Научная статья на тему 'Correction of posture disorders among first-year students’ by means of stimulating their aspiration for self-improvement'

Correction of posture disorders among first-year students’ by means of stimulating their aspiration for self-improvement Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
correction / bearing disorder / abilities and skills correction / self-improvement / selfdevelopment / physical culture / sport

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vladimir V. Izvekov, Kirill V. Izvekov

Correct bearing formation among boys and girls nowadays with the support on typical disorders correction is a difficult and urgent problem, as an indispensable consequence of bearing disorder is curvature of spine. It leads to pathological changes in locomotor apparatus and can cause serious problems with health. Bearing disorder can be presented as a symptom. It is typical for the definite group of diseases. They are demonstrated in a form of spine curvature and can be prevented (eliminated) by means of directed preventive correction work of physical culture teacher at a higher educational establishment together with the process of aspiration for selfimprovement stimulation among the students. Materials. The article considers the problem of bearing correction among the 1st year students in terms of their aspiration for self-improvement stimulation by means of educational disciplines of physical upbringing, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture. Research methods. During scientific and methodical literature analysis we used traditional analytical-synthetic methods and during our own research work we used empirical methods (observation, questionnaire survey, interpretative and pedagogical experiment). Conclusion. On the basis of mentioned above we can come to the conclusion that the offered system helps to realize bearing correction of each student, increases gradually and stage by stage the level of their physical readiness, forms the interest in systematic sport lessons. They would have a positive influence not only on students’ physical, but also moral development. Moreover, this system of work helps to have implicit influence on the students, stimulating their personal growth from own imperfection realization to gradual self-control and further to self-improvement.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Correction of posture disorders among first-year students’ by means of stimulating their aspiration for self-improvement»

UDC 796

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-112-120

Correction of posture disorders among first-year students' by means of stimulating their aspiration for self-improvement

Vladimir V Izvekov*, Kirill V Izvekov

Saransk Cooperative Institute (branch) of Russian University of Cooperation

Saransk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-5355-710X, vizvekov@ruc.su* ORCID: 0000-0001-7731-898X, k.v.izvekov@ruc.su

Abstract: Correct bearing formation among boys and girls nowadays with the support on typical disorders correction is a difficult and urgent problem, as an indispensable consequence of bearing disorder is curvature of spine. It leads to pathological changes in locomotor apparatus and can cause serious problems with health. Bearing disorder can be presented as a symptom. It is typical for the definite group of diseases. They are demonstrated in a form of spine curvature and can be prevented (eliminated) by means of directed preventive correction work of physical culture teacher at a higher educational establishment together with the process of aspiration for self-improvement stimulation among the students. Materials. The article considers the problem of bearing correction among the 1st year students in terms of their aspiration for self-improvement stimulation by means of educational disciplines of physical upbringing, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture. Research methods. During scientific and methodical literature analysis we used traditional analytical-synthetic methods and during our own research work we used empirical methods (observation, questionnaire survey, interpretative and pedagogical experiment). Conclusion. On the basis of mentioned above we can come to the conclusion that the offered system helps to realize bearing correction of each student, increases gradually and stage by stage the level of their physical readiness, forms the interest in systematic sport lessons. They would have a positive influence not only on students' physical, but also moral development. Moreover, this system of work helps to have implicit influence on the students, stimulating their personal growth from own imperfection realization to gradual self-control and further to self-improvement

Keywords: correction, bearing disorder, abilities and skills correction, self-improvement, self-development, physical culture, sport.

For citation: Vladimir V. Izvekov*, Kirill V. Izvekov. Correction of posture disorders among first-year students' by means of stimulating their aspiration for self-improvement. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(2): 84-90. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-112-120.


Correct bearing formation among boys and girls nowadays with the support on typical disorders correction is a difficult and urgent problem, as an indispensable consequence of bearing disorder is curvature of spine. It leads to pathological changes in locomotor apparatus and can cause serious problems with health. Bearing disorder itself is not a disease, but it forms the conditions for spine and joints diseases and also gradually creates the conditions for inner organs diseases. Thus, bearing disorder can be presented as a symptom. It is typical for the definite group of diseases. They are demonstrated in a form of spine curvature and can be prevented (eliminated) by means of directed preventive correction work of physical culture teacher at a higher educational establishment

together with the process of aspiration for self-improvement stimulation among the students.

