Научная статья на тему 'Coronavirus as a Political Factor: Western and Chinese Versions of SARS-CoV-2 Origin and the Ways of Its Treatment'

Coronavirus as a Political Factor: Western and Chinese Versions of SARS-CoV-2 Origin and the Ways of Its Treatment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
SARS-CoV-2 / coronavirus origin / political competition / Confucian’s ideology / PRC

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Liu Depei, Sergey A. Komissarov

From the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, debates about its origin became substantially ideologised. The main ideological competition comprises the opposition of the two poles, the West understood in the collective sense, and China. Despite the WHO Commission regarded the version of artificial SARS-CoV-2 origin that escaped from the laboratory in Wuhan, the least probable, some Western politicians continued to use speculations about “Chinese biological weapon” in 2021. The Chinese authorities have countered these speculations with impressive successes in the fight against the epidemic and a willingness to engage with other countries through the new Health Road initiative. Confucian values are cited as one of the foundations of Chinese achievements, which, however, are of universal human significance. The article provides an overview of the current situation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Coronavirus as a Political Factor: Western and Chinese Versions of SARS-CoV-2 Origin and the Ways of Its Treatment»

mwrnm^mmm - sars-cov-2

Coronavirus as a Political Factor: Western and Chinese Versions of SARS-CoV-2 Origin and the Ways of Its Treatment

MMM (Liu Depei ), fô^F&^'WftË. (Komissarov Sergey)1

Liu Depei,


General Major of People's Liberation Army of People's Republic of China (retired), Professor,

Shenyang Sport University, China

Sergey A. Komissarov,


Senior Researcher,

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian

Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,


Chair of Oriental Studies and Confucius Institute of the Humanitarian Institute of Novosibirsk State University, Russia

Article No / fâ&MÏÏ : 020310371

1 Please send the correspondence to e-mail: sergai@mail.ru.


For citation (Chicago style) / (EMJSte) :

Liu, Depei, and Sergey Komissarov. 2021. "Coronavirus as a Political Factor: Western and Chinese Versions of SARS-CoV-2 Origin and the Ways of Its Treatment." Beacon J Stud Ideol Ment Dimens 4, 020310371.

Versions in different languages available online: Chinese only (simplified). Permanent URL links to the article:

http://thebeacon.ru/pdf/Vol.%204.%20Issue%202.%20020310371%20CHI-S.pdf https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12656/thebeacon.4.020310371

Received in the original form: 18 August 2021 Review cycles: 2

1st review cycle ready: 3 September 2021 Review outcome: 2 of 3 positive Decision: To publish with major revisions 2nd review cycle ready: 22 November 2021 Accepted: 2 December 2021 Published online: 6 December 2021


Liu Depei, Komissarov Sergey. Coronavirus as a Political Factor: Western and Chinese Versions of 5AR5-CoV-2 Origin and the Ways of Its Treatment. From the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, debates about its origin became substantially ideologised. The main ideological competition comprises the opposition of the two poles, the West understood in the collective sense, and China. Despite the WHO Commission regarded the version of artificial 5AR5-CoV2- origin that escaped from the laboratory in Wuhan, the least probable, many Western politicians continued to use speculations about "Chinese biological weapon" in 2021. The Chinese authorities have countered these speculations with impressive successes in the fight against the epidemic and a willingness to engage with other countries through the new Health Road initiative. Confucian values are cited as one of the foundations of Chinese achievements, which, however, are of universal human significance. The article provides an overview of the current situation.

Key words: 5AR5-CoV-2, coronavirus origin, political competition, Confucian's ideology, PRC


ФаМШШ^о^Й^ШЯ 5AR5-CoV2

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ШШ: 5AR5-CoV-2 - -ШёЙ^' ШШ



Лю Дэпэй, Комиссаров Сергей Александрович.

