Научная статья на тему 'Corporate culture and its influence on workforce efficiency'

Corporate culture and its influence on workforce efficiency Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Dutova O.A.

Corporate culture, its components, principles and role in the business world are considered. Also the interviews with some managers about the corporate culture in their organisations are presented in the article. The corporate culture of Zeleniy Mir LLC is described.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Corporate culture and its influence on workforce efficiency»

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьш исследователей)»

УДК 331.103=20


О. А. Дутова Научный консультант - Н. Н. Куприянова Консультант по иностранному языку - Н. Н. Куприянова

Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

Рассматриваются корпоративная культура, ее компоненты, принципы и роль в деловом мире. Также представлены интервью с менеджерами компаний о корпоративной культуре в их организациях. Описана корпоративная культура ООО «Зеленый мир».

Ключевые слова: корпоративная культура; компоненты корпоративной культуры; принципы корпоративной культуры.


O. A. Dutova Scientific Supervisor - N. N. Kupriyanova Foreign Language Supervisor - N. N. Kupriyanova

Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation

Corporate culture, its components, principles and role in the business world are considered. Also the interviews with some managers about the corporate culture in their organisations are presented in the article. The corporate culture of Zeleniy Mir LLC is described.

Keywords: corporate culture; corporate culture components; principles of corporate culture.

Corporate culture, as a term, has appeared relatively recently and is now used in the organizational activity of many companies; however, it is still not obvious what it stands for. Before researching the influence of corporate culture on company's performance, a survey was conducted among the students of International Higher Business School and some entrepreneurs who have been on the market for a long time.

Chart 1.

The survey showed an interesting fact that the great majority of the respondents (over 50 %) believe that corporate culture comprises a variety of leisure activities to unite the employees, whereas 30 % of the respondents suppose that corporate culture includes campaigns to promote the company on the market by increasing its recognition as a special unit with its unique style and brand in order to single it out among others, for the same purpose of team building. Only as few as 20 % of the respondents could define corporate culture clearly and describe it as a set of behavioral patterns, developed by an organization in the course of its adaptation to the external environment and internal integration, that proved to be efficient and shared by most members of the organization. Corporate culture is a well-organized set of norms, rules, and duties that have evolved in a company over time to optimize its workforce performance. The corporate culture components are:

- an accepted leadership system;

- styles of conflict resolution;

- current communication system;

- the role of an individual in the organization;

- special aspects of gender and multinational relationships;

- established branding: mottoes, organizational taboos, rituals.

Corporate culture encompasses numerous aspects; however, to highlight the essentials, it is possible to say that it is oriented towards optimization and acceleration of work performance by means of providing


better work conditions for employees. Taking it all into account, if carefully planned and documented, corporate culture can motivate employees, as it sets the company's aims and mission, and indicates directions and paths of development. Thus, by uniting people with a common idea or aim, at the same time having a well-designed work and control schedule, the company expands its sphere of influence, increases its performance and enhances its position on the market.

Today there are already a lot of entrepreneurs who apply corporate culture to their business and realise it successfully. Here are some comments made by some entrepreneurs about advantages of corporate culture:

Nina Litvinova, HR Director in ARPICOM Company, Moscow: "Our company's corporate culture is based on the principle of "professionalism in every single sphere". This rule has become the company's credo, bringing all the employees together. The essential part of our corporate culture is the attitude towards the staff. We invest in our employees' development. Our company may become the first to propose introduction of stock option plans for each member of the staff. For the successful work of the company the corporate values are necessary to be fully accepted by everyone. There have been some cases when we had to ask some of our employees to leave our company because they failed to follow the standards of our corporate culture".

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow: "In working over the corporate culture, it is necessary to do all the best to create a proper microclimate. Your employees should have a desire to work for the company, be proud of their work and feel comfortable to do their job. Job satisfaction manifests itself in the loyalty to the company, not searching for other job opportunities, and the pleasure of going to work and fulfilling the duties. As long as the team microclimate remains an important factor for the employee, he will be the part of the company. When the priorities are shifted towards other factors (including social status or salary), the employee begins to search for other job offers. In the company it is very important to have good relationships between the employees as we cannot expect success in the conditions of regular conflicts and lack of agreement".

