Научная статья на тему 'Cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan with Eastern Asian countries : in the example of the Republic of Korea'

Cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan with Eastern Asian countries : in the example of the Republic of Korea Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Makhmudov Saidamirkhan

В статье рассматриваются дипломатические отношения между Востоком Республики Узбекистан и развитыми промышленными странами Востока. Социально-экономическое, политическое и гуманитарное сотрудничество между Узбекистаном и Республикой Корея изучается сравнительно с зарубежным опытом. В статье обсуждалась система управления капиталом, созданная Республикой Корея и перспективами ее превращения в Узбекистан. Обсуждалась работа по внедрению Smart Town System в ближайшем будущем в Ташкенте.

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The article deals with diplomatic relations between the East of the Republic of Uzbekistan and developed industrial countries of the East. The socio-economical, political and humanitarian cooperation between Uzbekistan and Republic of Korea is studied comparably to foreign experience. The managment system of the capital which was created by the Republic of Korea and prospects of its transformation to Uzbekistan were discussed in the article. The work on the implementation of the Smart Town System in the nearest future in Tashkent has been discussed.

Текст научной работы на тему «Cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan with Eastern Asian countries : in the example of the Republic of Korea»



Saidamirkhan Makhmudov,

NUUz, faculty of history

1st course of master degree in Public Administration and Local Self-Government department

Narzullayeva Nasibakhan


В статье рассматриваются дипломатические отношения между Востоком Республики Узбекистан и развитыми промышленными странами Востока. Социально-экономическое, политическое и гуманитарное сотрудничество между Узбекистаном и Республикой Корея изучается сравнительно с зарубежным опытом. В статье обсуждалась система управления капиталом, созданная Республикой Корея и перспективами ее превращения в Узбекистан. Обсуждалась работа по внедрению Smart Town System в ближайшем будущем в Ташкенте.

Ключевые слова: дипломатические отношения, индустриальное государство, трансформационные процессы, зарубежный опыт, корейско-узбекское сотрудничество, система управления капиталом, умный город, духовное управление.


The article deals with diplomatic relations between the East of the Republic of Uzbekistan and developed industrial countries of the East. The socio-economical, political and humanitarian cooperation between Uzbekistan and Republic of Korea is studied comparably to foreign experience. The managment system of the capital which was created by the Republic of Korea and prospects of its transformation to Uzbekistan were discussed in the article. The work on the implementation of the Smart Town System in the nearest future in Tashkent has been discussed.

Key words : diplomatic relations, industrial state, transformation processes, foreign experience, Korean-Uzbek cooperation, capital managment system, Smart town, viritual governance.

After establishing the independence of Uzbekistan, it was decided to establish a thorough foreign policy that would correspond to its national interests, to join the world community, to build up political, diplomatic, economic, scientific and technical, cultural relations with foreign countries. The independence of the state depends on the strengthening of its independence, the security, stability and prosperity of the country and the nation, largely related to a wise long-term solution. It was not easy to solve. The complexity of the matter was that in the period of Soviet Union, the foreign policy, foreign affairs, and foreign trade were carried out by the central authorities of Moscow. Uzbekistan was a closed country that could not have direct contact with the world. They did not have the experience of conducting foreign policy, although they did not have people who know about world diplomacy and foreign economic activity. In addition, there was no higher education institution in the country. The leaders of Uzbekistan had to start the multifunctional work in this area from the very beginning.

In the period of independence, the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan paid attention to the foreign policy issues. Islam Karimov defined the rules of independent foreign policy in his "Uzbekistan's independence and the way of development" and other works. Laws regulating foreign trade and foreign economic relations of the Republic have been adopted. The "Principles of Foreign Policy Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan", "On Foreign Investments and Foreign Investors" and other laws can be example to regulatory documents. The supremacy of international law in do-

mestic law has been reflected in the legislative activities of the Republic. Ministries and institutions providing foreign policy have been established. Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade, National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity and specialized foreign trade firms can be example to this. The University of World Economy and Diplomacy, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other universities have been training specialists for foreign policy and foreign economic activities.

Foreign policy doctrine, such as peace and calmness has been an important factor in establishing diplomatic relations with many countries around the world. According to the latest statistic information, more than 130 countries have established diplomatic relations with Turkey[1].

Among them are industrially developed countries such as India, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan and Singapore. Currently, Uzbekistan's cooperation with foreign countries is rapidly increasing.

