УДК 37. 048
Сёмкин А.В., Сатыбалды К.С. Кокшетауский университет им.Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)
Аннотация. В этой статье рассматривается то, как игровые методы влияют на профориентационную работу со старшеклассниками. Рассматриваются положительные стороны игровых методов, помогает ли игра определиться с будущей профессией.
Ключевые слова: игровые методы, самоопределение, неформальное образование.
Semkin A.V., Satybaldy K. S. Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Annotation. In this article, we will look at the fact how game methods affect career guidance work with high school students. Let's talk about the positive aspects of game methods, does the game help you decide on your future profession.
Key words: play methods, self-determination, non-formal education.
The use of role-playing games as one of the methods of career guidance is of great importance in the self-determination of students. With the help of a role-playing game, the child loses the social and professional relationships of adults. However, often the organization of assistance in choosing a profession for a teenager occurs, as a rule, without using the game method. As a result, the boredom and aimlessness of career guidance activities.
The specificity of professional self-determination of game methods is its correlation with the general scheme of choosing a profession. The very process of choosing a profession is quite complex, since it is associated with solving the most important life issues of the individual.
Games that simulate professional activities introduce students to specific professions. Such games are more appropriate to the situation when the profession has already been chosen and you need to either clarify or double-check your choice. When working in the classroom, these games allow you to model mainly professions of the "person-to-
person" type (various communication situations, the relationship of employees with each other or customers). These games are more suitable for high school students. And for middle-level students, game exercises are preferred, which introduce children to the world of professions and their specifics.
The positive aspects of the game method are the opportunity for each participant of the game to see the integrity of the problem, its most significant aspects. Also, during the game, there is a more creative mastery of the material being studied, decision-making skills are acquired, and role-playing behavior is mastered. The communication process develops not only cognitive, but also communicative universal learning activities, public speaking skills, the ability to answer questions and defend your point of view.
The main thing that the game gives is the activation of the work of the participants. If the game creates conditions for self-analysis and self-organization of the student, then developing
training is carried out and the task of preparing the student for a truly independent choice of profession is partially solved.
Of course, you should start with the game exercises, which are played for a short time. For example, the exercise "Profession with a letter" for students of grades 5-6. The purpose of the exercise is to expand the participants ' understanding of the world of professions. Time spent: from 5-7 to 1015 minutes. The host names the letter, and the participants take turns naming the professions. Experience shows that the leader in this exercise has quite large opportunities for unobtrusive correction of students ' ideas about certain professions. Despite the simplicity and apparent primitiveness of this exercise, it is usually quite interesting.
Or the exercise "Chain of professions" for students of grades 6-9. The purpose of this exercise is to develop the ability to identify commonalities in various types of work activities in order to expand the horizons of their professional choice. Duration: from 7-10 to 15 minutes. The presenter names the first profession, and the next one should name another profession, which is somewhat close to the first one, and justify their choice.
For high school students, of course, more complex role-playing games are held. For example, "Here I am!" for students in grades 9-11. This game allows you to simulate some elements of an interview when entering an educational institution or when applying for a job. And, thus, it helps to increase the readiness of the applicant for a job, to successfully pass an interview with a potential employer. The duration of the event is from 30 to 40-50 minutes.
Each participant is required to draw up 5-7 key rules of conduct for the applicant and 5-7 main rules of conversation for a member of the admissions committee, which would allow him not to make a mistake when choosing an applicant. Then one of the students reincarnates as an employer, and the other acts as a candidate for the vacancy. At the same time, the moderator specifies the name of the vacancy, the approximate requirements for candidates for work, and it is desirable that the company where the applicant is going to be employed would be known to those present.
At this time, the other students carefully observe the actions of the role performers and note
what they managed to achieve, and what mistakes were made by both sides. The second version of this game is the passage of a group interview, when the employer organization has several representatives at once, a kind of admissions committee. As a result of this exercise with the participation of the group, recommendations are developed on how to prepare and behave in the interview.
In psychological terms, a self-determined person is a subject who has realized:
- what he wants (goals, life plans, inclinations),
- what it is (intelligence, personal and physical properties),
- what it can do (capabilities and abilities),
- what society wants from him, and what he expects from society.
To make a decision, to choose a "start in the profession", students need to know the world of professions, their requirements for a person and their rating on the labor market, they must correctly and realistically assess their capabilities, abilities and interests. In fact, he is facing a complex creative task with many unknowns, and the system of career guidance in an educational institution should prepare him for the successful solution of this task.
Professional self-determination is a set of psychological and pedagogical measures that help students decide on their future profession in accordance with their interests, opportunities, and abilities.
Career guidance is a scientifically based system for preparing students for a free and independent choice of profession, designed to take into account both the individual characteristics of each individual and the need for a full distribution of labor resources in the interests of society.
Professional self-determination is considered as a complex dynamic process of forming a system of fundamental attitudes to the professional and working environment, the development and self-realization of spiritual and physical capabilities, the formation of adequate professional plans and intentions, a realistic image of oneself as a professional. Professional self-awareness is one of the most important components of a person's self-awareness as a subject of activity. That is why the study and conduct of career guidance for adolescent children in general education
institutions has become the most relevant at the moment.
Behind the brevity of the words "choosing a profession" is planning, designing, thinking about a professional life path, "professional start". The right choice is the beginning of the path to success, to self-realization, to psychological and material well-being in the future. Professional self-determination is the initial stage of professional development of the individual.
Professional self-determination at school is a practical activity of a recommendatory nature for choosing a future professional activity based on information about the professions and requirements for the job seeker, the characteristics and abilities of the chooser and the forecast of his success in the preferred type of activity.
In modern educational institutions, the most effective methods of career guidance for students are: career guidance trainings and games, conducting business games, school and extracurricular circles on professional interests, attracting representatives of various enterprises to events, reporting information about the situation on the labor market, about educational institutions where you can get a particular profession, about specialized training, excursions to enterprises and organizations, as well as to educational institutions of professional education.
So, we can conclude that professional self-determination in school is a continuous system of activities for students and their parents in
accordance with the age characteristics and the level of education of students. Depending on the age of students, career guidance games, exercises, conversations, and excursions are selected, which are designed to form students ' idea of the world of professions and their own professional preferences.
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Сёмкин Алесандр Владимирович, кандидат педагогических наук, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).
Сатыбалды Кунсулу Сартайкызы, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).
e-mail: [email protected]
Дата поступления статьи: 24.03.2021
© Семкин А.В., Сатыбалды К.С., 2021