Abstract: F. Nazarov worked in Bishkek as the musical director of the drama theater and the conductor of the Kyrgyz State Philharmonic Orchestra of Folk Instruments. In 1947 he studied at the Tashkent State Conservatory with a degree in Opera and Symphony Conducting in the class of Professor Mukhtor Ashrafi.
Honored artist of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan, famous composer, talented conductor, professor Fattokh Nazarov, with his multifaceted work, left a bright mark on the history of Uzbek music of the 20th century. The melodies and songs created by the composer played a great role in the spiritual development of the younger generation, in awakening and forming a sense of national pride in them. Keywords: music, performer, composer, talent, conductor, drama, piano, symphony, melody.
Раджабов Х.Д.
Раджабов Хикмат Джумаевич - доцент, кафедра исполнительского искусства, Государственный институт искусств и культуры Узбекистана, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: Ф. Назаров работал в Бишкеке музыкальным руководителем драматического театра и дирижером Кыргызского государственного филармонического оркестра народных инструментов. В 1947 году учился в Ташкентской государственной консерватории по специальности «Оперное и симфоническое дирижирование» в классе профессора Мухтора Ашрафи.
Заслуженный артист Узбекистана и Каракалпакстана, известный композитор, талантливый дирижёр, профессор Фаттох Назаров своим многогранным творчеством оставил яркий след в истории узбекской музыки ХХ века. Созданные композитором мелодии и песни сыграли большую роль в духовном развитии подрастающего поколения, в пробуждении и формировании в них чувства национальной гордости. Ключевые слова: музыка, исполнитель, композитор, талант, дирижёр, драма, фортепиано, симфония, мелодия.
UDС 078
Nazarov Fattoh Abduvahob oglu was born on January 1, 1919 in Bishkek, in a family of craftsmen. After graduating from Uzbek primary school in 1933, his interest in music began very early. As a teenager, he learned to play the clarinet in a music studio that opened in the city. Given Fattoh's musical ability and excellent reading, teachers are recommended to study at the Moscow Music School named after M. Ippolitov-Ivanov in 1935. However, his health shifts from clarinet class to cello class because he doesn't fit this instrument. F. Nazarov studied at the music school in 1936-1941. In 1939, a third-year teacher was drafted into the army. He served as a clarinetist in the orchestra of wind instruments on the Moscow military horizon, and at the same time continued his studies at the Land of Science. He served in the military from 1939-1941 and participated in World War II from 1941-1944.
Regiment Commander F, Nazarov was recommended to study at the Military Conducting Faculty of the Moscow State Conservatory named after PI Tchaikovsky, and after studying at this Higher School, he returned to his hometown in June 1945.
After graduating from this department in 1951, he was admitted to G. Mushel's class in composition. In 1955 she graduated from the conservatory and presented to the state commission a one-part symphony and a cantata "Women's of Uzbekistan" (poem by J.Jabborov).
From 1951 to 1953 he worked in the Symphony Orchestra of the Radio of Uzbekistan, from 1955 to 1959 as a conductor of the Orchestra of Folk Instruments and Symphony Orchestra of the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan. From 1952 to 1958 he worked as a conductor at the Musical Drama Theater named after Music. While working in the theater, he also turned to musical drama. In collaboration with A.Sultanov, musical dramas reflecting the life of Karakalpak peasants, such as "Ravshan" (libretto by J.Oymurzayev and T.Ollonazarov, 1956), "Kuychelek ko'zli yof' (based on the work of Saidjanov, 1967), as well as music for a number of TV shows and radio shows. wrote.
The works written for the orchestra of Uzbek folk instruments have a special place in the creative activity of F. Nazarov. Among them are "Youth Suite" (1952), "Ufori Nasrulloyi" based on Uzbek folk melodies and "Suite based on Karakalpak folk melodies" (1957), "Shodiyona Overture" (1957), "Holiday March", three-part "Uzbek Suite" and others.
