GDV TECHNOLOGIES TO SOLVE THE MANKIND’S MOST URGENT TASK Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Dzhura S.G., Chursinova A.A., Yakimishina V.V.

The relevance of the introduction of Kirlin-technologies into scientific circulation for the realization of the goals of the Greater Russian World is considered. The place of these technologies in the ancient mystical battle of Mind and Anti-Mind (in terms of the Russian Space Society) is shown. The way and a number of results of solving the interdisciplinary ethical problem are given. Shows the capabilities of other GRV applications.

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Dzhura S.G., Chursinova A.A., Yakimishina V.V.

All: PhD, Power department of Donetsk National Technical University, the Donetsk People's Republic

It is the synthesis of the spiritual with the material that is the most urgent task which the mankind is facing E.I. Roerich


The relevance of the introduction of Kirlin-technologies into scientific circulation for the realization of the goals of the Greater Russian World is considered. The place of these technologies in the ancient mystical battle of Mind and Anti-Mind (in terms of the Russian Space Society) is shown. The way and a number of results of solving the interdisciplinary ethical problem are given. Shows the capabilities of other GRV applications.

Keywords. Technology of Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV), Kirlian-effect, GDV-bioelektrografy method, innovative technology, the design ethically caused.

Introduction We fully agree with the thought of the Leader of the Big Russian World V.V. Putin: "People will inevitably lose their human dignity without values built into Christianity and other world religions, without morality norms formed during thousands of years. We think it to be natural and correct to defend the values". /1/ It used to be the sphere of metaphysics that is which "goes beyond". E.I. Roerich, the Russian philosopher and humanitarian, poses the challenge to the humankind. The idea is in the epigraph. The approach is developed in /2/: "Any visible phenomenon has its root causes in the invisible. If the invisible for an eye but available to the thought levers are controlled, the visible phenomena can be controlled and led by the will...Success and failure of many Earthly things depend on conscious or unconscious use of the law.Life invisible levers are stronger than visible ones. The spirit fiery power is in invisibility. Fire is invisible, with subtle vision being an exception. We will learn to understand the life visible and invisible sides when the worlds are brought closer. Let us have a double armed spirit". The heritage of the Roerich great family says much about Russia's mission /3/ and it is good that the Leader of the Great Russian World assigns this particular task.

We were surprised to find the support of the statement of question in the 50th report of the Club of Rome: "The mankind is moving on the trajectory of a suicide. Until the prohibition strong deterrent rules are adopted, it will be reducing short-time utilitarian habits of our current economic paradigm. The mankind needs at least a new thinking and a new philosophy as the growth old philosophy is obviously incorrect" [4] and "chapter two of our book is devoted to philosophy with our hopes to find the keys to primary sketches of the improved philosophical belief system. The search can lead to the desire (if not the necessity) to arrive to new "Enlightenment". Europe will hardly

be the new Enlightenment centre, the "Enlightenment 2.0". The mankind should examine great traditions of other civilizations". [4] This idea also correlates with E.I. Roerich's thought: "The destiny of the West is already solved. It has no future. Don't look for it in any other European country; do not watch the disorder taking place there". [5]

Task specification E.I. Roerich's task adopted in the epigraph is specified in /6/: "The task of the upcoming epoch is to combine the Invisible World with the visible one, and in this case human's consciousness will be manifestation field of both of them". How could this be done? We think it is moving towards the metalevel. The approach is being developed nowadays. These are not only fundamental sciences such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry. We have meta-mathematics based on the centaur theory developed at MHTU named after N.E. Bauman /7/, meta-physics based on the polarizing existence theory /8/ and meta-chemistry /9/ which correspond to the moving towards the meta-level. Besides the mentioned fundamental sciences which have already moved to the meta-level we also have meta-philosophy /10/, meta-pedagogic /11/ and meta-civilization /12/. The approaches are generalized and synthesized in /13, 14/. That is there is a meta-systematic, integral, and Trinitarian approach of post-nonconventional science. We think it is the way of the future. The approach, like all new and advanced things, is making its way to life with difficulties.

Method "non-scientific" character Everything written in the Doctrine becomes a reality, and we can prove it. Consider this: "The Kirlians' invention is the greatest discovery of the century. That is why the darkness is against it and prevents its application.