In the first years of independence, the establishment of diplomatic relations with the developed countries of the East, in the conditions provided for the successful implementation of the important mission of the state was a reason to begin new era. This brave step was in March 1992. Diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea have been established. The Republic of Korea recognized the independence of our state on December 30, 1991. Diplomatic relations between the two countries began on January 29, 1992. During this time, 14 summits were held with the participation of the leaders of the two countries. In 2006, "the

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Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea signed a Joint Declaration" on Strategic Partnership. This event has led to a new level of bilateral cooperation in political, trade, economic, investment and cultural spheres.

The countries are also actively developing cooperation in the field of inter-parliamentary relations. For example, in 1995 the "Korea - Uzbekistan" Parliamentary Friendship Association was established at the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. Since 2005, the Inter-Parliamentary Group on cooperation with the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea has been operating. The mutual visits of delegations between the two countries are expanding. Ministers of foreign affairs are regularly carry out cooperation within political and international consultations[2].

The first official visits between Korea and Uzbekistan were held that year. On June 19, 1992 the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov came with an official visit to the Republic of Korea. This time, the two countries laid the foundation for economic, trade, cultural and technical cooperation. The Declaration "On the Interstate Relations and Collaboration between Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea" was signed. Agreements on trade-economic transformation, guarantees to Korean businessmen, which invest in the development of Uzbekistan's economy, were signed. Long-term plans for co-operation in culture, education, mass media, travel and sports have been identified. The leadership of DEAWOO Corporation in the Republic of Korea agreed to build a car plant in Asaka, Andijan Province. In 1992-1996, the Uzbek-Korean Joint-Stock Company "UzDEAWOO Auto" was designed and constructed. The factory began producing cars on 25 March 1995. By this, Uzbekistan became the world's 28th automobile manufacturer. Within a short time, such cars as Nexia, Tico, Damas, Matiz were produced. UzAvtoSanoat is developed rapidly. At the same time, Uzbekistan has closely cooperated with the Korean "Kabul Textile" Company. Over the past period, the company has invested more than 250 million in Uzbekistan. Joint ventures of "Kabul Textile" have been established in Tashkent, Toytepa and other cities and products became competitive and demanded. Until 1999, the Republic of Korea invested $ 1.2 billion in Uzbekistan. More than 70 Korean joint ventures have been established in Uzbekistan[3].

The 21st century was to the beginning of a new era of cooperation between the two countries in all fields. Throughout the years of cooperation with Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea gave an opportunity to complete perspective projects. The creation one of the largest Ustyurt Gas Chemical Complex in Central Asia, was acknowledged as a high-profile example of Korea-Uzbekistan cooperation. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of Uzbekistan's independence, the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov and the President of the Republic of Korea, sir Lee Myung-Bak, have laid the foundation for the Ustyurt Gas Chemical Complex[4].

During the years of independence, the cooperation with the Republic of Korea has been rapidly developing over the past two years. In particular, in November

2017, Shavkat Mirziyoyev made an official visit to the Republic of Korea. In 2016 Korea-Uzbekistan trade turnover cost 1 billion US dollars. The share of South Korea in Central Asia is over 50%. This means that further cooperation for a new perspective needs to be accelerated. In addition to this, in 2017, several important agreements were signed between the two countries. 60 agreements were signed during the official visit of Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Seoul. The total amount of contracts is $ 8.94 billion, including trade investment agreements. The trade turnover between the two states is $ 1.19 billion. It is also planned to implement projects between South Korea and Uzbekistan for 10-15 years. 79 Uzbekistan's factories over 461 are accredited. In order to finish it fully, it is needed $ 4.5 billion for the gas processing sector and $ 312 million for the construction of a new terminal at the Tashkent International Airport. Certainly, in parallel with the economic cooperation, specific priorities and programs have been identified in the humanitarian area. In particular, it was agreed to improve the activities of the INHA University in Tashkent, establish a multidisciplinary children's clinic for 200 patients and establish new educational institutions in cooperation with 30 universities in the Republic of Korea.

Certainly, cooperation with one of the most developed countries of the world have a positive impact on the future development of our country. Now, we should note one more important cooperation between the two countries. It is well known that public administration is the most important thing in the countries of the world. Organization of the capital infrastructure and effective management system is one of the most important tasks in the field of public administration. The first paragraph of the "The Strategy of Action ", which came into force on February 7, 2017, is also a legal basis for the transformation processes to be undertaken in this area[5].

There is the most innovative office system in the Seoul administration management system of the Republic of Korea. The introduction of the latest system which has been widely publicized in June 2017 is now recognized by our government as an important taskand tried to bring it in public administration system.

