CONCEPTUAL BASICS OF COUNTRIES’ ECONOMIC SECURITY ABSTRACT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
national economy / economic security / economic security literature / national security. / национальная экономика / экономическая безопасность / литература по экономической безопасности / национальная безопасность.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kanan Sahaddin Musayev

Economic and national security is inextricably linked. The theoretical concepts of economic security are the subject of this study, as countries' conceptions of economic security remain uncertain. The article's re-search topic is the concept of a country's economic security. The paper examines international researchers' perspectives on economic security and synthesizes these perspectives into a proposed notion of economic secu-rity for the country. The article is broken down into three sections. The first part of the article explains a scien-tific evaluation of economic security literature, the second part describes the proposed concept of economic security for the country, and the third part of the paper presents the study's findings

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Экономическая и национальная безопасность неразрывно связаны между собой. Предметом данного исследования являются теоретические концепции экономической безопасности, поскольку представле-ния стран об экономической безопасности остаются неопределенными. Темой исследования статьи яв-ляется понятие экономической безопасности страны. В статье рассматриваются взгляды междуна-родных исследователей на экономическую безопасность и синтезируются эти взгляды в предложенное понятие экономической безопасности страны. Статья разбита на три раздела. В первой части статьи дается научная оценка литературы по экономической безопасности, во второй части описывается предлагаемая концепция экономической безопасности страны, а в третьей части статьи представлены результаты исследования.


«етуушшим-шишаи» summa, жш / economic sciences


Канан Сахаддин Мусаев Аспирант, Бакинский Государственный Университет DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-21144-35-38 КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНЫЕ ОСНОВЫ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ СТРАН

Kanan Sahaddin Musayev

Ph.D- student, Baku State University



Экономическая и национальная безопасность неразрывно связаны между собой. Предметом данного исследования являются теоретические концепции экономической безопасности, поскольку представления стран об экономической безопасности остаются неопределенными. Темой исследования статьи является понятие экономической безопасности страны. В статье рассматриваются взгляды международных исследователей на экономическую безопасность и синтезируются эти взгляды в предложенное понятие экономической безопасности страны. Статья разбита на три раздела. В первой части статьи дается научная оценка литературы по экономической безопасности, во второй части описывается предлагаемая концепция экономической безопасности страны, а в третьей части статьи представлены результаты исследования.


Economic and national security is inextricably linked. The theoretical concepts of economic security are the subject of this study, as countries' conceptions of economic security remain uncertain. The article's research topic is the concept of a country's economic security. The paper examines international researchers' perspectives on economic security and synthesizes these perspectives into a proposed notion of economic security for the country. The article is broken down into three sections. The first part of the article explains a scientific evaluation of economic security literature, the second part describes the proposed concept of economic security for the country, and the third part of the paper presents the study's findings

Ключевые слова: национальная экономика, экономическая безопасность, литература по экономической безопасности, национальная безопасность.

Keywords: national economy, economic security, economic security literature, national security.

INTRODUCTION The ability of the state to protect the economic interests of private, economic entities, regions and the country is especially important for achieving sustainable development at the national and international levels. The development of the country's economic security is a complex and complicated process. Therefore, it should be analyzed only taking into account the dynamics of economic growth. The country's economic security must meet and protect vital needs from external and internal threats. The concept of economic security is a relatively new phenomenon in economic theory. In the context of economic globalization, it is very important to reveal the essence of the problem, to identify real threats, to provide reliable and effective solutions to the problem. In the context of global economic development, addressing economic security challenges is a multifaceted task that should cover not only the security function, but also a comprehensive approach, taking into account common political and financial opportunities. The research problem is the theoretical principles of economic security. The object of research is the concept of economic security of the country. The aim of the study is to develop a concept of economic security of the country after analyzing scientific approaches to economic security.

The following tasks are solved to achieve the purpose of this research:

1. To analyze the theoretical assumptions of economic security.

2. To generalize the phenomenon of economic security;

3. To define its concept and open the concept of economic security of the country.

Analysis and generalization of scientific literature is used to determine the concept and structure of the country's economic security.

