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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Aleksandrović Marija, Stajić Rastislav

Words are much better memorized if they are associated with images. Since ancient times, people have been memorizing things via symbols and associations. Since children develop the ability of speech (words) and the ability of visual art (colour and shape) at the same time, it is good to connect the two and to integrate the development of the child's abilities. For example, the teacher presents new words in class and for homework; the students are given the task to draw objects, people, and animals, that is, what those previously presented words signify. Then, students may be given the task to make a chart with grammatical tables of the Russian language, where different categories of words are marked using different colours, or where images and drawings accompanied by the texts in Russian are pasted. For example, if the text about Moscow in the Russian language is presented on the chart, it is accompanied by the image of Moscow and what is described in the text about Moscow (Red Square, the Kremlin, The Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed, Moscow underground station...). Pupils can illustrate the main theme of the new lessons as well. Apart from visual games, music and drama games may be used in terms of learning new material, revision, and systematization of the lessons learned in Russian. In this way, by making associations, children will acquire new material better through creative teaching.

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Эвалюация рисунок, полученных с помощью харис-гудэнаф теста

Оценка уровня художественных ценностей рисунков человеческих фигур в Харрис Гудэнаф-тесте была проведена посредством представления художественных элементов; внимание было обращено на то, каким образом и как студенты используют их.

Следуя за двумя экспериментальных (Е) отдела учеников определялся успех (художественного) образовательного влияния. Во время рисования фигуры мы тщательно следовали за детьми.

Поиск оригинальных способов представления общих тем у многих детей был представлен богатой градацией линий, используя необычные формы для выполнения этой задачи (диван, палатка и т.д.), затем, намеком материализации (текстуры) и хорошей композиции (ожидалось от детей составить хорошую композицию фигуры). Визуальные элементы, такие как цвет и валерии были охвачены этим анализом, потому что от детей ожидалось делать ахроматические линейные рисования. ВЫВОД

Детский рисунок является отражением уровня развития ребенка и его психического состояния в определенном моменте. До сих пор, теория и практика рисования, к сожалению, игнорировала основную задачу художественного образования - введение в художественную культуру. Указывая на элементы искусства через примеры успешных работ детей старшего возраста, художников, или через наблюдения природы будут влиять на те таланты, которые дети, может быть, еще не обнаружили у себя из-за чрезмерного использования современных технологий.

Целью исследования было установить существует ли связь между Щ детей и художественным талантом, утвердить соответствие между способами рисования, пользования различных художественных элементов через рисунок у девятилетних детей. Установлено, что эта связь существует.

Был также получен утвердительный ответ на вопрос- может ли этот эксперимент более стимулировать визуальное творчество у детей младшего школьного возраста.

Используемые методы (описательный, причинно-следственный и исторический) дал свой вклад. Также оказался очень важным и разговор о детях с учителем, потому что они лучше знают их.

Можем установить корреляцию между богатством деталей, показанных на рисунке и разнообразного и оригинального использования визуальных элементов в процессе рисования человеческой фигуры. Все это указывает на тот факт, что ученики, которые художественно одаренные и вышего легче применяют полученные знания и визуальные элементы, которыми пользовались на их рисунках гораздо больше и яснее.

Результаты, полученые в этом исследовании показывают, что дети младшего школьного возраста, как правило, стремятся преодолеть новые вызовы, потому что им тест был очень интересен. И, как часть школьной программы, им нужно постоянно показывать вдохновляющий учебный материал, который им будет интересно принимать, если эта тема интересна и представлена в форме понятной детям. Дети стремят к вызовам и хотят высказать свои способности через творческий подход к решению проблем.



Marija Aleksandrovic, PhD in Fine Arts 2Rastislav Stajic, BA, the Russian language teacher

1 Serbia, University of east sarajevo- Faculty of Education 2Serbia, Belgrade, Metropolitan University - Belgrade, FIT

Abstract. Words are much better memorized if they are associated with images. Since ancient times, people have been memorizing things via symbols and associations. Since children develop the ability of speech (words) and the ability of visual art (colour and shape) at the same time, it is good to

International Scientific and Practical Conference "WORLD SCIENCE

ISSN 2413-1032

connect the two and to integrate the development of the child's abilities. For example, the teacher presents new words in class and for homework; the students are given the task to draw objects, people, and animals, that is, what those previously presented words signify. Then, students may be given the task to make a chart with grammatical tables of the Russian language, where different categories of words are marked using different colours, or where images and drawings accompanied by the texts in Russian are pasted. For example, if the text about Moscow in the Russian language is presented on the chart, it is accompanied by the image of Moscow and what is described in the text about Moscow (Red Square, the Kremlin, The Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed, Moscow underground station...). Pupils can illustrate the main theme of the new lessons as well. Apart from visual games, music and drama games may be used in terms of learning new material, revision, and systematization of the lessons learned in Russian. In this way, by making associations, children will acquire new material better through creative teaching.

