"COOPERATIVE LEARNING" AS PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE ENHLISH LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zohidova M.M.

This article deals with methods of technology “Learning in cooperation” in the English classes. There is an example how to use this method in medical institute.

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6. Фарберман Б.Л. Передовые педагогические технологии. Ташкент «Фан», 2000, 97 с.

7. Воронцов А. Б. Педагогическая технология контроля и оценки учебной деятельности //М.: Издатель РассказовЪ. - 2002.

8. Зайцева Л. В., Прокофьева Н. О. Модели и методы адаптивного контроля знаний //Образовательные технологии и общество. - 2004. - Т. 7. - №. 4.

9. С.Н.Акбарова, А.Н.Сахожко. Методика «полупроводник» - как интерактивный метод оценки знаний студентов //"Theoretical and applied sciences", № 04 (24), 2015, С. 171 - 173.

УДК 37.02

Zohidova M.M., the assistant teacher Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan "COOPERATIVE LEARNING" AS PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY IN


Abstract: This article deals with methods of technology "Learning in cooperation" in the English classes. There is an example how to use this method in medical institute.

Keywords: "cooperative learning", pedagogical technology, interactive method, education.

The technology of "cooperative learning" is a fairly common technology in the teaching of foreign languages. This is explained by the rules and principles of such training - joint activity: it is built on such ways of interaction as group discussion, cooperation, mutual assistance; one task per group; personal responsibility of each for their own successes and successes of other members of the group; one encouragement: the group receives one for all the evaluation, which consists of evaluating teamwork (evaluating the efforts that all members of the group spend to achieve the overall result), and the academic results, i.e. the success of a group (team) depends on the contribution of each participant.

Training in cooperation is an important element of a pragmatic approach to education in the philosophy of Dewey (1970), his projective method. Training in small groups was used in West Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Australia, Israel, Japan [1].

Training in cooperation (cooperative learning), teaching in small groups refers to the technologies of the humanistic direction in the teacher's school. The main idea of this technology is to create conditions for active co-educational activities of students in different learning situations. Students are different - some quickly "grasp" all the explanations of the teacher, easily master lexical material, communicative skills, others need not only much more time to think about the material, but also additional examples, explanations [2].

Practice shows that working in teams causes interest among students. The spirit of competition in the audience motivates students, everyone tries, introduces their own, actively discusses. The team must be composed in such a way that there

are the best student, the good student and the weak student in it.

If during working in a group the real results of each will be evaluated, no one will want to work together with a weak student, and he will very soon feel bad yourself. Therefore, it is very important for the period of student interaction in groups to evaluate not so much the real results of a weak pupil, as the efforts that he expends to achieve the necessary results [3]. So, when preparing one presentation, one weak student participated in what he painted on the paper, and I must say that these drawings were of high quality.

Another approach in the organization of training in cooperation (cooperative learning) was developed by professor Elliot Aronson in 1978 and named Jigsaw. In pedagogical practice, this approach is referred to abbreviated as "saw" [4].

The method of mutual learning can be provided by cooperative technology. We use three stage on it:

Stage I: Independent work

Stage II: Meeting of experts

Stage III: Interaction, mutual examination and mutual evaluation

This is a method of mutual learning. The group is divided into subgroups, each given a task. For example: Choose from the text of the name of the disease, the symptoms of the disease and the methods of examining the patient. All groups are given texts. Those who are looking for the names of diseases meet with guys from other teams with the same task, discuss together, introduce each other their answers. Thus, the whole group knows the material. Another task is to study the medical history. Each subgroup is a separate story, and team members share their data. The text is proposed:

"Today, we will tell about a new cancer treatment and a study of the disease malaria. We will tell about the possibility of drier conditions in many populated areas. And we explain how cutting down on wasted food could lead to energy savings.

Doctors at the Mayo Clinic are using a process known as MRI-guided laser ablation to fight kidney and liver tumors. They are said to be among the first American doctors to use the process against the cancers.

Until now, doctors in the United States have used laser ablation mainly to treat tumors of the brain, spine and prostate.

Liver cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. It is also the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Many liver cancer patients are too sick to survive traditional treatments, like chemotherapy and radiation. Even if they could, medical experts say these treatments only provide a small increase in life expectancy.

Eric Walser is an interventional radiologist with the Mayo Clinic in Florida. He was one of the first radiologists to use the MRI-guided laser ablation procedure to treat kidney and liver tumors. He says the process makes it possible for doctors to target and destroy tumors without damaging the rest of the organ.

