on the white cloth) recognized by the UNO as a sign of protection of cultural values. If, according to the scheme, all the vibrations are divided into three parts, the vibration lowest group (represented by the first out of three circles) is personified as the academician V.I. Vernadski (classical physics), the next middle vibration group (and the corresponding second circle of Roerich's emblem) is personified as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Metaphysics), and the scheme and the third circle of Roerich's emblem (the highest group of Absolute vibrations) is closed by Edouard Louis Emmanuel Julien Le Roy (hyper physics as a matter of facts). The circles cover the eternity ring (vibration infinity) that is all things in existence. Thus the analysis of the mysterious reality around us can be represented symbolically. The red colour symbolizes the opposite thinking process which is the knowledge synthesis Patriarch Kirill dreams about: "Saint Fathers combined secular scholarship and theology and formed a synthesis. The famous theologian archpriest Georgy Florovski named it the patristic synthesis. He wanted the current generation of theologians to combine the secular culture with theological creativity for the latter to be able to enrich the culture and to make words of the Church topical. I pray and hope for the dream of father Georgy Florovski to become a reality at present" [22]. It is no coincidence that we cited the words of the religious thinker. The religious approach alongside with the traditional scientific one can personify Meta physics in our scheme which is outside the limits of classical physics (according to Aristotle). And it really is like that! Meta knowledge (as it is called in the western philosophical thought) or ethical gnosis (as it is called in the east) can personify the hyper physics in our scheme. It consists of the following triad: Agni Yoga, THE, and theosophy. The concepts analysis is outside the scope of our research though, from our point of view, it is rather promising. The thesis of esoteric doctrines (ethical gnosis) to have been reincarnated is proved by the works of the Noble Prize winners, L.D. landau being among them. There are three types of science in his science classification: "natural science, unnatural science and supernatural science" [23]. He might have spoken about natural science, humanities and Meta science in present understanding of the classification (that is about Meta history and Meta-physics which is outside the limits of the present one). The main thing is that the point of view can be rationally explained today and the ternary theories can be developed in physics, philosophy and mathematics. Let us start with physics. The world new physical picture [24] shows that to solve physical problems of the origin of life suggested by the academician V.L. Ginzburg (irreducibility or reduction of the living to nonliving, for example) it is impossible to apply elementary particle physics only. The sphere of research is to be extended to the fields of the Universe which are not, as a rule, within the traditional scientific paradigm. These are the fields which religion and esoteric have been studying for many centuries by their own means. It was done in paper [25]. The author of the paper made an attempt to unite three worlds we spoke about above on the basis of the following constants: Planck's constant (h-worlds), light speed (C-worlds) and the gravitation acceleration constant (G-worlds). All of them are possible in the endless world of the scalar field (the one which does not have spin rotation). The field nature is there. It is the field world in which there is no substance. The worlds of the type differ by the wave velocity (C-worlds). The space of the worlds of the second type has axial symmetry which makes rotation possible. These worlds appear in the C-worlds in the form of inclusions (the universes). The wave vibrations are polarized into two reverse rotating swirls there. It results in formation of substance rotating particles and quantum fields. These universes are characterized by a new constant - in our Universe it is Planck's constant h. They are h-universes. New physical quantities such as mass, impulse, energy, moment of momentum and spin appear in the worlds, and the particles have varying rest mass. The third type of the worlds has the space central symmetry and comes into being in the form of inclusions in h-universes. Unlike the two first world types where time is reversible, gravitation occurs here. It is characterized by the gravitation acceleration constant G which

causes time irreversibility in some particles, nucleons in particular, which the familiar to us world consists of. The effect is very weak and cannot be tested in modern experiments. However it is a significant as it makes evolution irreversible. All three space symmetries are realized in the gravitating relativistic world which science studies. The particles have fixed characteristics including rest mass here. Physicists see that the number of particles is changed, but nobody has been able to observe the elementary particle appearance and their characteristic forming so far although it does take place somewhere. This means that there is the world where they appear and which is inaccessible for the physical experiment. This happens in the polarized world: not only space-time coordinates but also fields, particles and structures are created there out of the substance formed by the nucleons. The picture of the universe three worlds is close to the Vedic (esoteric) concept where the highest world - the world of the Spirit- gives birth to the universe two types. The first one can be compared to the huniverses has no reproduction. It appears in the universe second type. According to the universe polarization

