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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bisenbayeva Zh.N., Duisenbekova Zh.D., Moldakaryzova A.Zh., Adyrbekov D.T., Abdulina L.B.

The integrated subject-language approach to teaching cadets in the field of medical services in military education (hereinafter - CLIL) is a broad concept that covers various aspects of teaching a non-linguistic subject through a second or foreign language. CLIL assumes a balance between subject content and language learning. Thus, language is used as a means of studying the content, and content, in turn, is used as a resource for learning the language. In recent decades, important changes have taken place in the modern world, among which are: the creation of a worldwide Internet network and the globalization of all social, political, economic and environmental processes in the world. These, as well as other changes, had a generally strong impact on the world education system. Thus, in European countries there is an increased interest in the study and application of various methods of teaching a foreign language, the specificity of which is not the use of a foreign language as a learning objective, but its use as a means of instruction.

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_Вестник КазНМУ №3-2020

УДК 378.4

Content and language-integrated methodology of training cadets in the direction of medical service in military education

1Zh.N. Bisenbayeva, 1Zh.D. Duisenbekova, 2A.Zh. Moldakaryzova, 1D.T. Adyrbekov, 1L.B. Abdulina

1Military Institute of Land forces Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

The integrated subject-language approach to teaching cadets in the field of medical services in military education (hereinafter - CLIL) is a broad concept that covers various aspects of teaching a non-linguistic subject through a second or foreign language. CLIL assumes a balance between subject content and language learning. Thus, language is used as a means of studying the content, and content, in turn, is used as a resource for learning the language. In recent decades, important changes have taken place in the modern world, among which are: the creation of a worldwide Internet network and the globalization of all social, political, economic and environmental processes in the world. These, as well as other changes, had a generally strong impact on the world education system. Thus, in European countries there is an increased interest in the study and application of various methods of teaching a foreign language, the specificity of which is not the use of a foreign language as a learning objective, but its use as a means of instruction.

Keywords: approach, integration, subject-language, methods, teaching, medical service


CLIL can be seen as an educational approach serving to maintain linguistic diversity, as well as as a powerful tool that can have a strong influence on the learning of foreign languages. In addition, CLIL is an innovative approach to learning that involves creating an integrated dynamic and motivating environment. It provides an opportunity to overcome the limitations of the traditional school curriculum, that is, not individually to teach different subjects, but to integrate them with others. Within CLIL, language development takes place naturally, built on another form of language teaching. Thanks to this, students and students are motivated to learn a foreign language. It is this "naturalness" that is the main reason for the success of CLIL application in school and in a higher educational institution. CLIL provides an opportunity for learners to use the second language in a natural environment, thereby, in the process of studying the subject content, they forget about the language as such and focus only on the topic of content.

Thus, CLIL is an approach aimed at achieving a two-pronged goal, in which the second language is used as a means of teaching the subject and at the same time is the object of study. Development of the theory of an integrated subject-language approach in European science began relatively recently (1990-2000-ies.). So, The founder is considered D. Marsh. Methodology four "C" proposed D. Coyle. The practice of implementing this approach has been widely Distribution in the universities of Finland, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom. There is a rich experience in teaching subjects on foreign Languages in national schools and pedagogical institutes in the 40-60s of the 20th century. A large number of scientific studies of Soviet scientists (B.V. Belyaev, L.S .Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A .Leontiev,) is devoted to the question of the ratio of thinking and speech to Second language. In the dissertation of S.A. Volodin studied pedagogical and Psychological problems of teaching geography in a foreign language.

Learning a foreign language is surrounded by myths, many of which give false ideas about what is best helps to achieve success in its study. There are many scientific studies on how we study languages that help to better understand and compare the following concepts: "language acquisition" and "language learning". Language training is a conscious process, whereas its acquisition is inadvertent. Language training takes place in the classroom, and acquisition is in everyday communication in a foreign language [2].

E.S. Pavlova developed a methodology for teaching chemistry in a foreign language in the main school. N.I. Batrova modeled the process of teaching information and communication technologies for high school students on a bilingual basis. Modern models of training on bilingual basis in higher education are developed in the dissertation research L.L. Salekhova, N.K. Tuktamishova. [3] Despite the existence of a significant number of scientific papers on these problems, the issues of modeling the teaching of subject knowledge in a foreign language in higher education have not been adequately studied.