The observations show that the conditions of modern life, in particular: insufficient physical activity, excessive load of educational lessons, being in an inconvenient poses during a long-term period (sitting near computer at home, in class room, constant work with a smartphone and etc. ) and connected with this hypodynamia together with high tempos and demands of environment, as a result of which often stress situations appear - all this creates the conditions for a dynamic increase of bearing disorders among young people and students.

It is a well-known fact that the main aim of correct bearing of an individual is to protect locomotor system from overloads and injuries by

means of body parts leveling and muscles balance. Bearing is also the index of psychic peculiarities of a personality: the influence of the bearing on the process of personality formation is scientifically proved and doesn't demand additional arguments. It is also obvious that a person, who has good bearing, attracts attention of people around and is more confident and successful. Taking into account that a scientific article as a rule discusses one problem, in this publication we would consider the question of bearing correction among the 1st course students in the aspect of stimulating the student's aspiration for self-improvement and social success.

Scientific novelty of the research is in the fact that the methodology of bearing correction by means of student's aspiration for self-improvement stimulation during physical culture and sport lessons at a higher educational establishment is not studied enough in methodical science. The main reason for this topic choice is personal interest of the authors in psychological-pedagogical aspect of studying effective techniques of correction work with the 1st course students during physical culture and sport lessons, directed toward bearing correction and sequentially stimulating a student's personality formation.

The aim of the research: to study the methodology of teachers' work with the 1st course students of a Cooperative higher educational establishment, reveal the most effective forms of interaction, direct and implicit influence on the students in terms of educational process in order to correct the bearing and increase the level of their aspiration for self-improvement, reveal and describe some methods/ techniques of correction work. They are used in practice by physical culture and sport teachers at a higher educational establishment in order to form correct bearing of students, with the stressed support of first course students' self-improvement stimulation, offer these methods for further use in practice of physical culture and health-improving work with young people.

Materials and methods

The conceptual base of the research formed the following: firstly, the principles of correctional-developing teaching. It provides correction work integration with educational process of a higher educational establishment or other educational establishment, secondly, personality oriented-activity based, individual and competence-oriented approaches to bearing correction organization among the students of the 1st course at a higher educational establishment on the basis of students' self-improvement stimulation during physical culture and sport lessons.

During the information sources analysis connected with the problem of the research we

used traditional analytical-synthetic methods and during own research work we used empiric methods (observation, questionnaire survey, interpretative and pedagogical experiment).

It is obvious that the main aim of the upbringing process at a higher educational establishment (also during physical culture and sport teaching) is harmoniously developed personality training and formation - the future specialist of high qualification, who is ready for self-improvement. It means that physical culture teacher should popularize healthy life style, personal growth and self-improvement of each student.

In pedagogics self-improvement is a method of education, when the process of education and upbringing is based on a purposeful activity of a personality connected with systematic formation of positive qualities and elimination of the negative ones [Ostrovskiy, Cherbyshov, 2008; p. 356]. It should be mentioned that self-improvement is usually understood as the process of a realized and gradual work of an individual on personal growth and development. This process is based on the definite personality's qualities, skills and features formation in individual interests and aims. We mentioned this in one of our scientific articles [1], here we would specify the following: this process the authors understand as these or that personal qualities development. They provide a personality's subjective success and new for this personality social roles mastering. Thus, using a terminological combination aspiration for self-improvement we mean stimulation and activation of a realized work process over oneself in the aspect of personal development for each student of the 1st course in accordance with his own aims and objectives: following the rules of a healthy life style, own bearing correction by means of a gradual analytical and correction work.