This clearly useful and necessary for the widest spheres of life invention is glossed over which proves its great significance. It could be usefully used in medicine, let alone engineering and agriculture. Diagnostics of

diseases, especially cancer, at early stages will be unmistakable. The discovery is given for the good of all the humankind. It is criminal and ridiculous to gloss over things which are scientifically undeniable. All darkness oppositions will be broken and science plays the key role in the process. Not mystics, fantasy and superstitions but scientific facts will ruin the ignorance bunch" /15/. The accusation of the approach "non-scientific character" is broken by facts. There are copyright certificates for Kirlian-technologies invention /16/ and a great numbers of dissertations /1726/, and scientific conferences /27-29/ on the subject-matter. That is why it is hardly correct to speak of any "non-scientific character".

Inquisition against science We understand that the approaches are to be dialectic and balanced when science grows. It is some healthy conservatism. The approach is to allow something new to develop, criticize it friendly but in no case to ban it completely or use pressure and intimidation acts /30/. However the later approach is often used. Some other fields of science (homeopathy, torso fields etc which we will discuss below) have already suffered it. People who deal with innovations are called adventurers in the negative sense, however the word has an Italian origin ("Avanti") which means "forward", and the word "adventurer" can be translated as "moving forward" with all pros and cons.

Nowadays all the new is looked at from the perspective of pseudo-science commission (whether it will allow or ban researching in this or that field). There is some "thinking saving" in it when a person is rather lazy to look into a problem (it has already been thought over!). There are not many people ready to have their own point of view as it requires time, power and developed recognition experience. In this respect we share the position of military people to who do not take orders from the commissions like that, and ignore the fact whether the theory of a device and method developed, and which is important, approved by the commission exists. If "the thing" works, it is used. While the pseudo science commission is working and goes on banning research in some fields, the scientific directions are being developed abroad where the commission can't stretch its hands to, and the results of the work arrive to the RF as high-technical goods (as it was with cybernetics, "the imperialism prostitute"), and our country has to pay so much to overseas merchants and cover research of overseas scholars and suffer economic losses. The Napoleon's paraphrased famous saying matches the situation: "The nation who does not want to feed its own army (scientists) will feed the foreign one". And the last argument is as follows: if the technologies being developed abroad lead only to economic losses, it is half a problem (though nobody cancelled the idea of economic security). We visited the events devoted to the 100th anniversary of S.D. Kirlian in his native city. We were surprised to find out that it is the city where the Kirlian effect was first ever invented and patented that gets Kirlian-equipment from Germany, the USA and other countries.. .No comment! The true trouble will be when a weapon based on this or that technology banned in our country is made. It is

possible in the majority of cases. It will be unlikely to find protection from it. It can be considered a subversive act in the sphere of the country's security. Thus we can congratulate each other and the society with the inquisition working against science, the society, and the state. The issue is extremely delicate and we should be careful while working with it. Science enthusiasts and devotees will have to go through fire and water to present it to the "grateful" mankind. Suffice it to mention the history of recognition of GDV-technology discovery made by Mr. Kirlian and his wife Mrs. V. Lototskaya. They went a thorny path and are examples of selfless devotion and sacrificial service to science and people /31, 32/. The pioneers like these are sure to be attacked by pseudoscience commissions (or their followers) with the help of which dying paradigm advocates try to save their leadership status. According to Max Planck something new in science occupies a proper place not because the opponents agree with it but because the opponents went to a better world at last.

Breakthrough method in solving the mankind's main task During the permanent war we wrote about in /33/ it becomes extremely topical to know who you support. It used to be an image or a token of the army on a shield. But the token is easy to falsify now. That is to win the ancient mystic war we have to have clear, definite and high-tech criteria to specify whether someone is friend-or-foe (showing whether the individual is for or against the evolution). The criterion exists: /15/ «The aura shots will be the best identity card which proves person's fitness to any official and social responsibilities".

The problem crucially important context is the fact that "there are two simultaneous processes in the world: one (that is of education) is aimed at creating the world more adequate images to transmit them further on into all layers of a social pyramid to provide its continuous growth (development and evolving); the other one is aimed at creating the pyramid regression processes to test it on its stability. It is up to each participant of the processes whether to support any party of the process, and which one to support". /11/ A number of wars, floods, earthquakes is growing. There are a lot of psychic obsessions not only on the individual level, but also on that of entire countries (e.g. Ukraine and not only it). It proves that fact that there is a war in the subtle world and it is to be won on the terrestrial plan as our fathers and grandfathers did; and it was commanded to do to the Big Russian World supporters. We are participants of a hard, ancient, uncompromising and mystic battle between the western shopkeepers and true heroes of the East. The preventive Knowledge or the fairy sword able to win (the metaphysics sphere) is of importance in the war. It is the knowledge which will fight the "inhuman power" (according to the Russian Space Association) /34/ opposed to the Russian World. It is the inhuman power that calculated our atomism inside one movement, one religion, one organization, let alone a state and entire humankind. The power is using the "divide and rule" principle. It is vividly seen in the Donbass Region now. That is why we should consider the preventive

Knowledge. The "pseudoscience" commission did not permit it, but we think we will get it after our Victory, our common Victory. The data given by the enemy for interrogation is always taken into account. What prevents us from considering the things in Russian recognized all over the world and addressed to those who are the Russians by spirit? The preventive knowledge is called the Earth Ethical Gnosis. It includes such ethical systems as Agni Yoga, THE, and Theosophy.