theory (UPT) it is created by gravitation. This world picture can be compared with the Christian Trinity if to consider the Holy Spirit to control the C-world, God the Father to control the h-world, and God the Son to control the G-world. Thus polarization physics tries to find possible common points of contact with both religious and esoteric concepts. Existence of the tree worlds defined by light speed, Planck's and gravitation constants sets a minimal number of experimental constants which the common theory must have. It is these three constants that are used in the UPT which means it is impossible to generalize it as the number of constants decreases under the process of generalization [24]. The above physical process can be represented in terms of the UPT in the ethic gnosis, that is everything appears out of nothing (the circle and zero), then a point (or one) appears in the circle, which is the first stage of the developed, then the second point (two) and so on. It is, per se, description of polarization in classical physics, when the plus charge appears on one side of the dipole out of the neutral point and the minus charge - on the other one (as in classical magnetization). However, and this very concept is criticized. Well the way to the Truth is not easy [27]. Consciousness independence and its irreducibility to the brain function. Fainting extreme case is apparent death when there are no any oscillations on the electroencephalograph. It became possible to study the phenomenon of off corporal experience due to recent achievements in the field of resuscitation science. There were some cases when some patients after coming back to life claimed they had not fainted and remembered pretty well all the actions of doctors and their perception of another world. Temporary sight recovery of the blinds is especially impressive. The information reported by the patients was tested by some researchers and proved. In some cases it was stated that actions described by the patients had taken place when there was a straight line on the electroencephalograph. It means that the brain did not function, but the consciousness was working. It is one of the main factors that call the consciousness being a brain function in question. Some cases of brain serious damage which does not influence the consciousness function prove the absence of the relation [25]. The classical example is the story of Phineas P. Gage, an American builder who had a serious brain damage when the railway was being built. In 1848 he, the foreman of blasters, was building the railway in Vermont. The crow with the help of which he compacted the plug over the powder charge, stroke a sparkle and caused an explosion. 3.2 cm in diameter metal rod entered Gage's skull below the left eye socket. The wound bullet hole was between frontal and parietal bones on the left side too. Because of the injury the builder lost the major part of the frontal lobe of the cerebral left hemisphere. Despite the serious damage the victim came to consciousness in some minutes after the injury occurred and was able to come back to his active lifestyle in two months. In the long run he recovered from the infection developed in the wound and lived 12 years more [28]. There are some reasons to think that post mortal states are different and dissimilar. They were interpreted in some spiritual traditions of the past, although the knowledge is still cognitive non-legitimate and philosophically esoteric. Large-scale research of the post mortal states is yet to come and none of the academic skepticism is able to stop them. However we, first of all, should understand that the consciousness can exist without the organic body. It is as natural as existence of water without a crystal glass [13]. The consciousness is a phenomenon of, first of all, the psychic reality which exists ontologically and separately from the physical world. Homo Sapience appears as a product of interaction of two different realities- physical and psychic one -that, within the evolution process, opened the possibility of existence and perfection of the consciousness in the sphere of the objective material being. . But all this does not mean that the consciousness exists only in the physical world and is tied to it as a watchdog to its kennel. Human's consciousness is always in two realities during its physical life. It constantly fluctuates between them irrespective of whether the individual realizes it or does not [13].

Consciousness and creativity thin the light of mathematics. We can suppose that the subjective reality - the Spirit- is described with the scalar field imaginary component. P.A. Florenski wrote about it [29] and proved with the help of mathematics that a man could be immortal. He was killed for that at Solovki though nobody was able to prove the contrary of his statement. We appreciate this person who left for Eternity and for his heritage. Physics and mathematics of Albert Einstein and an orthodox priest and mathematician P. Florenski are united by the ray of aspiration into inexpressible. The Absolute cannot be expressed in words. A word is the reality model and any model is just an approximate reflection of the reality (something is always missed during the process). The concept of P. Florenski on imaginary things and inverted perspective is still understood by a few people. The imaginary things are evanescent quantities. They describe dreams, visions and afterlife. Prior to P. Florenski's work it was seen as a religious dream. Nobody connected it with cosmology, physics and geometry. A. Einstein discovered that the light speed had its limits. And what is going on then? P. Florenski says: "Then it is the other world" [30]. He paints the scheme of the past, the present and the future in the form of two cones joined with