Keywords: images, Russian language, integrated learning, making associations


This work represents a general starting point which provides oppotunities for further research of the theme. The work will consider phases of development of the visual art ability in children, learning stages according to the age as well as the ways of combining and uniting artistic tasks with learning Russian by elementary school students.

There will also be considered basic problems in teaching the Russian language in elementary schools. The time span of learning a foreign language influences its understanding. Eric1 (1996) says: "It is presumed that the language of the picture is philogenetically older than the language of the word."

Kunc (1999, p.3) 2 did a research into the convictions of the students who mastered different languages (French, German, Latin, Italian, Spanish at five levels). She draws the conclusion that the students have a different notion of a foreign language depending on the length of time they learn it. The advanced level students disagree with the statement that learning a foreign language is a matter of translation. However, the importance of a picture as a didactic tool is significant in each learning stage. Throughout various researches, a lot of computer models were suggested for studying the early stage of learning a language. Learning new words is mainly performed through the use of the neuron net so that the process of learning is achieved through associations of word forms with semantic and perceptive characteristics. (Li et al., 2004; Coventry et al., 2005; Regier, 2005).3 Therefore, pictures have a vital role in learning a foreign language.

Artistic development in children

In his book "Developmental psychology" Prof. Aleksa Brkovic, PhD,4 distinguishes four stages in the development of children's drawings:

1. The stage of doodling (at the age of 2-3),

2. The stage of symbolic drawing (at the age of 3-7),

3. The stage of visual realism (at the age of 8-9),

4. The stage of realistic drawing (from the age of 10 onwards).

We can conclude that the child aged 2-3 begins to draw, but what the child draws begins to get meaning only after the age of 3-4, first symbolically, and then realistically(around the age of 8).

From the age of 10, when the stage of the realistic drawing begins, the child tries to represent things as they see them; if they do not succeed, they will not be satisfied. Therefore, a characteristic of this stage can be children avoiding drawing so that they would not be disappointed by failure.

The development of foreign language learning in children

Children aged 3-6 are most capable of learning foreign languages. Later, from the age of 7 that ability begins to decrease; yet, up to the age of 9-10 children's abilities to learn a foreign language are good.

What hinders children's foreign language abilities in elementary school is the fact that children are burdened with other subjects and that they can see the language they learn as another duty and burden. Therefore, it is essential that classes be organized through a series of games and creative tasks.

1 ЕриЙ, Л. Психоанализа ликовног израза, DBR International, Београд,(1996), 46 p.

2 Nikitina, Larisa, Fumitaka Furuoka. (2007) "Beliefs about language learning: A comparison between novice and intermediate level students learning Russian at a Malaysian university." Linguistics Journal 2.1 2007. - 12 p.

3 Chrupala, Grzegorz, Akos Kadar, and Afra Alishahi. "Learning language through pictures." arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.03694 (2015). 5p.

4 Prof. Dr. Aleksa Brkovic „Razvojna psihologija", Cacak 2011.- 50 p.


№ 12(16), Vol.3, December 2016 31

One kind of creative tasks could be including artistic tasks in the classes of the Russian language, primarily as an illustration of the vocabulary which is taught but also through the role of colors in making grammar tables and the like. These aspects will be considered later in examples.

Basic problems in the classes of the Russian language in elementary schools

In most elementary schools in Serbia children start learning the Russian language in the fifth grade, i.e. at the age between 12 and 15. That is the age when it is too late to start learning a foreign language since the best time to start learning a foreign language is at the age of 9.

Besides, that is the time of intense emotional development which is accompanied by difficulties with learning in general and the problem of impulse control.

From the fifth grade onwards children are not taught by one teacher only and have a lot of new teachers, which represents another distraction.

Additionally, another problem in many schools is the problem of a great number of pupils as well as the problem of having pupils with mixed abilities in a class.

In the study of cognition Carroll (1967)1 about the state of Russian language classes, Robin (2000) agrees that the outcomes of learning have decreased. He claims that failure to improve the learning outcomes Carroll's study can be interpreted as a failure to achieve the 'proficiency' level considering the approach in immigrants to the USA (reading and listening through the Internet, speaking and writing).