An analysis of the existing state of pedagogical science and the practice of teaching subject knowledge in a foreign language made it possible to reveal a contradiction between its high didactic potential for the internationalization of education and the lack of a scientifically grounded model of teaching a foreign language in higher education.

The contradiction revealed indicates the presence in the

pedagogical science of an actual problem, the solution of which

is directed at this study: what is the model of teaching in a foreign

language in a university, built on the basis of an integrated

subject-language approach?

The revealed contradiction, urgency and insufficient

The problem was determined by the choice of the research topic:

"Content and language integrated learning model of future


The purpose of this article is to theoretically develop, scientifically substantiate and experimentally test the model of teaching in a foreign language in a university on the basis of an integrated subject-language approach.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are: general provisions of the theory of bilingualism and bilingual education (V.F. Gabdulkhakov, N.D. Galskova, I.A. Zimnyaya, N.V. Imadadze, J. Bechert, S.M. Ervin, J.A. Fishman, C.E. Osgood, W. Widgen); The most important provisions on the relationship between language and thinking (V.A. Artyomov, W.R. Arsenian, M. Bialystok, R. Craik, T.N. Gollan, M. Hakuta, E. Jones, M. Klein, E. Lambert, R. Pintner, W.E. Peal, D.J. Saer, M. Siegal, K. Viswanathan, and others); Cognitive theories of bilingualism (S. Baker, RS Clarkson, J. Cummins, L. Dawe, De Groot, R. Galbraith, D. Kroll, J. MacSwan, D.K. Oiler, K. Rolstad, E. Sapir, B. Whorf, T. Wiley, and others); Competence approach (I.A. Zimnyaya, J. Raven, A.V. Khutorskaya); An integrated subject-language approach to teaching Research methods

Theoretical (study, analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature on the theory and practice of teaching students the subject knowledge in a foreign language in a university and the use of an integrated subject-language approach in teaching, synthesis, comparison, concretization, interpretation, comparison , Method of analogies, modeling); Empirical (pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation, questioning, questioning, conversation, testing); Statistical (quantitative and qualitative analysis of research results, two-sided Student t-test for independent samples). Discussion

Teachers of a foreign language often focus their attention on external manifestations of speech, such as pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, and overlook the role of language, which he plays in complex thought processes. According to L.S. Vygotsky, "the development of speech unfolds along the continuum, beginning with the unorganized appropriation of symbols (words) to various objects and ending with the attainment of the highest point-mature conceptual thinking" [4]. In his works he used the terms "inner speech" and "speech thinking", which speaks about the interconnection and unity of thinking and speech and allows us to consider the use of language as a psychological tool in the performance of cognitive activity of the highest level. Unambiguously, such use of language is a distinctive feature of a person, which allows him to go beyond the immediate experience and form relationships between different parts of information, establish patterns and make predictions. J. Cummins argues that the competence of CALP in the first language and the competence of CALP in the second language belong to the "Common Underlying Proficiency", resulting in these competences in both languages developing interrelated and can be improved either using one of the languages, or Both. However, in order to transfer the competence of the CALP between two languages hat are different in terms of their external characteristics, it is necessary that the essence of the transmitted information be related, but separate from the languages themselves. L.S. Vygotsky in this case assumes that the information transmitted includes the formation of "carefully thought out" concepts that can be considered as "speech thinking". The formation of these concepts as a cognitive tool for the formation of values based on previous experience is the final stage in the development of language. And this is not just the final stage in the development of language, but the intersection of thinking and language. According to L.S. Vygotsky, "speech thinking" promotes the development of higher-order thinking skills by isolating, structuring and memorizing the essence of the information received, and by studying multiple values within different levels of categorization [5].