their vertexes in one point. The lower cone is our past, and the upper one is our future. The point which joins them is our present. Our world, the world of relativistic velocity limited by the light speed, is inside the cones. The material point can't move with the speed which is higher than that of light. It is its limit. But a thought and nonmaterial essences and concepts including the consciousness and thus creativity are beyond the frameworks. That is the imaginary world (or the other world in religious terminology) described by imaginary quantities (complex numbers which consist of the real and imaginary components, that is the quantity multiplied by the root of minus one) is beyond the frameworks. Mathematicians are quite strange people. At first they say it is impossible to have a root from a negative number. Then they say it is possible and a number of applied equations (Ohm's law and Kirchhoffs law in their complex form) describing, let us say alternating current appear. In the ordinary form they describe direct current. The direct current is the sinusoid along which everything in the world moves (a day/a night, life/death, human's motions up/down). The light does not move directly. It is attracted by massive bodies (spheres). Thus the imaginary world is described with the imaginary numbers. We are expected to discover new laws in this direction. More than that, the mathematical theory of centaurs [32] has been developed at MSTU named after N. Bauman. A man is a centaur as he has an animal component (in the form of the physical body) with all the ensuing consequences and the obligatory imaginary one (ideas and concepts for which he dies and which cannot be weighed on physical scales). This differentiates him from an animal (it is a separate and very interesting issue for research). The western world tries to convince us that a human is an animal and he does not need any idea (it is easy to control the world like that). The Russian world (it is based on Eastern philosophy) tries to explain that a human is, first of all the God, and the God-Human, but not a Human-God of the western world, as F. Dostoyevski said. That is why there is mystical ancient confrontation of the good (which raises a human to the God) and the evil (which lowers him to inferno), and, correspondingly, creativity in both ends. The civil war which is taking place in Donbass now is coming up to the diving line... We have first-hand knowledge of it. Today's study develops the concept of the hyperbolic field (the two cones joined by their vertexes) [32], offering additional summands in wordings of known physical laws at hyper speeds or hyper distances. It is also a concept of the reverse process as with quantum sizes a great number of paradoxes which cannot be explained today appear [33]. The ethic gnosis of East offers new wordings of the laws which are opposite to the mechanics of Newton and obviously have a spiritual basis. It is, for example, the wording of analogous premise attraction (in contrast to opposite charge attraction). The fact that we look for the similar to us individuals or teams and try to avoid those whose points of view are opposite proves the approach. The ethic gnosis says that thoughts sent into the space (in our case it is the element of creative aspiration) attract the same thoughts (or essences) formed and enriched by other people in the noosphere and come back with some "addition". That is like likes like. It is the law of the spiritual sphere and creativity. Agni Yoga states: "Only when the spirit joins the creativity of the Space Magnet, its creativity is possible; only in this case opportunities are attracted to it. The intense spirit can create intensely only when it has an approved world task. The creative aspiration always states opposition that is why there are such battles under Our Shield. However victory is inscribed on Our Shield". [34] There is a concept of emergency in the system theory. Any system has characteristics which are not specific to its elements and the sum of elements which have no special system forming links; irreducibility of system characteristics to its component characteristic sum; the synonym is the system effect. We think this emergency effect is described in the Bible: "Where two or three are gathered in the name of Me, I am in the middle". [35] Those two or three are

seen in the physical world, but there is the invisible Essence which interacts with the individuals turning to it. It is a creativity process too. Dependence of the creativity on the consciousness states. The creativity may occur in consciousness different states, and the results of the creativity depend on them. These states are described in [13]. These are consciousness altered states, divided consciousness, mental silence, consciousness dissolution, strikening and super consciousness, confusion of the reality, alcoholic psychosis (delirium tremens), narcotic psychosis, and some forms of schizophrenia. This, of course, is besides wakefulness and sleep in different phases. Here we again come across a complex ontological status of things we spoke about in the beginning of the paper. The major mistake the old physicalist science makes when the problems like that are researched is that it narrows the Nature reality ontological field intentionally. A physicalist thinks that there is the only event space in the Nature, and it is the physical one. He makes a serious mistake as the subjective space is not reduced to the physical reality. These poor scientists carried out many experiments: they split animals into tiniest particles to look for life. Not a single microscope helped to see it. They were not able to get a new living being out of the remains either. They interfered into the space of the special ontological status which forms its own event flows able to