Patients are placed inside an MRI machine. They are given a drug to keep them from moving during the procedure. A special needle is inserted directly into

the tumor and light energy is passed through a laser.

The MRI machine can measure the temperature inside the tumor. Doctors are able to watch a monitor showing the temperature rising. When the tumor is heated to the point of destruction, the laser is turned off. The whole process lasts about two and a half minutes.

Doctor Walser first used the MRI-guided laser procedure in June. The Mayo Clinic reported that he had successfully treated five patients by the middle of October.

Earlier this year, doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota used MRI-guided laser ablation to remove tumors of the prostate. Doctor David Woodrum has successfully treated seven prostate patients with the procedure. He says it provides for a less invasive and less traumatic experience.

The process is still being developed, but doctors say it could prove to be successful for treating most cancers in the body. The doctors say it should only be used on tumors that are less than five centimeters in size.

Malaria kills about one million people a year and sickens another two hundred fifty million. Most of the deaths are in young children in Africa. People become infected when they are bitten by mosquitoes carrying the malaria parasite.

A new report estimates the possibility of ending malaria in countries that have the deadliest form of the disease. Researchers found that this could be possible in most parts of the world within ten to fifteen years. What it would require, they say, is reducing the spread of malaria by ninety percent from two thousand seven rates."

In the end the student will be asked to answer the questions concerning to this text.

Not all training in small groups is considered cooperative. To this end, in the opinion of American educators, first, the vast majority of classroom and extracurricular studies in the subject or cycle of disciplines (ideally in all subjects of the curriculum) should be conducted in small groups in which the spirit of a single team is present, and each member of the group is responsible for himself, for others and for the group as a whole. Secondly, it is preferable that the membership in the group be stable and permanent, and collective work included in the monitoring and evaluation system of educational achievements of the group as a whole and of each of its members. All this reminds once, in the twenties and thirties, the brigade-laboratory method that existed in our country, however, also borrowed from the Americans.


1. Грекова Н. В. Обучение в сотрудничестве : дис. - Изд. центр БГУ, 2012.Азизходжаева Н.Н. Педагогические технологии и ледагогическое мастерство. -Ташкент: Молия, 2002.

2. Сластенин В.А. Педагогика: инновационная деятельность М.: «Издательство Магистр», 1997. —456 с.

3. Полат Е.С. Новые ледагогические технологии на уроках иностранного языка. Обучение в сотрудничестве. Режим достула: http://distant.ioso.ru/


4. Селевко Г.К. Современные образовательные технологии: Учебное лособие. — М.: Народное образование, — 1998. — 256 с.

5. Чошанов М. Малая группа в учебном процессе. О кооперативных методах обучения //Директор школы. - 1999. - №. 4. - С. 65-72.

6. Митева Т. П. Обучение в сотрудничестве. - 2016.

УДК 37.02

Айметова Х.Д. старший преподаватель Набиева Ж.Р. старший преподаватель ТашПМИ Узбекистан

ПРАВИЛА РАБОТЫ В МАЛЫХ ГРУППАХ НА УРОКАХ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА В СОВРЕМЕННОМ ОБУЧЕНИИ Аннотация: в современном обучении часто пользуются интерактивными методами, где студенты работают в малых группах. Работу в малых группах можно провести успешно, следуя некоторым правилам. В статье описываются своеобразные стороны этих правил.

Ключевые слова: педагогическая технология, малые группы, английский язык, интерактивные методы, правила работы.

Aymetova Kh.D. Nabiyeva J.R. senior teachers

Tashkent Pediatrician Medical Institute, Uzbekistan RULES OF WORK IN SMALL GROUPS ON ENGLISH LANGUAGE

LESSONS IN CONTEMPORARY TRAINING Abstract: in modern education, we often use interactive methods, where students work in small groups. Work in small groups can be carried out successfully, following certain rules. The article describes the peculiar aspects of these rules.

Keywords: pedagogical technology, small groups, English, interactive methods, rules of work

На сегодняшний день существуют многочисленные интерактивные методы для проведения уроков английского языка. Многие из них требуют разделения группы на несколько малых групп [1]. Группы на занятиях в медицинских вузах отличаются от других вузов тем, что в них обучается малое количество студентов от 10 до 15 студентов.

Из многочисленных списков интерактивных методик на занятиях английского языка Ташкентского Медицинского Педиатрического института часто пользуются следующими методами: «Hot potato», «Music box», «Odd 1

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