Further we want to pay attention to the content of the notion abilities and skills correction in native pedagogical, which would be taken as the main one in this work. As a result of our previous research [2] we managed to introduce into the system of terms of physical culture and sport teaching methodology, fix and substantiate the term correction as one of the teaching methods. By means of correction as the method of teaching on the basis of special correction exercises it is impossible to organize observation and/or self-observation over operating side of the fulfilled by the student physical and intellectual actions. Only during the process of special physical exercises fulfillment with the stressed attention on following the sequence of the fulfilled action stages there is defects in actions revelation and correction. They were made earlier during their formation. During the process of anomalous (false) actions correction of any physical action the operating

component of a personality's physical culture is demonstrated. It can be presented as the range of stage by stage mastered motor abilities and skills of physical or sports activity. Owing to correctly and sequentially formed abilities and skills high level of physical readiness of a personality is provided.

In this connection we should mention that if there are students with bearing disorders in a group, physical culture teacher should organize special work during the lessons. It is directed toward the separate skills correction, which have the defect in its structure (correction work). The content of this work would be analytical control organization over each element of the fulfilled motor actions and/or body position in statics. Correction work is understood by the authors as the system of interactions of physical culture teacher and his student, directed toward student's motor actions correction and mastering (or body static position) by means of their analysis and restructuring. This is a correction work, which is directed toward correction and self-correction of motor abilities and skills with the support of special exercises, presenting the process of multiple reproduction of each motor action, with an accented self-observation. At the same time considerable role in the process of student's personality formation belongs to a teacher, as the subject, which actively interacts with a student regardless of his age and who gradually forms his desire and ability to be independent.

The process of teaching in "Physical culture and sport" discipline in a commercial higher educational establishment provides the following problems complex solution: 1) students' high moral, volitional, physical qualities formation and development; 2) health preservation and strengthening; 3) thorough physical training, taking into account the future professional activity; 4) necessary knowledge gaining connected with the basis of physical training theory; 5) upbringing the conviction in the importance of regular physical culture and sport classes among young people. During this problems solution we form students' aspiration for self-development and self-improvement.

Taking into account the fact that the way to self-improvement has three main stages: from self-actualization to self-development and further to self-realization (each of these stages gradually transfers to the next), during the first lectures in terms of elective disciplines of physical culture and sport

"General physical training", "Applied physical culture", "Adaptive physical culture" we explain the students the necessity and importance of a personal growth, reveal the ways of personality's self-improvement by means of physical culture and sport lessons. At the same time the stress is on understanding the fact that in the process of

self-development it is important to realize not only a personality's intellectual development, but also develop physical aspect. We pay attention of students to the level of their own physical readiness, to the bearing and organize a questionnaire survey in order to reveal the role of physical culture and sport in their lives and their attitude to a healthy life style (HLS).

It is important to inform students during the first lecture about the fact that their own health state is one of the main values of life. Communication in social media, computer games or news about the events in the world can't be more important than health. Nobody demands blessings of civilization elimination, but the 1st course students should observe limits and remember the rules. They can help to prevent health risks. Following simple recommendations we can avoid unnecessary tension in spine and neck. It would help to decrease the risk of spine disorders and correct the bearing.

A questionnaire survey among the 1st course students of the Russian University of Cooperation was organized each year during the first lesson of "Physical culture and sport" course. The aim of the questionnaire survey is to reveal the levels of the realized self-assessment and readiness to realize self-development in the aspect of own physical state and readiness to realize active physical culture and sport lessons. The task of the survey is the following: answer the questions of the questionnaire survey "Yes" or "No" and briefly explain your position concerning the question.

Physical upbringing at higher education establishments, as it is mentioned in some works [6], plays an important role in moral and volitional qualities formation, is one of the methods of sport introduction into the life of students, provides the level of mental tension decrease, which is caused by considerable information load, intellectual productivity increase; is the way of an optimal physical load receiving; is an active rest, which is necessary for students [6]. In spite of the fact that physical culture lessons provide motor and applied skills formation, which lead to better adaptation of students to the loads in the chosen profession [7] and health potential of the oncoming generation has a great influence on country development, its political, economic stability and well-being [3], students' interest in physical culture lessons in terms of higher education establishments decreases. The reasons are the following: lack of correct psychophysical load and comfortable conditions for lessons organization [5], out-of-date forms of

lessons organization, monotonous exercises [7].