Mayor of Seoul Pak Von Sun said that this system is the latest innovation in administration of the capital of our country, which will further ensure transparency of public administration and immediate resolution of citizens' appeals[6].

Currently, a delegation of Seoul has visited Tashkent several times. At the same time, Seoul mayor Kim Yu Shik who has 20 years of experience in the field of ICT has been appointed an adviser to Tashkent city mayor. He will be responsible for the introduction of information and communication technologies into the system of capital administration. The main task of the consultant is to create a center for urban management in Tashkent, as an alternative to Seoul. A year later, it will be possible to observe the situation in the online mode through the center of the city's utility, town-planning, fire safety and emergency response systems. The cameras on the streets are also connected to him. This will undoubtedly provide a transformation

of the existing system of management in Seoul to Tashkent for Uzbekistan[7].

In short, the close cooperation of Uzbekistan with the state of the East as the Republic of Korea will help to exchange experiences in many areas and bring the news to the state and society.


1 The diplomatic relationship of Uzbekistan between foreign countries//http://geografiya.uz/bilasizmi/784-ozbekiston-respublikasi-bilan-diplomatik-aloqa-ornatgan-mamlakatlar-royxati.html

2 Cooperation between Uzbekistand and Korea // https://kun.uz/uz/news/2017/11/22/uzbekiston-va-korea-urtasidagi-siesij -amkorlik

3 Usmonov Q. - History of Uzbekistan. T.: "O'qituvchi". 2012-y. B-294-296.

4 Ustyurt Gas chemical Complex//http://www.uza.uz/uz/politics/ustyurt-gaz-

kimyo-maj mui-ozbekiston-bilan-i anubiy-koreya-



18563?month=8&year=2017&ELEMENT CODE=us




18563&SECTION CODE=politics&bxaiaxid=7a9502


5 PD-4947//www.lex.uz/http://lex.uz/pages/getpage.aspx?la ct_id=3107036//Tashkent., 2017,February 7.

6 Seoul administration//http://tass.ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/4350566

7 The Korean specialist was appointed as the governor's adviser//http://xs.uz/uz/post/zhanubij -koreyalik-mutakhassis-toshkent-shahar-hokimi-maslahatchisi-lavozimiga-tajinlandi//

УДК 903,39; 904; 908_



Стасив Игорь Васильевич

Геолог-краевед Украина, пгт. Новая Боровая


Stasiv Igor Vasilevich

Local geologist Ukraine, town of Nova Borova


В статье проанализированы выявленные ранее в Казахстане Торгайские геоглифи. Описана их природа образования, этапы развития племен маханджарской и других культур, перешедших со временем от подвижного кочевого образа жизни к оседлому проживанию и производству - скотоводству, земледелию, загонной охоте на сайгаков, а также налаживанию торговых связей с торговцами Великого Шелкового пути. Изложены также причины перехода проживающих племен от оседлого проживания к кочевому, которые были вызванные глобальным потеплением XII-XIII вв.

Ключевые слова: Торгайские геоглифы Казахстана; земляные курганы; маханджарская культура; загонная охота на сайгаков; Великий Шелковый путь; глобальное потепление XII-XIII вв.


The article analyzes Torgai geoglyphs discovered earlier in Kazakhstan. Their nature of education, the stages of the development of the Makhandzhar and other cultures, which in time passed from a mobile nomadic way of life to settled living and production - cattle breeding, agriculture, penning hunting for saigas, and also establishing trade links with traders of the Great Silk Road are described. The reasons for the transition of living tribes from settled to nomadic habits, which were caused by the global warming of the XII-XIII centuries, are also outlined.

Keywords: Torgay geoglyphs of Kazakhstan; earth burial mounds; Mahanjar culture; penultimate hunting for saigas; The Great Silk Road; global warming of the XII-XIII centuries.

В последнее время в интернете появилось много публикаций о Торгайских геоглифах расположенных в Северном Казахстане на юге Костанай-ской области.

Впервые они были обнаружены казахстанским исследователем-краеведом Д.Деем в 2007 году при просмотре космических снимков Google Earth. Выявленные геоглифы представляли собой

курганообразные насыпи, образующие свыше 50 различных геометрических фигур в виде свастики, кругов, квадратов, крестов и линий. Из них, самые известными стали Уштогайский квадрат, Торгай-ская свастика, Екидынский и Ашутанский кресты. Размеры их колеблются от 90 до 400 метров и хорошо видны только с больших высот. Выявленные

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