determine mental processes and actions of any intellectual individual. That is why when the realities are mixed we deal with not just patient's "fantastic ideas" and a "wild invention", but essences and event flows of the virtual psychic world which really interfere into the patient's consciousness. The impersonal psychic reality which is not seen by others is open to such person and he is unable to stop its interference into his subjective psychic space. The conditionally sane individual comes across it only in the state of sleep or trance when his consciousness leaves the physical reality and is entirely absorbed by another reality which is the impersonal psychic space. However when the individual is in the state of the deviation under discussion, psychic essences obtain the ontological status of the physical world. The reality mixture breaks the correct course of psychic processes, deforms mental abilities and disorients the individual's existential behavior. That is why a psychotherapist is to make efforts to restore not only the reality boundaries but also their adequate perception by the patient's consciousness [13]. E.P. Blavatskaya finishes her theosophical classical works "Secret Doctrine" by the phrase: "With generous opening of clinics for their supposed insane citizens people try to convince each other that they themselves are not mad" [36]. Evidence of the creativity examined hypothesis in heritage of genii. Let us continue giving examples of the East ethic gnosis as far as creativity is concerned: "You ask how Mrs. Kovalevskaya solved problems. She did it with the help of fiery power, of course. She says in her autobiography that solutions of the most complicated problems sometimes appeared in her brain instantly. She sometimes saw numbers and formulae inscribed in front of her. She is certain to have worked hard but the fiery ray is sure to have touched her "cup" and have provoked the forgotten. It happened quite often." [37] E. Roerich and all her great family used the link with the Supreme. It was Divine creativity indeed. The witnesses state that there were cases when before answering a question S.N. Roerich left the room, spent some seconds in the entrance hall, and came back with the answer. That is he tuned in for the Absolute and got the answer. Another example is Nikola Tesla and his analogous creativity scheme: "The brain gets sharper under endless loneliness. To think and invent you do not need a big laboratory. Ideas appear under the influence of outside conditions. The inventor's secret is in his loneliness. Ideas are born in the loneliness." [38] N. Berdyaev says about it in his classical work on creativity: "The act of creative freedom is transcendental with respect to the world being and the world energy closed disk. The act of the creative freedom breaks the world energy determinate circuit. The act is to be the creativity out of nothing from the point of view of the world immanent being. The timid denial of the creativity out of nothing is obedience to determinism and the necessity. The creativity comes from inside, from bottomless and inexplicable depth but not from outside and the world necessity. The desire to make the creativity act understandable and find the basis for it is misunderstanding of it. To understand it means to recognize it is inexplicable and baseless [39]. N. Tesla reveals his secret (it took its place in ethic gnosis): "If I had some exhausting task, I fell upon it again and again until it was done. I practiced day after day, from morning till night. At first it required strong mental efforts which were against my wish and inclinations. Then, with the course of time, the contradiction weakened, and my will and wish were as a whole. It is like that today, and this is the secret of my success. I do not need models, figures and experiments. When my ideas are born, I build a device, change the construction, improve it and turn it on in my imagination. I do not care whether the device is tested in my thoughts or in the

workshop- the results are the same." [40] Thus there is the analogy with quantum physics according to one paradox of which electron is everywhere simultaneously but not in some space localized point [41]. It is called the spirit divisibility in the ethic gnosis. Where is the problem? The creativity as the dark (leading to destructive results for the society) and the light (in the name of education and culture) appears to use one and the same mechanism. Where does the division take place? The ethic gnosis gives the answer: "A half a century ago we cared about physical knowledge increase. We achieved much but the spiritual consciousness lagged behind the physical one. Ethic was lost among piled formulae. Machines distracted the human from thinking art. Now we have enough of robots! The world needs the heart for the balance. The rescue is in it. The evil power pressurizes the earthly aura."[42] Thus we need to add (in military terms) friend-or-foe identification system, the heart in particular, to our system. It is to be brought up and taught thinking. It is the moment of principle for the future development of the civilization and moreover for the entire Russian World. Today the western world is trying to impose its creativity on us (it is dark and destructive to a considerable degree) and puts forward a fake goal -technocracy. DonNTU and the MANEB Academy (St. Petersburg) have published the process interpretation in the joint proceedings [43]. They analyzed the prospects of the mankind's development and the fact that it is in the bifurcation point (it is confirmed by the ethic gnosis) where the development can go either the western way (cyborgs and the offers of the futurologist Raymond Kurzweil) or the Russian way. We support the second one as there is the concept-based prospect of technological development which is directly related to the consciousness