The following Agni Yoga statement is decisive to solve the above mentioned task: "The darkness furious growth makes us hurry with radiation shots" /35/. What are we talking about? It is the Kirlian effect which is called gas discharge visualization (GDV) technologies now. /36/ reads: "The Kirlians' striking discovery is so great and significant that it is difficult even to imagine the huge influence it will have in many spheres of our life. Our Great Country is ahead of others and we can be proud that the invention, which is not less significant than spaceship launch, was made in our country of the New World creation". According to the context Russia and its great Mission is meant.

On the threshold of ethical catastrophe The humankind flies one wing without its knowledge of the subtle and fiery world. You cannot reach your goal going round one place with one wing. The universe non-physical part offers main meanings. Nowadays accents are to be placed on it. The spiritually deprived civilization extreme risk is examined in /37/. Russia was charged with giving a new spiritual direction to the entire world. That is why the spiritually deprived world which is relegating to oblivion is against Russia now. Y. Klyuchnikov write about it in his poem "Russia the Oncoming" /38/.

Global interdisciplinary ethical problem. In 2016 a structure of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers /39/, the biggest in the world international nonprofit association of professionals in engineering, the world leader in standard development in radio electronics, electrical engineering and system and network hardware) in parallel with some other organizations (the UNESCO, for example) launched a new initiative in the field of the artificial intelligence (hereinafter AI) ethic standards [40]. The importance of the IEEE efforts is defined by its key role in the community of scientists and engineers working in electrical engineering, electronics, information technologies, telecommunications etc. This will have the direct influence on the AI developers. As a result "Ethically Aligned Design" was developed [41, 42]. The IEEE document describes the main topical threats and risks related with introducing of AI based autonomous systems. According to the dialectic approach everything which is new is sure to have pros and cons of its implementation into life. It is to be said that it's not for the first time when the AI development risks have been examined. The open letter of the world researchers "Research Priorities to Create Reliable and Useful Artificial Intelligence" which we have signed [43] is a bright example.

The mankind faces the problem of entering the new technological structure. This should be done in such a way for the technologies not to destroy the mankind itself. The detailed arguments are given in the paper [44]. They can be summed up as follows: "Ethics is certainly a good thing but we do not have either time or resources for it now". It is usually said when the issue is discussed. However it is a big mistake as the society which has technological process limitless capacity and does not have ethics is doomed". Thus the issue of development of ethics standards in artificial intelligence is the agenda of the world international scientific community [41, 42]. The IEEE standard draft P7000 "Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns during System Design" is an example. It is the modeling standard draft to solve ethic problems under system design. 14 types of project ethic standards for robots and other objects of electronics and electrical engineering are being prepared [40].

The point is, in our opinion, who and how will define whether an action is ethic or not. Judging from the discussion which is taking place on the site this will be a robot. Will the robot be able to solve such a problem? This is the question. The research [45] on the basis of which preliminary solutions have been developed could solve the problem. However it created even more questions than before.

A number of releases have been issued to discuss [41, 42] the problem. We presented our grounded opinion in English [46], and the Russian version of the book [47] was welcomed in the RF [48].

The research hypothesis is the GDV-device measurement of human's different inner states directly related to his ethic characteristics and inclination to illegal acts.

GDV- technologies conferences has been hold since 2000 /49, 50/. Scientific monographs are published /51/. The authors have participated in three international conferences on GDV-technologies. We would like to say more about one of them. There was an international scientific and practical conference "On the Threshold of Future Discoveries" hosted by Kuban State University. It was timed to the 120th anniversary of the Honoured Inventor of Russia S.D. Kirlian who was the first in the world to patent the GDV-method. There were representatives of key scientific schools and GDV- device producers from Russia, researchers from Great Britain and Holland at the conference. Scholars from the USA, Israel and Australia joined the participants via the Internet. We were the only representatives from DonNTU and the DPR. The conference was reported by the mass media of the RF [52]. We made the presentation on the GDV-technologies in education (a fragment from the book "The Universe Ethic Algorithms" [47]) and gave the book to Prof. K. G. Korotkov (the author of the computer method and the corresponding GDV-diagnostics device [53]). In response he gave us the "Bio-well" device (we had used the device of other producer). We express our sincere gratitude to Prof. Korotkov.

