Научная статья на тему 'Creation of the informational model of toxic myocarditis occurred under the influence of pesticides'

Creation of the informational model of toxic myocarditis occurred under the influence of pesticides Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Akhmedova Sayora Muhamadovna

Creation of productive knowledge is important whereas on the base of this knowledge we can diagnose morphologic and morphometric properties of vascular stromal tissues of myocardium under toxic myocarditis on the bases of clinical symptoms. Consequence of this is a proper therapeutic strategy that will have a life importance for the patients.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Creation of the informational model of toxic myocarditis occurred under the influence of pesticides»

Creation of the informational model of toxic myocarditis occurred under the influence of pesticides

Table 1. - Dynamics of disease activity and radiographic progression of RA, depending on the zone of residence

Activity Regions X-ray progression

slow rapid

Low to moderate with a tendency to decrease (%) I zone (n=226) 44,2 *& 41,2*&

II zone (n=159) 10,7*$ 13,2*$

III zone (n=198) 55,1$ 26,7$

IV zone (n=103) 5,8& 3,9&

High or recurrent (%) I zone (n=226) 9,7*& 4,9*&

II zone (n=159) 25,8*$ 50,3*$

III zone (n=198) 12,6$ 5,6$

IV zone (n=103) 15,5& 74,8& J

Note: p <0.05 — significant differences of statistically significant indicators of the study: * — when comparing the I and II zones; # — when compared zones I and III; $ — when compared zones II and III; &- the comparison zones I and IV; ® — when compared zones II and IV; J — when compared zones III and IV.

In addition, a retrospective study allowed us to estimate the difference between the areas of extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, the frequency of occurrence of visceral forms zone II was 49%, and IV-zone — 56.5%, and the indicators for the presence of seropositive resulting composition in the same areas — 67% and 75%, respectively.

Human adaptation to the new conditions of the environment is characterized by stress regulatory mechanisms, that is, in particular, changes in the structure of biological rhythms of different functional systems ofthe body. From a number ofhuman physiological systems, which shows the particular laws of development of adaptive responses, least studied is the reproductive system. In the context of the general adaptive mechanisms to assume that changes in the functions of the reproductive system are secondary. No exception is that the climatic and geographical uniqueness ofvarious regions of Uzbekistan is also apparent in the adaptive changes in the reproductive system reproductive homeostasis. Therefore, in estimating the quality of the genetic health of the population under the influence of the negative effects of environmental pollution recently used indicators of reproductive

function. A retrospective analysis showed that in the zone IV dominated cases with reproductive disorders in 70.3% of cases opposite to 53.1% in the I zone (compared to the I zone p = 0.002) and 44.6% of the cases in zone III (in compared to III zone p = 0.0011). According to data recorded in the outpatient's card, the main among disorders of the reproductive system have been changes in the menstrual cycle, particularly algomenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, and spontaneous abortion.

By studying certain indicators, it was found that among patients with II and IV areas dominated incidence with the need for treatment (39.7% and 42.4%, respectively) in one year, and among the patients I and III zones opposite dominated the event with longterm remission (41.7% and 61.2% respectively). In turn, patients of zone IV of significantly (p <0.05) is often consulted a doctor about the problem in the past 3 years, in average of 8,02 ± 2,4 times a year.

Conclusions: Retrospective analysis shows that clinical and functional parameters of RA differs in four areas of Uzbekistan, which does not exclude the probability of the impact of climatic and geographical factors of the environment in the course of the disease.


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Akhmedova Sayora Muhamadovna, Senior researcher Department of Human Anatomi, Faculty of Pediatrics, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan, E-mail: [email protected]

Creation of the informational model of toxic myocarditis occurred under the influence of pesticides

Abstract: Creation of productive knowledge is important whereas on the base of this knowledge we can diagnose morphologic and morphometric properties of vascular stromal tissues of myocardium under toxic myocarditis on the bases of clinical symptoms. Consequence of this is a proper therapeutic strategy that will have a life importance for the patients.


Section 6. Medical science

Keywords: Toxic myocarditis, pesticides, stroma-vascular structure of myocardium.

Introduction. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are now a major cause of disability and mortality of the adult population in many countries around the world. Rat heart and human heart are anatomically similar, despite the differences in size and frequency of contractions [2; 3].Therefore, when studying the effect of the impact of environmental factors on the heart and the creation of models of diseases of the cardiovascular system are widely used rat.

At toxic lesion of the heart main quality and muscular and quantity changes occur in stroma-vascular and muscular structures of the heart. As it is an exactly morphologic change of the vessels and stromas that lead to pathological changes in parenchyma of the heart and manifest with appearance of clinical symptoms [1; 4; 7], Therefore above characteristics of morphometric state of the vascular stromal tissue and cardiomyocytes ratio should be assessed as a background average. In order to do this, it is necessary to choose such characteristics of morphometry that will provide quantity assessment and

this characteristic must express exactly the morphometry of vascular stromal tissue that plays a causal role in developing of toxic damage in cardiomyocytes [8; 9].