In her research work with the help of the questionnaire survey Anisimova A.Yu. revealed that only 51,7% of the male respondents and 45,3% of female respondents would attend physical culture lessons if they were not obligatory. 20,7% of boys and 18,6% of girls are interested in physical culture-sports events held at a higher education establishment and have the desire to take part in them. 28,5% of boys and 24,7% of girls would like to go to sport clubs and take part in the competitions [2].

The results of the questionnaire survey and the results of the research works carried out by different specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport, prove the contradiction between the necessity to improve health state, physical fitness of young people in Russia and the absence of the interest in physical culture lessons and sport at a higher education establishment.

The aim of the research. The methodology improvement of lessons organization among students at physical culture lessons using crossfit elements in order to develop physical fitness of students.

Table 1

The results of a questionnaire survey among the 1st course students of the Russian University of


№ Question Answer: Yes

1 Do you do morning exercises? 10%

2 Do you organize the procedures of cold hardening? 10%

3 Do you attend sport sections, clubs? 6%

4 Do you follow labor and rest regimen? 51%

5 Do you feel fatigue or backache after the lessons? 41%

6 Do you have innate diseases of locomotor apparatus or back injuries (spine)?


7 Do you have the habit of sitting at the table bending, bowing your head? 8%

9 Do you prefer to spend free time near the TV-set, computer or smartphone? 68%

10 Do you have the habit of lying on a soft mat with a high pillow? 59%

The object of the research is the effectiveness substantiation of crossfit elements use during the main part of the lesson in order to improve physical fitness of students.

In 2019 we studied the level of physical fitness among boys from the preparatory health group on the basis of Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov. The students had the "General physical training" specialization and were the students of the 1st course. Physical fitness level was studied with the help of pedagogical tests, which reflect the level of power oriented endurance, coordinating abilities, quickness, endurance, speedpower oriented abilities development. The received results were compared with the demands claimed by All-Russian physical culture sports complex (APSC) "Ready for labor and defense" necessary for gold, silver, bronze badge (table 1,2). The tests for endurance determination among boys of the VI step of the age 18-24 years-old - 3000 meters, was changed for the pedagogical test - 1000 meters, as it is more available for realization for boys from the preparatory health group.

11 Do you wear your bag over the shoulder? 37%

12 Can you estimate the consequences of bearing disorder for yourself? 45%

Notion. In the column "Answer Yes" we see the percentage of students, who gave positive answer, from general number of the respondents

According to the results of answers analysis we reveal the level of students' readiness to realize self-analysis as the first stage on the way to physical self-improvement. Let's present the results of a questionnaire survey in a form of answers of the 1st course students of Saransk Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation. The results are taken within two last academic years (2020-2021 and 2021-2022).

The first question of the questionnaire survey "Do you do morning exercises?" more often has the following answers: "No", "Never", "Don't do" and less frequently "Don't see any sense" or "I don't need it". Such answers prove that the interest in physical culture and sport among the 1st course students is not high and young people are not interested in the problems of heath at this age.

The question "Do you organize the procedures of cold hardening?" has the same answers: "No"; "Don't see any sense" and etc. The comments don't have cold hardening procedures and they are not realized as the base for a healthy life style.

The question "Do you follow labor and rest regimen?" has a prevailing answer: "Sometimes" (more than 50% of the respondents). It should be noted that this uncertain answer more often proves the unwillingness to acknowledge own disorganization and gradually own imperfection is realized. Honest answer "No" is given almost by half of the respondents. And only in 10% of cases the answer is "Yes" (as a rule the students, who are involved into sports sections).

It should be noted that a great amount of young people (both boys and girls) after a long-term period at the table feel tiredness or backache (lumbar cord, shoulder girdle and etc.) in spite of being young. In our group of the respondents we didn't have "innate diseases of locomotor apparatus" or "spine injuries".