Fig. 1. Foto. Fattokh Nazarov
During his creative career, F. Nazarov has achieved great success in various genres. The main part of the composer's creative work consists of works written for children. In 1964, he wrote a concerto for piano and symphony orchestra for his daughter Gulnora Nazarova, a 7th grade student at the Moscow Conservatory's special music school. In 1973, with the publication of the concert score in the Moscow publishing house, it began to be performed by students of many music schools.
F.Nazarov's "Song and Dance" for violin and piano (variations for violin and piano), composed in 1948, is always performed as a curriculum for students of music schools, colleges and conservatories. Poems for violin and piano, Concertino, waltz for flute, Skertso for rubab and piano, ten pesas for piano, Concertino for cello and piano, four-part suite for symphony orchestra. performed in concert programs.
F. Nazarov has created songs on more than 150 different topics. Songs written especially for children are a priority.
From 1950 to the end of his life, Nazarov taught orchestra conducting at the Faculty of Uzbek Folk Instruments of the Tashkent State Conservatory. In 1967 he was awarded the title of associate professor, and in 1982 the title of professor. His students are actively working in theaters, executive teams, higher and secondary special education institutions of the republic.
Compozition SONG AND DANCE by Fattoh Nazarov, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan, Honored Artist of Karakalpakstan, composer, was very popular in the 70s of the XX century. It has been performed by violinists and violinists in a number of competitions and concerts and has been a great success. The beginning of the work is a song - a melodious, delicate character. In doing so, the musicians must perform the bow without over-pressing, running smoothly and smoothly, playing the sound waves through the nuances of creshendo and diminuendo, and in this respect also acting in the same and one breath. In the accompaniment sheet, the chords are made by means of a pizzicato-style soft, double click with the right hand's head (i.e., all three sounds in the chords are equal, at the same time), but not as in the arpeggio performance method. Cadence is performed from the first gig. In the ascending process, which consists of hexadecimal notes beginning with a small octave sol diez after the passage of passages, the second syllable performs the same syllable after the first syllable after the performance of eight hexadecimal notes. In the language of music, it is done in the form of a canon, that is, a repetition of that moment. This gives a special beauty at the end of the cadence [1, 74].
Among the students, I entered the Tashkent State Conservatory in 1973 at the Faculty of Folk Instruments. while working, I have been adhering to the theoretical and practical methods taught by the teacher. Chief Conductor of the Bukhara Regional Musical Drama Theater (1979-1983), Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after Doni Zokirov of the Art Teams of the Uzbek Television and Radio Company (20022014). I have been giving orchestral lessons to young people.
Fig. 2. Foto. Student Orchestra of the Conservatory.Hikmat Rajabov on the conductor's console.Examiners: Professor A.I.
Petrosyants, S.Boboyev, A.Leviyev. 1977
I have written two textbooks on orchestra class. I have conducted many International and Republican competitions and festivals with the orchestra of folk instruments.
- B 5-6 "Hungarian dances" by Y.Brahms with the German choir "Schuberbunt" in 1999,
- In 2005 and 2007 he worked as a conductor at the Sharq Taronalari International Music Festival in Samarkand. "Every year since 2016, I have been conducting with the orchestra of folk instruments at the International Silk
and Spices International Festival in Bukhara.
All of the above achievements are the result of the knowledge I received from my teacher Fattoh Nazarov. F.Nazarov's great contribution to the development of Uzbek music has been recognized by our government and awarded the title of Honored Artist of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan. The 23rd children's music and art school in Tashkent is named after Fattoh Nazarov.
References / Список литературы
1. Radzhabov Khikmat Dzhumayevich. Iz istorii usovershenstvovaniya uzbekskikh narodnykh instrumentov//Problemy sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya. Moskva, 2021. № 5-1 (162).
2. JabborovAhmadjon. O'zbekiston bastakorlari va musiqashunoslari. Т., 2004. 1.