The purpose of this study of morphometric ratios of interstitial and muscular fibers of myocardium under toxic damage.

Materials and methods. We used 42 rat heart specimens dividing them into 3 groups: control group, experimental group under explosion of keenmix and cotorone.

General morphometry of toxic myocarditis is a thickness of vascular stromal interstitial and heart cardiomyocytes. Therefore we measured the average thickness of vascular stromal interstitial of myocardium with the micro-specimen that were stained by hematoxylin-eosin and marked with letter L. Then we measured average thickness of myocardial muscular fibers and marked with letter D.

This is shown on image-1.

Thickness interstitial of myocardium L. Thickness of muscular fibers D

Image 1. Measurements of structural elements of myocardium

To eliminate the statistic error of measurement in increasing micro drugs introduced the standard coefficient ß that has no dimension.

L - average thickness interstitial of myocardium.

D - average thickness of muscular fibers.

ß - coefficient. ß =L/D.

This characteristic named as ß -coefficient for the study of morphometry of the toxic myocardial damage determined by us for the first time. As a matter of fact this coefficient expresses the average background state ofmorphometric ratios of interstitial and muscular fibers of myocardium under toxic damage.

Results of the research. Calculation results of coefficient ß indicated that observed regular changes in defined quantity of observations (n) from 10th to 18th in the groups.

First determined the value of ß coefficient on rats in the control group, which is for normal myocardium. (table1). From table 1 it is clear that average variations coefficient can be assessed with -coefficient which have certain consequences that appear as clinical symptoms. This property of ß — coefficient give us chance to create productive base of knowledge (PBN) for toxic damage of myocardium. PBN is a basis of recognition of morphometry and interstitial morphology and muscular fibers of the heart on the basis of clinical symptoms.

Table - 1. Indicators of the coefficient ß depending from the types of toxic affect in animals

Group names N Бета — ß P

Control animals 12 ß = (0,78±0.14).

1st group injection of keenmax 15 ß = (1,48±0.34) P<0.05

2st injection of cotoranes 15 ß = (1,17±0.24) P<0.001

Image 2. Posterior wall of left ventricle of rat heart of control group. Staining: hematoxylin-eosin. Magnification: OC10, OB20

In the control group coefficient ß is equal in average to

0.78±0.14. Under the influence ofkeenmax and cotorone observed analogical changes in terms ofvessels (image 3). In the small vessels of the heart revealed hyperemia, stasis and diapedetic hemorrhage,

which is accompanied by vascular edema, swelling and disorganization of connective tissue stroma. Reactive changes in the venous vessels were distributed in the form of expansion and plethora of them, the development of parivascular edema and diapedetic hemorrhage,


Creation of the informational model of toxic myocarditis occurred under the influence of pesticides

which are the result of toxic influences of pesticides that is developed from violation of the micro circulatory channel, toxic venous plethora and increase in vascular permeability.

Increase in micro-vascular permeability ofvenous vessels were accompanied by the release of liquid part of blood. In a 1st group under the influence of keenmax, when on the vessel walls and inter-

stitial connective tissue developed edema, mucoid, fibrinoid swelling and disorganization of the structural elements, due to which occurs thickening of the vascular stromal interstitial of the myocardium (image 3) is marked increase in ß coefficient indicator up to 2.0 times compared to the norm.

Image 3. Posterior wall of the right ventricle of rat heart when influenced kotoran.

Staining: hematoxylin- eosin. Magnification: OC10, OB20

Reasonable increase of the following coefficient can be consid- ministration of cotorone in animals compared with the first group

ered as a diagnostic indicator and is an evidence of toxic interstitial occurred less pronounced vascular wall changes, by which the coef-

damage of the heart myocardium. In the 2nd study group with ad- fitient ß consist in average 1,17±0.24.

Image 4. Posterior wall of the right ventricle of rat heart when influenced ceenmex. Rapid expansion of the interstitium due to toxic edema. Staining: hematoxylin-eosin. Magnification: OC10, OB20

Our conducted experiment indicated that this coefficient is really morphometric criterion in assessing the degree of the heart damage of toxic nature.


1. Indicators of ß coefficient reflects morphologic and mopho-metric state of the vascular wall and interstitial in terms of myocar-

dial cardiomyocytes and can be used as a prognostic indicator under toxic myocarditis.

2. Increase in the coeffitient ß, compared to the norm indicated of the thickening of the walls of blood vessels and interstitinum that is a prognostic indicator of toxic myocardial damage.


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