Before analyzing the aspect of economic security, it is necessary to understand the security phenomenon. Glaser (1997) defines safety as the absence of any risk because risk affects everyone negatively. This scientist describes the security dilemma as a solution to five key security issues.

Glaser (1997) divides security into two main components: international and national. The attributes of international security are global and regional security. National security: state, public and private security. Global security is a system of international and environmental security relations against threats that could destabilize the world and lead to a global crisis. Regional security is a set of economic, environmental, legal, geopolitical and other conditions that must ensure the security of state interests, regional development, financial stability, infrastructure and business development, as well as influence the development of internal and external security. National security is reducing the impact of internal and external conflict threats, preparing for unconditional defense in the event of aggression and global civil resistance. Social security is a welfare



policy of citizens that reduces the risk of a potential social crisis, reduces the wealth gap and prevents the impoverishment of the population, thereby applying social solidarity. In the context of national security, private security is divided into enterprise and personal protection: enterprise - financial stability and development of the company; personal - principles of safe behavior, active and passive safety measures.

Although the researcher has repeatedly emphasized the importance of a complex of economic and financial conditions, ensuring the interests of the state, financial stability, reducing internal and external threats, individual welfare policy, economic development, he does not define economic security.

After analyzing the research of scientists, this theoretical idea introduces two concepts of economic security. As Jimasius and Vilpisauskas (2005) claim, the definition of economic security is ambiguous. The economic security of the state is considered as an aspect of economic security that belongs to the economic security of the majority of citizens of the state, and not to individuals or relatively small groups of them.

Tamosiuniene and Munteanu (2015) provide a broader definition of economic security in their joint research. According to them, economic security is a priority element of modern national security and can arise in any modern society, because energy, transport, communications, army, food, etc. security cannot exist outside the national economy. Therefore, Tamosiuniene and Munteanu (2015) present the structure of economic security in their research.

According to Tamosiuniene and Munteanu (2015), economic security should be divided into two approaches:

- individual

- macroeconomics.

The individual economic security approach defines human economic security as a stable income and other sources to maintain living standards now and in the near future, namely: permanent solvency, predictable cash flow, efficient use of human capital (Tamosiuniene), Munteanu, 2015 p. Rupert, 2007, Montbrial, 2012).

The macroeconomic security approach has a complex history, as the rise of this approach dates back to the two world wars. Especially, the formation of this approach was supported by a model developed by the Russian School of Economics, which seeks to quantify economic security using critical meanings, as well as by Professor Lino Briguglio, who assesses economic security given the country's economic weakness. (Tamosiuniene and Munteanu, 2015).

According to Jimasius and Vilpisauskas (2005), economic security has long been a topical interdisciplinary topic, but research on economic security as a separate field of economics is still evolving. As economic security is understood at two levels (micro and macro), it is difficult to define it without analyzing the views of scientists on the subject.

Combining the results of the various studies presented above, it can be noted that the micro-level Tamosiuniene and Munteanu (2015) study the individual approach to the economic security structure and

Glaser (1997) the private security of the national security description.

Thus, households or individual economic security are the object of micro-level research. Many scientists are studying this. Human economic security Parthasa-rathy et al. (2014), Bloom et al. (2010), Brown (2011), Hacker et al. (2014), Hsieh (2015), Muruthi, Lewis (2016), focus on the importance of saving and threatening the quality of life of adults and the elderly. The general definition of economic security by these scientists is health security strategies that guarantee personal financial security, social integration, dignity and quality of life.

Household analysis, Muller (2015), Nam et al. (2016) also emphasizes that long-term economic security and family development depend largely on savings and wealth accumulation. These scientists describe economic security as a measure of the capacity of individuals or households. The better the economic security indicators, the more an individual or household is protected from the negative factors of the environment -labor, health, loss of survivors, solvency problems, the more they can expect - quality rest, comfortable living environment, health insurance , increase in the pension fund.