Students and students who lack knowledge of the necessary concepts are not able to understand the general meaning of the content, even if they have the knowledge of individual words. L.S. Vygotsky suggested that the concept is not a static formation, but a dynamic object that influences thinking processes, but at the same time is itself under the influence of thought processes. Thus, a person's ability to use speech thinking as a cognitive tool develops with the widening of the range of verbal meanings and the formation of a structure that connects concepts with the presented words. This structure includes a semantic map that allows him to overcome direct experience by creating associations and transform information into completely new ideas. Despite the fact that thinking and speech are inextricably linked, L.S. Vygotsky suggested that they develop "along different lines and independently of each other". He also stressed that "at a certain moment, occurring at an early age (about two years), the lines of development of thinking and speech that have been going on separately have crossed, coincide in their development and

give rise to a completely new form of behavior so characteristic of Person "[6]. Thus, the formation of concepts as part of speech thinking is not a quantitative increase in the stock of individual words, but a qualitative change in how a person uses language while thinking about a particular information. Proceeding from the positions formulated by L.S. Vygotsky, the competence of CALP is more than just the expansion and development of BICS skills. The use of language in the competence of CALP is qualitatively different from BICS. CALP is not just a language competence, but a synthesis of mental skills and means of verbalization in a second language.

At the beginning of their development, children use separate words in their speech, while understanding and the formation of concepts occur later. L.S. Vygotsky argues that "the development of processes that subsequently lead to the formation of concepts has its roots deep in childhood, but only in the transitional age those intellectual functions that in a peculiar combination form the psychological basis of the process of concept formation mature, develop and develop." Thus, "a decisive transition to the field of thinking in terms" becomes possible only when the child becomes a teenager. This transition depends primarily on two convergent factors. Firstly, L.S. Vygotsky found that the child's cognitive functions are not developed for about 12 years, so he is not able to use abstract concepts to "cross" the limits of his own direct experience. Secondly, with the passage of time the child's language develops, words begin to acquire more and more differentiated meanings and associations, and so before adolescence, when children have a sufficiently rich vocabulary, which makes it possible to create a complex semantic map. It is interesting that the point of view of LS. Vygotsky that the child's mental and verbal development overlap at the age of 12 corresponds to the findings of Cummins, who argue that from the kindergarten or the first grade, the development of the CALP competency requires 5-7 years of schooling. In this case, the age of these children should be exactly between 11 and 13 years [7]. Comparing the development of speech and intellect with the development of speech thinking, L.S. Vygotsky came to the conclusion that speech thinking is not a natural result of the early development of speech and intellect. In fact, he concluded that while speech and intellect have biological roots, sociocultural processes play an important role in the development of children's thinking and self-regulation.

J. Bylund argues that placing students with limited English skills in classes where teaching is entirely in English can have several adverse consequences. First, these children will be "torn off" from the luggage of verbal knowledge with which they came to school, thereby suppressing the development of the skills of the first language. Secondly, while these students are only beginning to accumulate knowledge in the second language, their English-speaking peers do this for a long time, so the first ones are not able to master the curriculum in the same way [8]. Conclusion

In practice, the integrated subject-language approach can be implemented at various levels of instruction from pre-school education to higher education. As for kindergartens, CLIL can be realized here by using various short games in a foreign language. In elementary school, CLIL can be used as part of an educational project. Already in middle and high school, CLIL can be applied to teaching non-linguistic subjects in a foreign language [9]. In many European countries, teachers and teachers undergo various workshops on the use of CLIL in teaching non-linguistic subjects. Unfortunately, in our country this approach is not widely distributed, therefore, we consider it necessary to organize CLIL training courses for the University both for teachers of foreign languages and for subject teachers.


1 Bakhtalina E.Yu. On the integrated teaching of English in kindergarten // Foreign languages in school. - 2001. - №1. -P.37-41.

2 Bakhtin M.M. To the methodology of the humanities // Aesthetics of verbal creativity. - Moscow: Art, 1979. - 126 p.

3 Bibler B.C. Culture. Dialogue of Cultures: Experience in Determination // Issues of Philosophy, 1989, - No. 6.-P.31-43

4 Bibler B.C. From science to the logic of culture: Two philos. Introduction in the twenty-first century. Moscow: Politizdat, 1990. - 413 p.

