CONTRIBUTION OF ABU ALI IBN SINA TO CREATION OF MEDICAL TERMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Abidova M.I.

This article discusses one of the main founders of the development of medicine Ibn Sina.

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УДК 54(091)

Abidova M.I.

Senior Lecturer



Annotation: This article discusses one of the main founders of the development of medicine Ibn Sina.

Key words: Medicine, term, terminology, Canon

Abu Ali al Hussein ibn Sina, known in Europe as Avicenna. He is one of the outstanding doctors, philosophers, naturalists, scientists of the Middle Ages. He was born in the village of Afshan, near Bukhara in 980 on August 17. Here he spent his youth and began scientific and medical activities.

From early childhood Avicenna studied the Quran and adab (grammar, poetics, style). By the age of 10 he achieved perfection in both areas, finished the first, initial cycle of his education. Having learned the whole Quran, I stopped attending school, for I knew all the suras better than its teacher. A teenager received further education from visiting teachers. He intensively studied logic, psychology, philosophy, physics, astronomy, mathematics, law, arithmetic, algebra, but above all medicine.

The situation in the family contributed to the spiritual development of the young man. At the age of fourteen he became interested in medicine, read all the medical treatises that could be found in Bukhara, began to visit the sick, and the most difficult ones. It is believed that the well-known physician Abu Sahl Masihi, the author of the book "Emiya, or the Book of One Hundred Chapters", which for many doctors was then a medical textbook, attracted him to his studies in medicine.

Masih - a follower of the famous doctors of antiquity Hippocrates and Galen - had a great influence on the formation of the views of Abu Ali ibn Sina. When the emir, the head of state, was seriously ill in the palace, the court doctors could not cure him and invited a seventeen-year-old youth. The treatment offered by him was a success. Soon the emir recovered. Ibn Sina receives the position of personal doctor of the Emir of Bukhara and the possibility of using his personal library.

In 1002, soon after the death of his father, Avicenna moved to the capital of Khorezm, Gurganj (now Urgench), in which prominent scientists lived. The following years he wandered, changing cities. In 1015-24 lived in Hamadan, combining scientific activities with very active participation in political and public affairs.

Ibn Sina - the brightest representative of the Arab Muslim world, a follower of Aristotle, the famous scholar-encyclopedist.

According to scientists, Avicenna wrote more than 450 works, about 240 of them survived. Ibn Sina left a huge legacy: books on medicine, logic, physics, mathematics and other sciences.

He can rightly be called the king of medicine. He is one of the greatest medical scientists in the history of mankind. According to one of the versions, the word "medicine" itself comes from two words: "madad" and "Sina", that is, medicine is the Sina method (cure by Sina's method). According to various sources, the total number of medical works of Ibn Sina reaches 50, but only 30 of them reached us. However, the main medical work of Ibn Sina, which brought him centuries-old fame in the entire cultural world, is the "Canon of Medicine". This is a truly medical encyclopedia, in which everything that relates to the prevention and treatment of diseases is described with logical symmetry. This work had a tremendous impact on scientists in the East and Europe for several centuries.

In the second book of the Canon of Medicine, ibni Sino sets out the theory of simple medicinal substances from the perspective of a practical doctor. Questions of general pharmacology are covered, the types of actions of simple drugs are described in detail. The origin and methods of using 811 drugs are described. He used rather extensively heavy metal preparations and their compounds, spicy, aromatic and resinous substances.

The largest book in terms of volume - the third one - is devoted to "local" diseases and their treatment. The material is presented according to tradition, starting with the pathology of the head. Diseases of the ear, nose, teeth, tongue, oral cavity, throat, larynx, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, intestines, kidneys, bladder, male genital organs are described, as well as information on obstetrics. The presentation of the pathology of the internal organs of Ibn Sini always begins with a description of their anatomical structure. Acquaintance with this part of "Canon" once again convinces that the author, systematizing the data of his predecessors, supplements them with his own observations and appears to us as a great clinician who knew how to properly observe and compare facts without missing a trifle.

The fourth book is devoted to the doctrine of "common" diseases of the body, especially described "fever" - measles, smallpox, plague, cholera, etc. Ibn Sina first described the difference between plague and cholera, the clinical picture of leprosy, drew attention to the infectiousness of smallpox.

In the book a significant place is given to the issues of cosmetics. The information about crises in various pathologies is interesting, their symptoms and prognosis are given.

Having studied the clinical sections of the "Canon", one can clearly imagine the versatility of the medical talent of Abu Ali Ibn Sina.

In the fifth book, "Canon" provides a detailed interpretation, the preparation of complex drugs.

Great is the legacy of Ibn Sina in the field of pharmacology: two books of "Canon" out of five are devoted to this problem. In fact, he created a new pharmacology, where he included a rich arsenal collected over the millennium by many scientists, adding traditional medicine, his own observation, medicines obtained by "Canon" Ibn Sina and modern medical science by chemical means. Many of the drugs proposed by Ibn Sina have been successfully used to this day,

having received the name Recipes of Avicennf. The merits of Ibn Sina are his statements about the need for an individual approach in prescribing drugs. The sections relating to medicines are written in a highly qualified manner thanks to the rich knowledge of chemistry, therefore chemists consider ibn Sina one of the founders of chemical science.


1. Aszhanova M.A. METHODICAL DEVELOPMENT. Almaty 2017

2. Petrov B.D. Ibn Sina - the creator of the "Canon". - In the book: Ibn Sina. "The Canon of Medicine". Tashkent, 1954

3. Rasulov M. Ya. The Great Thinker. - "Health of Tajikistan", 1977

УДК 374.485

Abidova D.M.

Teacher academician lyceum Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Uzbekistan, Tashkent city INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE LEARNING PROCESS

Annotation: This article discusses the role of information technology in the learning process

Keywords: Information, training, technology, method, student

At present, the process of informatization is manifested in all spheres of human activity. So the use of modern information technologies is a necessary condition for the development of more effective approaches to teaching and improving teaching methods. A special role in this process is played by IT. Since their use contributes to increasing the motivation of students' learning, saving learning time, and interactivity and visibility contributes to a better presentation, understanding and assimilation of educational historical material.

The integration of schoolchildren in IT is the most important direction in solving the problem of informatization in a modern school and raising the level of professional training. Along with this, the development and application of IT is becoming a modern school one of the most important ways to improve the effectiveness of education.

Moreover, the strategic role of IT, and therefore of the technical means that provide them, as a factor in the social and economic development of modern society at the moment, is generally recognized and does not cause doubts. Within the framework of the problem studied, three main approaches to understanding the basic concepts of the topic are singled out.

The first approach, technological, it is most often found in the literature. Its representatives: V.N. Arefiev, M.I. Makhmutov, G.I. Ibrahimov, etc. These researchers study IT in a technological way, and the main concepts of the topic (information, technology, new information technologies, information, computer, educational, and pedagogical technologies) are considered, relying on the technical component of IT, that is, IT, in their opinion, are software and hardware.

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