Fig. 2 From left to right - Prof. K. G. Korotkov (the author of the GDV-device), E. G. Korobova, the Director of

the first ever museum of the Kirlians, Dr. S.G. Dzhura (the DPR). Prof. K. G. Korotkov has the book "The Universe Ethic Algorithms" in his hands. S.G. Dzhura thanks Prof. K.G. Korotkov for the GDV-device given to him at the conference and aimed at making further research at DonNTU (the DPR).

The GDV-device application in diagnostics of human's ethic characteristics. There are some methods developed for the RF Home Office to define people inclined to illegal acts. They are based on the GDV diagnostics [54-55]. Only one step is necessary to define human's ethic characteristics, his moral portrait which can be used with other purposes (for example job orientation and the posts the person can hold).

The research hypothesis testing is to change field parameters which are measured by the GSV device in different thinking stated of a respondent allows to speak about his intentions. We got some shots that confirm the thesis (see fig. 2-4). Fig.2 is a shot of a person who commits a crime in his thoughts; fig. 3 is a shot of the same person praying.

Fig. 2 GDV shot of a person who commits a crime in his thoughts (the first state). The difference is clearly seen. There is 1 J energy growth, and the radiation square increased from 112 to 407 (that is 3.6 times as much!) although the average intensity changed from 85 to 87 units. Other characteristics are interesting too

(see fig. 4-6).

Fig. 3 GDV shot of a person who prays (the second state).

Fig. 4 Yin-Yan balance in the first state.

Fig.5 Yin-Yan balance in the second state.

Fig. 6 Pie charts of organs potential spreading in the first state (top) and the second one (bottom)

are clearly different.

Ethic norms formalization includes two main measurement, analysis etc. Fuzzy, many-valued or tasks. The first one is creation of the norm forms, and possibilistic logic is rather developed area which the second one- choice of the corresponding achieved the level of practically applied technologies. mathematical tool to work with the forms: comparison, It is important to clarify the AI and the ethic norm

qualitative parameters. The ethic norms formalization is closely connected with the more general task which is humanitarian knowledge. These are such approaches as

1) Boolean algebra;

2) many-valued logics;

3) fuzzy logic and probability theory;

4) solution verbal analysis.

Each of the approaches has its drawbacks and do not completely solve the problem. It is not clear what is the recording organ (the first problem) and how a robot can estimate person's thought and intention ethicality (the second problem).

We think that the GDV method of the world leader of GDV technologies "Bio-Well"/56/ can be rather promising in this sense. Moreover, its competitors have already found a partial solution of the problem. For example, "Krounoskop" is able to identify loyalty to a partner according to the GDV radiation (which, from our point of view, is an ethic characteristic). The method to detect offence inclined people is ethic characteristic identification [55].

New identity card It is crucially important to know the friend or foe criterion in time of a combat situation (it especially concerns Donbass). It is even better to automate the process as it is done in military airplanes. The method could be potentially implemented in mobile phones. More than that, it can be the future ethical standard for robots/57/ with encryption development. However, despite numerous means and methods the problem solution is not seen as there are no sensors, as minimum, and the criterion understanding is fuzzy and understood differently by every party (country etc.). We have grounded our approach to solve the problem with GDV-technologies

recently and made our presentation on it at the World Congress on GDV-technologies /58/. It is interesting that it is this approach that follows the prophecy which allows removing imaginary borders between the physical and the metaphysical. "The Subtle World as well as subtle energy will be possible to study. There will not be differentiation between the physical and metaphysical because if everything exists it can be felt and learnt. Superstitions and prejudices will be ruined at last". /59/

Agni Yoga reads: "The Kirlians' invention gives us a chance to study invisible radiation of a human body and that of animals, birds, and flora. The New World is open for the human being with the pure scientific approach to it. Many facts transfer from the sphere of naked faith into the field accessible to scientific analysis and research. Time will come and not only human heart, brain and arms radiation but also human thoughts and images will be photographed. Thought material will become the cognition subject-matter. It is not necessary at all to put on a clerical cap on everything which seems mystical now. Wonders do not exist. All phenomena are material and can be explained from the point of view of the scientific approach to them". /60/

The problem instrumental solving We would like to share the results of the research we conducted after the world congress, when we had got a certificate of a GDV- technologies user. The modern science demands the results to be verified and repeated. This was shown in our further experiments. The figures demonstrate the most interesting from our point of view results of analysis of measurements of personal energy homeostasis in two states as it was before.


