MA. Tran Thi Thuy Nga
Vinh University - Viet Nam MA. Pham Thi Yen
Quang Binh University - Viet Nam
Education motor development contribute to the comprehensive development of pre-school children. Building educational environment for young athletes develop in pre-school is one of many issues of concern in the current stage of pre-school education in Vietnam.
Movement development, environmental education, pre-school education
Education campaign development is one of the tasks of education and physical development to contribute to the comprehensive development of pre-school children. Under physiological perspective, movement is the movement of the human body including the involvement of the muscles, bones and the nervous system's control. Advocacy is a condition for the development of the human body in many different aspects. Under the impact of educational activities aimed at developing young athletes to be studied, selected and organized scientifically to achieve educational objectives set.
1. The significance of developing the educational environment advocacy for the mobilization of young active
The positive movement of young depends on movement regime, including by mobilizing teachers organizations and activities of youth suicide. Campaign Mode reasonable, consistent with advocacy experience, hobbies, children's desire and ability of the baby's body in pre-school ensure biological satisfy the needs of children, help children develop comprehensive. Building educational environment for young athletes develop pre-school associated with the selection of equipment, utensils, tools training. The training facilities to ensure durability and safety of the child; size, weight must fit young body. Choosing the right exercises that children have physical effort and energy consumption are to take effect physical development of children.
Any activity of young athletes aiming to develop motor skills and physical qualities for the young, and will affect the intellectual development, cognitive, emotional - wills and the child's positive. Feeling "happy muscles" very important for children. Gratification, satisfaction of children when overcoming various difficulties along the way; indecision, anxiety, lack of skills, lack of knowledge of how to perform the exercise, all contribute to develop the will, as experienced athletes, help reveal the potential of the child.
2.1 Physical environment
2.1.1 Environmental activities for children in room group / class
Equipment, toys in groups and classes to ensure the List utensils - toy - minimum teaching facilities of the Ministry of Education and Training and educational content development advocacy in childhood education program premature. Can purchase or make your own add additional devices to help children accomplish the educational content in motor development of pre-school education program consistent with age.
Sorting equipment, toys in the corner playing in groups, safety class; utilize all the conditions appropriate to each child's movement to provide opportunities for young athletes at any time, any place, to strengthen advocacy in time in pre-school children [1].
Exploitation and efficient use of equipment and toys for the children to develop motor. Sorting equipment, toys movement should pay attention to the physical activity of the child developing an open way (according to the needs of young athletes). The active region suitable layout, flexible, facilitating easy for kids to select and use items, toys, engage in play corner, and facilitate the observation of teachers [2].
+ Arrange the logical play corner, consistent with age, creating a spacious space, free child safety advocacy. Invest enough utensils and tools necessary for the development of young athletes playing in the corner. Additional homemade toys rich in variety, quality materials supporting the development of small muscle groups for children.
+ Sort utensils, tools rational, compelling children to participate in activities. 2.1.2 Environment for young outdoor activities
- Plan a play area for children in the schoolyard, ensure activities area for children. Playground is smooth, clean, safe, shade trees. For pre-schools have physical education department must also ensure absolute area and safe play for children.
- There are ample facilities for children's toys fun. Promoting the use features of various types of toys in the playground and room physical activity
- Playground equipment outdoor toys fitted suit, with kindergarten age are arranged near the vestry /
- There are gardens, flower beds, ornamental plants, animal breeding sector.
- Garden area is planned, tailored, ensuring clean, safe, and special attention to creating a green environment, open space in the playground area for children to play, practice development Campaign[2].
- Make sure the number and type of equipment, toys meet the requirements for young athletes under the age outdoors.
- Need to choose equipment, outdoor toys to encourage active youth to help young athletes develop diverse and abundant.Mining used effectively: maybe shopping or homemade ingredients from local matching and close to children.
- The equipment, outdoor toys varied, help children practice the basic motor skills and develop qualities in athletes: the type of walking, running, jumping; crawling, crawl, climb; toss, throw, roll and catch ...