5 Bim I.L. Perestroika processes in teaching foreign languages in high school / / Foreign languages in school. - 1991. - № 5. Pp. 11-14

6 Bim I.L. Creativity of the teacher and methodical science // Foreign languages in the school. 1988.-No.4-p.5-10

1 Bim IL, Zenya L.Ya. The program of the integrated course for in-depth study of the German language based on environmental issues (6Y1 - 8/9 classes). Moscow: Publishing house BLUM and F "Avangard", 1990. - 61 p.

8 Weisburd M.L. Use of educational and speech situations in teaching speech in a foreign language: A manual for conducting a special course on teaching foreign-language communication in the system of teacher training. - Obninsk: Title, 2001. - 128 p.

9 Vitlin Zh.L., Perelman G.I., Kuznetsov G.G. Scientific and Practical Conference on the Problems of the Interconnection of Contemporary Foreign Culture and the Teaching of Foreign Languages // Foreign Languages at School. - 1994. - №3. -p.60-64

1Ж.Н. Бисенбаева, 1Ж.Д. Дуйсенбекова, 2А.Ж. Молдакарызова, 1Д.Т. Адырбеков, 1Л.Б. Абдулина военный институт Сухопутных войск МО РК, Алматы, Казахстан 2Казахский Национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д. Асфендиярова



Резюме: Комплексный предметно-языковой подход к обучению курсантов в сфере медицинских услуг в военном образовании (далее - CI.IL) - это широкое понятие, охватывающее различные аспекты преподавания неязыкового предмета через второй или иностранный язык. СШ предполагает баланс между содержанием предмета и изучением языка. Таким образом, язык используется как средство изучения содержания, а содержание, в свою очередь, используется как ресурс для изучения языка. В последние десятилетия в современном мире произошли важные изменения, среди которых: создание всемирной сети

Интернет и глобализация всех социальных, политических, экономических и экологических процессов в мире. Эти, а также другие изменения оказали в целом сильное влияние на мировую систему образования. Таким образом, в европейских странах наблюдается повышенный интерес к изучению и применению различных методов обучения иностранному языку, специфика которых заключается не в использовании иностранного языка как цели обучения, а в его использовании как средства обучения. Ключевые слова: подход, интеграция, предмет-язык, методика, обучение

1Ж.Н. Бисенбаева, 1Ж.Д. Дуйсенбекова, 2А.Ж. Молдакарызова, 1Д.Т. Адырбеков, 1Л.Б. Абдулина ]КР КМ К^рлык эскерлер1н1ц эскери институты, Алматы, Казакстан 2СЖ. Асфендияров атындат Казак, ¥лттык медицина университет1


Тушн: Эскери бшм берудеп медициналык кызмет баFытында курсанттарды окытудын кешендi пэндк-тшдк тэсл (б^дан эрн CLIL) - еюншл немесе шет тл аркылы тшдк емес пэндi окытудын эртYрлi жаFдайларын камтитын кен ^ым. CLIL пэншн мазм^ны мен т^ Yйрену арасындаFы тепе-тенд^ камтиды. Осылайша, тiл мазм^нды зерттеу к¥ралы ретiнде колданылады, ал мазм^н ез кезегiнде тiлдi Yйрену Yшiн ресурс ретiнде колданылады. СонFы онжылдыктарда казiргi элемде манызды езгерiстер болды, олардын iшiнде: ДYниежYзiлiк Интернет желiсiн к¥ру жэне элемдегi барлык элеуметтк, саяси,

экономикалык жэне экологиялык процестерд^ жаhандануы. Осы жэне баска да езгерiстер элемдiк бiлiм беру жYЙесiне катты эсер еттi. Осылайша, Еуропа елдерЫде шет тiлiн окытудын эртYрлi эдiстерiн Yйренуге жэне колдануFа деген кызмушылык артып келедi, олардын ерекшелт шет тiлiн окыту максаты ретЫде емес, оны окыту к¥ралы ретЫде пайдалану болып табылады.

ТYЙiндi сездер: тэал, интеграция, пэн-тiл, эдiстеме, окыту, медициналык кызмет

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