Fig. 7 Human's energy field in the state of a mental crime.


Fig. 8 Human's energy field in the state of a prayer.

The difference in indices: energy -1 joule, in Now let us examine the energy balance of organs

balance - 10% (the experiment with the filter shows of the person under research. The organ systems the 10% change in balance). balance of which differs more than 20% are highlighted

automatically. That is they need to be paid attention to.

Орган Левая ^^^^^ Правая

Fig. 9 Human's energy balance in the state of a mental crime.

| Левая Правая

Fig. 10 Human's energy balance in the state of a prayer.

If we compare fig. 9 and 10, we will see that 12 human systems are in misbalance in the state of crime, and only two are misbalanced in the state of a prayer (the experiment with the filter shows 7 and 0 misbalance states correspondingly).

Further on we would like to examine the measurements according to the oriental medicine that is chakra energy (energy centers).

Fig.ll. Human chakra balance in the state of mental crime.

Fig. 12. Human chakra balance in the state of a prayer.

Chakra balance analysis says that there is 3% characteristic index (with the filter there was 3% and improvement in equalizing and 5% improvement in the 2% change correspondingly).


3.11 I

2.93 H




Fig. 13. Ananlysis of the human emotional pressure in the state of mental crime (the uppe orange graph)

and in the state of a prayer (the lower violet one).

The emotional pressure comes from the alarm state ( mental crime) to the same person's optimal mode in the state of a prayer.

Fig. 14. Comparison of the human energy in the state of mental crime.

Fig. 15. Comparison of human energy in the state of a prayer.

Fig. 16. Human energy state numerical parameter in the state of mental crime.

Fig. 17. Human energy state numerical parameter in the state of a prayer.

Fig. 10 and 11 parameters analysis shows that the painful condition of some some organs is activated in the state of mental crime ( highlightd purple - teeth on fig.16). As you can see in the fig. 17 there are almost

no problem in the state of a prayer except for the only one - teeth, but the situation is not critical ( if to compare it with the previous state).

Fig. 18 Emission spectrum in the first state (on the left) and the second one (on the right)

Further examination shows that the left spectrum (in the state of crime) is more ragged, and the right one is more harmonious (although its numerical values differ on one unit in its peak intensity).

Thus the shots prove the statement: "The previous out-of-date clerical division into the righteous and the sinners is cancelled. If a person is certainly useful for the Evolution, he can be considered the Light servant,

and if he is harmful - the darkness servant. There will be light-and-shade division of people. If light emissions prevail in his aura despite apparent flaws, he is a Light worker; if dark emissions prevail, he is a conscious or unconscious darkness servant. Outer virtue does not matter. Human integrity is defined by his space passport that is his aura shot. The passport cannot be faked. Whatever apparent virtues he has, he will be harmful for the evolution if his aura emissions are dark. He is a conscious or unconscious enemy of the Light. There is too much hypocrisy and lie in his life. The time comes when all masks are ripped off and all the hiding have to be put in the true light. The aura emission shots will give the possibility. The enrolment of the soldiers to the camp of the Light will be rather facilitated. Nobody will occupy the place which does not belong to them. The aura emission quality and luminosity gives the right. There will be a lot of fight to stand before the passport system new principle will be brought to life" /61/.


1) We confirm the research hypothesis- the possibility to gauge ethical characteristics through the GDV-technology. We think that the given GDV-method can be viewed in the package with other techniques to solve the tasks of standardization of ethically conditioned design of electronics and electrical engineering objects.

2) Besides the scientific and technical revolution the humankind urgently needs the spiritually moral one where the GDV-technology will play a significant role.

3) We invite all people concerned to take part in it as the "humankind is doomed without ethics".

4) The dangers of implementation of the trend are various and it is to be discussed separately.

5) We encourage you to think and develop the strategy and tactics of the activity. The HPK can do a lot in this sense.

6) The similar future GDV-devices are appropriate to be placed in the mobile phones which will be the competitive advantage of the device (and can be a source of funding of such work).

7) "The century's greatest discovery" - the GDV-technologies are to be for the good of the humankind. They are promising and useful not only for the DPR but also for the entire Russian World and the humankind. The GDV-technologies should be put into practice in different research institutions and interested organizations.


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