How to increase students' interest in the Russian language

In order to increase students' interest in learning Russian, a teacher must design and organize new games and ways of stimulating students' attention.

Pictures, music, rhythm and multimedia content are all necessary to be introduced into teaching and incorporated into learning objectives and the curriculum.

Another aspect of creative activity is giving artistic assignments, which calls for certain caution with regard to giving a child too difficult tasks. Here the goal is not to produce a work of art per se, but to make learning new material in Russian (words, grammar) easier for a child through image linking.

As stated above, this is the age when children are particularly sensitive to criticism related to their artistic achievement, hence self-expression through art should be encouraged in children.

Examples of artistic tasks

An example of an artistic task in acquiring new vocabulary (learning new words) might be a homework assignment to draw and copy the words already learnt in class.

Example 1: words: доска (board), мел (chalk), губка (sponge) are thematically related and all can be presented in one drawing. The task is simple and it requires no special talent for drawing, and the picture will be remembered much better than just a translation in Serbian.

Example 2: Family (семя): папа, мама, брат, сестра, сын, дочка.

Words that mean the family members in the Russian and Serbian languages are very similar. For almost all the words mentioned above are the same or very similar in the two languages.

However, there are also cross-language homonyms. These are words that share the same pronunciation in Serbian and Russian but have different meanings.

The Russian word 'семя' means family, and Serbian word 'фамилща' means 'family', whereas Russian 'фамилия' does not mean 'family' but 'surname'. Therefore, the question: 'Как твоя фамилия?' does not mean 'How's your family?' (in Serbian 'Како TBoja фамилща?'), but: 'What's your surname?'

Cross-language homonyms may also be shown in pictures. Thus, in Russian, 'красный живот' is not 'beautiful life' ('красан' is 'beautiful' in Serbian but in Russian it means 'red', 'живот' in Russian is 'belly' but in Serbian it is 'life'), but 'red belly', which can also be presented visually.

For example, you can present this situation on the picture: a man is lying on the beach, sunbathing. He is asleep. Naturally, you're thinking: what a beautiful life it is, sunbathing and enjoying the sun and the sea. But, since it is scorching hot, and the man is asleep in the sun, he is getting 'красный живот', which means 'red belly'.


In grammar, we can use colours to make difference between various grammar categories or types of verb forms.

1 Rifkin, Benjamin. "A ceiling effect in traditional classroom foreign language instruction: Data from Russian." The Modern Language Journal 89.1 (2005): 4 p.

One example is making difference between the first and second type of verbal inflections. We can make tables where the verbs of the first type are written in blue fields, and the verbs of the second type are in red fields. The mixed type of verbs will be presented with both colours (blue for the first one and red for the second type). The irregular verbal inflection is presented in yellow fields.

I verbal inflections: II verbal inflections:


fl Mfly Mbi Mjein

Tbi uneuib Bbi MfleTe



я хожу мы ходим

ты ходишь вы ходите

он она ходит оно они ходят

Mixed verbal inflections: Irregular verbal inflections:


я бегу мы бежим a fldM мы дадим

ты бежишь вы бежите Tbi flaiub вы дадите


OHa 6e>KHT они бегут OHa flacT они дадут


Fig. 1.

Children's creativity in studying a foreign language

It is natural for every child to be creative and children who do not express their creativity are in a danger in some way. The absence of patterns enables a child to make association bonds, to have unusual ideas and different points of view. A child is able to spot details that adults miss to see. What artists and children have in common is the ability to notice similarities and connections between objects and situations which are apparently different. This ability to make associations is present in the early childhood and it exists in different imaginative games, and very few people possess it in adulthood. Kindergarten period is a critical one in the development of creative activities.

When children start going to school their interest in artistic creativity decreases because school underestimates the importance of playing games. Therefore, during the first years of school teachers should encourage children's creativity which can be used for learning foreign languages. There are a lot of possibilities and the creativity of teachers is of great importance.

Creativity is a rare human potential which should be encouraged in a special way depending on the personality development and the specific characteristics for each age.

Karlavaris (1981) says that creative personalities mark each period and for that reason it is extremely important to cherish creativity starting from the early age. This "phenomenon catches the attention not only of pedagogues, artists, theorists of art and scientists, but also of companies, politicians and the whole society" .1 CONCLUSION

The teaching of Russian, as any foreign language teaching, must, above all, have defined teaching objectives, furthermore a curriculum with activities that would motivate pupils to learn a foreign language. Foreign language learning through pictures can be much more effective because the human brain absorbs pictures faster than words.