and the creativity vector. It is given in the works of S. R. Ableev who specializes in Roerich's heritage and was the first to defend the doctoral dissertation in the area. The individuals tied to the material being and admiring the machine will stay in the sphere of the physical reality. They will create hybrid forms of the cyber-life and the cyber-mind in the course of their technology development. The human nature will be dissolved in technical devices and the human consciousness might be absorbed by the computer intellect. The prospects of the human technetronic development are rather vague. We think there will be three probable finals. The first: the fragile technosphere will be destroyed by global catastrophes which will throw the mankind back to the new Middle age at the best. The second: partial or entire collapse of the technosphere being the result of the nature resource deficit. The third: the intellectual machine created by the human will depress a clever but spiritually weak individual which will cause the dramatic final for both [13]. The consciousness existence noospheric form has some serious advantages over the physical one. First the psycho-mental (field) carrier of the consciousness does not require special ecological conditions and is more lasting than the organic body. Secondly the form of consciousness existence does not depend on the planet raw material sources. Thirdly it is more stable as to planetary disasters and space cataclysms. The technical infrastructure of the modern and the future technetronic civilization will always be rather vulnerable in this respect [13]. The noospheric civilization is impossible without the consciousness new non-biological carrier which is the body built without organic substance. Its forming will be the anthropological super-technology of the future. It will change the aspect of the smart life and start the space existence of the post-human spirit [13]. Someone will say these are meaningless futurological fantasies which are not the place for scientific literature. Our answer is as follows: any cognitive, technological or humanitarian breakthrough of the mankind started with the bold flight of a constructive thought. Some researchers know that similar experiments in spiritual and vital transformation of the human's nature have already been carried out and were quite successful. Find hermeneutical keys to the human esoteric culture and you will understand which "immortality germ" Chinese Taoists tried to express in human's nature, what the philosophers' stone of the European spiritual alchemy has to do with the human's essence and what the so-called "fiery trans-mutation of the spirit" in philosophy and practice of secret yoga and Agni Yoga Eurasian gnosis means. Sacral knowledge has not only ethic but also cognitive value. However we understand little what it consists in [13]. What suppresses the human's spirit noospheric evolution? First it is a hypertrophied ego-complex of the consciousness caused by the illusion of human's psychic individuation. We have already mentioned the positive meaning of forming of the psychic individuation at the early stages of the intellectual consciousness making. However the times passed long ago. At present egocentrism causes constant dissociation of the entire mankind and supports the dangerous world-outlook of anthropocentrism [13]. The imperfect mankind thinks it is the centre of the natural world, and the imperfect human's individual imagines himself the maker of any being destiny and opposes his own interest to the entire universe and other

individuals. You are not to be a prophet to see rather sad eschatological effects of the world-outlook. The consciousness destructive ego-complex is the single root of contradictions in the systems of human-nature, human-society, and human-human. That is why its overcoming will reveal not only the ways to solve the contradictions but also the horizons of the noospheric spirit evolution [13]. Let us come back to the thing we started with - to the main idea of the "Creativity Meaning" of N. Berdyaev which can be put like that: the human's personality sunk into the abyss of everyday, vulgarity, evil and violence longs to the God in creativity impulse and becomes free only this way [45]. Conclusions We hope to have developed the thesis of N. Berdyaev that "Creativity is the human's response to God's appeal. It is useless and odd to discuss whether the creativity can be justified from the point of view of expiation religion. To expiate and rescue one can do without the creativity. The human's creativity is necessary for the Kingdom of God" and presented the schemes of its synthetic understanding. Much is obviously left behind the frameworks of the paper. But the human and the knowledge is an open system. The main thing now is to fulfill the instruction of the Leader of the Big Russian World: ".We must never forget about the moral and ethical basis of our business. All we do is to be to people's good, is to strengthen a person, but not to destroy him" [1]. We would like to cite the lines of the verse of Y. Klyuchnikov showing the creativity mechanism discussed in the paper: "Knowledge has another name The knowledge and news cannot be confused It brings a Divine Word And requires a receiver in the form of conscience."


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