Questions 7-11 are oriented toward a realized verification of so-called "bad" habits. They provide bearing disorders formation in a form of muscles function decrease. They take part in shoulder blades stabilization: diamond-shaped, wide, mid and low parts of trapezius muscle and provides muscle hypotonia and muscle disbalance formation. Short verbal answers of students prove steady habit of relaxed poses during the work at the table or near computer and during books reading (both usual and electronic), while TV, internet blogs watching in smartphone students also prefer relaxed pose in a

soft arm-chair or sofa. At the same time all recipients (most of them) perfectly realize own "weak points": the absence of desire to hold the bearing, desire to be on a soft surface feeling relaxation. The most interesting thing is that these people even are proud of this fact and value these "glamourous" habits and don't want to get rid of them. This group of respondents demands great attention of a teacher together with an active upbringing influence, as they have seen bearing disorders.

Answering the last question "Can you estimate the consequences of bearing disorder for yourself?" students choose a positive answer and give the following comments: "Yes, a spine should be taken care of in order not to have curvature of the spine"; "This is systematic backache, like my mom has"; "I don't have any pain yet and can go in for sports". In other words students start to understand the lack of work on self-development, but at this stage they try to produce a positive impression on a teacher and increase own self-assessment.

Thus, the analysis of the test among the 1st course students at a higher educational establishment, which is held every year, helps to see not high level of aspiration for physical self-improvement. It also proves insufficient level of personal development and the observations over the behavior of students in a gym during the lessons demonstrates a teacher different bearing disorders as the features of the future problems with the spine.

Every year we see comparatively low level of physical readiness among boys and girls. They have a low level of physical development and readiness, as they ignored physical culture and sport lessons at school or were exempt from such load because of different reasons. That is why we consider it reasonable to organize group and individual explanatory work in order to stimulate students' aspiration for self-improvement and also create methodically substantiated system of training in terms of obligatory and elective training lessons. They would be directed toward minimal moment load for each student and self-control over the bearing organization. But at the same time it would provide regular physical culture lessons.

In addition to testing during the first practical physical culture lessons teachers observe the abilities and skills of students and organize special estimation of sports achievements. They define the abilities of each student according to the level of

his physical readiness - so-called "zero indication". The teacher, who works with the definite group of students, must realize an individual approach in his activity, taking into account psychological and physical data of each student. In terms of an individual approach a teacher organizes interviews with students in order to form the conditions for some self-restriction in using electronic means of mass communication.

It is obvious that it is almost impossible for a modern man (especially for young people) to give up gadgets using. But we all know that a long-term period spent near computer, graphic pad, smartphone or electronic book very often causes discomfort in neck, backache. As it is known these symptoms can lead to troubles, connected with the problems of spine. In order to decrease the load on an organism a teacher offers the students to follow easy rules:

1. Telephone, pad should be at the same level with the eyes. It would help not to bow and the load on the neck would decrease.

2. While using pad for texting or documents printing the gadget should be placed at an angle of 30 degrees to the working surface it is put on. It would help to decrease hand load.

3. It is necessary to get rid of the habit to use smartphone in bed, as it influences eyesight and causes spinal curvature and clams in cervical spine.

4. Minimal time spent in an inconvenient pose over the screen of a smartphone, would have maximal positive influence on state of the spine.

These rules, whicheachstudentshouldremember, when he/she takes his/her favorite gadget, together with the prospect of self-improvement by means of bearing self-correction and correction, increase the interest in physical culture and sport lessons.

The teachers of physical upbringing department of Saransk Cooperative Institute (branch) of Russian University of Cooperation created and offered the following methodology of training fist-course students of a cooperative higher educational establishment for systematic self-perfection connected with bearing correction by means of thoracic section and lumbar spine muscles stimulation in terms of active self-control.

The system of exercises includes the following actions:

1) give body regular moderate loads every day;

2) once a day (for example, in terms of physical culture lessons at a higher educational establishment) realize longer trainings in a gym.

The system of exercises in terms of trainings in a gym twice a week includes the following complexes:

Exercises for round-shouldered back correction

I. p. - standing, arms at hips. To toe the left leg, hands on the nape. Head lay back, return to i. p.

The same - to toe the right leg. Slow tempo.10-15 repetitions.