The age at which pupils start learning the Russian language (12 years of age) is inappropriate, since the period when a child is most capable of learning a foreign language has already passed.

Therefore, it is extremely necessary to focus on stimulating and motivating pupils through colors, pictures, movement and rhythm during the learning process. The given tasks should be easy and entertaining.

At this age, children can be sensitive to criticism concerning their artistic skills and should, therefore, be encouraged to draw without the impairment of their work. Apart from the artistic work, it

1 Карлаварис,Б., Барат, А., Каменов, Е., "Разво] креативности у функцщи еманципацще личности путем ликовног васпитааа", Институт за педагошка истраживааа, Просвета, Београд, 1981., стр 15

is desirable to include some music or a film occasionally. Lee (2002) states that future studies are needed to find out the efficiency of modification strategies in the development of the pupils' language competence.

As far as linguistic inaccuracy is concerned, it can be said that pupils tend to ignore each other's mistakes and move forward with their conversation, suggesting an innate connection and coherence among people that ought to be used in order to enable progress in a foreign language learning process, along with the development of creativity.


1. Chrupala, Grzegorz, Akos Kâdâr, and Afra Alishahi. "Learning language through pictures." arXiv preprint arXiv: 1506.03694 (2015). 5p.

2. http://doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0579-6431/2003/0579-64310335045M.pdf (МЕРЕЖЕ КРЕАТИВНОСТИ ДЕЦЕ ПОМОГУ ТЕСТОВА, СТР 48)

3. http://www.researchgate.net/ даровитост и подбациваае Ана Алтарас ДимитрщевиЪ, стр 85

4. Meskill, Carla, Natasha Anthony. "Foreign language learning with CMC: Forms of online instructional discourse in a hybrid Russian class." System 33.1 (2005) -102 p.

5. Nikitina, Larisa, Fumitaka Furuoka. (2007) "Beliefs about language learning: A comparison between novice and intermediate level students learning Russian at a Malaysian university." Linguistics Journal 2.1 2007.- 12 p.

6. Prof. Dr. Aleksa Brkovic „Razvojna psihologija", Cacak 2011. 50 p.

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7. Rifkin, Benjamin. "A ceiling effect in traditional classroom foreign language instruction: Data from Russian." The Modern Language Journal 89.1 (2005): 4 p.

8. ЕриЬ, Л. Психоанализа ликовног израза, DBR International, Београд,(1996), 46 p.

9. Карлаварис,Б., Барат, А., Каменов, Е., "Развоj креативности у функции еманципаци]е личности путем ликовног васпитааа", Институт за педагошка истраживааа, Просвета, Београд, 1981., стр 15

10. Р. Мароевич „Русская грамматика" Том II, Москва-Белград, 2001. 44 p.


к. э. н. Полякова И. Л., Бугаков П. В.

Российская Федерация, г. Оренбург, ФГБОУ ВО «Оренбургский государственный университет»

Abstract. This article deals with the ecological awareness in educational institutions. Different ways to determine the meaning of the "ecological awareness " are given. All the possible problems of the ecological awareness are found out (typical approaches to compose the content, lack of variety of forms and methods, poorly constructive approach to the problem and so on). It is detected that the ecological awareness and education of children should combine both theory and practice by their participation in environmental and ecological events. The project "The ecologically awareness program called "It all starts with you. Together for clean region" is presented. Its aim is to form the environmental culture of young generation: youth ecological education, increase of responsibility and self control in relationships between humans and nature. This project is actualized in autumn 2016 in Orenburg region. It includes environmental education courses for secondary educational institutions, ecological trend contests for general educational institutions (painting competitions, authorial poems, stories, essays and articles of ecological orientation) and environmental education promotions to improve the environmental awareness of Orenburg population.

Keywords: ecological awareness, environmental education promotions, environmental culture, academic process, ecological tourism.

«Экологическое просвещение»: каждому взрослому человеку понятен смысл этих слов, однако этого нельзя сказать о детях, которые не сразу поймут, о чем идет речь (даже несмотря на то, что этой тематике в школе посвящены отдельные предметы).

Об экологии вокруг и основах природопользования преподают с ранних лет на таких дисциплинах как «Окружающий мир», «Природоведение», «Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности» и других. Конечно, уроки по этим предметам очень полезны для формирования у детей любви к природе и окружающему миру. Но в начальных классах

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