CONTRIBUTION OF EASTERN THINKERS TO THE SCIENCE OF CHEMISTRY Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Botirova S.Ya.

This article discusses oriental thinkers in the science of chemistry.

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УДК 54-043

Botirova S. Ya. associate professor natural sciences Academy of the Armed Forces



Annotation: This article discusses oriental thinkers in the science of chemistry.

Key words: east, science, chemistry, method, technique.

Studying the heritage of thinkers of the ancient and medieval East to the present time does not occupy the proper attention of researchers. At the same time, the disclosure of the stages of the origin, formation and subsequent development of chemical science and technology, as well as related areas of natural science, based on an analysis of the existing stock of ancient manuscripts or commentary on them by the next generation of scientists, certainly has scientific and practical value. Conducting research in this direction is relevant in that it allows you to evaluate the contribution made by thinkers of Central Asia, Iran, India, the Arab East, to the progress of world civilization.

This, in turn, allows us to uncover the principle of continuity in science, which was transmitted from East to West and vice versa, which ultimately led to the progress of universal civilization. To identify the beginnings of the origin of the natural sciences, including chemistry, a deep and wide study of the scientific heritage of such a priceless and ancient treasury of knowledge as the famous work of the Avesta, a study of the role of scientific academies that functioned in the countries of the medieval Islamic East, and huge creative heritage of such prominent thinkers of that time as Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber), Muhammad Zakariai Razi (Razes), Abu Ali ibn Sino (Avicenna) Abumansur Muvaffak, Beruni and others. Unrated and known I historical role and contribution of these thinkers in the universal scientific heritage is impossible to imagine the achievements of modern chemistry and related other branches of natural science and production. For the first time on the basis of a study of the most ancient work of Avesta, an analysis of the activities of scientific academies that functioned in the medieval Islamic East in the vast territory of Near and Central Asia, the rudiments of the emergence and subsequent development of elements of natural science, including chemical science, were revealed. As a result of a detailed analysis of the works of such prominent thinkers of the medieval Islamic East as Jabir ibn Khayyan, Muhammad Zakariai Razi, their decisive role in the emergence of experimental chemistry was first shown; the priority value of their research is established in the isolation and synthesis of a number of substances of an organic and inorganic nature, as well as in the nucleation of iatrochemistry; the rare works of Muhammad Zakariya Razi devoted to chemistry are analyzed in detail, and the

material presented in them is interpreted from the point of view of modern theoretical concepts. Based on a comprehensive analytical study of the unique works of prominent thinkers of the medieval East, their invaluable and significant contribution to the development of chemical science, pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry was first shown.

The reliability of the Beruni methodology in conducting a scientific search, as well as the correctness of the path indicated by Avicenna in carrying out chemical experiments, unlike representatives of the alchemical direction, is determined. For the first time, the natural scientific views of the great scientists of the medieval East on the nature and properties of water, air, pharmaceuticals, poisons, cosmetics, tea, pigments, paints, precious stones, oil and oil products, etc. A study of the history of Islam showed that, unlike the views of some modern scholars studying the history and law of Islam, the Muslim prophet Muhammad not only was not an opponent of the natural sciences, but also obliged men and women professing Islam to study the Koran and all the sciences that existed at that time. time. The fact that Islam is not an opponent of science is evidenced by the statement of the famous philosopher Bertrand Russell: "The superiority of the East was not only military. Science, philosophy, poetry, and all forms of art flourished in the world of the Prophet Muhammad, while Europe was immersed in barbarism. Europeans, with their unforgivable narrowness of views, call this period the "dark age", but only in Europe was it "dark", in fact, in Christian Europe, since Spain, which was Muhammadian (Islamic), had a brilliant culture. " The justice of the fact that Islam at that time contributed to the development of all sciences can be confirmed by the following fact. According to our unique manuscript "Ravzat ul Shuhado" ("The Gate of Saints Fallen for Faith and Justice"), during the war between Imam Hussein and the caliph of that time, Yazid, in 681 in Karbala (Iraq), the following event occurred. Yazid's troops surrounded the family members of the prophet, an unequal battle took place, as a result of which all men, except Imam Hussein himself and his son Zaynalobiddin, were killed, only women remained. When Zaynalobiddin, a sick seven-year-old child, with difficulty moving his legs, went to the battlefield, the wounded imam stopped him and said: "My son, these people need me or my head. You come back, for until the day ofjudgment our race will be preserved through you.

I inherited from my grandfather, the father of my mother Fatima, the daughter of the Muslim prophet Muhammad and my famous father Ali, I inherited several books that I give to you and bequeath to you the property and the primacy of the prophet's family, so that you bring people the light of knowledge and the laws of justice " . Then the imam took his son's hand, and they entered the tent of Imam Hussein, where the imam from the chest took the Holy Quran, a collection of Islamic law and several books on the natural sciences (Fig. 1), and added: "Your task and the task of your children to bring people the word of Allah and the light of knowledge. " After Imam Hussein was killed in the steppes of Karbala, his son Zainolobiddin began studying the Koran and the basics of Sharia, and then he passed all this on to his son Imam Bakir, and that to his son Imam Jafar, who became the most famous Muslim imam.

'^KOHOMHKa h ^HyMM №3(70) 2020



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