Коронавирус как политический фактор: Западная и китайская версии происхождения 5АН5-СоУ-2 и путей его лечения. С самого начала пандемии коронавируса споры о его происхождении приобрели идеологический оттенок. Основное идеологическое соревнование развернулось между двумя полюсами: Западом, понимаемым в коллективном смысле, и Китаем. Несмотря на то, что Комиссия ВОЗ сочла версию искусственного происхождения 5AR5-CoV2, который якобы ускользнул из лаборатории в Ухане, наименее вероятной, многие западные политики продолжают использовать фразы о «китайском биологическом оружии» и в 2021 году. Этим обвинениям китайские власти противопоставляют впечатляющие успехи в борьбе с эпидемией и готовность взаимодействовать с другими станами в рамках новой инициативы «Путь здоровья». В качестве одной из основ китайских достижений называют конфуцианские ценности, которые, впрочем, имеют общечеловеческое значение. В статье дается обзор сложившейся ситуации.

Ключевые слова: 5AR5-CoV-2, происхождение коронавируса, политическое соперничество, конфуцианская идеология, Китайская Народная Республика


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Funding. This work did not receive any specific financing from any governmental, public, commercial, non-profit, community-based organisations or any other source.

Conflicts of interest. None declared.


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Liu, Depei, and Sergey A. Komissarov. Coronavirus as a Political Factor: Western and Chinese Versions of SARS-CoV-2 Origin and the Ways of Its Treatment. The special SARS-CoV-2 commission of the World Health Organisation has lately formulated several hypotheses on potential sources of the coronavirus that need additional verification. The only concept that the commission members considered very unlikely was an artificial origin of the virus, allegedly "escaped" from the laboratory in Wuhan. But there were several scientists who did not agree with the conclusion of the commission, among them was the Russian virologist Pavel Volchkov. He did not participate in the work of the commission, nor visited Wuhan, but nevertheless he stated that the virus was most probably escaped from the Wuhan's laboratory, because "obviously, safety measures were not followed." This expert has been working for several years in the USA and therefore he expressed the most widespread Western version of SARS-CoV-2 origin, deliberately or unintentionally.

It is up to the specialists to decide as to the origin of the novel coronavirus, to be sure. Our intention is just to remind that, according to a similar scenario, the acquaintance of mankind with all epidemics of the last few decades took place. Many conspiracy theories about the spread of AIDS appeared lately. The major suspect was USA then. These accusations ended, as they should, with nothing, since they had not scientific, but purely opportunistic and populist origin. The same applies to the current situation.

Similar opinions of scientists backed by politicians initiated SARS-CoV-2-related political struggle between PRC and the collective West. The first steps were made by the former US President Donald Trump who directly accused the Chinese government of intentional spread of the virus across the globe. Several European officials have publicly made alike claims. In turn, the Chinese government prefers not to waste time in non-constructive discussions, but successfully solve the real problems in ensuring the health of the nation. And they were able to unify the people to fight the pandemic.

The Chinese ideology of national unity is based to some extent upon the principles of Confucianism. The imperatives of this ideology, such as humaneness, righteousness, trustworthiness, ritual propriety, wisdom, dutifulness, courage, and some others, could undoubtedly play an important role in effective mobilizing society to overcome the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. However, it should be recognised that the greatest importance in the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was not only Confucian values and centuries-old traditions themselves, but the modern institutions formed on their basis and socio-economic activity in the previous period, including taking into account the

experience of combating several recent epidemics (SARS-CoV 2002-2004, "bird" flu, "swine" flu, etc.). And as a result Chinese authorities managed to stop coronavirus death counter. Likewise, the rate of vaccination in China is currently one of the highest in the world.

Those Western politicians who accuse the Chinese government that it was too remiss in providing initial information about the pandemic in early 2020, thereby causing enormous damage to the whole world, are mainly focussed on demands of PRC's paying financial fines ("contributions") to the world community. Instead, the Chinese government proposed to supplement the Belt and Road Initiative with a new project: the Silk Road of Health for the free exchange of information and products to treat and prevent serious emerging infectious diseases, including the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Cooperation instead of confrontation in the realities of COVID-19 pandemic - this policy looks quite attractive and may give China significant advantages in Eurasia and Africa.

/ Authors

Liu Depei

Shenyang Sport University,

36 Jinqiansong East Road, Sujiatun District,

Shenyang, 1101102,


Sergey A. Komissarov

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,

17 Academician Lavrientiev Prospect,

Novosibirsk, 630090,


© Liu Depei, Komissarov Sergey

Licensee The Beacon: Journal for Studying Ideologies and Mental Dimensions

Licensing the materials published is made according to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence

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