The corporate culture of any organization should emanate primarily from its management. The company's CEO and founders should be the main ideologists and bearers of the corporate culture. In our opinion, this is the most efficient and natural way to form the corporate culture. The cornerstone of corporate culture formation is freedom and fairness. It is common for everyone to dream about freedom and strive for the truth. However, the higher the level of knowledge is, the more a person depends on it. And the more freedom he gets, the less he has it in his life. This paradox became the foundation for the first principle of corporate culture. The greater the feeling of freedom in the company is, the higher the loyalty to its corporate principles is. The corporate culture is designated to unite a community of people. Their personal freedoms are limited by the common values and aims of the company. Nevertheless, this restriction should not go overboard and cross the line into the sense of lack of freedom. This barely noticeable fine line separates unfairness.

Fairness and freedom are not the only fundamental principles of corporate culture, there are other universal human values that are vital for each individual as part of the society. Douglas McGregor singled out two key principles on which the management theory is based:

1. All people are thievish, lazy and poor performers from nature. Therefore, they need total control. Thus, corporate culture should be based on the carrot and stick approach.

2. A human is a rational being. It is necessary to create proper conditions to let him express his best qualities. In the formation of corporate culture it is important to take into account the kind of the company's activity. For example, on the service market the attitude towards clients is very important. Moreover, it is necessary to demonstrate genuine loyalty towards the customer. Only in this case the customer can become a passionate consumer who will use the company's services regularly. All the companies on the service market should encourage the atmosphere of creativity, mutual respect and initiative. To support it, in the company there should be a set of principles which establish the company's values. While recruiting new employees it is necessary to make sure they will share the similar beliefs.

Those who work for manufacturing companies mostly need stability. The reason for such a priority is that they are mainly oriented towards the manufacturing processes. Thus, stability becomes the key factor of success.

For the companies in highly competitive segments of the market, it could be useful to encourage team building against an external threat. Namely, the employees can be brought together to stand up against the competitor, thus, evolving into a tight-knit team to achieve the common goal.

As corporate culture is a relatively new term, its establishment on the Russian market takes place spontaneously, involving only a few segments. We can observe the methods and features of corporate culture

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодых исследователей)»

in Russia on the example of Zeleniy Mir LLC. It is a retail chain selling car batteries and tires in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Zeleniy Mir LLC is a company that employs approximately 50 people. It has been on the market for over a decade as a key supplier for many plants in the territory of Russia and abroad.

The corporate culture in Zeleniy Mir LLC comprises a few elements. They are:

- an emblem: it is a green leaf that symbolizes the company's ecological mission and justifies its name ("Zeleniy Mir" is translated into the English language as "a green world"). However, the green leaf has a sophisticated design and its color contains a shade of another color, metallic, which highlights the company's activity that is connected with the automotive batteries.

- a trade mark; it is placed on every car battery and is accompanied by a guarantee from the Zeleniy Mir LLC for the period of three months.

- colors: gray metallic and green, the gray metallic denotes the activity of dealing with the batteries, the green color means utilization of the used batteries.

- a uniform: all the salespeople have a special uniform designed in the same corporate colors of green and gray.

- the exterior of the office, sales points: while constructing the office not a single tree was cut, those trees that occupied the construction site were kept intact, and now they grow inside the office and are taken care of properly.

The company has its own customs and traditions of celebrating special occasions, the table below shows some of them:

Holidays and special events in Zeleniy Mir LLC

Date Name of occasion Description

26.12 New Year A corporate annual event which is held in the framework of the end-of-the-year review

23.02 Defender of the Motherland Day An annual event with sports competitions. Special campaigns in shops

08.03 March 8th An annual talent show among the company's female employees. Special campaigns in shops

09.05 Victory Day Congratulations of veterans. Special campaigns

24.06 Staff Day Progress review, company's foundation date celebration, going to the country

01.11 Manager's Day Congratulations of the employees

21.11 Accountant's Day Congratulations of the employees

05.06 International Day of Environmental Protection Campaign for collection of the used batteries

Thus, the analysis of Zeleniy Mir LLC reveals the existence of the organizational culture that is developing together with the business sector. Chart 2 shows the results of the survey conducted among the employees of Zeleniy Mir LLC about the influence of corporate culture on the their performance.

Chart 2.

Thus, it is possible to conclude that corporate culture and its development are crucial in company organization and management, and the bigger the company becomes, the more efforts should be made by its management to organize a proper corporate culture.


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© Дутова О. А., 201б


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