Morris and Deprez (2013) analyze the financial security, quality of life, and competitiveness of able-bodied women in the U.S. labor market, so their understanding of economic security is greatly simplified and focused on the individual's ability to serve himself. According to them, economic security is a financial situation in which a person can live as he wants, not as he is. Quinn and Cahill (2016) analyzed the impact of various economic vulnerability measures on an individual's overall economic security. Thus, the definition of their economic security is similar to the above - financial capacity, solvency, social welfare and resilience to external threats.

It should be noted that the economic security of businesses is analyzed at the micro level. Economic security of business structures is studied by Falovich (2013), Misko and Maliuta (2015), Kasyanova and Kasyanov (2015), Baldzhy (2017), Kochikin (2016). The definition of economic security by these scientists is a condition for the efficient use of resources to prevent threats and ensure the operation and sustainable development of the company. They characterize economic security as a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators. To achieve the highest level of economic security, companies must ensure maximum security of key functional components. Analyzing the economic security of companies, researchers distinguish the following elements of economic security: finance, human resources, technology and innovation, political and legal environment, environmental environment and information security.

The macro level is the country's economic security.

Makshtutis A. (2006) distinguishes several economic security goals:

- Provision of "strategic products" (eg energy,


- diversification of foreign trade;



- independence from dominant players in the international economy;

- security against economic espionage;

- good macroeconomic indicators;

- property security;

- social security of the individual, at a certain standard of living;

- employment provided with jobs;

- efficiency of economic activity.

Markevicius (2011), studying the performance of

a low-competitive economy in an integrated economic environment, argues that economic security and prosperity should always be a top priority for government, as well as for political and national elites. This researcher distinguishes three national security contexts: it is a philosophical criterion - security must be a global value; a political approach means the formation of a policy and its tools to preserve and maintain this value; economic well-being of the nation and development of ways to improve this well-being.

Glotina (2014) analyzes the categories of modern economic security and presents the following ideas:

- economic security is relevant for the state and is an important element of statehood;

- the concept of economic security is a rather complex, polemical and ambiguous category;

- without ensuring economic security, a country cannot solve issues faced both in the domestic and international arena;

- When assessing a country's economic security, it is necessary to clarify the conditions that define the basic preconditions for the study of the category of economic security: differences in national interests, limited public resources, increased competition for goods in production and trade,

- Economic security of the state (country) is a complex socio-economic concept that reflects the changing conditions of material production, as well as external and internal threats to the country's economy.

Sviderske (2014) assesses the country's risk in the context of economic security and sustainability. According to him, every government in every country wants to protect itself from any economic risk. Economic instruments have long been part of the government's strategy, meaning that these measures have an impact on other countries and their policies. From a traditional point of view, economic security is a guarantee against the manipulation of other authorities and other powers. Referring to Rehm, Schlesinger, 2013; Quad-rini, 2011; Ausloos, Miskiewicz, 2010; Rehm, Schle-singer, 2010; Marshall, Maulana, Tang, 2009; Besten, 2007; Variety, 2000; Meldrum, 2000) This researcher offers some ideas for understanding economic security:

- economic security is a key factor in national security, one of the resources that ensures a balance between national security;

- - economic security is one of the aspects of national, regional and global security aimed at economically protecting and preserving the individual, community or national economy, etc .;

- The main goal of governments, regional and international organizations is to ensure universal human security;

- the economic situation of the country, which is considered a source and basis for combating poverty, hunger, social and economic inequalities.