I. P. - standing, legs shoulder-width apart, behind the back there is a toning bar in hands. Hands lay back and up, reduce the shoulder blades. Don't bend the body. Slow tempo. 10-15 repetitions.

I. p. - sitting in a chair, hands straight forward with the sides of rubber bandage, feed the mid of the bandage through the door handle. Putting hands behind the head, bend. Slow tempo. 10-15 repetitions.

I. p. - be on all fours. Bending, lay straight leg back and up, return to the initial position. The same

- the other leg. The average tempo.

10-15 repetitions.

Walk high on the toes (stretch upward) 1-2 minutes.

Exercises in case of asymmetric shoulders position

I. p. - standing, legs shoulder-width apart, hands forward next to the chest. Withdraws elbows backinhalation, return to initial position- exhalation.

10-15 repetitions.

I. p. - standing, legs shoulder-width apart, arms extended sidewards. Hands circular back movements. 10-15 repetitions.

I. p. - standing, legs shoulder-width apart, in bent arms there is a toning bar. Hands up -inhalation, return into b i. p. - exhalation. The bar should be held horizontally. 10-15 repetitions.

I. p. - back posture, hands up. Roll over to the belly leftwards - exhalation; return into i.p.

- inhalation. The same actions rightwards. 10-15 repetitions.

I. p. - legs shoulder-width apart, a toning bar is on shoulder blades. Body turning from side to side. 10-15 repetitions.

Each student of Saransk Cooperative Institute (branch) of Russian University of Cooperation starts to keep self-observation diary from the first course. In the diary a student mentions own physical culture and sport achievements and intermediate measures, registered by teachers during practical lessons and continues self-observation and self-control till the 3rd course. A stimulating factor for self-observation (and self-improvement) is the necessity to show the diary to a teacher as one of the elements of the mark as a result of the examinations.

It is reasonable to create the conditions for regular physical loads (in terms of elective or extracurricular courses). At the same time, during the exercises fulfillment it is reasonable to increase the amount of movements in an attempt in terms of mastering separate exercises and the amount of the attempts.

Regular physical load in a moderate regimen has a gradual positive influence on general level of health and provides flexibility and spine muscles

power development. It also provides organism strengthening, general endurance increase. In general such kind of weekly lessons provide self-organization and self-control, teach students to organize and plan their own activity, follow day regimen and this way we start the regimen of aspiration for self-improvement.

We actively use well-known and reliable kinds and forms of gymnastics in the arsenal of our higher educational establishment teachers, as checked means of students' aspiration for self-improvement stimulation and development.

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The result of an active activity of the teachers from Saransk Cooperative Institute connected with students' aspiration for self-improvement stimulation and the first course students involvement into a healthy life style by means of systematic physical culture and sport lessons is the success of senior course students. They took part in mass sports events individually and in team competitions of republic and All-Russian scale.


On the basis of all mentioned above we come to the following conclusion: the presented system helps to realize students' bearing correction, stage by stage and gradually increasing the level of their physical readiness, form the interest in systematic sports lessons, which would have a positive influence not

only on their physical, but also moral development. Moreover, this system of work helps to have implicit influence on the students, stimulating their personal growth from own imperfection realization to gradual self-control and further to self-improvement.


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2. Izvekov V. V., Izvekov K.V. Stimulating the aspiration for self-improvement among the 1st course students -by means of physical culture lessons at a higher educational establishmen. Fizicheskaya kul'turya: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. 2021; 2: 23-25 [In Russ.].

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Submitted: 10.04.2022 Author's information:

Vladimir V. Izvekov - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Saransk Cooperative Institute (branch) of Russian University of Cooperation, Russia, 430027, Saransk, Transportnaya str., House 17, e-mail: vizvekov@rucoop.ru

Kirill V. Izvekov - Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Saransk Cooperative Institute (branch) of Russian University of Cooperation, 430027, Saransk, Transportnaya str., House 17, e-mail: k.v.izvekov@rucoop.ru

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