- The equipment, educational toys motor development ensures the different activity levels so that all children are able to perform motor and streamlined layout, with instructions to help the child learn to use equipment being and fun, safety training and science.
- In addition to the equipment for young athletes mentioned above, children should also have the facilities to lobby with natural materials such as soil, sand, gravel, stone or safe waste such as mattresses , buffer springs, golf background with soft materials such as rubber, some plastic devices or plastic coated fabrics.
- Arrange the play areas safe, easy observation of the child.Children can join in group play, la p individuals; play to your liking or need training exercise in educational planning.Sorting equipment, toys need to follow some principles: ensuring opportunities for young athletes, creativity and enjoyment.
- Vacant land should spend most of the kindergarten to grass, creating sand courts, diverse paths, mounds, hills, fairy garden, house, hut with a device, a specialized exercise equipment to help children do familiar, many athletes training complex. Make use of natural materials and scrap to create models for young outdoor equipment training.
- So for those areas for children to hardened outdoor health as sun, wind, feel the climate and weather of the season and set the body adapt. As the creation of an outdoor play area with natural materials (pieces of wood, bamboo sticks, pebbles, sand, rock, ...) or the safety scrap (foam mattresses, tires, shell, shell sand box cardboard ...); vacant land devoted to growing grass, creating sand courts, diverse paths; devoted to children sunbathing area, feel and adapt to climate ...
2.2 Social Environment
Develop a friendly environment to help children positive, active interest in the development of athletes. Environmental care and pre-school education in the need to ensure safety in terms of psychology, education
ISSN 2410-6070
facilitate social skills for children. Acts, gestures, words, attitudes of teachers towards children and others are exemplary for the young to follow [2].
- Organize and participate in the contest: The healthy young shoots, the spring, Be good little medical, health associations ... to propagate the content knowledge of motor development in pre-school children.
- Actively organized extracurricular activities like walking tours with the aim of developing young campaigners. As visiting stadiums, gymnasiums, swimming pools, zoos, military barracks ...
- Organize the dissemination of the importance, content, environmental construction methods developed educational campaign for pre-school children to the parents and community accordance with practical conditions of each locality.
- Combine effectively integrate resources to enhance infrastructure investment, facilities, function rooms to build safe educational environment, friendly establishments pre-school education, history effective use of function rooms, designed to educate developers have lobbied for pre-school children suit each age. 3. Conclude
Education motor development contribute to the comprehensive development of pre-school children.Building educational environment for young athletes develop in pre-school need to ensure built facility, equipped with toys and equipment for children to develop appropriate motor (physical education room, playground, outdoor play facilities, equipment toys in groups); while construction is environmentally friendly and innovative methods of organizing educational activities stimulate young athletes a positive, exciting activities. References:
1. Ministry of Education and Training (2009) Program of pre-school education, Educational publishers Vietnam
2. Dr. Nguyen Ba Minh (editor), Dr. Nguyen Thi My Trinh (2015), Guidelines for implementation of development education activities to campaign for pres-chool children. Educational publishers Vietnam
©MA. Tran Thi Thuy Nga ,MA. Pham Thi Yen , 2015
Е.В.Алексеева , А.Е.Тарасов
магистрант 1 курса гр. М-СОТ-15; к.пед.н., доцент ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Восточный Федеральный университет
им. М.К. Аммосова», Россия, г. Якутск.
В статье рассмотрены проблемы и перспективы развития социального туризма в России. Центральная проблема социального туризма - поиск источников его финансирования в системе добросовестного распределения финансовых средств среди малоимущих категорий лиц, детей сирот и лиц с отклонениями в состоянии здоровья.
Ключевые слова
Социальный туризм, финансирование, малоимущие, дети сироты и пожилые, лица с отклонениями в
состоянии здоровья.
Федеральный закон «Об основах туристской деятельности в Российской Федерации» определяет социальный туризм как «путешествия, субсидируемые из средств, выделяемых государством на социальные нужды», при этом отдельным категориям российских туристов государство в порядке, устанавливаемом Правительством Российской Федерации, предоставляет льготы социального характера [1]. Социальный