Western scientists use a model developed by Professor Lino Briguglio to study economic security. His model reflects economic security, taking into account the weakness of the country's economy and its capabilities, as well as the level of resistance (crisis preparedness and shock absorption). Therefore, macroeconomic security is examined more by analyzing internal and external economic security threats. According to Jacobs and Nagana (2012), nuclear energy security, human and international law violations are the greatest threats to economic security. Papadopoulos (2011) analyzed the economic security of Southern Europe and found that migration is one of the threats to the economic security of countries in the region. Also, Walker (2011) analyzes the problem of eliminating threats in the context of economic security. Hipp (2016), Angulo-Guerrero (2017), Paraschivescu (2013), and Yu (2017) investigate job losses and believe they are a major threat to domestic economic security. Johnstone et al. (2013), Sternberg (2009), Rosser (2012), analyzing the technological development of countries, found that technological development has a positive impact on economic growth and economic security, and technology lag is one of the important internal threats. Goldhau et al. al (2018), Popescu (2014), Augutis et al. (2016), Frankie and Viskovich (2015) believe that energy dependence is a major external threat to economic security. Geciene (2016) links energy security to the country's overall economic security. Its assessment is based on the Lithuanian population's subjective perception of security. The definition of economic security of these scientists is to reduce the vulnerability of the country's economic situation, increase resistance to internal and external threats, improve crisis prevention mechanisms.

Tamosiuniene and Munteanu (2015) systematize economic security approaches because they believe that economic security is and will be the basis for the development of international economic relations. In another study of the same year, they analyzed the economic security of the Baltic states and Moldova using quantitative methods. They see economic security as two levels of variables: national weakness and economic sustain-ability.

Stankeviciene (2013) and others analyzed the relationship between the economic security of the Baltic countries and the country's risk indicators. These scientists characterize economic security as a preparation for the economy to provide the necessary living conditions, to develop socio-economic stability, the ability of society and the country's political and military capabilities to overcome internal and external threats. According to them, the concept of economic security is not universal, but multifaceted.

Scientists from Eastern countries use models to assess the economic security of critical thresholds (Russian economic schools). CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) and Ukrainian scientists often use critical limit methods to assess regional economic security. Tokarev (2008) describes the methods of determining the economic security of the state and distinguishes



three main indicators of economic security: economic indicator characterizing the level of development of the country's economy; social indicator determining the level of development of the social state; financial indicator assessing the country's fiscal-credit and fiscal policy. Kazantsev (2010) analyzes economic security and regional economic security. He separates the regions of the Russian Federation and groups them according to potential threats to economic security, identifies the causes of threats, ways to prevent and eliminate them. Blinichkina (2015) describes the conditions of economic security, proposes to calculate economic security indices using a system of determinants. These scientists describe economic security as the formation of economic stability using available resources. They also complete this definition by setting a mandatory condition for the development of the national economy. Da-dalko and others (2017) claim that economic security is one of the main functions of state regulation. Ensuring economic security leads to the implementation of other functions. According to these researchers, it is especially important to maintain economic security during a crisis, as the number of risks and threats increases and mechanisms to avoid them become ineffective during the crisis. They offer several definitions of the approach to economic security.


1. A study of the scientific literature on economic security has shown that the concept of economic security is ambiguous and that research as a separate field of economics is still being developed.

2. Economic security is understood at two levels (micro and macro). It was clarified that economic security is often studied at the micro level. The economic security of households or individuals and businesses is at the micro level. Internal and external threats to economic security are analyzed at the macro level.

3. After analyzing various Lithuanian and foreign studies, a comprehensive definition of economic security has been introduced - an economic regulatory tool (regulatory mechanism) that helps to use available resources and provides a fairly high and stable growth trend in economic security. fights economic indicators, poverty and unemployment, expands social security, prevents the loss of competitiveness, effectively addresses economic needs, responds to threats in a timely manner, neutralizes and prevents their occurrence, forms national security.

4. Scientific views in the field of economic security presented the concept of economic security of the country as a whole, which can be divided into five

parts. Four of them are the main factors affecting the economic security of the country: the level of economic development (investment, industry, science and technology, international economics, finance, energy security), living standards (food, demographics, social security and law enforcement), internal and external threats. The fifth part of the concept of economic security of the country is based on the principles - the basis of economic security: the formation of economic security is based on the individual characteristics and characteristics of the subject; setting limits for evaluation indicators; selecting the most appropriate economic security method to ensure; ensuring effective measures against corruption and economic crimes; optimization of economic security implementation mechanisms; abolition of unfair competition and monopoly.


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